Listeners'clioee WAAF-Uncle Sam, OWL W51C-45.1 WENR-890 WCRW-1240 SPECIAL EVENTS
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' WBBM-760 ' WIND-560WCFL-1000WM110-1280 IMORNING 151] IndicatesMBS,IN]NBC,(C]CBS WttAQ--870 WJJD-1160W1IFC-1450 WILL-580 W/sIBI-1110WGES-1390 W67C-46.7 WAAF-950\VEDC-1240 W51C-45.1 WENR-890WCRW-1240 W59C-45.9 wis-890 W-G.N-720 WAIT-820WJOB-1230 6:55WBBMAunt Jemlma. 6:45WISEryln Lewis,news. 6;30WINDFamily Bibleleague. 6:15AS'I-SThe StoryofJesus. 5:45WBBMFarm andFactoryhr. 5:30W-G-NThe Farmboor,Engle. PDF compression, OCR,web optimization using awatermarked evaluation copy ofCVISION PDFCompressor II W-G-NHresklast TimeFrolics. CHICAGO F11EqUENC188. 0 WMAQMorning Jubilee;news. WMBIDeyotIons. WINDYawn PatrolProgram WAAFFarm Folkshour. WinBreakfast Frolic. WISDoc Hopkinsprogram. WHIMPaul Gibsonprogram. WINDNews; FarmFare. WIS--Smile-a-While program. WMAQTown andCountry. WINDYawn Patrolprogram. VbIBISunrIse songs. WCFLGray Corn,music. WISFarm news,G.Menard, WIND, WMAQNews, WINDUncle Sam,OWI. WJJDBreakfast Frolic,music. WI31314Treasury program. and (1)]Bluenetwork. COMPLETE RADIOPROGRAMSANDHIGHLIGHTSFORTODAY Wit (Central wartime.] WJJD, \VBBM, WJJD, WAITJ. WIShfac \'1SRed WAITThe WLSThe 7:45WLSJesse WCFI,The 16W-B.NBr. WLsAlex WCFLFor WMLet's WAITThe WcFLItay \VISSongs WCFLItoy WLSChuck WMAQThe WAAF-1101,WWIIThe WCFLThe 8:48-1V-(i-NThe WLSErvin WBBMYou ®W.O.NYour WJJDNews WMTime MIMIThe 7:10-15A-NNews WAAFThe WMAQThe WISEddle, 0:30W.O.NJune C. 8:25W.(1-NGood 11:20-11'..O.NTime WMAQYour WINDDavid WBBMJohn WCFLDally WCFLGene WILLHome WINDHome WBEINIJolly WI:IBMNews WBBMFood1§-15'.0-NNewstWMAQ7-Road WMAQLone WINDNews; 1VILLFuture willistICIlly WINDNews; WEDCPolish WMAQNews; W.0-NNews WMAQSongs WEDCCzech WBBMNews; 8:30W-D-NVletor WDESCeorge VMBIOrgan WA1THeaven and 1:30-1V-G-NRecord WHFCClcero WINDNews; WILL--Concert WGESGeorge ®W-G.NRecord WGES-1tallan WAAFLovely WILLMarket of WINDConsole WAAFCanary VISNfountainIVI/DConcert WIII3hfVallant WINDCurrent 8:15W-O-NStrango 7:55WMAQClitton WHPCVarlety WILLStudent WINDHerbert \VINDStrIctly WLSBreakfast WMAQMusical Wh1131Memory to WOESSwedish :15-1V.B.NMorning WBBMNothing WMBIIsIorning WINDMorning WJJDChristian WJJDMorning WhIBIMorning of of Talk 9:15W.O-NTressur3, WIIIIMAmenda, In WJJDHawallan for WILLEuropean WSBCBohemlan WCFLBreaktast Foley, and a FC-13ohemlan H. Joe WILLDailylinl War WILLPlayhouse. WhIAQ-11eipmate, Brent! \Vhcel WGESLlthuanlan Lewis, Know and Dreier, \VIIIIMBachelor's WAITChristianity the WSBC-1240 News WM131Community Family Hiker Porter, Acree. Bayer, and VINI131Meditations, Rogers Bob, Musical BiblePreston the Women Fannie It Foyle Start Hall Grown WINDNews;marine Sehoop WhIBINews Airs. WINDNews Noble's O'Nellis of musicO'llair. of Lady reports. ButWishing Lutheran club MorningUtley, Edition. music. Wishing reports. Life, Journey Star Melody news. Morning In Gems. theTales. club WWIINews Shine, Breakfast Suburban Ladles" reports. serial Exercises. to hour. Breakfast Musical Neighbor Dawnbusters, music; Reveille. Reveille. Mole Glenn serial Farmers. news Serenade. (C).musical,news. Day Theater. Morning the Echoes, MI. Melodies, Victory. news. Science History. Alarm Churches, news. Horne Saddle Harrington, news. Only, Over. program. Altar. ICI. Fashion, Melodies. news. Serenade. orch.blind Journal World Community R'ndupser. Salute. Dreamer. Reflections Life, 10. We, 1131. program. Well, Workshop. Clock, Polish-Amer. JRWOrOWSkL reports, On Instrumental. (N). IN). IC).program. review, Prog. Lindlahr, program. Jaworowski. prog., news, music. Church.Bradley, reports. hour. Box. Parade. (11). Fortune. Mood, program. Clock. Action. prog, Clock. recruiting. reports. Foote,organICL Roundup. hour.(C).duo. hr. Express. IC). hr. Truth. program, Pals. news. In Serenade Cnvanaugh, (Cl. Children(CL Moments. orchestra. (C). Right, Housewives. Answer?1 10:45WMAQDavld 11:05WJJ1ILIsten, 10:30W-G-NMullcal 11:15-1V-6.NLinda's Friday andEaster. "Black Magic,""Murder,HeSays,""You'dBeSoNicetoComeHomeTo." Spell "andBach's"Arloso,"from"ChurchCantata." 11;45W.G.NOpen 11:30-1V-0-NJohn 10:15W-H-NPat 12:15WhIAQTunes Bach's Choralefrom"EasterCantata." Amsterdam chorus,andAbeLyman'sorchestra, music. Lord's Prayer." Black's music.Selections:"AveMaria,""EasterOverture,"and"The lions from"NewMoon,"andGrieg's"NorwegianDanceNo,1." radio adaptationof"TinPanAlley." Herb Shriner,andFreddyRich'smusic. John ReedKing,M.C.;FrankForest,tenor. cash prizestoselectedlisteners. with TedCollins,HennyYoungman,andFlorenceHalop. 12:30-1V4I.NNewa 11:15W41.NJim George Holly,12yearoldexmarine;Bern!Johnson,andLeeBennett. Wager, ElizabethHanover,andEstherFinerty,membersoftheWAACs. the Rev.JohnBukey. Joseph F.Stedman,theRev.JohnQuinn,EdwardHiggins,and Matthew Toohey,nationalchaplainofCatholicWarVeterans;theRev. 1:1SWfbNPaInted MldnightWENRMusic YouWant: 10:45WMAQSongs ofServicebyMentheService. 10:30WCFLMusic Lovers'hour:"TheBlueDanubeWaltz." 8:00WMAQWaltz Time,withFrankMunn,EvelynMacGregor, 7:30WMAQAl1 TimeHitParade,withJerryWayne,MarieGreene. 7:30WLSMeet YourNavypresentsaprogramofGoodFriday 7:15WLSDinah Shoresings"CorningInonaWingandPrayer," 7:00WMAQConcert: LucilleManners,RossGraham,andFrank 6:00 p.m.WJJDDinnerconcert:Gottld's"Pavanne,"vocalselec NoonWAAFSyMphonlc hour:Haydn's"SevenLastWords." 9:00 a.m.WJJDConcertHall:"Parsifal;PreludeandGoodFriday 10:00WBBMI LoveaMystery:Adventure,withGloriaBlonde% 8:30WBBMThat BrewsterBoy:FurtheradventuresofJoey. 8:00WENRGang Busters:Crimedramatization. 7;30 p.m,WBBMThinManin"TheCaseoftheCrazyParrot." 9:15WENRGracte Fields'showsalutesCostaRica, 9:00WMAQTommy RiggsandBettyLou,withSongstressAnita, 8:30WMAQPeople AreFunnytquiz,withArtBaker,M.C. 8:30W41NDouble orNothingsalutesAmericanJuniorNurses. 7:00WBBMKate SmithshowfromCampHaan,Riverside,Cal., 6:45W.O.NYour KeytoHappiness,withHaroldM.Sherman. 1V-6-11B'ke 10:05WINDSymphonic hour:"AveMaria,"bySchubertand 10:30WGNMusical Mlikwagon,withPattiClayton,CurtMassey. 8:00WI3BMPlayhouse presentsMaryMartinandDickPowellina 9:00WBBMCaravan, withJackCarson,M.C.;ConnieHaines, 7;30WONWheel ofFortune,conductedbyJohnnyNeblett,with NoonW.G.NBondwagon, withLewDiamond'smusic,AnnLewis, 10:15WEDCGrace 9:45WMAQ, WBBM,'VCFL,WINDElmerDavis,OWIchief. 9:30WMAQ"The Passion," 5:30 p.m.-1V-G.NSpiritualWayoftheCross. 1V-021Bondwagen W.G.NThe WMAQPainted WISMartha WJJDSafety WSBCPolish WBBMBright WBBMKate WMAQSnow WIND, WIND, WIRusty WCRWV WLSErvin WJJDFood WAITBing WBBMAunt WILLAmerican WM131FrIday WCFLDanceland WJJDLen WMBINo. WHFCPolka WINDht'ine WCRWGood WEIBMBig WMAQDick WMBIBiblo WAAFMusic WBBMHelen WMAQMusic WILLMoments WAAFNelys; WBBMSecond WINDDance WMBreakfast WCFLDanceland WCFLRationed WAAFHit WINDLen NVINDThe WCFLDon WhIAQVic WJJD-1)Ing WHFCWaltz W51CMattinata, IVAAFSpeaking WMAQWoman's WJJDIt's NVLSLive WBBMOur IVGESUncle WCRWUncle WJ013Lucky W5ICMusical MalContinued WISDInnerbell WJJD, WHFCClassical WISFarm WCFLThe WBBMMa WILLEden WAAFThe WILLNews WGESPolish WHFChlartlal IVINDNews; WINDSerenade ISTFLI3aukhage WMAQReveille IVJJDLoop WCFL-11Ing WINDMarch WMAQSweet W1313MLIfe WJJDNoonday IVMAQDon W51CPopular WLsEd MAJulian WILLIllinois wnnhtThe WCRWDally WAICGypsy. WCFL, WCFLC. WBBMVIc WHFCSong WINDTempting W151CThe WLSSchool WMAQLIght WI3BMYoung WhIBILiving WAITNews; WILLHomemakers WJJI), NV/IBMJoyce WCFLTreasury WMAQLonely IVGESAmerlgo WLSGrain News. Soloists: JohnCarterandFettling. Pat AFTERNOON ade, WCFL. WHFCNews WAIT, WIND, WHFCTreasury McConnell; for Longmire, 9 stock, ShowtInta Salon the Cleary, Listeners'Clioee Cleary, Star and Lewis, Perkins, and and and Sister, news; Gospel Artiste, Crosby, Symphonic Poole, Gal Can Carter, Crosby, Bentley, Reporter. Smith Nicholas, for Deacon, Goldbergs Noonday Elder, Carpi! Crosby, markets, Holbrook, Noble, Jenny's Elm and Radio Sam House, Morning Romance, Time. Time. Cycles. reports. of Victory and Time. Trent, Village Lady to of Nabor court Seren'de of Dinnerbell WMBINews., Swing Harum Sam, and WAITNews. Music Songsters. Ladles. Horizon Tele-k-Tote. Meer, Reminders. WHFC, Jordan.hf.D, Farm Husband Water First Jackpot, Dr. concert. Milk at Airs, Dreams. Women musical. Sado the Roundup. In service Time, PhIlosophy, Illinois, Dreams, Sado Parade. gems. Dawnbusters, of Tip 1.upi Today. Sunday Be music. Music. World Tempos. poultry VARIETY ANDCOMEDY. Yesterday. hour. Talking Hm, Helen program. street. Music. story Music. Calling. Romance. Tips, markets. Sardl's Speaks markets. serial news. organist. SwIngtIme. organist. show. Singer Malone news. Life, school, OW1. program, News news. Beaut'lICL trials, Reads Is, Mike, serial pianist. songs, serial Love, songs. SPECIAL EVENTS. IVe Nablett. Sto's hour. Shift. program. reports. hour, news, serial. smut, news Wagon, Hoffman, IC). Music, mkis. program. program. in service. Revue. songs. (NJ. at Bisson, program. WAAF- .viarshat ICI. Council. Id. in in newt, hour. IC). read'g. (N), prog. prog, ICI. Love. Noon. Niles. Star mkt. aerial. In (C3. (MI. loop. (C). ICL (C). (C). 113). (NJ. (C). DRAMA. (Cl. ICJ. MUSIC. tPremitre.1 Si;eaker: Msgr.FultonJ.Sheen. 7 I 12 12 87 '1 7 interviews Guest; FrankMorgan. :16-11761 :00-1V Music appropriatetoGood 7:80WIND:00W1.87:00WIND 7:00WCFb 0:80WIND (1:00WCIel. 11:00-1Y1S11:00WIND 1:30WM:noWIND :30-1Y1.8 19:OIJWJJD 12:0(1WIND :1NWJJD 7:00W1.8 :00-11,111) Guest: ElsaMaxwell. Sox WJJD, WIND, :00W.o.N0:45WMAQ 11::111-1NIN AQ 0:00W1113/4 1100-11.41N :00wer1,12:45Welq, 12::10WMAQ 1'4:30{Y.(1N :00-1VC101, :00WDOM 14:00-1141N :55WMAQ 7:18WIIHM:10-1V41N :00-1VC101. 7:00WINDT1BM II9 8 44 9 News Auxiliaries WI.S-01 4 u. WCFLJ, W131314Jos. WLSTimeWMAQMa W.C.NThe VJJDThe W11131$1we WINDOur Speakers: TheRev. WAITRace 2:30W5ICLatin WDBMMeet WLSMortori