Research in the Spotlight What Am I Discovering?
RESEARCH IN THE SPOTLIGHT WHAT AM I DISCOVERING? side of the world to measure the effects of poi on UNINEWS highlights some of the University physical and cognitive function in a clinical trial. research milestones that have hit the I wanted to discover how science and culture headlines in the past couple of months. might meet, and what they might say to each other about a weight orbiting on the end of a FISHING string. A study that exposed six decades of Working between the Centre for Brain widespread under reporting and dumping of Research and Dance Studies, the first round of marine fish has been covered extensively in an assessor-blind randomised control trial has the media. Lead researcher Dr Glenn Simmons just concluded. Forty healthy adults over 60 from the New Zealand Asia Institute at the years old participated in a month of International Business School appeared on Nine To Noon, Poi lessons (treatment group) or Tai Chi lessons Paul Henry, Radio Live, NewsHub and One (control group), and underwent a series of News, and was quoted in print and online. The pre- and post-tests measuring things like research, part of a decade-long, international balance, upper limb range of motion, bimanual project to assess the total global marine catch, coordination, grip strength, and cognitive put the true New Zealand catch at 2.7 times flexibility. Feedback from the participants official figures. after their International Poi lessons has been exciting: “Positive on flexibility, stress release, coordination and concentration. Totally, totally GRADUATION positive. Mental and physical.” “I am able to AGING GRACEFULLY use my left wrist more freely, and I am focusing The story of 84-year-old Nancy Keat, oldest better.
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