ASBURY PARK. ATLANTIC CITY. CAPE MAT. ' I ( 8pe< ml Corrmpondenc# of The Star. Special Correspondence of The 8t»r. Special Correspondence of Tbe Star. MI Iniiiiiu ASBURY PARK, N. J.. June 29, 1907. ATLANTIC CITY, June 29, 1907. CAPK MAY, N. J., June 29. 1907. ""ing July and August We Clos<5 at 5 P. M..Saturdays at I P.M. Ideal weather throughout the week has Canoeing on the ocean is the pastime in All of the big summer hostelries threw H given thousands of people at Asbury Park which a couple of young men here find full open their doors this morning for the ^ what they call the "time of their lives," enjoyment. They usually take their of guests for the present summerreceptionsea ^ mknfKor tKaw Ko/1 almnat o a trr\r\A canoe ride in connection with their son. The smaller hotels have been opened a time at this season last year or not. The in the surf, for they have notdailydipyet for periods from a week to a month, and A When in week has been marked by very hot weather, learned the art of getting their frail craft have been entertaining the advance guard Doubt. Bay of of the summer inrush of visitors. The tempered near the ocean's edge by fine out on the ocean or brineinsr It to shore IB 1? season has well, ana the visitors s «ea breezes, and by moonlight nlghfs which without getting upset in the breakers. opened are of the have made a promenade up and down the Well, some of the young women have here from nearly every section *" esplanade something to conjure by, and started to wear those bloomer bathing Union, and the colony from Washington la on beautiful Deal lake even morecanoeingcostumes over which there has been so larger this season than heretofore. They take an active in the social life, and A bewitching. much talk. part i Gigantic I and The resort was never before so thronged There will not be any electric their presence here is appreciated * at any time In June. People driven from rolling chairs on the AtlanticautomobileCity enjoyed by those from other cities.thoroughly Stock of Hardwood X II M the cities by the torrid spell now on have Boardwalk this summer. There was such The golf season opened today with the J w come Into town on each train, sometimes a profound "kick" made by the hotel men first men's eighteen-hole handicap tourna- Refrigerator ^ II KnnH roil a of n f i . » Alt tKn lorira hntal m and residents, a host of # strengthened by was Zinc m\ that the council killed the meni, ana tne piaying spiruea, Refrigerators. Lto«d. c II H the Coleman House, the Ocean, the< visitors, city I that It was the first event here * W, 7 M the Columbia, the Brunswick,Wellington.the title of the ordinance which had been big cuuaiuering There both satisfaction 33 lb*. Ica West End. the Monmouth, the Bristol and a short time ago granting introducedthis summer. The officers of the club for and economy in choosing Capacity, lly) Sunset Hall, are fully half full of to operate the chairs this year.permissionthe year are: President, Edwin - . Cook; people, the from such s big stock of Re- K ^ 11^ while many of the small houses will soon People will have to be satisfied with vice president, Louis H. Ayres; secretary, have their capacity taxed. If patrons keep old style rolling chairs, the motive power Richard Morris Williams, and treasurer, Irigcrstors ss we carry You '/V4, pouring into town as they have. for which Is supplied by a husky negro. William Joyce Sewell, a son of the late can get just exactly what fit The New England Is entertaining for an Howard W. Garrison, who is running I'nited States Senator Sewell. The golf you want without being '/a Indefinite period J. W. Leinger. He Is a Green's Hotel this season, has remodeled llnk.s, which comprise eighty ac-res of i resident the and it will be this even- ten minutes' forced to pay more than you 31 prominent of Washington. cafe, opened ground, are situated within splendid '//A Registered at the Gladstone, among the ing lor me nrst time. it la one or uie walk of all the hotels here, and are ideally intended Buying in carload most In 'fy late comers, are Mrs. A. C. True, Miss handsomely appointed the city. located at a point where the visitor to the ,ots enaoies us 10 gex msiac »*»| Elizabeth True and H. True. Mr. and Mrs. William Shields of can view from one side the broad Henry They clubhouse '// effect a wlll make this hotel their home for the have joined friends at the WashingtonGrand Atlantic and its inrolling billows, and from j| II/ Prices and big atving f. nrwiitr puri 01 mi' Wilson. Atlantic Hotel, and will spend a couple of the other %ide the beautiful country which freiSh». »o that >re can as- '£ Baltimore Is represented at the Leadley weeks at the shore. is on the inland portion of Cape May. 9/II sure you the best values in W by W. K. Moore, and this hotel is also The Count de Martel, a French The golf club is made up of members of I '///. Mr. and Mrs. Fred D. Riggles,entertainingand attache of the French legationnoblemannearly every eastern golf club in the United ^ C'ty i ' residents of Washington. at Washington, is a visitor at the shore. States, and as a consequence some very The Brighton is entertaining from the He is staying at the Hotel Chelsea. expert players are seen almost daily upon Capital city Mrs. Potbury and Miss Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Etchberger and Mr. the links here. Potbury.and Mrs. M. M. Watson, well-known Since the weather has warmed up old The register at the West End Hotel bears of Washington, are spending someresidentsocean has taken on a temperature which the signature of W. W. Chandler, who time at the shore. In fact, they are here has made bathing delightful, and thousands II c»«/!<,« tn Choose From. CJ conies from Washington. on their honeymoon and making their sea- of people now disport daily in the edge of shore home at the New England Hotel. the surf. The bathing beach at Capt May " farms of M Col. Stephen J. Lynch of the United is unsurpassed by any other along the ill CAPON SPRINGS. States Army, now retired and making his coast, and because of this life linesAtlantic home in Philadelphia, is spending a couple and other protections which are necessary f z Special Correspondence of The Star. of months here. He is making his at other resorts are not required here. The I ll CAPON SPRINGS. W. Va.. at the Ponce de Leon. headquartersfashionable bathing hour at Cape May is June 29. 191)7. A. de Blanpre, lieutenant commander of between 11 and 1 o'clock, and the condition "You Wish | the French legation at the national capital, of the has no whatever upon At Capon, as elsewhere, the season has tide bearing is a visitor at the Hotel Chelsea. He is this hour. This condition is due to the ||| J been rather late in beginning, owing to the accompanied by his wife. gradual slope of the beach undeV the edge continuous cool weather, the formal opening I'rof. W. C. St. Clair, a skillful of the ocean in a smooth and hard surface of the place having taken place June 15 and connected with the federalastronomer.-of white beach sand. at Washington, Is spending a of families have of June 1. as but observatoryA large number cottage heretofore; alreadyinsteadcouple of weeks at the shore. He brought come into the resort this week, and this quite a large crowd has assembled of a bride with him to the resort, and they part of Cape May's summer v:sitors has peopie from almost every representativeare enjos'ing their honeymon at the Hotel nearly reached its quota for the season. of the countrv. For tht-se the beautl-sectionIroquois. i Cape May has always been noted for Its H. of con- a ful old resort now Charles Waltz Washington, splendid villas, which are surrounded by wears Its most netted with the railway mail service, is verdant foliage and luxuriant growing guise, while the bracing atmosphereattractive spending a couple of weeks here for the and hushing. ilowpra adds a two-fold delight to the customary benefit of his health. He is registered at Fishing is now excellent, and those who of the earlier the Hotel Boscobel, where his wife fiah with hook and line or rod and reel are pastimes summer.riding, him. driving, tennis, mountain and accompaniesenjoying excellent sport with the flnny climbing Francis Crowee, a well-known lawyer of tribe. It is no uncommon thing for a swimming in the great pool of mineral the National capital and the legal in the sounds, which are within fishermantwo The Fourth of July, however, water.will of several large corporations.representativeIs miles of the resort proper, to catch usher in a more elaborate program of spending a couple of weeks' vacation at the from fifty to one hundred and anywherefifty gaieties, and for that date, besides the resort. He is staying at the Hotel weak fish, blue fish, hake and sheepshead, Wiltshire.while out in the surf red drum and black elaborate dinner, a fine displaycustomaryof former Gov. K. E. Jackson of from fifteen to fireworks, with the first ball of the season drum, weighing anywhere for the late arrivals, has been accompanied by his son and Maryland.Miss eighty pounds are caught with a hook and arranged. Vf n.> Pnt t a a* S'llishnrv \fi1 are snpnrlinir line thrown from oft the beach Into the Among the prominent guests settled here a month at the resort. are as members of the permanent summer They breakers. at the Hotel Jackson. registeredCape May will celebrate an old-time are Gen. Wirt L)avls. U.S.A., and Mrs.colony The residents of not Davis of Washington. Another attractive folio-wins Washington Fourth of July, such as It has have registered at these Atlantic City for some years past. A spirit ofexperienced member of the army set who promises to hotels the week: the and be one of the most of during pervades Cape May Club, enterprise popular guests the Hotel Biscayne.F. H. Reynolds. it has formed a committee, with several season is Mrs. Charles Beverly Ewing, wife Bretton Hall.A. E. and has I citizens at its head, HC Earp. >USE & 1ERRMA1NN or ut. lowing, U.S.A. now stationed in prominent S Berkshire Inn.Mrs. Miss W. for an elaborate S Cuba, who is Denny, already arranged display here with two lovely young Denny. of fireworks evening of the Fourth, and Seventh and I Sts. N. W. daughters and a small son. Mrs. Kwing Hotel Chetwoode.Mrs. B. Miller. for old-fashioned southern lawn sports to (1Eye) aper.t the winter in Washington with her Miss Conrad. in the brother and Cornell Inn.Miss Royce, take place on Congress Hail lawn sister-in-law. Mr. and Mr3. Hotel Chelsea.Mrs. I... Hutchinson, Miss afternoon. I ! Paul Evarts Johnson. Melville, Vincent de Martel. The Summer School of ! Senator William Warner of Missouri came Hotel Clarendon.Mrs. Martin, Miss and Industrial Arts and Sciences up from for the summer Agriculture Washington last Martin. was opened yesterday afternoon, the exer- DEAL BEACH. agreed that she should have possession of TO BESTOBE DAVIS' NAME. Wednesday, accompanied by Mrs. Warner. Hotel Chalfonte.Mr. and Mrs. J. H. cises in me uitiuuum ui ujc the child as long as she would remain In EDUCATIONAL. Mrs. Warner Harwood and Warner laning piace * lino. It, Har Hood, H. W. Stokes, W. M. Parks, D. T. Stockton Hotel and the opening address Special Correspondence of The Star. Melbourne. This situation continued for 2 81. I mo- >T ». wood Randall, John L. Cochran. J. Woodwell, made by Gov. Edward Casper Stokes some time, and then in October last Mrs. Bepresentative Meyer Wants It IN Mr. and Mrs. William F. Moody, the being DEAL. N. J.. June 29. 1907. WASHINGTON. jr.. McGawey Cline. H. S. Betts, L. S. of New Jersey. Knlpe left Melbourne suddenly without oil Cabin John W. F. DAI.KS I'M n l->lo ivrn «j Misses Moodv. William P. \foodv third Bridge.Beinscribed .v .Ma W. *1 -AI Percy H. Walker, Prevoost Hubbard, Mr. and Mrs. George A, Trainor of True to predictions made for It. when her husband know where she was Latin, nno^ and Shearn Moody form a and Voorhees. lettingRepresentative Adolph Meyer of matbi-mMIci; thorough preparation for large Dr. Peter Fikeman. will spend a part of the summerWashingtonin officials of the resort invested $50,000 last with the child. To others, however, shegoing examinations; twenty yeara' aucreaaful college family party from Galveston. Tex.,popularwho The Drexel.Mrs. V. C. Ellis and a stated that she intended yesterday announced his intentionLouisianaof 'I'bone North 1180 eaperlence. cottage here. j ca i in a new j/ayiiiuu uu iuc wean iivuv, to take the child Jeltf-301 are also well known in Washington. daughter. Representative Albert S. Burleson of to England to be educated. making an effort to have the name of Among other late arrivals are Gen. Chas. the popularity of Deal has gone up by Hotel Dennis.Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Texas will be numbered among the cottage Muriel was sent to school at Worthing reinscrib~d on the bridgeJeffersonThe Berlitz School 1 not Humphrey and family, Mr and Mrs. T. P. Ritchie, Mrs. J. C. Tasker, Mrs. J. D. residents here this season. jumps and bounds, so that at a time In the and Mrs. Knipe took apartments across Davi| I Culley. Mr. Earl Mr. and Mrs. Silas season are which spans Cabin John run. of Culley, Hickok. . Representative Henry C. Loudenslager of when other resorts just the road from the school so that she could Languages, | Hare. Mrs. Mellhenney. Mrs. Lulu The Frontenae.Mr. and Mrs. Russell O. district is watch her of the bridge was started at th; time German, Spanish, Italian, Engllah.14th,tFrench,ela. the first New Jersey occupying to pick up a little this one is beginningfound daughter going and coming. Construction Native tearbera. Trial leaaon Mrs. W. D. Nyville, Mr. andRutherfort,Mrs. Bean. a here. in the midst of summer January 23, Mr. who had that Mr. Davis was Secretary of War, free. Carusl. Mr. and Mrs. Francis cottage gayety. however, Knlpe, Bpeclal rate* (or the lurnmer. Eugene Hotel Fredonia.Miss Nevin. Completion of the splendid new casino followed from Melbourne, drove up in a ana upon us completion ms name anu jeia-tf Mr9. E. F. I:udd. all of Washington; Hotel Gladstone.Miss H. the as Carusl. Olsen, was arrived at this week and the bath motor car the child was_ leaving the those of a number of others Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Vickery, Mr. Misses Gillette. OCEAN GROVE. houses are now The structure Is of scnooi, seized ner ana arove on witn ner. Miss Sarah Harrison Holmhurst.F. P. P. J. open. with the work were chiseled on the School of Stephen Vickery. Hotel Burke, Moorish architecture and mostly of Mr. Knlpe and Muriel arrived In Identified 712 13TH ST. N.W.Languages, . I'owaU, Mr. Walter K. Abel], WaT«hp "Mna T Prtrr An4 phildwn. of The Star. surface. Mr. Davis' name was erased In P. BOYER. Baltimore: Special Correspondence with a red-tile roof. It has a concrete, March 6 last and Mrs. Knlpe Melbourne Trial leaaon free. Xatlre and experienced Mrs. Caspar Fries, Winchester, Va.; Mr Hotel Hygeia.Alfred Kayner, Mrs. A. OCEAN GROVE. N. J., June 2». 1907. ballroom, amusement parlors, musicbeautiful April 4. Mr. Knlpe and Muriel fledfollowedPresident Lincoln's first administration by oc28-Hn.62t tearbera. Arthur Cunningham, Moorefleld, Va.; Dr. Kayner. pavilion, a large swimming pool, 500 bath to Sydney and Brisbane, followed by Mrs. then S and Mrs. C. Sumner Witherstine. Miss Haddon Hall.J. R Carver, F M. Rev. Dr. George Reed, president of direction of Caleb Smith, cretary Spoon, to deliver houses and tiled showers. For the opening Knlpe. who began legal proceedings against of the Interior. At their recent convention HALL=NOYE§ Witherstine. Rev. and Mrs. Hodge, the T. K. Stebbins. College, has been secured DickinsoAof the pavilion quite a program has been her husband. K1R Misses Mr. A. the at the Ocean in Richmond the of the Graded, High. College Preparatory. Bth year. Prta- Hodge, Wilson, Misses Kuehnle's Hotel.E. C. Judd. the Fourth of July oration arranged, to be run oft July 4. On that Before any papers could be served, how- Daughters ,wavuci UVHUBI «» »fcu ocuuu1. f iva .1 Armstrong, Mr. J. M. Hotel and Mrs. H. W. a resolution for MANN hall. A.M.. 231 E it. cfcs Philadelphia; Prager, Majestic.Mr. Grove Auditorium. It was definitely seitled day a cornet band will come down from ever, Mr. Knipe and Muriel disappeared, adopted askingConfederacyJel4-5d Trlu.. n.w. New York; Mr. and Mrs. X. J. Clarke, Smith. Stokes the metropolis to play here during July and and are believed to be once again vibrating the restoration of Mr. Davis' name, and" Sewickley. Pa. Hotel Monticello.Mr. and O. this week that Gov. Edward Casper mn.vs business $lrs. of New Jersey will preside. The governor, August. between Australia and England. resronsive to tMs Mr. Meyer will take rpn coli.fxjk. 8 * k. Mr. and Mrs. Hannls Taylor, the Misses Ullrich. A special program for Fourth of July have it about If Liu *5-*J-A llONTU-*3-»S. Da*. Tavlnr flnrl the Tavlnr are a of the active steps to brought Iris Civil Service New England.Mr. and Mrs. C. E. who is member camp meeting Is also being arranged for entertainmentat tni* u preparation. Night, the we°lr Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Watson. lend his KAISER'S ARTISTIC TASTES. possible. Whether he will do tnrougn Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping. Ae. early during coming Etchberger. had been asked to association.the Hathaway Inn, when a vaudeville War or se^k congressional felft-tf New Chatham.Mrs. Charles Sigsbee, will be given In the hotel casino. the Department MacDonald. some time previously. Assemblymanpresence performance sanction, he has not determined. Madge T. Nelson Lillagore'of Ocean Grove will Mrs. M. A. Hagerman of Washington is Berlin Criticism Over Some of His Shorthand «& BEACH. New Belmont.Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Shea, a patron of the inn. Typewriting. Master Shea. Mrs. Somerville. read the Declaration of Independence. Col. Ideas in Execution. We teach ritman, Graham, Ureflt. Baroea and Stephen Lockwood. formerly of the SALE OF LOTa the Syllable ayatema. TO to 100 worda per mlnnte Sptrlal Correspondence of The Star. Hotel Pennhurst.Mrs. R. C. Potts, Mrs. Wilson, the new head of the association, army, is here for the season Sperlal Cablegram to The Star. PUBLIC In 150 hour* Bishop * guaranteed. Special afternoon VIRGINIA Va.. June 1007. N. Potts. in an Informal and is registered at the inn. for government t'mployea. aeaakma BEACH. 27. House.P. D. Collins. will take part speech. BERLIN. June 29..No department of the STKNOUBAPU1C Last Sunday marked the opening of the Phillips The View is entertaining for a multifarious of the German Floral Hill Name of New Subdivision acadkmv. Colorado bid*, Hotel Richmond.D. Douty. Spray Is activity eao-tr.a eason at this resort, when about 4,000 and Mrs. E. M. sojourn Ernest E. Robinson. Heprotracted AUTO RACE has been more Hotel Rudolf.Mr. SPOILED. controverted than emperorhis on Market. TTTTWVO T>tjt) a ttith* visitors filled the boardwalk and pavilion. Richard.a resident of Baltimore. patronage of the arts, and much criticism AMUU i>U lUlXIUAXlil, There have been Seaside House.Mrs. C. C. North, Miss Located at the La Pierre for a protracted W. Lee White & Sons have- recently several improvements sojourn Is Mrs. C. E. Smith of Washington. Bain Uars the Spectacle in has been exercised on the numerous TRDNKS MADE TO ORDER AND REPAIRED AT at the beach since last year incident Margaret North. H. M. North. C. W. Ward. the and opened the new subdivision of Floral Hill. short notice; all mall ordrra promptly attended upon Shelburne.Miss Goodwin, Fred The register at the Alaska bears public buildings in whichmonumentshis to. (3. G. LANGLOTZ. K at. Its as a sewer Hotel Md. Philadelphia. Floral Hill Is the name given to the estate odd. rise town. The system, I ("*t: cj r 1 ('a Tlnrnpr of Mrs. E. C. Nice of Annapolis, ideas have been put into execution. What (Ten jeara wlih J. S. signaturePHILADELPHIA. June 29..The residents Topham. «p2l'J0t.tLibrary. under the direction of Mr. W. J. O'Keefe, Shoreham.Mrs. Hutchins. Registered at the Majestic are Mr. and be as an of Dr. Lee White, one of the old Hotel of Del. hour automobile race which twentyfourbegan may regarded imperial apologia chalrmaji of the street and sewer com-, Hotel Traymore.K Creecy, D. B. Mrs. M. Gausline Wilmington, as far as these matters are concerned .a east of the Anacostla river. The MONEY WANTED AND TO LOAN Domiciled at the Arborton from the hcrp vpstordav affprnonn was snrtiltrf tnHnv nittee. has been extended to Include the Crwy. to In the of an fronts 4CO feet on the east side of Hotel Westminster.Frank Wagner city are Mrs. Clara H. Inch and Miss by a heavy rain. Eleven cars started and shortly appear shape subdivisionSECOND rhole of the cottage section, and the recon- Capital book by Prof. Paul curator of avenue, a short distance southMinnesotaof TRUST LOANS Hotel Wiltshire.Mr. and Mrs. E. H. M. Agnes Inch. six; were on the track at the finish. Prior Seidel, elaborate ON REAL ESTATE ARK OUR SPECIALTY. itruction of the lakes hi the rear of the Is at the the artistic collections in the avenue, and contains about LOW EST RATES. Kleniroth. Mrs. F. C. Crowe, Mrs. A. E. Washington represented to the rain the automobiles made good time, royal' castles EASY TERMS. beach has been almost completed. The Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Shelby, Mrs. R. by John W. Philips. and director of the Hohenzollern museum. fifteen acres. Near its center Is the family NO COMMISSIONS. Karp, Marlboroughone of them being ahead of the world's WE LOAN OUR OWN MONET. WE ALSO Installation of the Increased electric V. Belt. This work, which tells the story of the mansion, surrounded by fir trees and SELL AND RENT BUI. Hotel Whittle.Mrs. L. Ward. record up until the seventeenth hour, PROPERTY. system, supplying these lakes withpumpinga ADIRONDACK MOUNTAINS. emperor's relations to the arts and one of the most attractive suburbanmaples. continual flow of salt water The Whittier.Mrs. Christopher Brown, covered 592 miles. The record for hi the east end of the District. National Loan & Inv. direct from Miss Elizabeth Willard. having the principles which have guidedexpoundshomes ESTABLISHED Co., the was hours was 584 miles. The track afterseventeen will contain 18U6. # ocean, placed In operation last Young's Hotel.Mr. and Mrs. E. Special Corre*|)Ondenee of The Star. him, forty-six original The managers of- the subdivision have THOMPSON BUILDING. the seventeenth hour became on and his street a.w. Wednesday and will be continued as a A. D. Drummond. J. F. Jerdone,Richards.Jr., LAKE BONAPARTE. N. Y., June 28, 1907. very heavy drawings designs by majesty'spaintings,arranged for a public sale of lots on July 03 l.'.fh Mr nnH Mr« T. Narjimore. account of the mud and fast time was own hands. A writer in the Lckalanzelger, OPP. TREASURY. SECOND FIXX)R. regular part of the street and sewer From nearly every part of the which has been favored with 6 at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. On that avio-tr works. This will Impossible. The winner of the racealmost advance give a coolingsystem's comes the report of hotels beginningAdirond-ickscovt:ed 717 miles in the twenty-four hours. proofs, remarks: occasion one of the most valuable lots will to the as beach, well as help eliminateeffect AT ESSICK HEIGHTS, PA. to fill up with the summer contingent. One serious accident occurred during the "As these are not completed works be sold at auction and the proceeds MEDICAL which with the assistance of t. j 4 Hnea. It. 80c. 3t. $1.20. 1 wfc.. >2.23 1 roo-fT.aO. any mosquitoes might be inclined There has never been much doing, In the race. Two of the cars collided early today livingexecuted as follows: One-half to the churchdonatedor to the summer visitors. of The Star. and Harkins. a was model, but only ideas of the moment, t..ey W. T. BALDUS. M. D.. PH. D.. GERMAN SPB- pester 8p«4«l Correspondence uulu unci uic uauu(ir»l oit/vi/o»u-nr official denial was made at the summed up In his "I w lessee and manager, has thoroughly a little more than their usual quota of Treasury utterance, recognise j M 11"^ Zl\- TI J* ^uu this resort, the warm wave being the cause no tendencies in art; I the at South Boston today. In a five-mile Sti I lurilVO RIN and reconstructed this house, whichrenovated at the for guests for this season of the yoar and the D<>-vartment yesterday of any Irregularity recognize only run. PK.VCTK was known as of a heavy booking hotel July well started. and really beautiful, that is to say, art." In Dlaeaaes of the Brain and NVrrotu Sjitem. Skim. formerly the Hotel Ran- familiar faces axe social season Is Fishing or suspicion of dishonesty on the part of wjiich Bart 9ulllvan and Frank Kanaly, uuipn, anu is and August. Many are the order of the A Blood. Hesrt. Stomach. Liver. Kldneya. Bladder. rapiaiy oooKlng gliosis for seen on the porches and boating parties day. any one connected with it. The statement two well-known local runners, went half Noae. Throat and Lunga. Stricture. Varicocele and the season. Mr. Forman is a well-known alreadytennis tourney on a huge scale is planned Hydrocele cured. No No loaa of time. boardwalks. says the fact that such an was A TOUGH LOOKING LOT. the distance. Schrubb was an easy winner, pals. Blood hotel man. having conducted the for the middle of July, in which a investigation tu. A... iI: or .I...* " > A - Dlaeaaea and Disorders of the formerly little IUC U»c UUICB Ail M UllllUlfS Urinary Organs « Hotel Bourbon and the Three girls, accompanied by Miss made and that a coin outside gUlUK «-() relieved and cured aafs famous Spring Lake Joined their mother. Mrs. Wm. G. of prominent English and Canadiannumberbeing the seconds. promptly permanently by House at Spring Lake. Mich. King, players are expected to take part. of tolerance was found have been Toronto Department Could Not Stand methods. Chargn low. Krce conaultatlob In been Price. Jr.. at the Cllffside Cottage last week. limits or by letter. Houra: 10 to 1 and 3 to 8; person ha^ made that eveningAnnouncementconcerts made the basis of for London 10 to 1. and will at this house Mrs. George L. Estabrook and E. Burke exaggerated reports. It is Emigrants. nol2-tf.SuSundays, dancing begin during K.HtMhronk nf Philadplnhia ari» a.t th#> Kssirlc stated is no the coming week. Among the guests at AIXENHTJHST. that there foundation for the Sperlal Cablegram to The Star. Carboy Rocking Apparatus. present registered at the Hotel for the season and will be Joined later in assertion that a shipment of Denver coins June 29..At last HOMES AND VEHICLES, Virginia the summer by Mr. Est?.brook. was rejected abroad and returned to this LONDON, the meeting The universal custom In the handling are J. T. Orchard. C. E. Lewis Mattson of CoiTMipoiKlein* of The Star. of the Poplar guardians, the like chemicals used in »nd wife. R. J. German. L*. S. A.; Miss P. Mr. John D. Philadelphia, Pa., Special country. The only condemned coin that the general of acids and W. Uranl is at this resort for a few weeks' stay. AL.LENHURST, N. J., June 29. 1907. department una Knowledge or, it is committee brought up a series of is to make use of carboys, which and Mrs. A. L. Peters and others at the stated, purposes quantities Among registered Esslck The Allenhurst Inn. which Is one of the are those discovered by the commission and letters dealing with the conduct of men who are box-encased bottles of huge xcellent fam\y- are Miss Metzgar, Miss Osier, Mr. Ernest its own Bargains The damage to the O'Keefe Inn resulting summer by inquiry. had recently been sent to Car.ada by the To such a a Tom the Hre Burrows of Hughesville, Mr. and Mrs. most sumptuously appointed hotels The coinage has not been debased," the empty carboy rockingdimensions. of the Princess Anne Hotel guardians. is made use the las been fully repaired. The house, being Charles Bates of Willlamsport and Mr. along the north coast, today opened its statement adds. "Of the few pieces found apparatus of, carboy being in Fine Carriages iltuated on the Harold Codshall, Philadelphia. Pa. doors for the season, under the new outside the limits as many were above as The committee reported that the secured to the rocking frame and tilted diagonal corner from the the *rincess Anne, had a very close call during of J. Hull Davidson. Not since the below. Nobody profited or could have superintendent of emigration branchassistantas it is desired to draw off the acid. This LARGE stock of new and he morning of the tire, but managementby such errors as were made." Inprofitedof the Interior department of the the services of two by good BiLKAB. coterie of wealthy cottagers constituting it is stated that those operation requires men, LanJaus, Broughams.elegant and hard work on the part ofjudgnentthe connected closingwith of Canada had written to thegovernmentboard: one to hold the receiving utensil atid the A Victorias, Depot Wagons, Iro lighters the was the Allenhurst Club ran this establishment the mint were spurred by an ambition to damage con..ned to Special Correspondence of The St«r. "I Inclose herewith a copy of a letter Runabouts, etc., all of which were tcorched shingles and broken glass. Mr. as a private clubhouse has the season for make a good show'ng in output for the new been greatly simplified lately by the built to our special order, from in. june and to the superintendent of he eml- k >Keefe has opened the house for the DKLUAn, j., ",n», luuf. the hotel looked so promising. A program institution, they crowded the work too addressed of a pump for this purpose. Thisinventionis our own designs. eason. The coach "Nlmrod," Charles K. fast for a force somewhat inexperienced. gratlon department of Toronto with respect constructed so as not to be The excursion Fownes, of social diversions of various sorts has | especially E7lt will III j you to Inveatlgate the season at the Cape Henry whip, which has run along some sections of out and will be Into to a, party of Immigrants who arrived in in any way by the character of theaffected MANY BARGAIN'S we're offering in xna II been mapped put lift in 711 XUHMOay. W II I* 11 once. The Inn was built as a Toronto and who I understand came from material being handled and with its aid slightly nae-l rariiflgee anil harnesa. ibout 300 from this shore for the last several summers, will at operationBOMANCE OF YOUNG HEIRESS. a a people Portsmouth spent the for cottage society of the resort, your union." the contents of a carboy may be drawn off Everything guaranteed repreaented. lay on Its spacious floors The casino baths operate this year from the Columbia Hotel headquarters letter stated: one without trouble or were also well and it is here that many elaborate social The inclosed "On Sunday by person danger. patronised, most of the at Belmar, making a trip up the coast to summer will be held. Kidnaped Several Times Each of there arrived here some thirty-one men foung people enjoying the effects functions this by Downey's Repository, 3f the cooling Avon. Asbury Park. Into Jx>ch Arbour, at the Curlew from Her Parents. bringing cards of introduction. X 1620-1«28 L at. o.n. I'bone U. 22S0. surf. and and then over Registered Bome of them and out the Mr. W. J the Deal, to theAllenhurstare Mr. and Mrs. James H. Newcomb.Washington to The picking interviewed ap2-90l ,28 O'Keefe, lessee of the Hoss-Fenton farm on Deal lake. Special Cablegram Star. man who seemed to be the least dru.ik of pavilion at the beach, has also The farm The inn is entertaining from Washington made Is a rustic dinner resort. The coach began Miss Ethel Douglass and Mrs. James R. MELBOURNE, June 29..The romance of the lot I learned that they had been Improvements that will help to amusewel:ome this week. some farm some three INFANTS' SUMMER the summer guest. The running Douglass. a young heiress who has been kidnaped upon colony engaged in Smnll pavilion has been The Belmar Club had Its opening last or four months. They received express Improvement Machinery. enlarged with new attractions. Mr. O'Keefe week and several several times by each of her parents is landed in Toronto and SICKNESS. In the great improvement which has been aas also added a gay social events have when they orders very popular feature to run oft the attention of all Australia. to drunk. At the and construction of the pavilion by turning the been since. AVON-BY-THE-SEA. attracting proceeded get immediately made in the design tliti dancing Mr. and Mrs. Anson Q. Hathaway, The little heiress who is proving such a lodging house last night they raised such The following simple treatment will small machinery generally the lines of the over to the ladies of the arrangements had to send usually cure summer diarrhoea within Association. of the Capital city, are sojourningresidentsSpecial Correspondence of The Star. bone of contention is Miss Muriel a, disturbance that they for the have a These ladles will haveCottagehere at the Melrose Inn. Dorothy and sent several to the 24 hours: old grindstone undergone complete entire charge of the dancing for the AVON-BY-THE-SEA, N. J.. June 29. 1907. Knlpe. She is eight years old and will putrol wagon police transformation. The stones are now to l>u At the Columbia from are station. We sent a few to ilarr >wemlth 1. and will so arrange affairs summer.that Washington of the Avon Inn this week $200,000 and an Stop feeding dairy milk. seen In up-to-date shops mounted on neat there will be Mr. ajid Mrs. John S. Schenck and the The opening interest in the Inheritthis morning and they will probably work little weekly germans and perhaps 10 as 1 uo nui imiiK 2. Give (to about one year old) one pedestals taking up very tloor space an occasional Misses Schenck. gave a aeciaea impetus resort nie ai grocery business of the late wholesaleHon. in some mine, iney are cotillon. The patronesses at all fit to send farms. are grain of caiomel, cut into three and driven by a motor concealed In. the Include Mesdames Maenen t(i\ilun.i a n... Avon. Under the management of J. G. James Service, who was treasurer and tq They doubt the toughest lot that I have seen doses of two-hour intervals. pedestal. » Ashburn. Wright. Ulennan. Boggs this hotel is looking forward to a of Victoria for without of a single wheel there are Fitzhugii, CHAUTAUQUA. many years. premierThe for years." 8. Feed for a few days on thick Instead Dance and the Misses Llster-and Blow.Pannill. Season of great prosperity. The bookings child's parents are separated and for Ulie committee recommended that the two or three of varying texturesgenerallyfor Mrs. Cachln of the Hancock Cottage is years they have been several finely strained, and rlrewater, different classes of work, and often the Mrs. O. SpecUPCorrwpondence of The Star. for the remainder of June are almost contending for guardians instruct their clerk to while yet hot. with some Bobbins. Miss Goldieentertaining fill the house. A master of the possession of their daughter. First she with the assistant superintendent of sweetened, disks of stone are almost entirely . to communicate condensed milk. mixture Bobbins and Midshipman Bobbins. U. S. N. CHAUTAUQUA. N. Y June 28, 1007. sufficienthas been kidnaped by one and then by the Immigration expressing regret. Keep in protective hoods of sheet metalconcealed Mrs. Bobbins was to have sailed shortly Despite the vagaries of the weather has made his appearance this weekceremoniesand other. She has made four Journeys cool, heating bottle when needed. which prevent damage In case of the for Europe, but her departure wa^ delayed has drawn to is a cotillon which will likely come England and Australia and 4. When, cured, gradually substitute the wheel, a form of accident more by the destruction of already Its tonicChautauquaplanning now shebetween of bursting the Brincess Anne off around the Fourth of Is making a fifth journey with her fathor i Loss of Life in Mines. scalded or pasteurized dairy mil*. or less common in workshops and generally Hotel, and she will remain at the and woodland quiet the accustomedaltitude July. Hancock A number of Improvements In and about The story of the little girl's adventures In the Ohio coal mining of a disastrous nature. These electrically Cottage for an Indefinite « throng of summer residents. Figures gleaned c/k/'iL"TV L'Ai> DDWC*«:rriAv nn period. will has been told on several I are Mr. the hotel prove great attractions to the continents. Mr. fields Indicate that the loss of life avviEi » a f CJ11 a ur driven grindstones governed by switches William S. Higor is registered at the On the morning of June 27 the annual returning guests. A large garage has been and Mrs. Knlpe visited London in at convenient points controlling the Hancock for K..IU is In placed Cottage the summer Season. assembly convened in the U on this industry increasing. SICKNESS. Mr. J. amphitheater, UUl. 1904, but disagreements arose December,and in attendant direction anu aifecu ui mc iuutviucui ui tau , Carroll Spalding of Washington Is thus celebrating the thirty-fourth birthday at the Avon Inn are B. M. the following month Mr. 19tX> it reached one death for every 22J.G28 Summering Knlpe disappeared *«« "»»a ovorv amnlnvoa wheel. at the Casino at VI VI VU. Cape Henry for the of the "Chautauqua idea." SnTlth and T. O. Brown and family of with the child. Mrs. Knlpe remained In lUIlO, V* l/»IC IUI J j E. BERLINER, Secretary. One of the newest designs has the wheel summer. new A organ is being used for the first Washington.England almost a year searching for them, encased In a neat metal box which entirely Miss Leila Barrett of Alexandria is time this season. the P. S..A diet for children on among Following Among the late arrivals at the and she took proceedings in the high court It is authoritatively stated that Emperor regular covers the stones when not in use. Tha the late arrivals at Cape Henry. exercises was a lecture by Rev.convocationO. P. are the Misses Mrs. H. C. Williams of Baltimore.Buckinghamto regain possession of her daughter. William and the Empress of Germany will condensed milk la Inadvisable. hinged top folds over to either side for Chandler of Washington has Gifltord of Buffalo, N. Y. A general Registered at the Oxford from a decision could be reached Mr. convenient shelves for arrived at the beach for the summer Is KnlpeBeforevisit King Edward and Queen Alexandra at service, forming tha and concluded the program of "openingconcert are Mr. and Mrs. James BlackWashingtonand T. sailed for Melbourne with the child. in November use of the workman when registered at the Hancock. day " Windsor next. The King of oncratlng tii* D. Hogan. Mrs. Knipe followed and it was then Slam has gone to Ostend.,M m a » n»

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