Ewer, James K. The Third Massachusetts Cavalry in the War for the Union. [Mapplewood, Mass.: W. G. J. Perry Press,] 1903.

General background on war and Union soldier, 9-16 Chapter I — In the Camp of Instruction - - 16 The Summer of '62 — Lincoln's Call — The Men of the Forty-First — Beginnings of regimental Life — Our Officers — The First Night in Camp — Captain Swift Makes a Speech — The Regimental Line — Major, Sergeant; Lieut- Wass, Colonel Chickering — The Staff — Removal to Boxford — Drill — Our Colors, Uniforms, Arms and Equipments — Dress Parade — Amusements — Colonel Wass tells a Story — Soldier's Songs — Food and Drink — Sworn in — '' All Aboard for Boston" — Good Bye to Camp Stanton.

II. — En Route for the War - - - 27 Arrival in Boston — Haymarket Square — Our Escort — Revolutionary Memories — Boston Common — Governor Andrew Reviews the Regiment — -March to Old Colony Station — On the Fall River Steamer "State of " — Arrival in New York — In the Park Barracks — Officers' Reception — The Camp at Long Island — A Cook-House Riot — Thanksgiving Day, 1862 — Off for New York — A Secret Expedition.

III. — On an Ocean Transport - - - 39 Embarkation of the Forty-first — The "North Star" — "A Life on the Ocean Wave" — Seasickness — In the Gulf of Mexico — Ship Island — Arrival at New Orleans — Banks Relieves Butler — Rapid Firing on the Forty-first — The Nineteenth Army Corps — General Cuvier Grover's Division — A Solemn Night — The Retaking of Baton Rouge — Landing of the Forty-first — A Bloodless Engagement.

IV. — In the Enemy's Country - - - 53 Throwing up Earthworks — On Picket — Burning of State House — General Inspection — Loading and Firing — -Brigade Drill — Reviewed by General Grover — Heath of James Steele — Resignation of Colonel Wass — Another Removal of Camp — Picket Firing — Bridge Burning — Grand Review by Banks, Augur and Grover — The Feint on Port Hudson — Destruction of the " Mississippi.". —

V. The Teche Campaign - - - 67 The Departure of Grover s Division from Baton Rouge — Through the Country to Brashear City — Longfellow's Description of this Place — Cp Grand Lake — — Battle of Bisland — Retreat of Dick Taylor — Destruction of the "Diana"— Arrival at New Iberia — Destruction of Salt Works — On to Opelousas — Colonel Chickering in Command — Capture of Alexandria — The March to Harre's Landing — Infantile Cavalymen — Chickering's Retreat — Arrival at Brashear City — End of Teche Campaign.

VI. — Port Hudson - - - - - 87 From Brashear City to New Orleans — From Algiers to Port Hudson — Springfield Landing — Plains Store — Grierson's Command — Picket Duty — The 14th of June, 1863 — Assault on Port Hudson — A raid on Springfield Landing — An Attack on the Clinton Road —


"Blackberries and Bullets for Breakfast" — The "Forlorn Hope" — Order of General Banks, No. 144 — Arms and Equipments — A Promise that was Never Kept — Surrender of Port Hudson.

VII. — Port Hudson, continued. - 105 The Summer of '63 — A Trio of Triumphs— A Year of Service —The Third Cavalry in Garrison — Repairing the Telegraph — Capture of Lieutenant Gove — Death of Private Bosworth — Foraging in the Fall of '63 — Our New Companies Our New Officers— Promotions — Port Hudson after the Surrender — Marching Orders.

VIII. — Life in a Cotton Press - - - 120 On a River Transport — The " Laurel Hill " — The " Empire Parish " — Memories of Port Hudson — The Father of Waters — Arrival at New Orleans — A Cotton Press for Barracks -r- A Day's Duty — Doing the City — Statue of Andrew Jackson — battlefield of Chalmette — The Marine Hospital — Inauguration of a Governor — The Officers 1 Wives — Review at Carrollton — General Grant at New Orleans — Beginning of Red River Campaign — Our New Battle-Flag — Our Commanders — Crossing the Mississippi — On the March.

IX. — The Red River Campaign - - - 133 Object of the Expedition — The Forces Engaged — March of the Third Cavalry — From Algiers to Donaldsonville — To Brashear City — Crossing Berwick Bay — Centreville — Through Camp Bisland to Franklin — Arrival at Opelousas — The Third reaches Alexandria — Capture of Henderson's Hill — Arrival at Death's Hill — Crossing of Cane River — Capture of Natchitoches — Arrival at Pleasant Hill — Skirmishing — Driving the Confederates — Dick Taylor at Bay — Franklin s Prophecy — The Gathering Storm.

X. — The Red River Campaign, . - 145 The Battle of Sabine Cross Roads — The Third Cavalry in the Advance — Coolness of Colonel Sargent — The Enemy Advances — Ransom's Heroic Eight — Nim's Battery in Danger — The Cavalry Falls Hack — Captain Twitchell's Horse Wounded — The Regiment Falls Back — Retreat to Pleasant Hill — Regimental Losses — Emory the Deliverer — What General Banks said — Battle of Pleasant Hill — Retreat to Grand Ecore.

XI. — The Red River Campaign " 163 Guarding the Wagon Trains — Scouting at Natchitoches — Davis Succeeds Dudley — Confederate Cavalry Charge on the Gunboats — "Tom Green" loses his Head — A Dispatch from Grant — Retreat from Grand Ecore — Battle of Cane River — The Enemy Beaten — Crossing the River — The Devouring Flames — The Third at Muddy Bayou — In Camp at Alexandria — Crossing Ked River — A Fight with Quantrill — The Writer Wounded.

XII. — The Red River Campaign, concluded. - 178 Back to Alexandria — Hospital Scenes — A Critical Case — McClernand Sick — Franklin's Wound — Confederate Depredations — The Third to the Rescue — Evacuation of Alexandria — The Regiment at Moore's Plantation — The Fight at Bayou de Glace — A Magnificent Sight — Battle of Yellow Bayou — Arrival at Morganza.


XIII. — Transferred to Virginia - - - 187 A Season of Rest — A Mosquito Night Attack — Canby in Command — Three Grand Reviews — A Visit from General Sickles — Washington in Danger — The Nineteenth Corps Ordered North — The Regiment Dismounted — Down the River to Algiers — On the Ocean — Colonel Sargent Arrives at Fortress Monroe — Arrival in Washington — The Nineteenth Corps to the Rescue — The Third Reaches Chain Bridge — Arrives at Monocacy — Sheridan in Command — March to Cedar Creek — Retreat to Halltown — The Army Advances — The Strength of the Regiment.

XIV. — Battle of the Opequon - - - 198 Grover's Division — Molineaux's Brigade — -Charge of the Third Cavalry — Death of Russell — Emory again Saves the Army — The Third Charges again — A Third Attempt — Defeat of Early — Death of Rodes — Fitzhugh Lee Wounded — Sheridan Rides along the Line — Washington Encouraged — Losses in the Battle Death of Lieutenant Glidden — A Romance of Winchester — Battle of Fisher's Hill — On to Staunton — In Camp at Harrisburg — Mt. Crawford — Retreat to Cedar Creek — Throwing up Earthworks — Sheridan Goes to Washington — Wright in Command — Sleeping amid Danger.

XV. — - - - 216 Location of Camp — Cedar Creek a Surprise — Position of the Troops — Early's Plot — Gordon and Kershaw Creeping Up — Thoburn Surprised — Stampede of the Eighth Corps — The Nineteenth Corps Pressed Back — The Third Cavalry Supports the Artillery — Wright Orders a Retreat — The Middletown Cemetery — Emory at Red Hill — Sheridan's Arrival — The Army Inspired — Sheridan Rides Down the Line — " Hack to Your Camps " — Charge of the Third Cavalry — Early Routed — The Cavalry Pursues — Capture of Artillery etc. — Many Prisoners Taken — Great Rejoicing — Sheridan's Losses — Death of Lieut. James — The Victory in Song — "Thanksgiving."

XVI. — Last Days in the Valley - - 233 Breaking up of the Army — Sheridan Reviews the Troops — His Appreciation of his Soldiers — Sheridan's Great Raid — A Big Snow-Storm — Hancock in Command — The Regiment Remounted — Sheridan's Prisoners — The coming of Spring —Sheridan Joins Grant — Colonel Sargent Goes Home — Burr Porter in Command — Grant Breaks Lee's Lines — Surrender of Lee — Lincoln Assassinated — The Regiment Ordered to Washington — Arrival at Fort Albany — In Camp at Fall's Church — Muster-out of Original Members-

XVII. — The Grand Review - 245 Assembling of Armies — How the Men Looked — Their Number and Exploits — The Third Cavalry Crosses Long Bridge — The First Day's Parade — Army of the Potomac — Sheridan's Cavalry — The Third Cavalry on Pennsylvania Avenue — Sheridan "s Love for the Nineteenth Corps — Sherman's Army in Review — Custer's Horse Frightened — Sherman and the Roses — The Flag of the Third Cavalry.


XVIII- — In and Around Washington - - 252 After the Review, What? — The Third at Cloud's Mills — Washington in 1865 — Soldier's Home — The White House— An Interview with Lincoln — Arlington Heights — The Nation's Dead — Alexandria — Mount Vernon — The Capitol Return of Captain Gove.

XIX.— Out West ------266 A Home Feeling — Grant's Congratulatory Order — A Western Fever that was not Epidemic — The Start for the West — Stay at Fort Leavenworth — Again Dismounted — A Reorganization — New Horses — March to Fort Kearney — Colonel Vinal Goes Home — Pay 'Day in Camp — A Start for Colorado- Return to Fort Kearney — Mustered Out — Return to Boston — Discharged at Gallops Island.

History of Read's Company 277 SERGEANT READS ACCOUNT OF THE RESCUE OF A SLAVE WOMAN. 283 Reminiscences:

Lieutenant Dane and the Signal Corps - 314

The Forlorn Hope and the Third Cavalry ... - 320

Lieutenant Muzzey and the Female Spy - 329

Death of Captain Solon A. Perkins ----- 332

Wounding of Lieutenant Bradley Dean .... 334

The Capture of Major Cowen - - - - ' - 336

Carrying Dispatches for Banks at Alexandria- - - 351

A Concert at Baton Rouge - - - - - "357

The Robbing of Samuel Corning ----- 359

Confiscating Cotton at Port Hudson ----- 359

Corporal Harlow and Tyler, Texas ----- 362

Porter Colby as a Prisoner of War ----- 365

Letter of Captain Hervey ....-- 368

Letters of Captain John L Swift - - - . - - 371

The Regimental Memorial - - 377