Pretoria Gem and Mineral Club Affiliated to the Federation of Southern African Gem and Mineralogical Societies June 2011 Pretoria Rockhound Digest Pretoria Gem and Mineral Club Clubhouse: P.O. Box 36 888 No. 29, 26th Street, Menlo Park, Pretoria Menlo Park 0102 Tel. 012 – 460 1494 (only Sat. 11:00 – 15:00) South Africa website: Chairman: Lex Krabbendam, 083 449 6812 Treasurer: Dave de Villiers
[email protected] Secretary: Di de Villiers 082 562 8983 Vice-Chairman: Dieter Heinichen 012-991 5839 Editor : Heidi Naudé, 072 923 2180
[email protected] [email protected] Programme Highlights for June 2011 *** Monthly Mineral Meeting – “Calcite” followed by Swop and Sell and Social 4 June *** Fourways Gem & Mineral Show still ongoing until 5 June *** Lapidary Course (Sunday) 12 June *** Silversmithing Course 18 June *** Faceting Course 25 June *** Club Outing: Vivo 29 June – 3 July A very warm welcome to the new members who joined recently: Dieter Brunner and Lana Cruger May your association with the Club be enjoyable, long and productive. New member/s are invited for free boere-wors rolls on 4 June 2011 (afternoon) to socialize and get to know the “old-hands”, i.e. existing members. All other members are very welcome to join this occasion on a bring-and-braai basis. Let’s welcome the newcomers and show them what we do at our club. Page 2 PGMC Programme for June 2011: (as 28.05.2011) Date Event Time Contact Details 2 June Silversmithing Workshop open 18:30 – 21:00 Bernard Strydom, 078 187 3267 4 June Monthly Mineral Meeting