Patrick Smyth, Executive Director of Media Relations ([email protected] / 303-264-5536) Rebecca Villanueva, Media Services Manager ([email protected] / 303-264-5598) Erich Schubert, Media Relations Coordinator ([email protected] / 303-264-5503)



On his confidence after a good game last week “We were able to do some good things and in the passing game had some big plays, and I think we had a lot of confidence going in. We just needed to get a little momentum and get things going. [WR Demaryius Thomas] DT really stepped up, and [TE Daniel] Fells really had a huge game, [WR] Eddie [Royal] had a huge game. A lot of guys really stepped up. Unfortunately [WR ] Deck got hurt, but a lot of guys really stepped up. They made me look a lot better than I really am, so it was good.”

On a balanced “Anytime you can really have great balance, I definitely think it makes it harder to defend. It keeps defenses off balance and keeps them guessing a little bit. That’s definitely our goal.”

On the carry-over effect after having a great game “Every week is a new week. You can’t focus on the past whether it was good, whether it was bad. I think each week you learn from it, but each week is a new week. It’s a new game, new stadium. We can’t be thinking about last week when we’re in Foxboro. We have to be focused on the Patriots and what they’re doing.”

On his life since Sunday “To be honest, I haven’t really done too much. I’ve either been at my house or been here, and that’s pretty much how it’s been for me most of the season. But I enjoy both those places.”

On Patriots Josh McDaniels “He’s a very good coach, and I wish him nothing but the best. I’m very thankful for him having the confidence in drafting me, but I’m very excited about the coaches we have here – [Offensive Coordinator] Coach [Mike] McCoy, [] Coach [Adam] Gase, [Head] Coach [John] Fox – and those coaches have done a great job. I’ve very thankful for playing for those coaches. I’m looking forward to playing a great team in New England. It will be a very exciting game.”

On what he improved on Sunday “Hopefully I’m improving every week. That’s my goal. Every week I think you do some things better, some things maybe not as good, and I think we were able to hit our shots when we took them on Sunday. I felt like I was able to manage the game pretty well for the most part. When it wasn’t there, maybe get a few first downs scrambling, but I know there is definitely a lot of room for improvement. We got right back in here and started watching it, and we know we have to get better every week if we want to get another win.”

On pulling the trigger “I feel comfortable with whatever they want me to do. Whatever they ask me to do, I’m going to do it with all my heart and try to do it to the best of my ability.”

©2012 Football Club. All rights reserved. The individual quotes cited in this document may be used for the purpose of news reporting and other fair uses as defined by Section 107 of the Copyright Act. Duplication or posting of this quote sheet, in its entirety, or any other use of this material which is not a fair use as defined by Section 107 of the Copyright Act is strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of the Denver Broncos Football Club. On playing more aggressively “Yes. I think I did play pretty aggressive in the game. We were playing a very good team, a very good defense. I think you have to be willing to take some chances to make some big plays against them because they have so many big playmakers, so many good guys that are rushing to get to the . Our offensive line did a great job, and our receivers stepped up and made huge plays.”

On the Patriots defense “(New England ) is a great head coach. They have a great scheme, a lot of great players. They do a lot of different things. I think we have to be prepared. We will have a great game plan, but we have to be prepared for a lot of different looks and also do a great job on the sideline of adjusting to what they’re doing and making our corrections on certain things and having great communication on the side line as well. They do a great job. He’s confused a lot of great quarterbacks and stopped a lot of good offenses, so we’ll have to be prepared for a very good scheme and a very good defense.”

On playing against Josh McDaniels “It will be fun. It will be exciting, not just because of that, but because we’re playing the . We get a chance to play and Bill Belichick in Foxboro. It’s another round in the playoffs, and that’s exciting. Congratulations to him for getting that position, but, honestly, we’re not thinking about it. We’re focused on playing a very good New England Patriots team. The rest is the rest.”

On the last meeting “You definitely can find some positive things in that. We drove the ball really well for most of the game. We had three turnovers where we dropped the ball on the ground, and we felt like we gave them – I don’t know how many points they got off of that – 13, 17 points, whatever they got off it. That gave them the upper hand, but I think if we can limit turnovers, play a very sound game and execute, I think we’ll have a chance.”

On the offense without WR Eric Decker “Eric is a great player. He’s been huge for us all year, but we have a lot of guys that really stepped up in the game and a lot of guys that played well today in practice. I’m proud of them and *WR+ Matt Willis, *WR+ , DT *WR Demaryius Thomas] and those guys will step up. They’ll do their job. I’m really proud of them.”

On the attention surrounding him “I’m not sure. I haven’t really paid attention to too much outside this building or games. I just pretty much try to be focused. That’s pretty much it.”

On where this season’s story is “I guess the next chapter. None of us exactly know, but it’s a fun journey. It’s exciting every week trying to learn and get better, and not just looking forward to the destination but enjoying the journey and have fun every day. That’s what I’m trying to do and really just live out my dream as well as get better and try to get better at the game that I’m playing.”

On proving critics wrong “It was a big win for us. It was very exciting because we were able to beat a very good team, at home, in front of our fans. That memory will definitely be very special to me and to many of my teammates and coaches. That definitely means a lot. It’s one game. It’s a playoff game, so it’s big. But I’m not going to look too much into it. It’s just one game. We have another big one this week.”

On the Patriots defensive scheme “They do a lot of different things. You have to be prepared for that, and they do them well. They’re very smart, instinctive players that are coached up very well. I think, for us, it’s just executing, holding onto the ball, not turning it over and being sound in what we do and finding a way to get some big plays. If we do that, hopefully we can control the ball and keep it out of Brady’s hands.”

©2012 Denver Broncos Football Club. All rights reserved. The individual quotes cited in this document may be used for the purpose of news reporting and other fair uses as defined by Section 107 of the Copyright Act. Duplication or posting of this quote sheet, in its entirety, or any other use of this material which is not a fair use as defined by Section 107 of the Copyright Act is strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of the Denver Broncos Football Club. On if being the underdog is motivating “I don’t know if we’ll look into that, but maybe for some people it is (motivation). Just playing the Patriots is enough motivation for us and going to Foxboro and playing Tom Brady, playing Bill Belichick. That’s enough motivation. Let alone, it’s a huge playoff game, so all those things added up, I’m sure there will be a lot of motivation. The one thing that I’ll be most proud of is our team will definitely go out there and play hard, play with a lot of passion, and emotion, and enthusiasm, which is all you can ask for.”

On the title of the season if it were a book “I’m not sure. I guess you have to wait and see what happens.”

On long pass play calls against Pittsburgh “I’m not sure. It was maybe a few of each. A few of them early were maybe scramble drills, but a few of them later were really great calls by Coach McCoy where he either had a double move or had something going on where the play-action fake and we were able to get behind them. Some great calls by Coach McCoy.”

On being an effective deep passer “Hopefully my first look is where my QB Coach tells me to look or else I’ll get in trouble, so I try to look where he’s coaching me. I just try to do what I’m coached to do, and if a play breaks down, keep my eyes downfield as I’m scrambling. I try to look to make a big play, and those are even things we try to work on in practice in between drills. We will work on different things like that, so it’s definitely trying to keep my eyes downfield and try to make a big play.”

On his dream “No. It’s definitely not or Bust. That’s what I’m talking about enjoying the journey. You have to just have fun every day. That was a lot of fun on Sunday, but you have to enjoy the blessing that we have and not just look forward to the destination. I’m having fun every day, and whatever happens, I’ll definitely count this season as a blessing and I’m thankful for the opportunity.”

On what needs to happen to have success Saturday “Scoring in the red zone is big. When we have a good drive going, we need to score seven. One time, last time we played them, we weren’t able to do that, and if we could have put that one in, I think we would have gone up maybe 21-7 or something in that game. Two touchdowns is a lot more than just 10. I think that will be big and converting on third down will be big as well.”

©2012 Denver Broncos Football Club. All rights reserved. The individual quotes cited in this document may be used for the purpose of news reporting and other fair uses as defined by Section 107 of the Copyright Act. Duplication or posting of this quote sheet, in its entirety, or any other use of this material which is not a fair use as defined by Section 107 of the Copyright Act is strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of the Denver Broncos Football Club.