LIMITLESS Rockthe Student-Run Magazine of Trinity Christian Academy
the LIMITLESS rockThe Student-Run Magazine of Trinity Christian Academy Vol. 16, No.1 Spring 2018 Illustration by Lindsay Bartol THE ROCK | Spring 2018 1 Cover design by Lindsay Bartol The ROCK magazine is published once a year (in April or May) by Trinity Christian Academy, 17001 Addison Road, Addison, Texas 75001, for distribution to TCA students and friends of the school. Volume 16, number 1, the spring 2018 issue of The ROCK was designed and produced by the 2017-18 ROCK staff. This 32-page, all-color issue was printed by Millet the Printer, Dallas, Texas, on 80 lb. gloss text paper. 300 copies were printed and for sale on the TCA campus for $2. Cost of printing is paid for by magazine sales and additional funds from the TCA Communications Department. Adobe InDesign CC 2015 and Photoshop CC 2015 software applications were used for design and layout. Typefaces used throughout: Bebas Neue Regular (headlines), AWPCMaximo Bold (headlines), AWPCMagnificoDaytime (headlines), AWPCEddie (headlines), Baskerville (headlines), Impact (headlines), Arial Black (subheads), AWPCRockwellMT (subheads), Calbri (body copy), AWPCDavid (body copy), AWPCEmilee (body copy), District Pro thin (body copy), AWPCDartangnon (by-lines), Times New Roman (folio) The ROCK magazine staff is comprised of TCA Upper School students. Students join The ROCK at the beginning of the school year, usually in September, and meet regularly throughout the school year during off periods and outside of school to discuss, decide and execute the magazine’s theme, article topics, writing, editing, photography, design and layout. Staffers submit articles for inclusion in each year’s issue and also judge/select when there is a call for Middle School and Lower School art and writing submissions for a particular story.
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