OPENGL SC EMULATION BASED on WINDOWS PC's Nakhoon Baek Kyungpook National University, Korea [email protected] Hwanyong Lee Hu

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OPENGL SC EMULATION BASED on WINDOWS PC's Nakhoon Baek Kyungpook National University, Korea Oceancru@Gmail.Com Hwanyong Lee Hu OPENGL SC EMULATION BASED ON WINDOWS PC’S Nakhoon Baek Hwanyong Lee Kyungpook National University, Korea Huone Inc., Korea [email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT of OpenGL ES, we have an example of OpenGL ES 1.1 implementation [3.4] over OpenGL ES 2.0, where their ES OpenGL SC, the safety critical profile of the OpenGL 2.0 pipeline was modified to fully support ES 1.1 standard plays the major role for the graphical user emulations. However, OpenGL SC was not yet interfaces, especially in the safety-critical markets including implemented on the MS-Windows systems. avionics, military, medical and automotive applications. We will present our OpenGL SC emulation on the Windows 2. RESULTS PC’s graphics hardware. Previously, there are Linux-based All the features of OpenGL SC are implemented over the OpenGL SC emulation libraries, while it is hard to find any OpenGL in the MS-Windows environment, and some Windows-based emulation. Our emulation system works on software emulation codes are added. Most of the typical Windows PC’s with the graphics hardware optimization and debugging works are performed on this developer’s OpenGL systems. We will demonstrate the MS MS-Windows-based implementation, with a set of OpenGL Windows-based OpenGL SC emulation, and show its chips from different vendors. The OpenGL SC conformance successful behaviors. test suite from Khronos group was used to verify the Index Terms— OpenGL SC, OpenGL, safety-critical. correctness of our implementation, and it passed all of them. 1. INTRODUCTION 3. CONCLUSION OpenGL SC [1] is the safety-critical version of the famous We showed that all the core and extension features of OpenGL graphics library. In the case of safety-critical OpenGL SC have been achieved as an emulation layer over market for avionics, industrial, military, medical and OpenGL features provided by the MS-Windows systems. automotive applications, OpenGL SC plays the major role Our implementation is able to run various OpenGL SC for the graphical interfaces. The need for this 3D graphics applications and conformance tests correctly. Our next step API is rapidly increasing with the growth of the safety- would be implementation of OpenGL SC over lower- critical market. For the medical and automotive applications, powered chips such as multimedia processors or DSP chips. consumer electronics markets start to strongly need this standard. REFERENCES We naturally need a cost-effective way of implementing OpenGL SC especially based on commercial [1] B. Stockwell, OpenGL SC: Safety-Critical Profile off-the-shelf items. We have a few cases of OpenGL SC Specification, version 1.0.1 (difference specification), implementations at this time. Some of them provide fully- Khronos Group, 2009. dedicated OpenGL SC silicon chips or exclusive device [2] S. Hill, M. Robart, and E. Tanguy, “Implementing drivers on existing OpenGL chips. These solutions require OpenGL ES 1.1 over OpenGL ES 2.0,” Digest of the full development costs for silicon chips and/or device Technical Papers, IEEE International Conference on drivers. Though some full software solutions are also Consumer Electronics, pp.1-2, 2008. available, their execution speeds are not satisfying. [3] N. Baek, and H. Lee, “OpenGL ES 1.1 implementation In this paper, we aimed at an OpenGL SC emulator on based on OpenGL,” Multimedia Tools and Applications, MS-Windows OpenGL device drivers. Implementation of a accepted. graphics library over another existing graphics pipeline [4] N. Baek, and H. Lee, “Implementing OpenGL SC over shows advantages such as cost-effectiveness and high OpenGL 1.1+”, Digest of Technical Papers, IEEE portability[2]. We already have several cases of graphics International Conference on Consumer Electronics, library emulations over other graphics libraries. In the case 2011. This research was supported by the MKE (The Ministry of Knowledge Economy), Korea, under the “Strengthening the competitive power of new mobile convergence industries” support program (Grant Number 10037950). 978-1-61284-350-6/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE.
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