- Part 1

Date: 2013-06-28 Author: Sudarshana devi dasi

Hare Prabhujis and Matajis, Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva.

In this material world many a times we are tossed to and fro by the waves of three-fold miseries. If we hold on to the shelter of tightly then we somehow or the other survive by the mercy of and Krishna. But many a times we loosen the grip and therefore face the lashes from the illusory energy of the Lord. As a result our existence becomes fearful, full of anxiety and we slowly start losing the in the process. Krishna says in verses 4.39 and 40 of Srimad , the condition of faithful and unfaithful persons.A faithful " man who is dedicated to transcendental knowledge and who subdues his senses is eligible to achieve such knowledge, and having achieved it he quickly attains the supreme spiritual peace. But ignorant and faithless persons who doubt the revealed scriptures do not attain consciousness; they fall down. For the doubting soul there is happiness neither in this world nor in the next."

Just like how a child experience complete protection under the care of mother, similarly scriptures like Bhagavatam are like mother for us. Before departing to His own abode, Krishna being the Supreme parent, has mercifully left Srimad Bhagavatam and Bhagavad Gita for the sake of suffering conditioned souls like us. Lord also sends His munificent representatives like Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva who keep directing us towards these great scriptures and also show how to live, by their own personal example. So taking shelter of these great souls, Sri Krishna and Srimad Bhagavatam, in this series titled Bhagavata Dharma, let us try to meditate on the conversations that take place between Sri Muni and Vasudev, in the second chapter of Eleventh Canto of Srimad Bhagavatam. In verse 11.2.1 of Srimad Bhagavatam Srila Sukadeva says to Parikshit Maharaj about Narada Muni's stay in Dwaraka.

śrī-śuka uvāca govinda-bhuja-guptāyāṁ dvāravatyāṁ kurūdvaha avātsīn nārado ’bhīkṣṇaṁ kṛṣṇopāsana-lālasaḥ

Sri Sukadeva Goswami said: Eager to engage in the worship of Lord Krishna, O best of the Kurus, Narada Muni stayed for some time in Dwaraka, which was always protected by the arms of Govinda.

The glories of Narada Muni are unlimited. In many places, Srila Prabhupada mentionsNarada how Muni is a transcendental, eternal, liberated spaceman who can travel unrestrictedly not only within the material universes but also he can travel in the spiritual universes. But wherever he went his goal was only to chant and spread the glories of the Lord and help suffering souls to take shelter of Lord's lotus feet. So even though he was cursed that he could not stay in one place for a long time, he considered the curse also as a blessing, and used it as a divine opportunity to become a inter-planetary, inter-universal, travelling preacher. In this verse we also learn the glories of Dvaraka dham. Although the Daksha's curse was there, since no curse or evil can touch Dvaraka, Narada Muni could stay there for a longer time. We can also see from the above verse that the secret of Narada Muni's long staykṛṣṇopāsana-lālasaḥ was - - eagerness to engage in worship of Lord Krishna. Quoting the words of Sri Rupa Goswami, Srila Prabhupada says, "kṛṣṇa bhakti bhāvitā matiḥ kriyatām yadi kuto 'pi labhyate - So Rupa Goswami advises that "Krishna consciousness, if it is possible, please purchase. Don't delay." kṛṣṇa bhakti rasa bhāvitā matiḥ kriyatām. "Purchase immediately!" kṛṣṇa bhakti rasa bhāvitā matiḥ kriyatām yadi kuto 'pi. "Where it is available? It is very nice thing." "Yes, it is available. You can purchase. The movement is going on." "And what is the price?" "Price?" "It is such a nice thing; you have to pay price." "Yes, there is price." "What is that?" Tatra laulyam mūlyam ekalaṁ: "Simply your eagerness. That is price. This price you have to pay." Then you get Krishna. Immediately."

So the lesson to be learnt from Narada Muni is that even if we are cursed, even if we don't have the fortune to stay in a place for longer time, wherever Krishna places us, we should constantly glorify the Lord and be eager to serve Him. Then immediately that place becomes His dham. As Krishna Himself assures,

nāham tiṣṭāmi vaikunṭhe yoginām hrdaye na ca tatra tiṣṭhāmi nārada yatra gāyanti mad-bhaktāh

My dear Narada, actually I do not reside in My abode, , nor do I reside within the hearts of the yogis, but I reside in that place where My pure devotees chant My holy name and discuss My form, pastimes and qualities.

On the contrary when we fail to do this, then we are sure to receive the lashings from the whips of material energy in different names and forms and suffer perpetually.

Krishna willing, we shall continue to learn more about Bhagavata Dharma from Narada Muni in the subsequent offerings.

Thank you very much. Yours in service of Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva, Kalacakra Krsna das & Sudarshana devi dasi.