Continues to Support King's Decision Overseas Services May
FIAT LUX Volume 64, No. 2 ALFRED, NEW YORK, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1976 Phone 871-2192 Rose Concurs With CLSD A.U. Receives $195,000 Gift Charges - Continues To From Alumnus Support King's Decision For Scholarships University News Bureau In interviews with the Fiat CLSD is an ad hoc commit- ; Alfred University an- Lux, Alfred University Presi- tee, formed by students who nounced on Sept. 14 receipt of dent Dr. M. Richard Rose oppose the current student a $195,000 gift from William has indicated concurrance government elections on the T. Tredennick of Bryn Mawr, at least some of the grounds that last spring's Pa., a ceramic engineering charges of the Committee for election violated student^ graduate and longtime trus- a Legitimate Student Demo- rights, as well as principles tee of the western New York cracy.( CLSD)-. Nevertheless, of democratic government. institution. Rose supports Dean for The group's spokesman, A University spokesman Student Affairs Donald H. Robert Rothfeld, has in- said Tredennick, president of King's decision to continue formed the Fiat Lux that Resco Products, Inc., of the student government elec- CLSD "in a limited cam- Norristown, Pa., had stipula- tions as planned. paign" gathered "about 440 ted that $150,000 of the gift be Dr. Rose said he felt that signatures" on a petition used to endow undergraduate there were "irregularities" calling for the halt of scholarships in memory of in last spring's student gov- currently planned elections, his parents, Elizabeth C. and ernment referendum, al- formation of a new election Charles T.
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