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24 - THE HERALD. Frl„ May 15, 1981 .............. ......................... Apartment* For Rent 53 Aportmontn For Root 53 RoMort Proportf For Auto* For Solo 51 Autoo For Solo $1 Autoo For Solo SI MofororelM-BfcycfM 64 LEBAL NOTICES Root 56 MANCHESTER - 2 WORKSPACE OR 1980 MONZA - Power SURPLUS JEEP - Value MOTORCYCLE Notice To Credllon bedroom, 5 room rent in STORAGE SPACE FOR' NARAGANSETT RHODE steering, power brake*, 4 $3196. Sold for $44. CaU2U- I^URANCE. see ua now ESTATE O F John Klock, d eceu ed tw o family house. REPn* In Manchester. No ISLAND - Two year old, cylinder. 45 mpg. $4,900. 70-1143, Extension 5426 for ' for same day coverage and The Hon. Wllllnin E. FltiG ernM , Appliances, carpeted, no lease or security deposit. three bedroom, two WANTED JUNK AND Call 6466464, Don Nielaon. information on how to competitive rates. Ask for Judge, ot the Court ot Probate, utilities. Adults, no pets. Reasonable rates. Suitable bathroom home. Walk to LATE MODEL WRECKS - urchase bargains like Judy or Janet, Crockett DIftrict o f Mancheater at a hearing held on May 12, I8SI , Pope still for small business. Retail the beach, tennis courts, Cash Paid. Call Parker lis! Agnicy, Inc., 643-1577. Available June 1st. 1978 TRANS AM SPEQAL IB ordered that all claim a muat be plus security. Call 646-8S18 and commercially zoned. playground. June 27th- Street Used Auto Parts, EDITION • Black. 6493391. preaented to the llduciary on or after 4:00 p.m. Call 872-1801, 10 to 5. LAbor Day. Two week ren Excellent condition! T- 1973 BUICK REGAL, Y A M A H A 1975 RD200B before August 12.
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