Plummer Cyril, The Red house, Pope Ernest, Ooverdyke, Woodridings, Potter Victor,I29Leighton rd.EalingW road, Northwood Potts L. F. 2I Park hill, W Plummer J.W.Ig Campbell rd.Hanwll Pope F. Io8 Cole Park rd.Twickenhm Potts Oswald, 26 Meadow rd. Pinner- Plummer Miss, 88 Park aven. Bush Pope Frederick Roberts, Mount Potts Thomas, 36 Hamilton .road .. Hill Park, Enfield Pleasant, Kingsbury NW Wealdstone, Harrow Plummer Waiter, 12 Gloucester viis. Pope H. J. 94 Shakespeare rd. Poulton Rev. James Sylvester, 691: Stam~·ell road, .Ashfor.d Pope Jn. 5 !Hillcroft cres. Ealing W road, Child's Hill NW Plumpton John, Cotswold, Glamorgan Pope Monta~ue,i~Iortimer rd.EalngW Poulton Mrs. I3 Broom water~ Broom road, Hampton Wick, Kingston-on­ Pope Mrs. Highclere, Heston,Hounslw road, 'l'hames Pope Thos. I27 Church rd. Teddingtn Poulton Thomas, 4 Hayes crescent... Pluthero E.H.n6Stanley rd.Teddngtn Pope Waiter, St. Hubert's, Flower la. , NW Poate W. H. Wykeham ho. ~!ill Hill ~ W Poupart C. 68 Hampton rd.Twiclmhm Pocock C. W. 3 St. Stephen's road, Pope William James, White Webb6 Poupart D. 21 Pope's gro. Ealing W farm, Waltham Cross Poupart William, Marsh farm, Whit- Pocock E.E. 109 .A.udley rd.HendnNW Popham J.F.67 Uxbridg& rd.Ealing W ton road, Twickenham Pocock E. J. g6 Elers rd. Ealing W Poplett W. -tB Spencer rd. Weald- Pout :Mrs. 35 Coleshill rd.Teddingtonr Pocock L. H. 2 Boston rd. stone, Harrow Powell A. 48 Denbigh rd. Ealing W Pocock Reginald, 51 Radnor rd.Harrw Poppe Fritz, Heddon house, Twicken- Powt'll Alfred, Brentwood, :Brent st_ Pocock Waiter D. Bolingbroke, The ham road, Hendon N W Mall, Ealing W Poppitt Howard, 3.7 Wellington road, Powell Alfred Waiter, Brierlt>y, Ken- Podger Mrs.2Riverdale gdns.Twcknhm Bush Hill park, Enfield ton road, Harrow Pogmore Frederick George, 106 Sun­ Porch Austen, Dane End, Pinner rd. Powell Alfred Wm. 41 Sandringh&Int ningfields road, Hendon .N W ~orthwood road, Golders Green, Hendon NW Pointer William, North view, Laven­ Pordes B. 24 ~xbridge rd. Ealing W Powell .Artbur Ernest, St. Onge.. der hill, Enfield Poret Rev. G., C.M. St. Vincent de Draper's road, Enfield Poiuton Charles Edward, Melrose Paul, Spring Grove, Isleworth Powell A.H.The Firs,Cowley,- villa, Friern pk. N Porro L. 37 Manor Court rd. Hanwell Powell C.A.W.IOIWelldon cres.Harrw Poland Miss, I3 Coleshill rd. Teddngtn Portch Mrs. The Manor house, Dray- Powell E. E. Wistow cottage, GordoDt Polehampton Mrs. 10 Kerrison road, ton Green, Ealing W uvenue, Stanmore Ealing W Porteous Alfr!'d, Oakthorpe, King's Powell Edward, Field End villas,. Poley Mrs. Willowbank, Uxbridge End avenue, , U:xbridge Eastcote, Pinner road, Hampton Hill Portt"ous Charles, 4 North Common Powell Edward J. Fyning, Lowland-s Poliakoff Alexander, Teremok, Park road, Ealing W road. Harrow drive, Golders Grn. Hampstd N W Porteous Dundas William, 5 .A.myand Powell G.H.87Sunny gdns.Hendn.NW Poll Frederick William, Fossetts, Park gardens, Twickenham Powell G. 68 Sunny gdns.Hendon NW

Eastburv• road, Northwood Portt"ous Edwin, 10 St. John's villas, Powell John, 114 Edenbridge road .. Pollard .A.rthur, The Keys, Cecil -av. rd. New Southg-ate N Bush Hill Park, Enfield

Wemblev• PorteousG.Sidbury lo.High rd.Edgwre Powt'll John William, Brow Hill, Bar-· Pollurd George Frederick M.D. 24 Porter Maior- Herbt. _-\lfred D.S.O. rowdene road, Harrow Fxbridge road, Hanwell Dowhill, Mt. Grace rd. Potters Bar Powell ~ii!ls M. 25 Woodville road .. Pollard Misses, 22 Grange rd.EalngW Porter Frederick, Haslewood, Cres- Ealing W Pollard Mrs.4 Manor Court rd.Hanwll cent road, Enfield Powell Mrs. I I 8 Coldershaw road,. Pollexfen Eugene Charles, Hazeldene, Porter Henry Lavender, 20 St. Ealing W Staines road, Sunbury Common Andrew's road, Enfield Powt'll Mrs ..-1-3 Hampton rd.Teddingt111 Pollock Lady, Derryland, Waldron rd. Porter Hy. S. 26 Whitehall rd.Harrow Powell Mrs.4o Lebanon pk.Twicknhm Harrow Porter Mrs.g5 Langham rd.Teddingtn Powell Mrs. 5 Park rd. Hampton Hili Pollock .Alexander, 91 Cole Park rd. Porter Mrs.9 Manor Court rd.Hanwell Powell Mrs. The Rookery, Edgwar& Twickenham · Porter Rt. ThE' Firs, Clay hill, Enfield road, Pollock George Frederick, Woodlawn, Porter V. St.Mary's lo.Kingsbury NW Powel! Mrs. 3 West Heath drive .. , Porter W. MacNish, Fairlawn,Cooper's Goldeu Green, NW Pollock Miss,6 Gloucester rd.Ealng W lane, Potters Bar · Powell Mrs. M. J. 59 Warwick road,. Pollock-Hill Mrs. 28 .Albany road, Portugal H.M. King ~Ianoel, Fnlwell Ealing W • Ealing W pari;, Twickenham Powell R.G. 38 Madeley rd.Ealin~ w· Poison M l'S. 7 Montpelier rd. Twicknhm Portway J.B.91 The Avenue,Ealinl! W Powell Temple, Radnor lodge, Rad-· Pond George Peter, St. George's lo. PortwayJ.B.Elm vil.Norwood, . nor road, Twickenham Somers~t road, Hendon NW Posener P. J. 21 Harrow view,Weald- Powt'll Wm. Hy. 31 Radnor rd.Harrow· Pons Miss, Sheila, Preston, Harrow stone. Harrow Powell William Thomas, Blenheim.. Ponsford J. F. 8 Uplands Pk.rd. Enfld Posselwaite C. 47 Hindes rd. Harrow Marlboro' hill, Wealdstone, Harrow Ponsonby J.C.15 Hamilton rd.EalingW Po11thumns Henri, The Gables, St. Power :i?rancis Percy, 8I Spencer rd. Pontifex Miss,56 Uxbridge rd.EalngW George's rd.St.Margaret's,Twcknhm Weald'ltone, Harrow Pool Misses, 68 Uxbridge rd.Ealing W Postlethwaite Theodore, Henley, Power Mrs. 3 Lansdowne villas, Bar- Poole Rev.A.2I Low.Boston rd.Hanwll Harrow view, Wealdstone, Harrow lington, Poole .A. C. 42 The Mall, Ealing W Pott Edward H. Thornhill, Bridlt' rd. Powis J. C. I Hastings rd. Ealing W Poole Chas.B.136 Argyle rd.Ealing W Pinner . Powle,; W. 43 Mount aven. Ealing W Poole Evan S., B.Sc.Lond., F.I.C. 7 Pott John F. Waverley, Church road, Pownall Arthur E. Woodlands, Tre-· Liverpool road, Ealing W .Ashford tawn park, NW Pvole F. F. Fernbank, Boston road, Pott Mrs. Littlehurst, Royston Park Poyer John P. The Limes, Wellingtow Brentford road, Hatch End road, Hampton Hill Poole Fredk. 64 Oxford st. Ealing W Pottell William Robert, 9 De Burgh Poynor Frederick William, 23 Harrow· Poole Geo. Jn. 6 Denbi_gh rd.EalingW crescent, , view, Wealdstone, Harrow Poole J. Copeland M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Potter Charles, Merivale, Chase PQyntz-Bush Mrs.14Park rd. Teddnghr Lond. I Holmesdale rd. Hampton ridings, Enfield Praci :Marcello, 8g Corringham road .. Wick, Kingston-on-Thames Pottm- Ebt"nezer, 1 Montpelier rise, Golders Gre!>n, Hendon NW Poole Jas. 2I Golden manor, Hanwell Golders Green, Hendon NW Prall GeorgeNicholas,6g Harrow view.- Poole Mrs. Cromwell house, Ford Potter Frank, Elruge, West Drayton, Wealdstone, Harrow Bridge road, A.shford Yiewsley Prall Mrs. 250 Kingston road, Hamp--· Poole Mrs. 45 Ranelag-h rd. Ealing W Potter Ge•.l. L. Eaton,Cecil pk. Pinner · ton Wicl;, Kin~ston-on-ThameR Poole B. H. 286 Bath rd. Hounslow Potter G. W. 3I Glebe aven. Enfield Prange ..1. 37 Hamilton rd. Weald- Poole S. F. r Kenilworth rd.EalingW Potter Herbert George, 25 Big-wood stonP, Harrow Poole Wm. 6 Barrow Point av.Pinner road, Golders Green, Hendon NW Pratt Rev. Wm. Herbert, The Manse,. Ppoler Mrs. Heatherley, Bath road, Potte-r Mrs. Braeside, Finchley road, 18 Locket rd. Wealdstone, Harrow Hounslow Golders Green. HE>ndon NW · · Pratt George Percy A.R.I.B.A. Home- Pooley .Alfd.63 Fordhook av.Ealing W Potter Mrs. 13 :Xorthwick Park road, field, Crawford avenue, Pooley .Arthur, 70 The Ridgeway, Harrow Pratt Gustavus, Red Roofs, Broom" Golders Green, Hendon N W Pctter Percy, 10 Buckingham road, roarl, Teddington Pooley R.. 74 King Edward's grove, Wealdstone, Harrow Pratt Henry, St. Clair, Chester road;. Teddington Potter Samuel Leslie, Sonning, North North"V~-ood Poore Robert Henry, 14 Richmond End rd. GolderR Grn. Hampstd NW Pratt Mis!'l,l2 Uplands Park rd E"nfl.eld" BPidg& mansrons; Twickenham Potter Stanley. Rosemount," Pollard Pratt Misses, Shapcott, €berry Pope C. G., M.A. & road, . Whetstone N orchard. Staines Church hill, Harrow Potter Thomas. 6o Patthlon road, Pratt T. 372 Hanworth rdi. Rouoslhw: Pope E.B. Brent cot.Brent rd.Brentfrd Child'S 'Hill NW