HOUSE of ASSEMBLY Page 2215 HOUSE of ASSEMBLY Thursday 25 November 2010 the SPEAKER (Hon
Confidential and Subject to Revision Thursday 25 November 2010 HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Page 2215 HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Thursday 25 November 2010 The SPEAKER (Hon. L.R. Breuer) took the chair at 11:01 and read prayers. UNIVERSITY OF ADELAIDE (TRUST PROPERTY) AMENDMENT BILL Ms CHAPMAN (Bragg) (10:32): Obtained leave and introduced a bill for an act to amend the University of Adelaide Act 1971. Read a first time. Ms CHAPMAN (Bragg) (10:33): I move: That this bill be now read a second time. I move the University of Adelaide (Trust Property) Amendment Bill with a heavy heart. However, it is supported by the Liberal opposition and I am pleased to have its support. It is a bill to amend the University of Adelaide Act 1971. Members will be aware that the University of Adelaide was established by an act of this parliament, the first in South Australia and the third in Australia. It has a proud and respected history as an institution in this state. In 2003, the structure and independence of the governance of our universities was debated as a result of introduced bills for our three public universities in South Australia by then minister Lomax-Smith and supported by the opposition. An essential element of that bill was to provide greater autonomy in the handling of the university's own affairs, including its financial affairs and, in particular, the capacity to be able to buy, sell, lease, encumber or deal with its assets, and particularly real property. However, the reform retained in it an obligation to secure cabinet approval for very substantial property it owned, including the North Terrace precinct, Roseworthy and Waite campuses.
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