Lndex to PLACES
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lNDEX TO PLACES .A bbeydale, Sheffield, xlii & 837 Greenhill, Sheffield, 877 Norton Lees, Sheffield, lxxxvi .Aldwar!re, Rotherham, 8.t7 Grenoside, Sheffield, 865 Norton Woodseats, Sheffield, l:xxxvi Apperknowle, Sheffield, 853 Greystones, t-iheffield, xlii Oaks Fold, Sheffield, lxxxvii Ashcroft, Rotherham, 905 Grimesthorpo (New), Sheffield, xlii Old Denaby, Rotherham, 848 Ashes, Rotherham, 905 Grimesthorpe, Sheiheld, xlii Old Haywoods (Deepcar), Sheffield, 848 Attercliffe, Sheffield, xlii Guilthwaite, Rotherbam, 907 Onesacre, Sheffield, 838 & 879 Backmoor, Sheffield, lxxxvi & 877 Hackenthorpe, Rotherham, 866! Orgreave, Rotberham, 879 Banner Cross, Sheflield, xlii Halfway Houses(Mosbro'),Rotherhm.876 Oughtibridge, Sheffield, 879 Barber Nook, Sheffield, xlii Hallamgate, Sheftield, xlii Owlerton, Shetlield, xlii & lxxxvi Barley Hole, Rotberham, 905 Hallam(Upper andNether),Sheffield, xlii Parkgate, Rotherbarn, 88o Barracks, Sheffield, xlii Hallam Moors, Sheff1eld, xlii Philadelphia, Shetlield, xlii Barrowfield, Rotherham, 90.:;' Handsworth, Sheffield, 867 Piccadilly, Rotherham, 889 Basingthorpe, Rotherham, 864 Harley, Rotherham, 905 Pitsmoor, Shetlield, xlii Beauchief, Sheffield, 837 Haugh (Nether), Rotherham, 854 Portmahon, Sheffield, xlii Beighton, Rotherham, 837 Haugh (Upper), Rotherham, 884 Potter Hill, Sheffield, 840 Bell Hagg, Sheffield, xlii Haywoods, Sheffield, 848 Ranmoor, Sheffield, xbi Bent's Green, Shef!ielcl, xlii Heeley(Low.Middle& Up.),Sheffield, xlii Hawmarsh, Rotherbam, 884 • Birley, Rotherham, 866 Hemsworth, Sheffield, 877 Redmires, Sheffield, xlii Birley Carr, Sheffield, 899 & goo Herringthorpe, Rotherham, 907 Renishaw, Chesterfield, 885 Rirley Edge, Shelfield, 899 High Bradfield, Shcflield, 839 Richmond, Sheffield, 867 Birley Vale, Rotherham, 866 High Green, Shetlield, 840 Ridgeway, Chesterfield, 8g8 Black burn, Rotherham, lxxx,,ij & 870 High Lane, Chesterfield, 898 Ringmglowe, Sheffield, xlii Bole Hill, Chesterfield, 899 Hillfoot, Sheffield, xlii Hivelin Ulen, Shetlield, 887 Bole Hill, Sheffield, 877 Hillsbro', Sheffield, lxxxvi Rotherham, 74I Bradfield, Sheffield, 838 Hirst, Sheffield, 899 Rotberwood, 879 Bradway, Sheffield, 877 Holbrook, Rotherham, 876 Sandygate, Sheffield, xlii Brackenmoor, f:heffield, 888 IIoldworth, Shetfield, 870 Scholes, Rotherham, 870 Bramley, Chesterfield, 899 Hollins End, Shetiield, 863 Shire Green, Sheffield, lxxxvii & 886 Bridgchouses, Shetlield, xlii Hollow Meadows, t-iheliield, 838 & 887 Silver Ilill, t-ibertield, xhi Brightholmlee, Sheffield, 838 Holmes, Rntberham, 7·P & 870 Sload Lane, CbesterJield, 899 Brightside, Sheffield, xlii & lxxxvii Holmestield, Shetlield, 853 Smalltield, Sheffield, 838 Brightside Bierlow, Sheffield, xlii Hood Hill, Rotherham, 905 Sotball ( Beighton), Rotherham, 837 Brinsworth, Rotherham, 839 Houseley, Sheffield, 841 Southey, Shetlield, 900 Broadoak Green, Shefl1eld, xlii IIunshelf, Sheffield,. 888 Spink Hill, Shetiield, 885 Burn Cross, Sheffield, 840 Ickles, Hotherham, 839 Spital Houses, Rotherham, 905 Burrowlre, Sheffield, lxxxvi & 899 Intake, Sheffield, 863 Springhill, Shetlield, xlii Button Hill, Sheffield, xlii Jordan Dam, Rotherham, 870 Springvale, Shetlield, xlii Canklow, Rotherham, 907 Kilnhurst, Rotherham, 869 Stanage Pole, Sheffield, xlii Carbrook, Sheffield, xlii Kimbcrworlh. Rotherham, 870 ~tannington, Shetlield, 887 Carsick Hill, Sheffield, xlii Knowle Top, Sheffield, 887 Steel Bank, ::Shetlield, xlii Carter Hall, Chesterfield, 899 Lambsacks, HoLherham, 876 Stephen Hill, Shetlield, xlii Carter Know le, Sheffield, xlii Lightwood Lane, ChP~terfield, 899 Stocksbridge, Sl1effield, 888 Catcliffe, Rotherham, 840 . Little Common, Shellield, xlii Storrs, Sheffield, 838 & 887 Chapeltown, Sheffield, 840 Little Matlo~k, Sheftield, 870 Stubbin, B.otherham, 884 Charlton Brook, Sheffield, 84r Lodge Moor, Sheffield, xlii Stumperlowe, Sheffield, xlii Cliffe Rocher (Loxley), Sheffield, 870 Lord's Seat, Shetfield, xlii Swinton, Rotherham, 889 Cl if ton ( Conisbro'), Hotherham, 844 Lound, Sheffield, 84 r Thompson Hill, t-iheffielri, 840 Coal Aston, Sheffield, 853 Low Bradtield, Sheffield, 839 Thorpe Common, l{otherham, 870 Conisbrough, Rotherham, 844 Loxley, Sheffield, 87o Thorpe Hesley, Rotherbam, 893 Crabtree, Sheffield, xlii Magatbay, Sheffield, 877 'rhrybergh, Hotherham, 893 Crookes, Sheffield, J:lii Malin BriJge, Shetlield, xlii & 899 Tinsiey, Silethela, 894 Crosspool, Sheffield, xlii Marsh Lane, Chesterfield, 898 Totley, Shetlield, 8g6 Dalton, Rotherham, 847 Masbro', Rotherham, 741 Treeton, Hotherham, 8g8 Dalton Brook, Rotherham, 847 Matlock (Little), Shetlield, 870 Troway, Chesterfield, 898 DaltonMagna and Parva,Rotherham,847 Maugherhay, Sheffield, 877 Ughill, Sheffield, 838 Darnall, Sheffield, xlii Meadow Hall, B.otherham, lxxxvii Unstone, Shetlield, 853 Deepcar, Sheffield, 847 :.\feersbrook, Sheflield, lxxxvi Upper Haliam, Sheftield, xlii Denaby, Rotherham, 848 Meersbrook Bank, Shetlield, lxxxvi Upper Haugh, Rotherham, 884 Denaby Main, Rotherham, 848 Mexboro', Rotherham, 87I Upperthorpe, Shettield, xlii Dobbin Hill, Sheffield, xlii Middlewood, Shefl1eld, Bg:J 'Nadsley, Shetiield, lxxxvi & 899 Dore, Sheffield, 850 Midhope, Sheffield, 838 Wadsley Bridge, Sheffield, 900 Dovehouses, Sheffield, xlii Mill houses, Sheftield, xlii Walkley, Sheffield, xlii Dronfield, Sheffield, 853 Moorgate, Rotherham, 907 Warren, t::lheffield, 840 Dronfield Woodhouse, Sheffield, 853 Moorwood, Sheffield, 838 & 887 Wentworth, Rotherham, 905 Dropping Well, Rotherham, 870 Mortben, Rotherham, 907 Wentworth Woodhouse, Rotherham, go6 Dungworth, Shetlield, 838 & 887 Mortomley Lane End, Sheflield, 840 Wharncliffe Side, Sheffield, 838 & 879 Ecclesall Bierlow, Sheffield, xlii Mosborough Moor, Rotherham, 876 Whirlow, Shertield, xlii Ecclesall, Sheffield, xlii Mosbrougb, Hotherbam, 876 Whiston, Rotherham, 907 Ecclesfield, Sheffield, 858 Neepsend, Sheffield, xlii White Lane, Chesterfield, 899 Eckington, Rotherham, 86o Nether Green, Sheffield, xlii Whiteley Wood, Sheffield, xlii Flanderwell, Rotherham, 847 Nether Hallam, Sheffield, xlii Wickersley, Rotherham, go8 Ford, Chesterfield, 899 Nether Haugh, Hotherham, 864 Wigtwizzle, Sheffield, 838 Fulwood, Sheffield, xlii Nether Shire Green, Sheffield, 886 Wincobank(Low.&Up.),~heffield,lxxxvii Fulwood Head, Sheffield, xlii New Conisbrough, Rotherham, 849 Wisewood, Sheffield, 899 Geer Lane, Chesterfield, 8gg New Grimesthorpe, Shefll.eld, xlii Woodhouse, Sbetlield, go8 . Ginhouse, Rotherham, 864 New Ha.ywoods, Shetlield, 848 & 888 Woodhouse Mill, Sheffield, 908 Gleadless, Sheffield, 863 New York(Brinsworth),Rotherham, 839 Woodlaithes, Rotherham, 847 Gleadless Town End, Chesterfield, Sgg Normanton Springs, Sheffield, go8 Woodscats (Nortun), Sheffield, lxxxvi Greasbrough, Rotherha.m, 864 Norton, Sheffield, 877 Worrall, Sheffield, 911 Greenhead1 Sheffield, 840 .