Fascist France: Upon their seizing control of France in 1930, the Action Francaise (AF) quickly install Charles IX (Charles Maurras) as king in order to give themselves legitimacy. Throughout the early 30's The AF along with the British pursue an aggressive policy of rearmament. In 1934 Jake Featherston sends Anne Colleton as an envoy to France to pursue a further alliance between the two countries, and to cooperate in remilitarization. Charles IX agreed and sent Jean-Henri Jusserand to the Confederate States as a military attache.

In the realm of rearmament the French army is rebuilding quickly. General Philippe Leclerc sees a meteoric rise in the ranks thanks to his noble birth, and through military service in South America commanding a small armored force. (No reference to the book there, just something that makes sense considering the confederates did the same thing.) His work, along with that of General J. F. C. Fuller in Britain pave the way for the European branch of Blitzkrieg. Leclerc's close friend Jean-Henri Jusserand works as a military attache in the CSA and serves to act as a go between for Confederate and French military doctrine development.

French should start similarly to the way they did in the OTL (original timeline), but having advanced a bit more rapidly thanks to secret, quasi-legal combat experience in South America, followed by intervention in the Spanish civil war. One could say an even better more rounded testing ground sand box for developing the blitz than the Germans did in OTL, hence the early arrival of some of these historical French tanks and planes that then lead to more hypothetical improvements upon said tanks. I'm going to attempt to draw out some simple pictures that someone who's artistically talented can do better later. =P

Nation Spirit: Charles IX Small national unity boost/small planning speed boost Bitter Loser (see Germany in base game)

National Focus Trees: Inteventionism (big political tree) – Tree that allows for intervention in the Spanish, Mexican, and Sino-Japanese wars, as well as the influencing and befriending Argentina, Columbia and Venezuala and instigating south american conflict also includes reinstating the Entente with CSA Russia and Britain. Choice of invading Italy or wooing them.

Remilitarization and Revanchism – Military Tech Tree decide between surface navy or army and so on and so forth, side tree for small ship/sub fleet. Includes demanding lost land/liberating Belgium.

Metropolitaine France – (see france)

Algier France--( see France) Light Series: 1936: AMC-36 1938: Renault AMC-38 Rapier 1940: Renault AMC 40 Bayard

Medium Tank Series: 1936 Somua S-35

1938 Somua S-40 Hallubarde (based on T-34) 1940 Somua S-40/76 Hallubarde 1942 Somua S-40/85 Hallubarde 1944 Somua S-44 Durandal

Heavy Tank Series: 1936: FCM Char B1

1938 FCM CL-38 Roi (Based on Char b1, with a two man turret, and with radio equipment) 1940 FCM Char D7- Charles de Martelle (based on IS-1) 1942FCM Char D 9- Charlemagne (based on IS-2)

Interceptor Series: 1937- Caudron C.714 Cyclone 1939- Dewoitine D.520 Lancet Du Lac

1941- Dewoitine D.551 Tristram De' Lyones

1943- Dewoitine D.551c Tristram

1945- Dewoitine D.600 D'Artagnan

CAS series: 1935 ? 1937 ? 1939 1941 Breguet BA.700 Orage (based on IL-2)

1943 Breguet BA.710 Tornade (improved BA.700)

Light Bomber Designs: 1937 1939