general news. REFORM. TEMPERA SCR (Sartnnft ILoral Nctos. WM. st Mitt Annie Louise Cary bat arrived borne. McDAYID, JB., DRESS MAKING ^ot ifcaU ta let. Hartfoui», Comt., March, 1877. says, is too feeble to flailn jptnnclirc journal Brigham Young, report City clerk Davis is having a number of » -AND- .. .— the Journal: large .. ■ ■ « e: » • To the Editor of walk, and baa to be wbeeled round in an easy Surgeon the column! of the application* for license* under the new act. One AUUU 8TA, I learn through Journal, k AND FOR SALE chair. hundred and P" which reachei me every week, that much iuterest seventy-one dogs were taxed in this Ladic*’ Made Under* decided to make a in Wednesday Morning, Mar: h II, I8TT. is to he in in Uiady change busiuett, An entertainment given last I offer is being felt and great effort manifested in behalf city year. HAVING uiy Stock and Fixtures, formerly oc- for the of fund* to relieve r Mechanical “wear cupied A Sauborn for lha April purpose raising The Sabbath school of the Pittston M. E. church by Longfellow pas; 14 of the temperance cause in Maine. This is very years, l«l Water Si., Maine. To Matthew > < onu s To Grief. the Cubans. Augusta, any par- Stanley held a dramatic entertainment and levee at the ty to m or gratifying to me, for I realize the importance of /a a vo v si A dealring tugage Grocery, Grocery and Times insists that the admission of 1 royifeious, this is in has met with a The church on two of stand unsurpassed the city. Mr. Slanley Matthews earnest and zealous work in this cause, and also evening* last week, and netted PDGKTIST racecourses has J. M. SANBORN. dictator foreign horses to English improv- about 090 from the The I'lir an as voluntary feel au interest in the welfare of my Dative State, enterprise. money will Tlissc* Susie I .\cllie rough experience ed stock. S Augusta, March.5th, 1877. fmarMSw are English he used to books for their Offlce and Residence, Green Street, and in regard to South Carolina and I sincerely hope and pray that those who purchase library. negotiator It is said that tbe Kussiau Grand Duke Constan- Dr. Alouzo dale A lew he evi- interesting themselves will receive the encourage- liartlctt, electro-magnetic physi- Weil Door Wot of Dr. and I,ouisiana. days ago was a at the ceremo- Thompson's, FOR tine spectator inauguration cian, has taken rooms in Davis* block. Dr. lfart- WouM Inform their friends the SALE ment and applause they so justly deserve. Augusta, Mr. respectfully and] he was a bigger man than nies at and marched in with tbe di- lett lias been invited to settle here resident public that h ive rooms’.on dently thought to a Washington, by they recently opened 1 desire to write you in relation temper- water HOUSE, on and contained more wis- preserving strict incognito. physicians. street, Auguste, partly llil.hed iiluale President Hayes, in this a plomatic corps, Oftloo Hour** IP ANEWOrem street, will be sold at a In- ance reform club which 1 visited city Monday forenoon, while workmen were from A. M , Bargain.* “It is almost lime,” the Tribune, engag- quire at FREEMAN’S BANK. dom in his noddle than the Senate pos- most active says ed in a side of the Walsh all short time since, and as one o! the putting up building, to « 1». M. Over Titeomb’s One. “That tome vigorous man should take hold of the boarded and on Main a chim- Store, II, sessed. His letter to Governor Chamber- and influential members in this club was once one clapboarded, street, Drug lK7iA_deeitttf of to a ianiSJtf and shake the ad- ney Rogers’ block, which tackle was attach- __ Where they on Dress In it will be religious newspapers swindling carry Making all its lain was the of a man of im- of Augusta's fallen young men, perhaps ed, was over even to tho roof the straiu branches, find also on production vertisements out of them.” pulled by keep oousiautlv huud ladies TO LET I the it. was underwear; also own interesting to your readers to know that city upon The building injured somewhat by PIANO ! Small Convenient lew his estimation. To-day ha* a million TUNINC rpWO Tenements, minute* portance—in A rich brewer given the but will cover all A walk from Water St. lias a in falling brick, 020 damages. Inquire or wrote of Augusta temperance representative Mr. Matthews is in grief because he crowns for the of the study of mathe- “Talk about town” for the few seems l.adir*' Janli-llf 8. L. ROLFE. The club is called "The Hood Samar- promotion past days Wrapper*, llrt*K*ing Hartford. to have been the whether the Rich- K. il. < f K and sent it on its mission to South Carolina. matics, natural science, the science of language, upon question Illlill’tll, istJli, itan Reform Club," and truly does it maintain ards Light Infantry should have City Hall allot- saetjaps, For and Stops at Augusta and tJa-d ner once or twice a Aprons, Sliihirry, Sale. Like Cardinal be has had his fall. been a history philosophy. ted them for an Fiieuds of the Reform Wolsey such principles, for it has certainly good armory. mouth in his circuit lo and would offer for sale my on Water Rev. W. II. II. iu a sermon before oinking Ihmgor. properly street, coa The Murray, Club, which has *his hall for all solicit the His bubble has hurst. He has learned Samaritan to a victim of rum. This occupied nearly pitroii|6 ol thot* Within* him lo take lire** 1 sisllug of Store,and Dwelling house in the sec many poor its for sevcial dlnvrs, \erktics, l.acr, h s people Sunday, criti' ised the theology taught meetings, years, and has not paid care of the Pianos. An expei ienre of TWENTY- ond story, luqulrcof was about seven four that he is not so a man as he thought club organized years ago by any rental, this measure. main- EIGHT YEARS has give.* Mr. II. a 1. II. HATES. big at the Tabernacle as fatally erroneous in substi- opposed They thorough whom tained that the of liinin^s, Kiiilioiis, Corsets, even the of Hartford’s most prominent citizens, all of efforts of the club have been pro- knowledge Augusta, Feb. :t, he was. We notice that papers trust for faith as a condition of salvation. IH77.fch5-ltf are tuting ductive of much good, and should not he And all wares. have gone to reap their reward where there they and small They have also very nice who denounced Mr. Blaine at Hist roundly Givens, a venerable Mohawk Chief, died a*. turned out into the cold by the city. The friends Tuning litjxiit iny. Silk Fringe* and Mo*.* Trimmings, and do drunkards. from the Judging experiences of the Infantry claimed that it would he easier for his exposure of the plot in which Mr. Brantford, Canada, the other day. lie fought at which 1 beard them relate, many of the very low- and more profitable to the to find another Church Organs Regulated A Tuned the head of his warriors under Brock and Tecum- city was to sell but the for the an- SLEIGHS! Matthews concerned of to est of rum's victims have been gathered in, and place meeting the club, than find In a Skillful Manner. WORSTED AND CANVASS sch, became civilized, au 1 at the time of his death other hall suitable tor an armor}*. The city is a large lot of southern have ceased abus- so well caied for and encouraged that they have Price of M lining ritinoN. SVJ.OO. Of all kinds an 1 everything that goes with republicans, Conference. obliged to furnish a suitable for them, and for was mt rpretcr to the Wesleyan armory worsted work. ing Mr. Blaine, and turned their attention remained firm and faithful to their pledges they say that City Jlall is the only place large •gr Orders may he leit Mt J. l». Myriek’s Drug A mau haviug that a young Store, and hi Uoiace Noith’a book Store. INFANTS’ OUTFIT* MAUK TJ six and seven The of young complained enough that can he obtained without great ex- ORDKR. and covert for their mis- five, years. experiences v Harnesses to making apologies had sat his he was told that he mgrio f* Sleighs man lady upon hat, pense. In the hoard of aldeimen Monday even- v slted these men are various aDd interesting. One Having reeenfy Ho-tr.n all their styles To Matthews what an to are i.civc t be Sold LOW FOR take, and teaching Mr. they ought to know better than to bold bis bat in his irg, order tendering the State City Hall for the ELO” 5 e the and most < legmt an ! l i.-hionahle. CASH, by well along in years bad indulged in strong diiuk Buy nC«Nsl Cigar, PKR Es York the use of the Richards Light Infantry, introduc- VKin I.OW. Knife, Singhs anil 1{ think of him. The New Times, as lap. done to order. for over forty years, some days drinkiog many ed by Alderman Harmon, after some debate, was And You will Try No Othar. Plaiting, junei*i&w a the inci- A. F. GERALD A was one of the loudest endorsers of Mrs. Celia Tbaxtcr is writing novel, The was CO., which as twenty or more glasses of liqnor. He signed passed unanimously. armory accepted -FOR HACK AT RKTAIL HV dents of which are to be taken from her own ro- by the (•eneral ou and will at Mr. Matthews the “Hood Samaritau’’ almost four years Adjutant Tuesday, Ju-t Above the Kennebec policy—innocently suppos- pledge, ouce be fitted iu an and <_>. II. mEEMAKT. Bridge, An* mantic life at the Isle of Shoals, where h r father up appropriate manner, and had remained faithful to the same ever Me. ing that it was the President’s policy—hav- ago, the company will be luusietcd into the service. Trade supplied bv K. W. I.\ 1*11 AM, Wholesale 1U SSI A Ku»ta, was the for many years, and where since, snd is of much credit, as his wife light-keeper Augusta. Me. Not ee that each lx.a hoods: deserving Agent. discovered at last that it had made a A Good S ock of ing she married one of the fir t nieu who came to the bar the Trademark ol tl.e New V rk Tobaeeo Cu., | the above articles made in the continues a drunkard and causes him much St ile i'ntou. shocking blunder applies the following island for shooting uud fishing. Deane Pray iV Co., have just re- oil the cover. K.1V. I.Al’II AM. trouble. Another man, au ex-president of the .riU ttf ! _ ___ _hi Swiss to Matthews: “It Is The Carnival festivities iu New York, which ceived u New Stock of llats withering language club, and during the war a rnaior in the rebel Stylish Carvings, Also a Good Assortment ol therefore, that a deal more are ‘o occur on April 4, will consist of an indus- and w hich are selling at evident, good army, says he was bom of Christian parents, and Caps, they rue ooion Patent trial pageant in the morning and a torchlight pro- noise has been made over this correspond' wss a constant sabbath school attendant, but alter Low Prices. FhME cession in the evening, with tableau cars illustrat- : ALBUMS, ence than its deserves, but It leaving his home fell into bad company, com- Blankets. Whips, Trolls, k, importance the of America from the to menced aDd drank to un- ing history disrovuy is also evident that the relations between drinking, finally excess, Caution ! Cabinet and ALWAYS ON HAND. the time. Rotary BOOKS, til be became a confirmed drunkard. He was present person* are hereby cautioned against run- • Mr. Matthews and the President -AND ELEUANT- Stanley The out of the rinderpest in England ning up an'outilB against my name, .g- AM Goods Warranted an wounded in battle, and laid on the battle field breaking AI.I. except DE'KS. repreaented. or have o dors iroiu or 1). returned. should have made the latter somewhat less and Germany is likily to greatly benefit the they myself my Attorney, money decMtlf three days and nights, suffering intense agony. C. Htdtmsoo. A and invention. Ev- fresh and the new, beautiut, practical r forward iu advice on a sub- American shippers of meat, already and business man volunteering He promised Hod then if he would spare his life, GILES SAMPSON. ery professional should have Articles, one. Enclosed secur one on demand exceeds the supply. It is now proposed March 11877. inarU stamp e* a catalog ie. —AT— ••GOOD NEWS” ject of ao much delicacy, and which he would reform and serve Him the remainder of Augusta, ldt* to build several ocean steamers to be used entire- it is extremely desirable that the action of bis days. He was taken to the hospital, and after for this traffic. a recovered with tbe loss of a ly the Administration should not be hampered lingering sickness Old ir ks’ I’ierca’s Slock Siore. A n^gro in the vicinity of Keokuk, Iowa, who Festival. Samuel leg, but be soon forgot his promises and all his Thurston, i)cel8 lir interference of however _ by the friends, three was as black as charcoal, is fast tie- 1 h 1 adlce of the She t Uni er a 1st resolutions and went back to bis cups. A years ago Wiutbrop good will rvctl*e at well a white mau, as far as the color ofhis skio is Society company AGKST meaning.” few years after be was stricken down in New Or- coming MAINE, another For three the black skin The Boston Advertiser, paper leans with the yellow fever and lay at the point of concerned. nearly years MEOKTI VTSJ XX L.tilj, his has fallen off in scales and while 3 Free Street Bit ek Peril tnd. which also tell into the error of mistaking death. He again made promises to his Hod as be- upon body ON skin has taken its until at present tbe color Matthews to be President instead of Mr. fore, and resolved to abandon a 1 his evil ways if place, ears, hands and of his ever recover. was of his cheeks, chin, part March RE AD casts the former overboard and he should He restored through Wednc.daj Evenlig, Uth, Hayes, is He is in (•od's but as he alibis neck entirely changed. appaiently mercies, before, forgot on which occasion a Supp r. consisting of the makes an effort to rectify its mistakes, and and if the transformation What W. S- BADCER, Esq., of the and commenced drinking harder than good health, present dishes of the olden tunc, hi all the r vai iety, w ili promises Maine Farmer. of get honest in a few more his hair be provided and served in anti piari.m si)le. ORGANS & PIANOS Says upon republican ground again. before. After hither and thither for continues, years kinky wandering During the • veiling a choice select ion oi It alone will show that he is a negro. says: six or eight years,—dissipated, diunken, and In Great Variety, from the B**st Maker*, at VKIIY TITOOMB’S LOWEST PRICES, and WAR tVNTKD Portablo “The letter of Stanley Mathews to Gov- wretched, not knowing whither he was going or P-salms ar.d Hyrms Ranjre. Briskly Brush the what was to be his final doom on be acci- ernor Chamberlain, with indorsement eartb, AM) Every Range the oven teeth and morning with aromatic, in- HORSE LINIMENT. warranted; large, dentally found himself'in Hartford, drunk and your night thoroughly ventilated, portable hot closet, lobe of Mr. Evarts, about which curiosi- SOZODONT. You will be 8PIIUTUALMONGH OP Til H7 PIANO STOOLS. ap- public vigorating perfectly plied cattily. Largest amount ol top surface of any ragged. Having no money or friends, he took in whiteness whiuti in the was excited Blaine’s of astonished at tbe improvement Times of* our Forefathers range maket Adapted lor either coal or ty by Mr. reading the of one of the Manufac- “We hive tried the Liniment, manufac- lodgiugs on tbe public park. Scarcely bad he a of this sort of treatment will cause. Having Agency l.trge-t wood. foitnight tories in New Kuaiand will till order" at Governor Chamberlain’S to Mr. will be c oir of wholesale tured and for sale L. H. the despatch a Begin at once, strengthen teeth. suns bra Old Folks, in ancien by Titcomb, popular The moat laid himself down when “Hood Samaiitan” who your decaying or retail, on the BEST TEH HS. perfect Cooking Apparatus ever Corbin in the Senate last has been marl4-£eod«£wl w costume. druggist, of this city, and found it a sure remedy week, chanced that way accosted him, put him on bis Ano igiual poem, entitled “Now and Then,” in ottered to Ike public. lor SCUATCIIKS. Many remedies are » lvertised Mr. Matthews stated feet, urged him to visit tbe club with him, and Take the sensible view. Tar cleanses, heals w Inch the amusing contrasts between the fashions published. expressly s for the cure ol this obstinate but we hare and cures C atairh. The method of direct ol me old lim« and th-i p e.»eot are del ueated, Scroll Saw disease, him to the He did only Machines, GOULD * 8*WALL. that be without and rep- prevailed upon sign pledge. is the of the “Solu- will be recited by Mrs. S. It ad of Lewiston. never tried auyihing that did up the work ho effec- apoke authority, application by inhaling vapors Williams* and from that time forward he has been a so- Other attractions su t?d to the occasion Fancy Woods Designs, S.iw B ades, and every- Block, Watar Street, Aagasta. resented his own but he is so, tion of Forest Tar.” Catarrh is a good thing to tually as this —[Maine Farmer, Feb. 17th 1*77. only views; furnished by the ladi.s. and the entertainment will th ng required for Fine Scroll Sawing. ber, steady man, a faithful and most valuable get rid of. febU-lmfAw with THE pretty definite before he gets through, in conclude member and officer, having been president two 3 the that it would relieve the in- Of all awful night sounds, that of a frightful A SOCIAL DANCE. suggestion terms. He baa since made a of profession religion reverberating the darkness is the rr.'«u,rTAtMBD,r,‘< American administration of embarrassment cough through by the Young Folks. WAREROOIVIS, Spicei Food, coming and ia now trying to live a Christian life. Another rao^t saddening. Would you be spared this in- MUSIC BY HANACAN’S ORCHESTRA — FOR — if the Governor would make a sacrifice ol young man had fallen very, very low, bad been fliction and save the life endangered by the com- SAMUEL administer Hale's of Horehound w ill be serve.1 from b to 8 o’clock, and the no hack No hi n what be deems his abstract for the incarcerated io eighteen different prisons and jails plaint, Honey Supper THURYION, rights, and Tar. Sold by all Diuggists. public aie rtspectfn ly invited to partake ol the HOUSES and CATTLE. for drunkenness and crimes committed when in cheer ransllf Gen. Auent. -HAS- and his No Pike’s Toothache Drops cure in 1 minute good provided. public good personal good. AD dISSloN to the hall. 25 cents. TICKETS for toxicated; was foi seven from feb2l+&wlm Cottts LESS than the Old System of Feedli g. years separated Ihe Ant iarian 2) cents. Doors at doubt the letter was well meant, but the q Supper. open Improve* the Condition and the snissal ia his wife and the means of 0 o’clock. Old Folks’ at 6 o’clock. keeps family through liquor, Iteau t of Obstructed singing New Box STATIONERY. health. Indorsed DECK discretion which sent such a letter the A lllgcallon. A. V. KIMBALL’S by YOtJATT, IB, by and bad suffered and wretch- EffectOUERT RUNNER, DAN U.S. hardships, disgrace Among the hurtful con>equence« of obstruct'd MACE, BKJGC8, hands of the chairman of the Dcmociatic *2 Ac., Ac. Recommended highly for Milch Cowa edness. This young man knew not where he was the > E W c, 25c, 50c, and 75c Per Box. digestion, Is the impoverishment of blood, and and Working Oxen, also for fattening for butcl er'a Slate Committee is or even where he was, when he found him- since a deteria'ive condition of the vital fl lid not Lost! use. questionable. going, Dog -ALSO- VALUABLE SPITZ White, with Eslahlishiuenl. It is not that Gov. Chamber- self in Hartford without money and among stran- only produces dangerous organic weakness, but, DOG, long Photographic surprising A hair; had on a rod ribbon. Whoever will F. The according to the best medical authorise*, some ADAIR, CHAS. H. MOOKB8, not unaware gers. following day after bis arrival, which give information concerning said dog will be re Cor. & Water Sts. 2 Boxen Common for lain, of the reputed relations Bridge Stationery 25c, UKNKRAL causes It is that to im- warded. AURNT? was as he was passing the old State house times asphyxia, apparent AGENT, between the writer and the Sunday, A. M. REED. Alter seven years of unremitting labor and Portland. deutt- President-elect, prove the quality of the blo:>d by promoting diges- study, Shelf PApor, U A0UUSTA. he saw a crowd of people in tbe yard and curiosity Augusta, Mar. I *, 1877. marl.W'U I have at last realized my long cheiisbed wish Lo nor unaware of the to Mr. tion and assimilation, is a wise precaution. Hos- build a for artistic Portrait- place assigned led him to and learn tbe cause of it. It Photographic Gallery stop hap- tetlers Slum itch Kilter* is precisely the remedy lor uie a scale hitbcito in the Evarts in the new should upon unapproached OL administration, pened to be a Hood Samaritan temperance meet- this purpose, since it stimu ate* the gastric Juice*, state. CONVEX! | ASS, (jo to the Blue Store! compter* itime bilious and evucualive irregulari BOARDERS. me that most ot the have that it be more one of the of the Experience having taught suspected might sig- ing. Judge Barber, founders lies which lute, fere w ith the digestive proces e«, fai'ures in Photographic Ateliers are to be attrib- I —FOR— e* of the loud ttie and Few more boarders can be accommodated | -<0>-£1 nificant than it professed to be. It should, club, was speaking at the time, and so forcible promo assimilation by blood, uted to improperly arranged sky light*, work- as well ns enriches it. The signs ol im- A with pleasant looms; also table boarders. and were punfDs rooms and imperfect lights, caused by the rebec be appropriate bis remarks, that this young iu Terms reasonable. however, said that Mr. Evart’s indorse- provement in health consequence ol using the lions from surroutding buildings, 1 determined Oil man, drunk at tbe thorn to Bitters are in an accession of to new in a Photo. HILL & ment avoids the though time, applied speedilv apparent to II. place my sky light locality which would Painting. HOYT, careiully sug- a m and a Apply 11LAKE’, approving that vigor, gain bodily substance, regular bj free from all objectious.and I whs lortunate in be- himself, thinking Judge Barber intended Ive of func- -l*EAI.EUS gestions of the letter. Governor Cham- and ac performance every physical inan21tf GROVE STREET. ing able to secure the upper story in Messrs. Nason -AT- IM— them expressly fur his case, and he cried out in a tion m»rl4-teodAw 1 tv A Damien's Buildiog. corner Bridge A Water Sts., berlain is not the man to refuse to make where I have furnished the beautiful studio which loud voice, "Say, Mr., how do you know me so Ciroeerlea & $-3,000 Gold is offered for auy remedy for Asth- is now the admiration of artists and photographers. Provisions,' any sacrifices that the of the ?" near HOUSE WANTED. personal good well A police officer at band collared the ma, Coughs, Colds, Bleeding of tbe Lungs, or A more admirable situation for photographic and HORACE NORTH’S. a Tull ►took artistic cun now here be found. On lc- And of Meat* of all kinds and best but, as he he young man, and was about to him to the sta- Consumption, showing one-half as many testimo- purposes country may require; says, drag count of the now feblft-ttt qualities always on band. Fruits and nials of cures in the same of time ample light available, a perfectly Vegetables genuine length To or In their s^asou. Also i s not Tor himself. Hu does not re- tion, when Judge Barber called out to let the man Ruy Rent. clear day is no longer required to produce a selected Teas, Pure Co flees, acting as Adamson’s Botanic Balsam. Fricc 35 cents. good and Butter portrait. Hoping that 1 may be honored by a visit Spices, Hour, and Cheese, Choiea Sy- remain, and be would take care of him. lie did marl4 +itwl w GEORGE H. kia to the office he holds "an ab- irom and CBOSPT rup ami Molasses, Canned Fruits in Au all the Ladies Geutlemen oi the an gard right to — — variety. Apply to LUTHER MITCHELL, city DKAi.EU IS of which take care of him, and the young maa the e tublitthment which it has oeen uiinand will be sold as cheap as elsewhere. stract but as a substantial and signed my object right,” equi- For chilblains, hands, burns, aud heal- miirli f!»* At B. LII1BV A CO.’S STOKE. to make ot the lo w hieh I pledge that afternoon, and has ever since—almost chapped worthy cupilul city have Gas Chandeliers" is the table and not more his than ing aorej, “Forest Tar Salve” Ixist. the honor to invite you. right, right five an oi years—been nament to the temperance marU-Jctwlw Globes, Burners, Remember the Blue Store. the right of the of the cause. that time he BLUE GHL,A«JH. An«l other fixtures republican majority During has taken from the ) * Devine «& Howard have the endorsement of the Christmas and New Years -C connected with the State. It a and cared for at own ! No. Water two is, therefore, of very gutter his house, use 175 St., Door* south question sixty-seven following physicians: G. W. Martin, M. D.; W. A#- Now Is the lime to have Good Pictures taken y of hus. of tho serious import, not to him alone, but to the moat degraded drunkards to be found iu S. Hill, M. D.f G. L. Brickett, M. D., W. Bolao, for Holiday Presents. Come and look at them. A 2 Plain « jost term. There is no medicine prescribed by physicians,or Bridge A Water Street!, Augusta. minority does represent Ilia wealth of the Ex-City Marsha] Heath could remember this sold by Druggists, that carries such evidence of its FOR novtt-ftl Water Street, •ittga»tm, »lMe, young CUBATIVE PUliPOSES, j inly-’*irn New and of the success and virtue as Boschee’s German TXTOOAAJtl’M Everything State. man as one who when a boy caused him much superior for severe Colds settled on the snd could him Syrup Coughs, The facts are undenled and uujeniable trouble, Augusta people recogoize or disease of the Throat Wild Best breast, Consumption, any May be f<■ un< 1 at Cherry 13ittei-H, Thousands of Dollars Quality! that the claimed democratic de- as one of her rudest boys, but he is now an honor, and Lungs. A proof of that fact is that any person majority can a Bottle for 10 cents and Ilelleres and Cures and and Augusta can well feel proud of having so afflicted, get Sample Headache, CoativencsB, NASON’S pends upon the vote of two or three coun- ior efleet before the size al Jaundice Affections. honorable and a worker in the try fupei buying regular Worth respected temper- at 75 cents. It has been introduced in this ties where the were lately C. BEALE & CO.’S. WHOLESALE AMD RETAIL AT republicans subjected ance cause to represent ber in this city. from Get its wonderful are aston- May country many,and marliflw Of All Kindtt uf New Job Office. to horrible at the hands of use will re- outrage demo- God help him and all who are earnestly working ishing everyone that it. Three doses West End Kennebec Bridge. Printing lieve case. it. Sold all crats, and where the vole cast was thou- to remove this evil from our land, and crown their any Tiy by DruggisU. COBAM’S dec is trrs&w Up Stair*, One Doer North of efforts w Pure & sands in excess of the whole votiDg popu- itb g real success. Candy Candy Toys, Poet Office. Vours truly, lation, the excess being ou the democratic 11 A. INVALIDS desiring Pure Medi- EUREKA SOAP ! EMBRACING EVERY VARIETY Al’GUSTA, MAINE. side. It cannot be alleged, either in re- cines and Accuracy In Dispensing One of the Greatest Labar Saving Articles POLITICAL. Ajr Dou'l forget that .ffi* spect of Gov. Chamberlain, that he would of the Samuel J. Randall, Tarbax and Ueebe have ad- them, should Send their Orders to Age. *W Having lilted up ■ Job Office, • itb New and not exert all his in favor of No Wash-Board, No XOO Latent of and other materia! from authtrily good dressed the New democrats. Requires Washing-Ma- WATER BT.o Style, Type lb. Hampshire Partridge’s Drug Store, Under chine, No Rubbing, except Heavy Stains. Boalun Foundry, I am now prepared to do government. His record on that issue is The Woman's Journal says President Hayes be- Granite llall, Augusta. It the Place to Purchase Anything In The situation iu lieves in woman and is Makes (he Clothes Beautifully White and FURNIT URB unimpeachable. South sufliago, greatly rejoiced decll-Aw (lean. the Line of CONFECTIONERY. All Kinds of Carolina is difficult and complicated, no thereat. Printing Sir. Edward a h an lor **- Parties supplied w i.h every requisite. Wall a neat manner and at reasonable doubt. It be to reconcile Thornton gave magnificent din- It invaluable article removing grease, Fancy Chairs, Brackets, prices. may impossible and hi huh of all both liom clothes ner at the British iu paints kinds, and Orders by mall will receive the same attention as the legation Saturday evening £prrial 'Notirrs. woodwork. It Is an iuvalhiiblc lor toi- Picture opposing parties on a basis which is at article the IIENRY HART, Pockets, Pictures, hough delivered iu person. honor of ex-President Grant. let, and should always be used lor the cure ol once just and peaceable. But it does not hand*, Ac. Frames, Sleds, Mir- When Hon. Eugene Hale returns to Ellsworth, A. CAKD ! chapped Confectioner and Caterer. follow that Gov. Chamberlain is wholly re- he is to be received his fel- To all who aie suffering from the error* and in- NULD BY (■ROChlll GENERALLY. 4c., GEO. NASON. formally by admiring nor24ttf rors, 1«nlS-ttfu E, ponsibie for the difficulty, or that he is the low citizens. discretions of youth, nervous weakness, early de Agents-or AuguU and vicinity, loss of manhood, Ac., 1 will send a recip* Wl ich will be Sold the next 39 Days person who should be asked to yield.” It is a rather cutious fact that the President cay, you HOLWAY HOHINHON, to Messrs. & Ward that will cure FltbK OF CIIAKGE. Thi» Longfellow of Cost. CENTRAL Vice President and you, whom orders lor the be addre. scd. Regardless We are to see that these every member of the Cabinet Soap may Would respectfully announce to their irlcndn and glad metropol- great remedy was discovered by a missionary ii is a the public that they nave lilted up the see our Slock before itan have at last lawyer. Orders by mail may be addressed al-o to Please call and nur- papers been able to un- South America. Send a seif addressed envelop* Ac GIVEN An AV Seoator Blaine dined with chatting. Engraving, (,'hromo, Satirday evening to the Kkv. Joseph T. Inman, Station Bibk to l’urchaaure of Good* at Kish A Market derstand the situation. But to I), j. a. coram & co., DINING AND LODGING Oyster they ought Evarts and Secretary Secretary Schuiz. In the Home, . febC-snteoiL'kwUiii becareful in future not to leap at the stile Manufacturers and Pro, rletors, Bmgor, Me. afternoon, Mr. Blaine attended the reception at No. T Ilriclure’w Ulocdk. The Beat Place to Tour before reach and mar5 Jilm HOUSE, Bir they it, not to hit the the \N hite House, and was leceived coidially ly Maine Central Railroad Company. On Water Street, nearly opposite WILLIAMSON A FISH AND OY8TKH8. man if are the President wrong they bound to have a and Mrs. Hayes. GREENWOOD'S HARDWARE STORE, anil In C.R.&H.U. WELLS. tend to make It a llrsl-class R is said that two-thirds of the applications from ANNUAL MEETING. $25 PEI DAY GllARYYTEEU place. deolHkwtf -CONSTANTLY ON BAND—- fight. __ the South for post offices come from c'.ergynen. TO Fresh Oysters Constantly Kept on OTICE l^ that the annual meeting Freiih, Salt, Pickled and lion. Lot Wonder if the Rev. Petroleum V. Nasby is among hereby given C?OOI> MEi\ Hand. M. Morrill has been appointed Tv ol the Stockholders of the Maine Central Kail FLOWERS! them ?—Jio*ton E. R. LONGFELLOW. Smoked Flak. Glob*. road coropauy will be held at Grani e llall. in lh< WlTd THK and confirmed Collector of the Portland J. WARD. A from Madiid the there city ol Aligns a. ou WEONBS1)A Y, the ‘28th day oi despatch says journals Augusta, Augnsl 24. ltC6. ttf —ALSO— customs district. This is the mont Mandi, A. I>. 1877, at half past eleven o’clock in thi have marked at the For the impor- expres-cd displeasure appoint act upon the following articles, viz : Fierce Well Uouhc, tant office in .Celebrate] Eicmtor! the State under the govern- ment of Messrs. Evarts and Schuiz to first—1To hear the repoit ol the Directors, and AND positions also that of the and to act ilieicon. The Best Furnace and in the Treasurer, For a Party, NICE OYSTERS & ment, it is most bestowed American Cabinet. They lay both brve Second—To d\ the and elect the Idrcc CLIMS, iitlingly number, Well Drilling Unrliii'ery. the Mr. the Cuban and enter- tors to constitute the Board for the ensuing vi a *. In market is the Id and out of the shell. tar Orders upon Morrill. supported filibusters, they For a solicited and Third—To act upon any Other ma lci that ma> Wedding, promptly delivered. laio fears of tbe result of their accession to power* legally come before said meeting. WALTEB DOCKENDOFF, Ex-Congresamao Tar box, whose chief claim There the best reason order ol the Directors, to is for believing that lion' By \iigunta, Me., has the agency for Muinc, ol the For Occasion. 103 Water St., Nearly Oppoaite the Peat JOSlAH H. DkU PEERLESS FURNACE! any fame consists in a of will not 4MONO, Pierce Well Excavator, one of thegranded inven- having purloined speech Mr Carl Scburz remain in the Cabinet many Clerk C. It K. Office. M. Co. tions of the age. More In use in tills city than any other make. Blaine's, is prancing about New en- but will Feb 1877. marl-fAwtl Hampshire months, resign to accept a foreign mission 27. Thin machine has un established refutation in Gives the most universal satisfaction. No liability to «f gas esc SMT1H, deavoring brace up the of the as soon as he has for a every State and Teriltory. U has earned over #10,* tplng; easily adjusted and simple in all WRIGHT A CO, drooping spirits enjoyed short time thr We have made with M u. T. lions e Out) in a single county. Us parts. brrangementa democracy. It is d.fficult to say whether he or honors of a Cabinet at E. Rowse’s Store, who will take c B. 9, Wkioht A position.— Travller. The we usually charge for a 17 inch well, Jewelry rtlera, (Formerly Co.) Dissolution of price and make prices, the same ourselves, Beebe will add >be more votes to tbe republican When John Sberman was defeated for the Copaitnerahip. curbed all complete, is only #1.00 per foot. We can ffbu itr m. S. MODYTOW. ri'IIB eopartner.liIp heretofore existing under the bore at the rate of Jo leet per hour in good territo- major! >j.—Tribune. of the XXXVIth a deno Speakership Congress 1 firm name ot ft mitii A Wai.ukon.Is dissolved ry* Manufactured by the Highland ITNBBAL FI.OWKKN A cratic member by mutual consent. Irate of iii.Holi.tion Ktli. 7tb Good agents wanted in town and in Mr. Darwta was presented on sneeringly told him on the floor of every county PUMPS! recently hisaixty- 1877. the State. Furnace SPBCIALTT. ninib with a folio album with the the House, “You'll roost lower next time." Soon Company. Cucumber birthday photo D. C. SM.Tff, We shall remain in August during the Spring Wood, Metal Lined, of 134 men of science in Germany. Tbe after A. K. W graphs that Mr. Sherman was elected to the Senate, ALDltON, and Summer, and will dig wells, curb them and and Iron Cistern Pampa. album is inscribed ; “To the Reformer of Natural ail to receive where he has remained Augusta, Feb. 7, 1877. prepare ready the pump until now, when be suc- tor foot assume M. E. Hatcblnson A Co., —ALSO— History, Charles Darwin." (simultaneously with | #( per and u!l risks, ex- ept the ob- The only agents for this Furnace Id this city ceeds to one of the stacles of that album there came anothei one of aimilat most important departments ledges. of Ur. I). C. Smith continues the budue.a ul the Refer to J. L. Dutton, G. W. Illlt, Geo. E. Ma- LEAD PIPE character from Holland, containing 217 photo- the Government. There are several democratic rijOnisTa. PUMPS REPAIBI1 old stand, where he keeps the and all In- eerober, Dr. Brickelt a- U C. C. Hunt or of Mr. Darwio'a scientific admirers In the statesmen who would book., Augusta. 60ULD & I—bt— graphs gl.dly copy Secretary Sher- debted to tiic old Urin are iurited to call and ai ttle. Address WALTER DOC KENDO*'*', SEWALL man s habit of "i Portsmouth, It. H. Netherlands. costing lower. I ranriMlw * marSftr Augusta. Augusta, Sept. 4, IHV, oet28 Jiy GOULD & SEWALI*