Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Heartbreak Ranch by Ryan Heartbreak Ranch. This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The author makes no claims to, but instead acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction including brands or products such as: Ford Expedition, Hank Williams, Jr., The Birth of Venus by Botticelli, The Princess and the Pea , Starbucks, iPhone, Sam Elliot, City Slickers , Jack Palance, Budweiser, Stetson, “Looking for Love” by Johnny Lee, M&M’s, “Drunk on You” by Luke Bryan, iPod, “Why Don’t We Just Dance” by Josh Turner, Wrangler, Texas A&M, Tim McGraw, Kenny Chesney, Marlboro, Oscar Meyer, John Wayne, Giada de Laurentiis, Technicolor, Emily Post, Lagavulin 16, “You Shouldn’t Kiss Me Like This” by Toby Keith, and Elvin Bishop. Copyright © 2013 by Anastasia Ryan. HEARTBREAK RANCH by Anastasia Ryan. All rights reserved. Published in the United States of America by Swoon Romance. Swoon Romance and its related logo are registered trademarks of Georgia McBride Books, LLC. Summary: A girl on vacation with her family finds a way to enjoy it after meeting a handsome rancher. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Edited by Georgia McBride. Published by Swoon Romance. Cover design by Su Kopil. Cover art license by To my parents, Harold and Mary Kay: For feeding, clothing, and sheltering me with your love of words. You are the reason I write. You are the reason the words are in my soul. The dark blue Ford Expedition stopped suddenly and jolted Graysen Beaufort out of her light slumber. She stretched like a cat rudely interrupted from its afternoon nap and grumbled under her breath about the newly found stiffness in her right elbow. The mind-numbing landscape of the Great Plains had lulled her into a sleep. She peered out the window and realized they were still in Nebraska. She simmered with annoyance. This had to be the dullest stretch of road ever paved. Nebraska had a wealth of seemingly endless stretches of highway that were devoid of any points of interest or even variation in scenery. This isn’t fair. Graysen would have rather been anywhere in the world right now, but her family crowded into her father’s SUV because her mother insisted they take a vacation as a family one last time before they all went off and started lives of their own. While Graysen inwardly pouted, she held her tongue about her displeasure, not wanting to diminish her mother’s joy. There were thousands of better ways to spend her summer before she started graduate school. She could be in Italy with her best friend, Emma, basking in the warmth of Florence. She should be curled up on a large futon sipping a glass of Chianti and admiring the view from the hotel terrace. She should be enjoying the sights of the Duomo, the Palazzo, and the surrounding hills of Florence. Instead, she found herself in the back of her father’s Expedition listening to his attempt to sing along with Hank Jr. Her older brother Carson and younger sister Harper chatted aimlessly with her mother as the miles dragged by. Of all the places they could take a vacation, Graysen’s parents picked out a guest ranch in Wyoming where, they had noted excitedly, they’d learn to ride horses and two-step, how thrilling. It was unfortunate enough they stopped in Ogallala last night. Her father’s cowboy predilection had resulted in them eating Buffalo burgers in some dusty, old saloon and staying overnight in that one-horse town. The hard ground of the Nebraska plains would have been more comfortable than the lumpy, thin mattress the motel tried to pass off as a bed. Only one night into the forced family vacation, and Graysen felt as though she was trapped in some sort of fractured fairy tale. Now I know exactly how the princess felt after sleeping on that infamous pea all night. The backseat of her father’s SUV was almost as uncomfortable as that bed. Graysen shifted in the seat and longed to get out and stretch her legs for a bit. They had driven hundreds of miles between yesterday and this morning, and they still had hundreds of miles left. They wouldn’t reach the ranch until late in the evening. Graysen was certain she would die of boredom long before they arrived. Her parents insisted on driving because flying would have ruined the whole experience. Apparently driving across torturously flat, straight roads and watching ungodly amounts of nothing but flat land go by was necessary in order to appreciate life more fully. Graysen gazed longingly out the window. Twirling a lock of chestnut hair around her recently manicured index finger, she daydreamed about admiring The Birth of Venus in the Botticelli Room at the Uffizi. She wilted into her seat. She knew she wouldn’t survive two long weeks in a cabin surrounded by grazing cattle and dirt. Her father’s idea of the perfect family vacation was on a fully functioning cattle ranch. He mentioned they would have the chance to experience life at a slower pace, which meant of course no Starbucks, no cable, no Wi-Fi. She clung to the hope she would still be able to get a signal with her iPhone out in the boondocks. At least then she could text her complaints to her best friend, Emma. The rest of her family seemed to be in the cowboy spirit. Her father bought them cowboy hats. Harper and her mom were both wearing new western-style boots. Even Carson seemed excited about going and Carson was never excited about going anywhere. Her big brother had saved his vacation time to go on this family outing, which, admittedly, was the one good thing about this trip. They barely got the chance to see each other since he graduated college and started working full-time in the Twin Cities. It wasn’t long before Harper tried to draw her into conversation. “Graysen, do you think there will be any guys there?” At seventeen, her younger sister had a one-track mind. “No, it’s going to be an all-female ranch,” Graysen hissed. “C’mon you know what I mean,” Harper countered with a dramatic sigh. Carson offered his two cents. “It doesn’t matter how many guys are there. If any one of them so much as winks at my baby sister, they’ll have to answer to me.” “Does that go for both sisters?” Graysen shot back in a smart-assed tone. “Darn tootin’,” Carson belted out in his best cowboy impression. He was her older brother by five years, and even though they were now twenty- one and twenty-six, he still liked to think that his little sister needed his protection. They drove for what seemed like an eternity and stopped to refuel, eat, and for the occasional pit stop for Harper, who’d polished off about a gallon of water that day. As the day grew long, their packed SUV turned off the highway and travelled down a dirt road for the better part of a half hour. The sun was setting, casting a soft orange glow on the pastures as they pulled off the dusty road and onto a long drive, under an archway of massive rough-hewn logs that had an uncomplicated sign that read “White Pine” hanging from it. Driving into the White Pine Ranch, the first thing Graysen noticed was how vast the ranch seemed. What appeared as a dot against the mountain-studded horizon began to grow and she realized she was seeing several buildings. To the right the land fell away and there was a large, winding creek that fed a pond. Clusters of guest cabins dotted the landscape. The main lodge was planted in the middle of stables and corrals. Its once-copper roof had turned a beautiful shade of green. There was a porch that swept across three sides of the stone house, and many people lingered outside, enjoying the sunset. Several horses were galloping in a large fenced area close to the barn. After checking in and grabbing their luggage, the Beauforts were led to the guest cabin where they would be spending the next two weeks. Graysen was pleasantly surprised by its warmth. The great room, rustic yet inviting, was offset by a charming country kitchen. It was furnished with distressed leather sofas and chairs, and had a small, stone fireplace with a large woven rug covering part of the walnut flooring. The cabin had two bedrooms. Graysen and Harper were sharing a room. Carson was taking the extra bed in her parents’ room. Heartbreak Ranch by Anastasia Ryan. ASTROLOGY OF COMPATIBILITY - ASTROLOGY OF LOVE ASTROLOGY SOFTWARE WITH INTERPRETATIONS. WHY MEG RYAN AND RUSSELL CROWE FIZZLED. According to the tabloids, Russell Crowe and Meg Ryan are no longer an item. The tabloids go on to tell us that Crowe broke off their romance and immediately entered into a steamy affair with Peta Wilson, the star of La Femme Nikita. This must be at least a little upsetting to Ryan since she left her husband of ten years, Dennis Quaid, to be with Crowe, the star of Gladiator. She spent much of last summer at Crowe's ranch in Australia. We guess she must have thought it was true love. Unfortunately for her, it was an IMPOSSIBLE DREAM. So Ryan returned to the US feeling at least somewhat heartbroken. Heartbreaks, no matter how slight, are embarrassing, emotionally debilitating and no matter what, heartbreaks are something you certainly do not want. One of the greatest advantages of Magi Astrology is that it helps us to avoid most heartbreaks. If they do come, Magi Astrology helps to soften the heartbreak so that they are bearable. At the Magi Society, we teach our members how to use Magi Astrology to recognize the astrological signs of probable heartbreak. Some of what we teach is in our books and on this website, mainly in the Heartbreak Section of the Home Page. The sad ending to the Ryan/Crowe affair was predictable by Magi Astrology. For one thing, they did not form any Cinderella Linkages! But what caused the attraction? One reason was that they formed the IMPOSSIBLE DREAM CLASH. On page 298 of our third book, we revealed that the Impossible Dream Clash is one of the most reliable astrological signs of probable heartbreak. We explained that if the CAC (Combined Alignment Chart) of two persons form a Venus-Chiron Clash, then that is a sign of great attraction but any romance between them would most likely be an IMPOSSIBLE DREAM. We wrote this two years ago and Meg Ryan's impossible dream to be with Russell Crowe helps to confirm what we wrote. Below is the CAC formed by Meg Ryan and Russell Crowe. The black planets represent the positions of the planets when Meg was born and the red planets represent the positions of the planets when Crowe was born. When you study Magi Astrology, you would probably be amazed at how helpful it can be. By mastering the principles of Magi Astrology, you would be able to analyze the above CAC and not only know that marriage between Ryan and Crowe was unlikely, but you would also know that it would be Russell Crowe who would end the relationship. This is very valuable information, and only Magi Astrology can give you this type of astrological information. Below is a summary of how Magi Astrology does it. By applying the principles of Magi Astrology to analyze their CAC, we would learn the following clues about the Ryan/Crowe relationship: FIRST CLUE: Ryan and Crowe would be highly attracted to each other but are ultimately incompatible. This clue is derived from the shape of the Planetary Geometry that they formed. Their natal planets combined to form a Grand Cross. The shape of a Grand Cross is a square like the one created by the red lines in the above CAC (each red line in the CAC is a Clash, each green line is a Linkage). We explained in our third book and repeated on this website that a Grand Cross can create attraction but is normally a sign that the two persons are cut from a very different cloth and are usually too incompatible to stay together. A Grand Cross is formed by at least four Clashes. Each Clash is a sign of incompatibility but when they combine to form SYMMETRICAL PLANETARY GEOMETRY, they also create attraction. (Explained in our third book.) Any time a CAC has Symmetrical Planetary Geometry, it is a sign of attraction. The degree and nature of the attraction that a Grand Cross creates depends primarily on the planets that form the Grand Cross. In the case of Ryan and Crowe, the Grand Cross includes two Sexual Planets, Mars and Venus. This means the Grand Cross created nearly irresistible sexual attraction. SECOND CLUE: marriage between Ryan and Crowe was an Impossible Dream. As you can see, the birth charts of the two Hollywood super stars form a Venus-Chiron Clash, which our third book calls the IMPOSSIBLE DREAM CLASH. The Impossible Dream Clash is not nearly as bad as the Heartbreak Clash or the Nuclear Clash. The Impossible Dream Clash usually is a sign of attraction between two persons who are ultimately incompatible BUT is not a nasty Clash. On the other hand, the Heartbreak Clash is nasty because it is actually deceptive and can be devastating. At first it binds two people together and then ultimately breaks them up, often after both sides thought they were in love. The Nuclear Clash also is deceiving in that it can initially cause attraction, and then its effect changes to distaste for each other and open hostility. (If Ryan and Crowe formed the Heartbreak Clash, they might have gotten married and then divorced, which is worse than breaking off before getting married.) THIRD CLUE: when the Ryan/Crowe relationship breaks, it would be Russell Crowe who would end it. This is because Crowe was the Saturn Person of the relationship. The concept of the Saturn Person is a discovery of the Magi Society and an important part of Magi Astrology. The Saturn Person of a relationship is the one who contributes Saturn to a crucial Linkage or Clash. Since Chiron rules marriage, the most crucial linkage in any love union is always the Chiron Linkage. Ryan and Crowe have only one Chiron Linkage: Crowe's natal Saturn is nearly exactly conjunct Ryan's Chiron. This makes Crowe the Saturn Person. The Magi Society discovered that the Saturn Person of a relationship has a high level of control over the other person's life. On page 302 of our third book, we explain that this means that because Crowe's Saturn is conjunct Ryan's Chiron, Crowe would have "a high level of control" over Ryan and have the "upper hand in the overall relationship." In other words, it would be Crowe that breaks off the relationship. FOURTH CLUE: Ryan and Crowe would not ever get married because they did not have any CINDERELLA LINKAGES and they also do not have any ROMANTIC SUPER LINKAGES. Throughout this website and our third book, we explain that CINDERELLA LINKAGES are the most reliable astrological signs that two persons are destined by the stars to be happily married. This does not mean it is impossible for two people to be married if they do not form Cinderella Linkages. After all, we are dealing with human relationships and we all have FREE WILL. Anything can happen when you factor in free will. But it does mean that two persons are much less likely to marry if they do not form Cinderella Linkages. In our third book, we also explain the concept of ROMANTIC SUPER LINKAGES and revealed our discovery that most couples who get married form Romantic Super Linkages (which often include Cinderella Linkages). In fact, most married couples have both Cinderella Linkages and Romantic Super Linkages. Ryan and Crowe do not have either. (We will discuss Romantic Super Linkages in the next link which is about Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones.) Meg Ryan and Russell Crowe did not form even one Cinderella Linkage. We think that Meg Ryan would have benefited a great deal from Magi Astrology. She would have known that they did not have Cinderella Linkages and did have the Impossible Dream Clash. She would have also known that when their relationship broke off, it would most likely be because Crowe wanted to end it. All together, it means a heartbreak waiting to happen. But the attraction was so strong she probably would have still gone on with the affair. However, the knowledge derived from Magi Astrology would have SOFTENED THE BLOW WHEN THE AFFAIR ENDED. To be forewarned is to be forearmed. She would have thought, oh well, it was fun while it lasted. I did not lose my head and the breakup was in stars. C'est la vie. Let's see now, when does Magi Astrology say I will have my Cinderella Time? © 1999-2001 by The Magi Associates, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Magi Astrology is a trademark and service mark of THE MAGI ASSOCIATES, INC. Anastasia. Anastasia is a 1997 American animated musical comedy-drama adventure fantasy film produced and directed by Don Bluth and Gary Goldman at . The film was released on November 21, 1997, by 20th Century Fox. The idea for the film originates from News Corporation's 1976 live action film version of the same name. The plot is based on the urban legend that Anastasia, youngest daughter of the last monarch of imperial Russia, in fact, survived the execution of her family, and thus takes various liberties with historical fact. The animators admitted that they had taken creative license with actual events, but hoped it would capture an essence of the royal family. Executives at Fox gave Bluth and Goldman the choice of creating an animated adaptation of either the 1956 film or the musical My Fair Lady . Contents. In 1916, Tsar Nicholas II hosts a grand ball at the royal palace celebrating the 300th anniversary of Romanov rule. During this celebration, his mother, Dowager Empress Marie Feodorovna (Angela Lansbury), gives her favorite granddaughter, eight-year-old Grand Duchess Anastasia (Kirsten Dunst), a music box and a necklace reading "Together in Paris", which serves as its key. The ball is interrupted by the arrival of the megalomanic Grigori Rasputin, (Christopher Lloyd), a staretz who sold his soul to gain the power of sorcery. Rasputin plans to gain his revenge through a curse to destroy the Romanov family that sparks the Russian Revolution. During the storming of the palace, a servant boy named Dimitri, distracts the invading Bolsheviks and is knocked unconscious, but his action helps Anastasia and her grandmother escape the palace, however, Anastasia loses her music box in the process. Dimitri saves the music box in hopes of remembering the royal family. Admits the panic of running for their lives, the empress mistakenly leads her granddaughter across the rivers that run behind the palace not knowing that Rasputin was in attempts to kill Anastasia himself by apprehending her on the frozen river. He jumps from the bridge grabbing her by her snow-drenched foot and he violently thrashes her around on the wet ground. The empress screams for help and the young girl begs for mercy. His bony grip tightens on her ankle and leaves her with a chilling foreshadow, "You'll never escpae me, child! Never!" But suddenly, the ice in the river breaks beneath him and Anastasia wretches herself from Rasputins wrath. He desperately tries claawing out from the hole in the ice he has fallen into but can't reach his reliquary and drowns. Anastasia and her grandmother eventually reach a moving train, but only she is able to get on as Anastasia trips and hits her head on the station platform, forcing her grandmother to leave her behind. Ten years later, in 1926, Russia is now under Communist rule; Anastasia's grandmother, now back in Paris, has offered a monetary reward for anyone who can return Anastasia to her. Two Russian con men living in Leningrad, Dimitri (John Cusack) and Vladimir (Kelsey Grammer), decide to find a young girl to pass off as Anastasia. Elsewhere, an amnesiac eighteen-year-old orphan girl named Anya (Meg Ryan) who owns the same necklace as Anastasia, has just left her orphanage and has decided to learn about her past, because she has no recollection of the first eight years of her life. Accompanied by Pooka, a stray puppy, she heads to Saint Petersburg and soon encounters Dimitri and Vladimir, who recruit her as their "fake" Anastasia. During the trip to Paris, the two men teach Anya how to behave like Anastasia and Anya and Dimitri realize a mutual attraction. In Dimitri's baggage is Anastasia's music box. Anya recalls some small facts that she remembers from her past, though nobody realizes it. Meanwhile, Rasputin is revealed to still be alive but trapped in limbo as a living corpse: unable to die because Anastasia had not been killed. Bartok, his bat servant, reveals that Anastasia is still alive and in St Petersburg. He unwittingly brings Rasputin his magical reliquary, thus restoring his old powers. Rasputin summons a legion of demons to kill Anya and completes his revenge, resulting in two failed attempts. This includes a narrow escape from a separated train in Poland that Anya, Vladimir, and Dimitri jump off to avoid falling to their deaths, and a nightmare aboard a ship en route to Paris from Stralsund,Germany, where Anya nearly sleepwalks overboard until Dimitri rescues her, alerted by Pooka. These failures make Rasputin realize he must kill her in person. The trio eventually arrives in Paris and meet Sophie (Bernadette Peters), Marie's lady-in-waiting and first cousin, who is in charge of interviewing the Anastasia lookalikes. However, Marie, tired of heartbreak, has declared not to hold any more interviews. Despite this, Sophie sees Anya as a favor to Vladimir; Anya plays her part well, but when Sophie asks how she escaped the palace, Anya dimly recalls a servant boy opening a secret door, surprising both Dimitri and Vladimir when this was one fact they failed to teach her. Dimitri later reveals to Vladimir that he was the servant boy in her memory, meaning that Anya is the real Anastasia and has found her home and family; nonetheless, he is saddened by this truth, because, although he loves her, he knows that "princesses don't marry kitchen boys," (which he says to Vladimir outside the opera house). Sophie arranges for Anya to encounter Marie at the Russian ballet. After the event, Dimitri attempts to introduce Anya, but the empress refuses to listen to him, having heard of Dimitri and his initial plans to con her. Anya eavesdrops on their argument and thus learns that she is a part of a con. Angered, she begins to leave and is confronted by Dimitri, who begs her to believe that his intentions have changed. She does not accept this, and leaves, intending to get out of their plot. Dimitri, determined to right the situation and reunite the two women, kidnaps Marie in her car and furiously drives back to the mansion where Anya is packing her things. He convinces the empress to meet with Anya by presenting her the lost music box. Marie remains guarded initially until Anya unexpectedly begins to remember personal childhood moments and opens the music box with her necklace. As the music box's lullaby plays, the women sing along and Marie finally realizes the truth, allowing the two reunite at long last. Marie rewards Dimitri the money, plus her gratitude. Although Dimitri accepts her gratitude, he refuses the reward money revealing that he cared more about Anastasia than the reward and leaves. Marie eventually tells Anastasia of Dimitri's actions at the ball, making her realize her error. When Pooka suddenly bounds for the garden maze, Anastasia runs after him and is trapped. Rasputin finally reveals himself to her and tries to kill her on the Alexander Bridge over an icy Seine River. Dimitri returns to save her but is injured and knocked unconscious. Anastasia manages to destroy Rasputin's reliquary by crushing it under her foot, causing him to disintegrate into dust, his soul awaiting eternal damnation with his hunger for revenge unfulfilled. Afterward, Dimitri and Anastasia reconcile, sending a farewell letter to Marie and Sophie, telling them that they have eloped, but will see them again in Paris. Anastasia and Dimitri then sail away on a boat with Pooka, before sharing a passionate kiss. Meanwhile, Bartok finds a beautiful female bat and they share a kiss as well. Meg Ryan ( Liz Callaway , singing) as the Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolayevna of Russia ("Anya"), the youngest daughter and the only surviving member of the Imperial family. Kirsten Dunst provides the speaking voice of eight-year-old Anastasia. Lacey Chabert provides the singing voice of eight-year-old Anastasia. John Cusack ( Jonathan Dokuchitz , singing) as Dimitri, a handsome young con-man. Christopher Lloyd ( Jim Cummings , singing) as Yefimovich Rasputin, a dangerous and power-mad sorcerer who in 1916 cast a curse that would claim the lives of all but two members of the Imperial family: Anastasia and Marie. Kelsey Grammer as Vladimir Vanya Voinitsky Vasilovich, a former nobleman. Angela Lansbury as the Dowager Empress Marie Feodorovna, the mother of Nicholas II and Anastasia's grandmother. Hank Azaria as Bartok, Rasputin's bumbling bat sidekick. Bernadette Peters as Sophie Stanislovskievna Somorkov-Smirnoff, Marie's first cousin, and lady-in-waiting. Andrea Martin as Phlegmenkoff, the orphanage's inconsiderate owner. Rick Jones as Tsar Nicholas II of Russia, the last Russian Emperor, and Anastasia's father. Tsarina Alexandra of Russia, the last Russian Empress and Anastasia's mother. Grand Duchess Olga Nikolayevna of Russia, eldest child of Tsar and Anastasia's sister. Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolayevna of Russia, the second child of Tsar and Anastasia's sister. Grand Duchess Maria Nikolayevna of Russia, the middle child of Tsar and Anastasia's sister. Alexei Nikolaevich, Tsarevich of Russia, youngest child of Tsar, only son and Anastasia's brother. Songs. - Alfred Newman - Young Anastasia and Marie Feodorovna - Chorus, Dimitri and Vladimir - Anastasia - Anastasia - Vladimir, Anastasia, and Dimitri - Vladimir - Grigori Rasputin, Demon chorus - Sophie, Dimitri, and chorus - Anastasia and Marie Feodorovna ( end credits ) - Deana Carter - Aaliyah. Reception. Roger Ebert gave the film 3½ out of 4 stars describing it as ". entertaining and sometimes exciting!".[2] The movie also currently stands with an 85% "fresh" rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Carol Buckland of CNN Interactive praised John Cusack for bringing "an interesting edge to Dimitri, making him more appealing than the usual animated hero" and stated that Angela Lansbury gave the film "vocal class", but described the film as "OK entertainment" and that "it never reaches a level of emotional magic." Owen Gleiberman of Entertainment Weekly said that the film "has the McDonald's restaurant style down Cold and Hot", but that the film feels "a Touch Depersonalized". Winnie the Pooh Meets Anastasia. Winnie the Pooh Meets Anastasia is the ninth Pooh's adventure film from DisneyAnimeManiac. It was released on YouTube on September 2, 2009, but was removed due to a copyright claim from 20th Century Fox, which lead to DisneyAnimeManiac replacing this film with her remake version of BowserMovies1989's film Pooh's Adventures of The Nightmare Before Christmas at the time. A remake version will be made by Yakko Warner as a sequel to 76859Thomas' upcoming prequel Winnie the Pooh Meets and appear on Google Drive or Dropbox in the near future. There is, however, currently a different version entitled Alvin and Pooh's Adventures of Anastasia on YouTube released in December 1, 2018. Since then a lot of the 18 parts have been removed (possibly due to copyright). In 1916, Tsar Nicholas II hosts a grand ball at the royal palace celebrating the 300th anniversary of Romanov rule. During this celebration, his mother, Dowager Empress Mariya Fyodorovna (Angela Lansbury), gives her favorite granddaughter, eight-year-old Grand Duchess Anastasia (Meg Ryan), a music box and a necklace reading "Together in Paris", which serves as its key. The ball is suddenly interrupted by the arrival of the Demonic Sorcerer Grigori Rasputin, (Christopher Lloyd), a staretz who sold his soul to gain the power of sorcery. Rasputin plans to gain his revenge through a curse to destroy the Romanov family that sparks the Russian Revolution. During the storming of the palace, a servant boy named Dimitri distracts the invading Bolsheviks and is knocked unconscious, but his action helps Anastasia and her grandmother escape the palace, however Anastasia loses her music box in the process. Dimitri saves the music box in hopes of remembering the royal family. Rasputin attempts to kill Anastasia himself, but falls through the ice in the river and drowns. Anastasia and her grandmother eventually reach a moving train, but only Marie is able to get on as Anastasia trips and hits her head on the station platform, forcing her grandmother to leave her behind. Ten years later, in 1926, Russia is now under communist rule. Anastasia's grandmother, now back in Paris, has offered a monetary reward for anyone who can return Anastasia to her. Dimitri (John Cusack) and Vladimir (Kelsey Grammer), two Russian con men living in Leningrad, decide to find a young girl to pass off as Anastasia. Elsewhere, an eighteen-year-old Anastasia, suffering from amnesia because of her head injury ten years prior, is now an orphan known only as Anya, being raised in an orphanage just kilometers outside of Leningrad. Inspired by her necklace's promise of being "Together in Paris", Anya turns down a job opportunity at a local fish factory in favor of heading to St. Petersburg to learn more about her mysterious past. Accompanied by Winnie the Pooh, Piglet, Tigger, Rabbit, Eeyore and a stray puppy she named Pooka, she encounters Dimitri and Vladimir, who recruit her as their unwitting "fake" Anastasia. Rasputin's minion Bartok (Hank Azaria), however, discovers that the two con men's "fake" Anastasia is, in fact, the genuine Anastasia, and this realization revives Rasputin's magical reliquary, which pulls him to Rasputin, where it is then revealed that Rasputin has been stuck in limbo the past ten years as a living corpse because the Romanov curse was not fulfilled. But when Bartok unwittingly returns Rasputin his magical reliquary, Rasputin's powers are restored, and he immediately sets out to kill Anastasia. After two narrow escapes from Rasputin's wrath (once on a train, once on a ship), Pooh, Piglet, Tigger, Rabbit, Eeyore, Dimitri, Vlad, and Anya arrive in Paris, where they are greeted by Sophie (Bernadette Peters), Marie's lady-in-waiting and first cousin, who is in charge of interviewing the Anastasia claimants. However, Marie, tired of heartbreak, has recently declared that she will not hold anymore interviews. Despite this, Sophie agrees to interview Anya as a favor to Vlad, and Anya plays her part well until Sophie asks Anya how she escaped the siege of the palace, which was the only thing that Dimitri and Vladimir had not taught her. But much to everyone's surprise, Anya dimly recalls a servant boy opening a secret passageway. It is at that moment that Dimitri realizes that Anya is Anastasia because Dimitri is the servant boy who opened the passageway, and he becomes determined to reunite her with her grandmother because he loves her, even if it means that he may have to part ways with Anya because of his social class. Sophie arranges for Anya to encounter Marie at the Russian ballet. Nevertheless, Marie continues to refuse to listen to Dimitri when he attempts to introduce Anya after the ballet because she is aware of Dimitri's initial plans to fool her with a "fake" Anastasia. An eavesdropping Anya overhears the conversation and, in spite of Dimitri's pleading, she storms out of the building in an outrage. Dimitri, wanting to right the situation between the two women, kidnaps Marie in her car and wildly drives the empress back to the mansion, where Anya is packing her things. He then convinces the Dowager Empress to see Anya by presenting her the lost music box. Marie remains guarded upon meeting Anya until Anya suddenly begins to remember personal childhood moments. Marie soon realizes the truth when Anya is able to open the music box with the key that Anya has worn as a necklace and the two reunite at long last. Marie rewards Dimitri with both the money and her gratitude. Dimitri accepts her gratitude, but he does not accept the reward money. It is at this point that Marie realizes that Dimiti's "change of heart" was due to his love for her granddaughter. He begins to make plans to return to USSR instead because he feels like he is the only one who does not belong in Anastasia's world. At a celebratory ball being held in Anastasia's honor, Marie, out of love for her granddaughter, tells Anastasia of Dimitri's actions. She promises that even if she chooses Dimitri, they will always have each other. The news shocks Anya, causes her to become conflicted over which life to choose: a life of royalty with her Grandmother, or a life with the departing Dimitri. When Pooka suddenly bounds for the garden maze, Anastasia runs after him and is trapped. Rasputin finally reveals himself to her and tries to kill her on the Alexander Bridge over an icy Seine River. Dimitri returns to save her, but is injured and knocked unconscious. In the end, Anastasia manages to destroy Rasputin's reliquary by crushing it under her foot, which causes him to disintegrate into dust, his soul awaiting eternal damnation with his hunger for revenge unfulfilled. Afterwards, Dimitri and Anastasia reconcile and send a farewell letter to Marie and Sophie. The newly eloped couple promises Marie and Sophie that they will see them again in Paris, and Anastasia and Dimitri sail away on a boat with Pooka and Pooh and the gang too. Heartbreak in Wyoming. After Cheyenne Stewart’s father passes away unexpectedly, she learns that the Circle S Ranch where she lived with her father and their ranch hands is in a terrible financial condition. Cheyenne has to face mounds of messy paperwork and her memories at the same time. She doesn’t know if she’ll be able to save the ranch but she’s going to try. A baker by profession, paperwork for a ranch isn’t her forte. She is surprised when one of the ranch hands, Ryan Blake, whom she has known since childhood steps up and offers to help her. It turns out that he studied business in university and is prepared to help her try to save the ranch and sort through the mounds of paperwork. While Ryan and Cheyenne work together to try and find solutions, will they be able to be all business or is something else brewing in the air? Reseñas de los clientes. Heartbreak in Wyoming. Tooooooo. Short, it should have been more substance before ending or did second book adding a third.