CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 154, Pt. 11 July 15, 2008
15046 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 154, Pt. 11 July 15, 2008 drilling for additional supplies of en- which advocated the use of boycotts, strikes, dent Ronald Reagan making it the first time ergy. And I would just ask all of my civil disobedience, and noncooperation in the 20th century that a President had a friends on the other side of the aisle to against the National Party’s apartheid poli- foreign policy veto overridden by Congress; join us on this side of the aisle in pass- cies; Whereas Nelson Mandela was released from Whereas, in 1952, after being designated prison on February 11, 1990, after the apart- ing use-it-or-lose-it legislation. It is es- volunteer-in-chief of the Defiance Campaign heid Government of South Africa agreed to timated by the Minerals and Manage- Against Unjust Laws, Nelson Mandela trav- his terms for release; ment Service of the Department of the eled the country, organizing resistance to Whereas, after his release, he plunged him- Interior that 81 percent of the known discriminatory legislation; self wholeheartedly into his life’s work, reserves of oil and natural gas are al- Whereas in recognition of his outstanding striving to attain the goals he and others ready available for lease and the vast contribution during the Defiance Campaign, had set out almost 4 decades earlier; majority of those leases are not being Nelson Mandela was elected to the presi- Whereas, in 1991, at the first national con- dency of both the ANCYL and the Transvaal acted upon. So we are going to try to ference of the ANC held inside South Africa region of the ANC at the end of 1952, earning after the organization had been banned in pass, on this side of the aisle, use-it-or- him a position as deputy president of the 1960, Nelson Mandela was elected President lose-it legislation, and I would ask my ANC itself; of the ANC; friends on the other side of the aisle to Whereas, after the banning of the ANC in Whereas Nelson Mandela was elected Presi- join us in that effort.
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