Continues to Support King's Decision Overseas Services May
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FIAT LUX Volume 64, No. 2 ALFRED, NEW YORK, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1976 Phone 871-2192 Rose Concurs With CLSD A.U. Receives $195,000 Gift Charges - Continues To From Alumnus Support King's Decision For Scholarships University News Bureau In interviews with the Fiat CLSD is an ad hoc commit- ; Alfred University an- Lux, Alfred University Presi- tee, formed by students who nounced on Sept. 14 receipt of dent Dr. M. Richard Rose oppose the current student a $195,000 gift from William has indicated concurrance government elections on the T. Tredennick of Bryn Mawr, at least some of the grounds that last spring's Pa., a ceramic engineering charges of the Committee for election violated student^ graduate and longtime trus- a Legitimate Student Demo- rights, as well as principles tee of the western New York cracy.( CLSD)-. Nevertheless, of democratic government. institution. Rose supports Dean for The group's spokesman, A University spokesman Student Affairs Donald H. Robert Rothfeld, has in- said Tredennick, president of King's decision to continue formed the Fiat Lux that Resco Products, Inc., of the student government elec- CLSD "in a limited cam- Norristown, Pa., had stipula- tions as planned. paign" gathered "about 440 ted that $150,000 of the gift be Dr. Rose said he felt that signatures" on a petition used to endow undergraduate there were "irregularities" calling for the halt of scholarships in memory of in last spring's student gov- currently planned elections, his parents, Elizabeth C. and ernment referendum, al- formation of a new election Charles T. Tredennick. though he did not go into committee elected by stu-d The remaining $45,000 will WALF Resumes broadcasting detail. But he did state that it dents, and a new referendum be allocated toward campus Transmitter moved to'Steinheim was apparent that the forma- election. Rothfeld claims construction and acquisition tion of the election commit- that "at least 85 per cent of See story on Page 4 projects. students who read the peti-, tee, organized by Dean King, Commenting on the gift, Dr. tion signed it." did violate students' rights M. Richard Rose, the Univer- The "Statement on Student according to the University's sity president, said it would Rights and Responsibilities" AAUP Investigates Tech. "Statement on Student provide "the vehicle to is the official University Rights and Responsibilities." enable- hundreds of young statement on that subject. Dr. Rose felt that the Two men and women to profit The most recent (third) And Other SUNY Campuses Branch system of govern- from a quality education that ment, the type that is being revision, was initiated by the . The American Association of recognized standing from in turn will enable them to put into use, also conflicts Student Affairs Office on of University Professors has -the academic profession who lead more productive and with the "Student Rights" February 2, 1976, reviewed notified the Chancellor of the have had no previous rela- satisfying lives." statement. and approved by the Univer- sity Council on March 11, State University of New York tionship with the SUNY "I can think of no invest- But Rose is concerned that 1976, and authorized by the (SUNY) and several of the •"situation and who have made ment that will pay dividends unless the. elections go University President on SUNY presidents that the no previous judgment of it. of this lasting nature and will through as planned, there April 12, 1976. General Secretary has auth- The committee will be have such an~~"*impac-t on will be no "body for change" The sections of the state- orized a full investigation by_ chaired by a leading national society." available to students. He ment in question require the an ad hoc committee of the authority on academic free- Individual scholarship indicated concern over the "designation of student.... term ¡nation of numerous fac- dom and tenure, Dr.Bertram awards under terms of the seeming vacuum in student committees...should be by ulty appointments at SUNY H. Davis, Professor of Eng- gift will be approximately government. student vote..." Also, "While" institutions. The committee lish at Florida State Univer- $1,000, renewable annually. "We are being a little membership of a student will investigate the specific sity and former AAUP Gen- Tredennick is a 1929 gradu- expedient" he conceded, in government may be defined terminations and the present eral Secretary. ate of the New York State referring to the student in terms of 'undergraduate', condition of academic free- The decision to investigate College of Ceram ics at Alfred rights question. "But once 'graduate', 'full-time,' or dom and tenure in SUNY. conditions of academic free- University with a bachelor of the students have a body for 'part-time', it should not be The Director of AAUP's donr and tenure at the State science degree | in ceramic change, they can bring about defined in terms of member- Northeastern Regional Of- continued on page 3 engineering. An Alfred Uni- the necessary reform them- ship in clubs or organiza- fice, Martin-Lapidus, writing versity trustee for the past 17 selves." tions." The com mittee which to the Chancellor of SUNY, years,' he was cited by the In describing the CLSD, proposed new forms of gov- Dr. ErnestL. Boyer, advised Petition Late -institution last May for his Rose said that he was ernment and supervised last" that "the General Secretary contributions to the field of "pleased" and "en- spring's referendum was not has reviewed the information Alfred Continues high-tem perature ceram ic couraged" that there were elected. The Two . Branch •at our disposal concerning Alcohol Sales materials and was awarded students who "care enough system ^of governm ent pro- the termination of faculty the honorary degree of doc- and have the initiative" to vides for senators to be appointments a-t several by Randy Spivack tor of science. challenge the election if they elected from fraternities and campuses within 4he State A petition initiated by have questions about it. sororities. Un'iyersity. Particular re- Sheryl B. Volk of Waterwells Fundraising Goal view was given to unresolved Road, designed to reduce the cases, at the .Un'iyersity status of alcohol and wine Set at $2 Million centers at Albany and Bing^ consumption in the Town of Overseas Services May hamton, the State University Alfred was not received by Library Addition Colleges at' Brockport and the September 15 deadline. Oneonta, and the Agricultur- According to Mayor Gary S. Mislead Students al and Technical College at Horowitz, there is no chance Planned Alfred. After conferring with that the-late petition or any A number of organizations answered the ad. and sent Alfred University has begun members of the Association similar one can be con- with very questionable finan- them $445 for 'fees and a major fund-raising cam- staff, he has concluded that sidered before the General cial stability and ethical transportation on their pro- paign to finance a new en- the cases present significant Elections to be held in the standards regularly prey mise to get her a job in an dowment, energy-savings issues relating to key prin- town on November 2. Austrian resort. They have projects, a library addition upon gullible American stu- ciples of academic freedom, v not produced the job, and she The petition, initially re- and long-term debt reduc- dents interested in work, tenure and due process as can get no answer to her ported on in the Alfred Sun tion. travel, or study in Europe. they have been developed by request for refund of her sought 400 signatures. If the Robert A. dinger, vice Their claims are always the community, of higher money. On investigation we petition received more than president for University rela- attractive, and they always education and professional learn from the Department 200 signatures (representing tions, said the campaign's require that money be sent in organizations." , advanc'e, often in substantial of State ^hat the organization one. fourth the votes cast in goal was to raise $2-million the last gubernatorial elec- amounts, to pay for transpor- has been closed by the A formal investigation is continued on page 5 tion) , four questions would tation, "services", etc. A Luxembourg Government authorized by AAUP only in have been placed on the recent case in point is because of the many similar instances of fundamental ballot, in the November 2 The "Student Overseas Services" complaints they received. At challenge to the principles of general election. Since the FIAT LUX giving a Luxembourg ad- the same time there are academic freedom and ten- petition was not received, by Staff dress, which placed an ad in many legitimate organiza- ure which have not been the town prior to th& deadline meets Sunday nights a SUNY campus newspaper tions working in this field and resolved through normal there is no chance that it will at 7p.m. in the spring of 1975. We have performing valuable ser- academic channels. The^in-- vices at fair prices and with be considered in this Novem- In the basem ent of the ' recently received a com- vestigating committee will continued on page 5 ber election. Campus Center plaint from a student who be comprised of individuals September 27, 1976 FIAT Ll+X. ALFRED. NEW YORK angered most students and little progress has been made. For tion at the University, I felt proof, see article, page one and letter, page three. responsibility for trying to Candidates Reject Apathy The refusal of the Student Affairs office to recognize Mr. provide a responsive vehicle for student input. President Rose's statements concerning the validity of last Rothfeld's petition (and iis 440 signatures calling for another It should be pointed out that spring's referendum election make it strikingly clear that we referendum vote to decide what form of student government throughout the inception of must have a student body President and Vice President who students really want) and numerous other examples of why another vote should be held means that for thè time being, we.