Of Thm Nam Impartially Told M * 4 O M Mamer

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Of Thm Nam Impartially Told M * 4 O M Mamer LYNDHURST LIBRANY VALLEY BROOK AVE. LYNDHURST. m j Le a d e All of thm Nam impartially Told m * 4 O m MaMer. * m m It. MM. « •» N « Otta «I H m * UWOHUSgT, K I. I W I. IM» r~ C g VOLVin. No > DEMOCRATIC CLUB WOU Oft THE NEW PUBLIC LIBRARY WILL ME*T AT ODD LEGION CARMVAL |MnsRafcS«fct CORNERSTONE WILL PILLOWS' HALL MON. AND BLOCX DANCE G tesSh w w leN ew STATION WILL BE The Lyndhurst Democratic C te b BE LAID SUNDAY Iwill hold ■ meeting a t the Odd Fal­ STARTS JUNE SHI Brife, Mb*. ABce Vey STARTED IN JULY lows' Hall on Monday «ranine. J»»» 14, when preliminary arrangements will be made for the M l campaign dered to Mrs. Ate» Vey « M W k Park, fomerty Mies Ate* OaMhom The committee in chart* has ar­ of BlmartHM. at II» tea» a Mis* ranged for a social to follow the haai- i Rath W ert *t Bèi Valley Brook ness meeting, when an entertaining program, refreshments and dancing Anna* an Satwdar Tte yoang bride stepped tato tte sea .f matri with the musk being furnished hy the mony Juat a month ago and eeenu Billy Kectelsen Orchestra. to to enjoytog the Uf* The blushing The committee consists of Frank bride reealsad many tooauful gifts Rutika, chairman; Mr*. John Flynn, Mrs. J. Dwyer, Mrs. Jennie Wood­ ward, Mrs. Anna Monday, Andy Dar- co and Harry Grossman. This will be the last meeting dur­ ing the summer. The next meeting to take place in September. Town Boards Confer On Filling in Grounds Of Hie High School PUBLIC INVITED TO New Denti«* Office Members of Local ATTEND LAYING OF Circle Attended the _ , CORNERSTONE SAT In Boffle Buildiwy N J. Officers Banquet f l a l » « S * ' 'itm v m «»/> h*>1 - W » m ti * - Skis nie*■— ^ t'n < M TW )n#*> "T I . -I*»* *1 I; j rtw 4» I«#!*.*. *»«* 1 k* y • * mg <W .*•( Ihr If* ••» »* l<* »' to* «»I H «»• to «k>. tfc* M «4 h< Ufi ito T*»! fell nit IM »to ">•» •*>* «v»H» » e II» j •»»» k>- *•! <*» 4»*** U*»s Im atlMi • ***'•■ aat »ti s— Id g»l 'Hi! JsU ÌSe f i t • • • a ‘ * 0 k * < ft k m r*a* we* tM ow t in Mew >..»% srrv*d b> Ito r.i»ialttosj la rk sir .,( Mrs te a * llurk sml Mr« I ill»* C*»| Mfcl lt*4»to*> fu i is.»*» >Ur< 'ito-jr' »**» k»r* » C aans* Ly^tewifcBjgfcy*N **'•’ **•*’ w Itw kM SM vV 'fiffW I » " * <• «*•>• * • .ÌI./-K , •«*4wt .«vs**» » lhal >» Ito ttor • tU *«* HI Mery's **alld of »I- IW siirv-alastos. '-f .M » <•*:*** ■Mo t .pel <-h*»rh held a meat*« t—< tto {¡f W « t o « b | s i Ito p estsli h all. «Ma» »*>** * * f „ • « 1 .«I **-«-. ' P ~ M mM. Mre H-to* Ma«*. ***** «*•*?*• W *»* “¡ 3 I« kill Ili» |W | Wl Amane *•«•» me«to»s «f to l» « *¡ 2 ** **? *”“T, Ct/hZ - nm u f,* tto r.rt party to to tow ^ w ( tifiate h»T br tto IrtiiM «• Ito »# . t » , Mr* M Tsjv «f Wselwiwl es« u«, IM| M pwsanl «al |M ea I tsiweila# talk ckNtaM* ■■■%••, *"*» ■» aa sat««»« *»*h. «*«• tto SHBiaasi 4 , , , •«<«• <hi »»<•> »»• *rto«al f«r iMsrtors ai tto « to < ( to (.. p i «1 «».4 he told *t -HurtiAgUm ^ At Ito «w toM i mt Ito baile» 1 ; Thè* r*” «to to»«^iì.«* aaiettim . rrln t k mumli Me «vrxsd 'by « to Mrs Rdwasd Ito seta« end Ms* w n <to*»d <hs |f.lM leyu, h Maate 1— Ito «ftoe Ttojp tot* W «. *to“* I uà « an a Altoa»'* >»•*• T H E COMMERCIAL LEADER, JUNE 1, 192« WEI KLY PHOTOPLAY GUIDE .'■1 Prepared by T h r ocltrr Kiln* Committee of Ike lyndhurst Central Parent Teachers Association T he following films will be showji at the new Ritz Theatre r p 1. M onday, T u esd ay ,■ J u n e 4 an d fr— | valuable Limberlost Forest. Through In “Annie Laurie," an historical, ro­ ( his bravery he become* admired by ' R u t h e r f o r d N a t i o n a l B a n k FÍRE TRAVEL mance. of the Scottish Highlands, the Itird Woman, a nature lover, and Lillian Gish plays one of the most her daughter, the Swamp Angel. spectacular roles of her career in the LoVe— quickly develops between dramatic adventure of the Glencoe Freckles and the Angel, but it is Massacre in which the Scottish hero­ | only after passing through several j Bergen County B ank ine, through her love for an enemy j trying situations that they win clansman, iaunched a peace that uni- through to Happiness. Suitable for ified Scotland and Changed history. the family audience, including young As the mistress of Maxwelton Castle folks. she appears as an aristocratic Scot­ Thursday, Friday, June 7 and STORAGE OF VALUABLES tish noblewoman; later, when she ‘‘The Arizona Wildcat,” starring Tom herself lights the beacon to summon Mix, is a thrilling western romance TRAVELERS’ CHEQUES the enemy clan.W er the body uf it and deals with a gang of Eastern. fallen tribesman, she enacts the role, crooks who nre selling fake bonds' in j of the Joan of Arc of Scotland. Nor­ the West- An 'Eastern society girl, man Kerry plays the principal mule played by Dorothy Sebastian, is the Your Travels will give y6u greater pleasure if you are free role as Ian, chieftain iif the .Mac­ reason why Tom suddenly becomes It makes for Donald clan, and Hobart Bosworth i namared. in polo and plays the game the role of the historic ■ “Wolf .of which leads to the final smashing from worry about the valuables you leave behind and if the Glencoe.” The film shows huge re­ scenes which include riding Tony up LOWER plicas of famous Scottish castles, hun flights of stairs to the roof of the funds you carry with you are protected from theft or loss. ilreds of huge bearded Scottish war­ building in which the girl is held riors in kilts and tartans, battling prisoner. Suitable for the family in the rugged Highlands with day audience. "The Silver' Slave,” star­ m i J FUEL more and shield; and also the spec­ ring Irene Rich, recounts th» -clever tacular gathering of .the flan- ut way in which a gay society tnatron ___ Maxwelton. This is an exceptionally prevented her daughter from marry­ T w e n t y - f o u r H o u r Ba n k in g S e r v ic e . COSTS fine picture and is adapted for the ing for m iney as she herself had family audience, including young done. This she carries out success­ DEPOSITORYJi Tlie Thatcher Company has designed all it» folks. “A Gentleman Preferred," fully by vamping the girl’s lover her­ featuring Gaston Gla-s and K.-itJil-. n self The flapper daughter, furious ' lidilrr - VÍV‘"IliäT’W ntfT fT P " ilo lllfiy d H lt'ef lim t" Myers, Is a society romance of .San at the conduct which she does not unfailingly and in proper volume, l>itt they do i t Francisco. The story- deals with the understand, packs un to leave home, at a far loss rout for furl—whether eoa! or oil is efforts of a socially ambitious Moth­ and then comes a climax as intrigu­ used. And you know that is an important cost er to secure a title for her daughter, ing as it is unexpected. Suitable for item in the upkeep of a home! Send today for who is the heiress of the Clark Carter the mature audience. our Hook which illustrate« in color 6 new ways fortune which had been founded, upon Saturday, June 0—In “Coney Is­ of designili" your cellar more attractively. mines and Western cattle. When land” lialph Ince, the director, has ¡ MRS, VALENTINE HOSTESS nue was hostess last Tuesday to the George Michaelfelder, Mrs. M. Con­ Jimmy Fargo, a young frieiid of her brought to the screen a gripping TO AFTERNOON CLUB Rambling Roses. After an afternoon klin, and Mrs. George W estervelt of dead husband, arrives from Nevada, story of the sorrows that beset thej pleasantly spent with sewing, all en­ THE THATCHER COMPANY Page Avenue, Mrs, H. Wells and Mrs. 0 3941 St. Franrift St., Newark, N. J. he makes his- call on horseback, Mil l ticket-sellers ami fun makers of thej Mrs. Chris Valentine of Jauncey joyed the refreshments which were J. Linnemeyer of Post Avenue and New York 21 West 41th St. Chicago 341 No. Clurk St. rides right into the palatial hall of world’s greatest amusement park. J Avenue was hostess on Tuesday af- served by the hostess. th e 1 Carter mansion. The daughter The story centers around the love of j temoon to the members of the Tues- Among the guests were Mrs. Mrs. George Henry of Park Place. is delighted with him, but yields to a young roller coaster lessee for hisiday Afternoon Card Club, which was her mother’s wish that she marry pretty ticket-selle r and his struggles ! the final meeting of the club for the “a gentleman,” and so sends Jimmy to get enough money together to get ! season. THATCHER away. How he suddenly finds riches, out of the clutches of the financial Following the pleasant game of becomes a polished gentleman and baron of the amusement park. The cards, delightful refreshments were W EISBERGER’S p~*“ then turns the tables makes iin en­ Fourth of July, a gala (lay at the, served by the hostess, Mar BOILERS-FURNACES-RANGES •¿oma of our SpKnk.
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