Caerphilly C. B. Multi Agency Forum, For Equality – Against Harassment Minutes

Meeting on 14th February 2007

Present: Ch.Ins. Andy Adams (Chair), John Elliott, John Ware & David Thomas (CCBC - Policy Unit), Kate Strudwick & Catherine Lacey (CCBC-Arts Development), Ron Davies, & ‘Sam’ Nawaz (VALREC), Jaci Rankmore (YOT), Tony Dicken (CPS), Mark Jennings (CCBC-Housing), Jenny Jenkins (CCBC - Social Services), Sarah Rochira (LHB), Alun Jones (CCBC- Community Safety), Alan Royle (Coleg Gwent)

1. Apologies: Mari Rees & Mirco Cordiero (VALREC), Michelle Kent (United Welsh Housing Association), Steve Mason (CCBC-Education), Fred Akinyombo (CPS), Kamyar & Meena Solhjoo (Caerphilly Baha’I Faith), Rachel Rosser (Ystrad Mynach College), Jill Evans (Gwent Healthcare NHS Trust), Howard Rees (CCBC – Community Safety)

2. Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising:

2.1 Progress with the ‘One World’ project. Three junior schools are now participating in this project Derwendeg, Pentwynmawr, and Ysgol Ifor Bach. Derwendeg and Ysgol Ifor Bach, will undertake the project in March and Pentwynmawr will start in May. The Director of Education is very supportive of this project. R.D. said that 35 schools participated in a similar project in RCT, when it was known as the Cwmlai Project. Materials will need to be purchased, on a one off basis, so that the project can then be rolled out across schools in the Caerphilly C B area. A.A. reminded R.D. that it would be a good idea to include the Gwent Police School Liaison Officers with this project, and also reminded R.D. that if any project (including this one) can in some way demonstrate significant police liaison and crime reduction measures, then there is funding available from the Shriveality Trust. D.A.T. said that if there is a requirement for Welsh translation, if the material could be passed to him he could obtain the translations required. R.D. thanked D.A.T. and asked him to liaise with Mari Rees who is dealing with Ysgol Ifor Bach. J.E. asked if there were plans to make a video of the project, and the reply was that this is in hand.

2.2 S.R. said that due to severe staff shortages, mainly due to sickness, she had not been able to communicate with R.D. about the LHB’s Race Equality Scheme but would endeavour to do so, soon. Because there may be a variety of items where VALREC could assist the LHB, there may be a possibility of the LHB engaging VALREC, to provide them with financial payments, for their services.

In reply R.D. welcomed the request from the LHB, and described the fact that all public bodies should develop their respective Race Equality Schemes to meet their local demands for the services provided. This will demonstrate that there is no ‘one size fits all’, approach on this matter, and that generally schemes will be different from one area to another.

2.3 On the subject of the Multi Cultural Calendars, it was felt that the CD-Roms had too limited a use for most organisations, and that the wall hanging calendars were not

1 produced in sufficient quantity. It was suggested that there might possibly be scope to do something else for 2008.

2.4 Because of the difficulties encountered by schools in attending the launch of the 2007 calendar, that an additional event be planned for the future. This will take place on 26th March in Blackwood Miners Institute, at 1.00pm to 2.30pm. This will include the relevant children who supplied the artwork for the calendar, a buffet reflecting ethnic tastes, henna painting, and prizes in the form of books.

2.5 J.W. mentioned that he had received a communication from the Chief Executive regarding a request from the WAG, asking about any planned events, which may be occurring in this county borough, to commemorate the bi-centenary of the abolition of slavery. This was discussed at the last MAF meeting, the main details are as described below.

• UK activities are being organised by a formal advisory group, chaired by John Prescott and in the First Minister is overseeing the plans being co-ordinated by PAD (Public Administration Division)

• The assembly is hosting an event on 25th March 2007 in St David’s Hall, Cardiff (7pm to 8.30pm approx) that will include a number of acts and celebrity guests. This is a free event that is open to the public. If anyone would like to attend or if you would like local groups or individuals to be invited please let Jean or Hannah (e-mail addresses & telephone numbers below) know as soon as possible. We understand that council leaders will be invited within the VIP category.

• There are a number of more local events already planned such as an event in Swansea Maritime Museum and one in Gwynedd. Jean and Hannah are hoping to develop a directory of activities so please keep them informed of local events you become aware of – Jean Harris 029 20823757 [email protected] , Hannah Williams 029 20823785 [email protected]

• Cymel is developing a Key Stage 3 educational pack for schools (CD-ROM and booklet) and the Department for Education is producing materials on the transatlantic slave trade.

After discussion it was agreed that there would be a chance to use the BME Young Achievers Awards event, to commemorate the bi-centenary of the abolition of slavery. The event could take the format of having a West African Music & Dance Group, performing through the period 5.00pm to 6.00pm on the 26th March. There would then be an opportunity for ‘a statement to be made’, just before the official opening of the BME Young Achievers event. There may also be an opportunity to use the music and dance group throughout the rest of the BME event. R.D. to investigate, and develop the format for that evening.

When details are finalised the MAF may wish to communicate the details to the contacts in WAG, described in the bullet points above.

2 3 Information leaflet for clinical staff.

3.1 S.R. presented to the Forum an information leaflet, which provides advice and guidance on the Special Healthcare needs of religious minority communities. It is intended, after consultation, to issue the information to Primary Care Practitioners e.g. G.P’s surgeries, Dentist’s surgeries etc., and to the main Provider Trusts. The LHB intend to call this leaflet ‘CHECK UP!’ It was felt by the LHB that all of the leaflets could serve to assist medical & clinical personnel in, for example, Emergency Planning and the possible expectation of an outbreak of Pandemic Influenza. This would include consideration on the resulting care for the dying and their religious / ethnic needs. S.R. said that in general, it only needs one ‘bad health outcome’ to have ongoing repercussions, into the future. A.A. advised S.R. to let J.E. have an electronic copy of ‘CHECK UP!’ so that it can be e-mailed to all Forum members, for their comments. S.R. did point out that the appendices to the document not yet been completed.

3.2 The LHB intend to extend the information in this document and use it in poster format, and produce a small, leaflet for patients.

3.3 S.R. also asked if she could have a supply of Hate Crime incident reporting forms? After some discussion A.A. asked for this to be an agenda item, at the next meeting, as present forms may be out of date. If agencies of the MAF have their own incident reporting forms, it would be useful if they could either bring some copies with them to the next meeting, or send some copies (electronically or through the post) if they are unable to make the next meeting. It is not the intention of the MAF to apply a standard form to all agency members, but if we look at those forms already in existence and operating, then this would save time and effort.

3.4 A.A. reminded S.R. that the approved standard for printed information is a minimum of 12 point Arial. K.S. pointed out that in order to maintain a good balance, within the document, there needs to be a page on the Christian Religion, and a page on the Jehovah’s Witnesses Faith. If there are any other comments which the Forum members wish to make, please e-mail them to [email protected]

3.5 R.D. offered the services of VALREC to the LHB for the possible training of clinical staff, if required in the future.

4. Presentation on Translation Software.

4.1 D.A.T. presented a verbal report on new software, about to be acquired by the Unit, which greatly assists the translation of documents from English to Welsh. However, the software can also be used to translate into other languages, which is why D.A.T. has brought it to the attention of the Forum.

4.2 The software works by comparing the original translated document with the new document, which for example may have additional inserted text, or text removed. By highlighting the differences, the new translation would take far less time to complete,

3 with a great cost benefit saving, as only the amendments/alterations need to be translated. This system is actually being used in the Welsh Assembly and Caerphilly CBC will be purchasing the same system. Once the system has been installed and operational, D.A.T. is willing to demonstrate its capabilities to MAF members.

5. Progress with the BME Young Achievers Awards Event 2007.

5.1 ‘Sam’ reported that the BME Young Achievers Event will be on the 26th March in Lewis Boys School, Pengam, with a tea, coffee & juice reception starting from 5.00pm, with the main event starting at 6.00pm. As described in paragraph 2.5, it is intended to acknowledge the Bi-centenary of the abolition of slavery into the beginning of the BME Awards Event. The date for nominations has now passed, and most sponsorship obtained. The LHB are keen to sponsor a sporting related award, as this would align itself neatly with healthy living issues. The sponsorship for each of the categories is £150.00. This will consist of £100 for the winner of the particular category and £50.00 for the runner up. In addition there will be an overall winner award, made by the Mayor of Caerphilly CBC, which will be £150.00.

5.2 K.S. said that from the sponsor’s point of view, they would like to see some details on the selection process. ‘Sam’ to speak to K.S. on this subject.

5.3 R.D. will be helping to promote this event to encourage attendance. It will help VALREC greatly if the Forum members could promote the BME Young Achievers event, and for them to ask those interested in attending to apply for invitations to VALREC, directly. The official invitations will be available as soon as technical & event details are firmed up. Appropriate catering liaison and arrangements for this event will be undertaken by J.E.

5.4 R.D. reminded the Forum that the BME Awards event would be a convenient platform for agencies to provide display stands, and distribute literature, in order to promote their particular agency. Please could each agency let J.E. know if they intend to provide such stands, to assist in the planning of the event.

6. Gwent Police Presentation of Hate Crime Incident Statistics.

6.1 A.A. provided statistical information in tabulated format, indicating the reported hate crimes, to date, within the Caerphilly CBC area. Further information was examined on the location of these reported incidents and the form the hate crime took. R.D. thanked A.A. for the detailed information. After some discussion it was felt that a ‘cradle to the grave’ approach to these statistics, would provide a more detailed and representative view of what exactly is happening in Caerphilly county borough, which may result in the formulation of initiatives to reduce or eliminate predictable and highlighted hotspots. This will require a multi agency approach to provide solutions. J.R. asked that if the location and form of hate crime could be depersonalised, then she would like to see age data recorded, which would greatly assist her work. J.R. said that the data on cautions could be an area, which VALREC could usefully follow up.

4 6.2 R.D. said that the MAF is almost there, in that there is now a supply of ‘back & front end’ information. The expression of this information on a ward basis would provide a snap shot of what is going on in those areas, which consequently would provide concentrated effort either on a ward or area basis. There are continuing issues, in particular relating to public and private sector housing, in education including the colleges, social services and health. Under reporting of hate crime incidents, still continues to be a significant problem.

6.3 T.D. agreed that there were a number of good ideas to firm up, and with regard to the ‘cradle to the grave’ approach, the CPS should be able to compliment the data from the police which would highlight prosecution results (or not) to assist with the overall picture, and future areas and issues for the MAF to target.

6.4 T.D. said that it would greatly assist him, if he could view the police data, which would normally be presented to the MAF, one week before the next meeting. This would allow the CPS to prepare some comparative data.

7. Verbal Updates.

7.1 K.S. announced that 2008 is designated as the European Year of Culture, and that Arts Development will be working on some projects to accommodate this theme, as no doubt there will be money available to fund projects. Arts Development are looking at expanding the Digital Story Telling project to take into account those towns twinned with Caerphilly. They are also considering issues around migrant workers.

7.2 A.J. said that Community Safety did obtain some funding for a number of schemes.

7.3 M.J. described a project, which they are working upon, named The Local Housing Market Assessment, which will assess the needs and demands on housing, from people from the BME community, within Caerphilly C B. The project, which will be undertaken by consultants, is expected to take 4 to 6 months. Housing expects to hold stakeholder and consultation events for this assessment project.

7.4 R.D. said that VALREC expects to set up a consultation panel, for migrant workers within Caerphilly C B. This would be similar to the panel already operating in Merthyr. A VALREC assisted conference, to examine migrant worker issues, is to be held in Blaenau Gwent C B. It is hoped that from this, a Migrant Workers Forum will be set up. The replacement for Objective 1 funding is called the Convergence Programme, and this focuses on employment. There are great funding opportunities to be had from this fund and VALREC will be researching those opportunities to compile bids.


International Football Tournament Mirco is working on the International football tournament. Currently he is checking availability of venues such as Lewis Boys School and the YMCA and is in the process of securing the prize for the winner and the VIP guest.

5 Bullying Poster We are negotiating the prizes with the Rugby Union and once that has been finalised we will decide on the deadline.

Chinese Shadow This is a theatre technique based on puppets behind a white screen so all you can see is the shadow. It is an alternative way to story telling, involving music and dance.

This project will take place at the Upper Rhymney Primary School on the 16th March 2007. This school was chosen following a bullying incident at the school.

Migrant workers Forum This will be launched in RCT on 15th Feb 2007 at the council offices. The whole event will be recorded, and Eddy will organise a video recording of the event. A similar event will take place in Blaenau Gwent. Following these 2 events we will explore the possibilities of doing something similar in Caerphilly Borough.

Digital story Telling After securing funding we are in the process of purchasing equipment to develop the digital story telling in the CCBC, to work with migrant workers and BME young people.

The digital storytelling will provide a good tool for training and will attempt to look at young people and migrant workers and will start before the end of March 2007

WAG Consultation. We are undertaking a consultation exercise with BME young people aged 16-25 to listen to their views to find out how best WAG can address their concerns on issues such as education, housing, transport, higher education, sports and environment.

This consultation will take place on the 5th March 2007 at Ystrad Mynach College.

This consultation will consist of 30 BME young people aged between 16-25 consisting of: 10: BME young people 10: BME indigenous people 10: Migrant workers

A similar consultation will take place in RCT on the 26th February 2007.

University Of Glamorgan We are working with the on developing a research project looking at the attitudes of mixed race young people in the Caerphilly County Borough.

Women's proiect We are developing this project by setting up surgeries for BME women within CCBC and therefore will be inviting agencies such as police, CAB, LHB to come and visit these women and explore how they can work with them.

Ynys Hywel

6 We had funding agreed to take 30 BME and non BME young people from different schools and youth centres on an outdoor adventure to Ynys Hywel. 10 places have also been allocated for young people with whom I am currently, or have worked with, at the YOT.

The aim of this project is to encourage cohesion and interfaith understanding. It is also aimed at providing opportunities for young people to engage and interact with other young people from different backgrounds. This project is an overnight stay of 1 night for 2 days 12- 13th March 2007 which will then be followed up with a reunion party on the 16th March 2007at the Twyn hall in Caerphilly.

BME AWARD CEREMONY Revised date: 26th March 2007 Venue: Lewis Boys school Nominations for all categories have been received. 24 Agreed sponsors: YOT, Gwent Police, Arts Development, Community Safety Partnership, LHB, CCBC Corporate Equalities Group.

Estvn Inspection During the feedback session the inspectors commented that Valrec was a good example on how effective work is with young people and how well leaders and managers evaluate and improve their quality standards.


All meetings will be 2.00pm to 4.00pm in Committee Room 4 at Tredomen Council Offices

Wednesday 14th March 2007

Wednesday 11th April 2007

Wednesday 9th May 2007

Wednesday 13th June 2007

Wednesday 11th July 2007

Wednesday 12th September 2007

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