Vitaly Portnikov: “Vicious Circle Must Be Broken”

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Vitaly Portnikov: “Vicious Circle Must Be Broken” • • Promote Ukraine • Промоут Юкрейн • #BUR6 • @PromoteUkraine 1 VITALY PORTNIKOV: “VICIOUS CIRCLE MUST BE BROKEN” “IF THERE ARE AMBITIONS TO CHANGE THE COUNTRY, YOU JUST HAVE TO GO AHEAD AND DO IT”. INTERVIEW WITH PRIME MINISTER OF UKRAINE DENYS SHMYHAL GERMAN MEP VIOLA VON CRAMON-TAUBADEL: “WE SHOULD INCREASE THE PRICE FOR PUTIN FOR HIS ACTIONS IN UKRAINE” LIFE IN THE LAND OF WAR COLOURS MARCH-APRIL-MAY 2021 Brussels Ukraїna Review Brussels Ukraїna Review Огляд Україна Брюссель Edition – 1 June 2021 EDITOR’S Journal is published in Ukrainian and English FOREWORD Оnline: Publisher: NGO “Promote Ukraine” Welcome, welcome, beautiful • the obviously introverted spring! though sincere interviews: this Address: Bring us amazing miracles! time we spoke with the Prime Velyka Zhytomyrska 33 (from Vesnyanka (the spring song - Minister of Ukraine Denys Office 611 *Ukrainian folklore)) Shmyhal and the Member of the Kyiv 01601 European Parliament Viola von Our next issue of the “Brus- Cramon; Address of the sels Ukraїna Review” is about the Belgian NGO “Promote Ukraine” events, anniversaries - commem- • the results of a provocative so- Veldstraat 24 orations and hopes of the spring ciological survey on the attitude 1731 Relegem Belgium of 2021: of the Ukrainian-speaking audi- ISSN 2736-4224 ence to the introduction of vac- • opinions of independent jour- cination passports and, finally, Email: nalists on the paradoxes of the [email protected] Ukrainian-Russian war; • nearly meditative relaxation - about the authentic musical in- Editor-in-chief: • human stories of the residents struments of Ukraine. Marta Barandiy of the frontline territories; Editors: • results of the #StopRussian- Enjoy reading! Evhenia Kolomiyets-Ludwig Brutality flashmob; Natalia Richardson Marta Barandiy Illustrations and page making: • “How Ukrainians get to know Anna Chernysh-Poltoratska about the EU” and “what the European Union thinks about Editorial assistance: Ukraine’s European perspec- Oksana Bulda tive”: a “podcast” about the pod- Ivanna Malchevska cast and a detailed summary of the conference involving West- Journal “Brussels Ukraїna Review” ern politicians and experts; is distributed free of charge among researchers, experts, opinion leaders, government officials and politicians of Ukraine and the European Union. Reproduction of the materials of the Journal is permitted only with the reference to the Journal. Opinions and other content published by the authors in the Journal, do not necessarily reflect the position of the Board of Editors. Author is solely responsible for the content of the material he/she provides. Author is only responsible for the material, provided in the original language. Translation of the materials is made by a third party on the request of the Publisher. The Publisher is not responsible for the goods and services, advertised within the publication. Photos are from open sources. #BUR6 • @PromoteUkraine 2 • Brussels Ukraïna Review • • • • Promote Ukraine • Промоут Юкрейн • #BUR6 • @PromoteUkraine 3 EDITOR’S 02 Editor`s Foreword SPECIAL RESEARCH OF FOREWORD PROMOTE UKRAINE UKRAINE-RUSSIA-EU 26 “Agents”, “Undesirable”, 04 Vicious circle must “Extremists”. How Modern be broken Russia Combats Dissent Vitaly Portnikov WAR OF RUSSIA ON UKRAINE-EU UKRAINE. HUMAN TOUCH 08 “Brussels – On the Line!” - get 36 Life in the land of to know the EU? war colours Khrystyna Dmytryshyn Inna Krupnyk INTERVIEW FLASHMOB 10 “If there are ambitions to 40 #StopRussianBrutality change the country, you just Ivanna Malchevska have to go ahead and do it”. Interview with Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal VACCINATION PASSPORTS. Marta Barandiy SURVEY CONFERENCE 44 Report on the online survey results about the attitude the 14 Ukraine in the EU: to be or Ukrainian population to vaccine not to be? passports, their importance for guarantee or preservation of INTERVIEW democracy, provision of human rights and freedoms. 22 German MEP Viola von Cramon-Taubadel: “We should CULTURAL PAGES increase the price for Putin for his actions in Ukraine” 54 Master of the instruments Natalia Richardson that were played in Ukraine ages ago Natalia Richardson VICIOUS CIRCLE MUST BE BROKEN VICIOUS CIRCLE MUST BE BROKEN VITALY PORTNIKOV, UKRAINIAN JOURNALIST, POLITICAL COMMENTATOR, AUTHOR AND OPINION-MAKER - EU - UKRAINE RUSSIA #BUR6 • @PromoteUkraine 4 • Brussels Ukraïna Review • • • • Promote Ukraine • Промоут Юкрейн • #BUR6 • @PromoteUkraine 5 hen Vo- lodymyr Zelensky ran for the pres- ident of Ukraine, the commitment to different paths of development W over the past three decades, pri- resolve the conflict in Donbas and stop the war was one of marily in terms of the vision that as a territory that is regarded his main campaign promises. the elite and society have about the by Russian public opinion as a A large part of Ukrainian soci- prospects of their own statehood. “Russian land” and inhabited ety, not only Zelensky himself, In this sense, Ukrainians are unit- by the Russian ethnic majority. deemed that the war in eastern ed by a common understanding The second stage is the estab- Ukraine continued not only be- that the Ukrainian state has the lishment of control over eastern cause of the Kremlin’s interest, right to exist. And what separates Ukraine, over the lands that, ac- but because Kyiv was interested them is the understanding of how cording to Vladimir Putin, “were in that also: to use the conflict this state should develop. Some presented to the Ukrainian SSR for justifying political and eco- Ukrainian citizens — and their by the Bolsheviks.” The full list nomic failures and, needless to number increases over the years of these territories is cited in the say, to thrive on the war. — are confident in the European speech of the Russian president Today, Zelensky himself and vector of the country’s develop- at the ceremony dedicated to most of his recent supporters, ment. Some citizens — and their the accession of the Republic of who become increasingly disap- number becomes progressive- Crimea and the city of Sevastopol pointed in their choice, are no ly smaller, especially after 2014 to the Russian Federation. Final- longer optimistic about a speedy — believe that the future of the ly, the third stage is the estab- resolution of the conflict. How- Ukrainian state lies in the union lishment of control over the rest ever, I will not be very surprised with Russia and other former So- of Ukrainian territory, possibly if another populist candidate ap- viet Union countries. And finally, without the western regions that pears before the next presiden- there are many people who have became part of the Ukrainian tial election and says the same no objection to the European SSR after 1939. The second stage things addressed to Zelensky: choice but consider that it is pos- has fixed on the control over part his administration tries to cover sible to reach an agreement with of the Donetsk and Luhansk re- up its own failures with the war Moscow, believing that Putin re- gions so far. However, the plan and “thrives on the conflict.” ally does not need this war. may be revisited in the case of At the same time, I do not Indeed, Vladimir Putin new destabilisation in Ukraine or even think that the obvious does not need a war. He needs if the Russian president decides things should be denied: politi- Ukraine. He needs it precisely to launch another special opera- cians in power often use a pro- because in the years after the tion of “pacification by force.” tracted conflict inside a country proclamation of independence In practice, this means that to justify their own problems. by the Ukrainian SSR, the Rus- no Ukrainian president will Meanwhile, corruption may be sian elite followed by Russian be able to reach an agreement well-observed in the military citizens, began to perceive Rus- with Vladimir Putin because the sphere as in any other. However, sia as a natural successor not to Ukrainian president is obliged the main problem is the appar- the Soviets but to the pre-revolu- to defend Ukrainian sovereign- ent misunderstanding shared by tionary Russian Empire. There- ty, while Putin regards Ukraine a big part of the Ukrainian soci- fore, Ukrainian and Belarusian merely as a rebellious province. ety — and Volodymyr Zelensky lands are seen as an integral But, at the same time, no Ukraini- is a prominent proponent of this part of Russia, while Ukraini- an president will be able to believe notion of reality — as to why the ans and Belarusians – as a part in the real goals of the Kremlin be- war in Donbas began and what of the Russian people, the so- cause Ukraine — either European Russian President Vladimir Pu- called “Russian world.” That’s or pro-Russian — is already a con- tin’s goal is. why Putin’s plan is a very logi- stant, while for Putin it is only a The fundamental reason for cal and clear plan for the reviv- temporary state formation on an- this misunderstanding is that al of the old state. Its first stage cestral Russian land. Ukraine and Russia have followed is the annexation of Crimea will do everything possible to continue the conflict pre- cisely to prevent Ukraine Is there a way out of this in- from joining NATO. And the variable deadlock? Obviously, same problem — but in the there is. Ukraine needs to defend longer term — may also arise its statehood until Russia real- when Ukraine starts negotia- ises that the Ukrainian matter tions on accession to the EU. is closed and Ukraine will nev- Although in this case, we can er be a part of the Russian state mention the experience of again. Ukraine’s European and Cyprus, which joined the un- Euro-Atlantic integration is the ion without its northern part.
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