The Black Women's Studies Booklist: Emergent Themes in Critical Race and Gender Research
The Black Women’s Studies Booklist Emergent Themes in Critical Race and Gender Research A Thousand Points of Praxis and Transformation Stephanie Y. Evans | © 2019* Sesa Wo Suban ALPHABETICAL LIST The Black Women’s Studies Booklist is a web resource that contributes to the growth, development, and institutionalization of Black women’s studies (BWST). By collecting over 1,400 book publications and organizing them thematically, this comprehensive bibliography clarifies past, present, and forthcoming areas of research in a dynamic field. The BWST Booklist is useful as a guide for research citation, course instruction, and advising for undergraduate/graduate projects, theses, dissertations, and exams. For a full introduction and detailed description of the project, view the “THEMATIC LIST” located on the BWST Booklist website Updated February 16, 2019 Against the Closet: Identity, Political Longing, and Black Fguration by Aliyyah Abdur- Rahman | Aug 21, 2012 Female Subjects in Black and White: Race, Psychoanalysis, Feminism May 28, 1997 by Elizabeth Abel Female Highlife Performers in Ghana: Expression, Resistance, and Advocacy Jul 27, 2018 by Nana Abena Amoah-Ramey and A.B. Assensoh *APA Citation: Evans, S. Y. (February 16, 2019). The Black Women's Studies Booklist: Emergent Themes in Critical Race and Gender Research. Retrieved from BWST Booklist, S. Y. Evans ©2019 | page 1 Send Us a Lady Physician: Women Doctors in America, 1835-1920 Jan 17, 1986 by Ruth J. Abram The Legacy of Efua Sutherland: Pan-African Cultural Activism January 30, 2008 by Anne V. Adams Love of Freedom: Black Women in Colonial and Revolutionary New England Feb 1, 2010 by Catherine Adams and Elizabeth H.
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