December, 1976 Pushing from Local 3
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Huge Sewer iroiect Gets Green _ig it *** Marr Attends Groundbreaking Pf ct=, y. A 17.-ivvi., WS*/ 1_L_1_*-AF] With San Francisco *layor /,0..~,4.- PUBLISHED To PROMOTE THE GENERAL WELFARE OF ALL MEMBERS AND THEIR FAMILIES San Francisco Mayor Moscone, along with Local 3 974//.'p Business Manger Dale Marr and a hard fighting city waste ,° » water management staff enjoyed the fruits of their labors last week as the first shovel of dirt was lifted to start San - - Francisco's massive sewer construction program. Guam. Where Amefica's Day Begins • Hawaii. The 50th State · No. California. The Golden State • No Nevada. Silver State • Utah. Heart Of The Rockies After years of planning, months of public hearings and a lot of has every intention of getting a VOL. 35 - NO. 12 SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA ¢*~ 540 December, 1976 pushing from Local 3. the $1.5 new portion of the project out to billion sewer project was given bid every month. 1 the green ·light when the citizens The project now under construc- of San Francisco voted over- tion is the $13 million pumping whelmingly on Nov. 2 to support station at 7th and Barry Streets. a $240 million local revenue bond The pumping station will provide 4r-- : to fund the city's share of the part of the link-up between the project. Northshore sewer collection sys- It was the largest local bond tem and the Southeast treatment issue passed in the United States plant. in the last election. Another advantage San Fran- The groundbreaking ceremony cisco receives from the passage on Nov. 18 officially marked the of the sewer bond is the lifting beginning of what will turn out to of the building ban that has been be the largest public works proj- imposed on the City until it makes ect in the history of San Fran- a demonstrated effort to clean up cisco. It will provide work for op- its waste water. erating engineers and other craft Impressed by the passage of the workers until the expected com- sewer bond, the Regional Water pletion of the project in 1984. Quality Control Board lifted the "It's a great day for the city of nettlesome building ban on build- Nov. * San Francisco," commented Dale ing permits in the city on 4 1.. Marr at the ceremony, referring 16. , ' to the fact that the proqject would Since May. the state board had provide a much needed boost in been a pprovi ng permits on a the local construction picture. It piecemeal basis while awaiting would also relieve the city from the outcome of the November 2 «* the constant government pressure election. to upgrade the sewer treatment The effect had been delays in facilities to meet the federal EPA building permits of from one to 28 the groundbreaking of the first San Pictured above at water requirements. days-along with an "incredible Francisco sewer proiect are, from left to right, Hal Cooper, Tom Mellon, who as San Fran- uncertainty" for those considering ~ New Cal trans dozer operator, Richard Sklar of waste water manage- cisco's chief administrator holds construction projects - according ment, Business Manager Dale Marr and Mayor Moscone. the city's purse strings, said he (Continued on Page 10, Col. 3) Plan Sought Trouble For Building Trades? The last two years have seen an increasingly bitter cam- paign waged over Governor Brow n's transportation poli- cies, but the war is not over. Wording Of Apprenticeship State Changes Following many months of they can study and research, Governor By JAMES EARP of the Dept. of Industrial Rela- take over the union movement. was signed, although "the It was the furor at the conven- come up with no proof. At best, Brown has just released the - mainte- tions proudly exclaimed was A single word they claim, the word was penciled - has spurred a series only program of its kind in State tion that eventually filtered back "proposed" tra nsport a tion nance the ceremonial plan containing many policies government." to Coughlin, informing him on the in shortly before at a time when all the ne- that promise to spur another of skirmishes over a newly The only probldm was, Pat "maintenance" inclusion. signing, were supposedly com- series of battles between labor, formed state apprentice pro- Coughlin, Regional Director for On examination of the signed gotiations that the pleted. business, the public and the gram th athasturned the Local 411, didn't know his union agreements, it turned out word "maintenance" had been Coughlin, who had been the most State. lights on for a num- had signed an agreement for warning in. Coughlin and Pat directly involved among the of- The plan, which has been re- "maintenance apprentices." His penciled ber of Building Trades lead- ficers in his union with the state viewed in a series of public copy of the final draft of the pro- Knopp, Sec.-Treas. of Local 411, ers. a claim that the word was probably program, refers to a telephone hearings during November, gram indicated that it was to be in after the agreement (Continued on Page 2, Col. 3) will be presented to the Legis- But like the three ingredi- full-fledged appren ticeship pro- penciled lature in December. According ents needed to make fire- gram that "would be as good as to the "task force" in charge fuel, air and heat-there are the private sector" and therefore of the plan, "if these policies two other words that have in his thinking, enable them to eventually hire out through union are concurred in by the Legis. combined to ignite this flame. affected state agencies halls if they so desired. lature, They are "state" and "ap- MERRY must act in accordance with Coughlin didn't find out about these policies." prentice." the change in wording for nearly the The policy statement reflects Beyond the realm of its simple four months. In the meantime, looked at the pro- many of the attitudes already meaning, the word maintenance Building Trades EHRISTMAS red at the words voiced by Governor Brown, has served to reveal how the three gram and saw from an attempt to get peo. involved parties - the Industrial "state apprenticeship program." such as Federa· ple out of their automobiles Relations Department, the Service At the California Labor OPERATING ENGINEERS in late September, and into public transit, as well Employees Union and the presi- tion convention president of the Cali- as a continued effort to wind dent of the state Building Trades James Lee, LOCAL UNION fornia Building Trades, presented the state's highway con- - view the apprenticeship pro- down for Vial and struction plan before it has gram as a whole. And the words a resolution calling NO. 3 Wallace to "rescind the agree- been completed. "state apprenticeship" strike trou- recently signed with the De- (Continued on Page 2, Col. 3) bled notes in a labor song that ment some Building Trades leaders feel partment of Health and the State , is getting increasingly sour. Department of General Services, , 4 six months ago, on June and not enter into any unilateral Nearly - 18, the California Industrial Rela- agreements on journeyman Z MEETING NOTICE . " 0 tions Department ratified an apprenticeship standards The next semi-annual meet- agreement with the Service Em- According to Local 3 Business ing will be held on Saturday, f. ployees Union Local 411 that al- Manager Dale Marr, the program January 8, 1977, at 1:00 p.m., te .. lowed for the training of "appren- was viewed as a threat to the Masonic Auditorium, HZNI at the tice maintenance carpenters, Building Trades, because it dem- 1111 California Street near plumbers, electricians and paint- onstrated the continuing "bit by Taylor, in San Francisco. ers" in what Director Donald Vial bit" process the state was using to Page 2 ENGINEERS NEWS December, 1976 ----/7-I- :. 4.D*t~52~:=Z~~~~U~~~-2------ State Changes Apprentice Program 0 -.44 LOOKING AT (Continued from Page 1) solved entirely. Knopp wants to relationship he has with his mem- know why maintenance was put bers. "I eat because a lot of mem- conversation he had with Ruland in the agreement in the first place, bers pay their dues," he said, Cottrell, Senior Apprenticeship how it got in there and who did it. "and a lot of labor leaders forget LABOR Consultant with the Department of He intends to formalize his ques- that relationship," Industrial Relations. During this *. tions "in writing" and present 6- By DALE MARR, Business Manager conversation, says Coughlin, Cot- He is representative of a labor trell admitted that he had pen- them to the Department of Indus- group that still believes in labor ' trial Relations," he said. 4 \~ ciled in the word"maintenance" but is dissatisfied with the current the sign- When pressed for an answer on trend of the established power, be- , from time about 20 minutes before For several years now we have been using this space ing-under the directions of the why maintenance was put in the lieving that many labor leaders signals that the American Labor Movement was to time to send up Chief of Apprenticeship Stand- agreement, Wallace said that it have simply lost touch with their warnings were based on what we in serious trouble. Many of these ards, Ed Wallace. must have been put in to "avoid members. jurisdiction, especially in California, and saw happening in our own ·But the big brass in the Indus. any parallel program with the out- with labor leaders across the land. Building Trades Lax? on what we learned in discussions trial Relations Department shake side." of the things we were so concerned We are now learning that most ignorance, and By implication then, the exclu- He accuses the Building Trades , That, in fact, the only seeming their heads, claim about were only the tip of the iceberg.