Most Significant Lincoln Cartoon - Februat·Y 1967 Since 1945 the Lincoln Nationa1 Life Foundation Staff 5

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Most Significant Lincoln Cartoon - Februat·Y 1967 Since 1945 the Lincoln Nationa1 Life Foundation Staff 5 Bulltolin of The Un<'oln N•lional Lire f'"ound•lion • • • Or. H. C~r• ld. l't1e~1 urtry. Edilo.­ PubU~bt-d t'IU':h month by The I.Jn(01n N•lio·nAI LiCe l n:tcuran~ll'l Comp•ny. f'orl w.,.,.~. lndi• n• Number 1552 FORT \VA YNE, INDIANA June, 1967 Most Significant Lincoln Cartoon - Februat·y 1967 Since 1945 the Lincoln Nationa1 Life Foundation staff 5. "Head Me Again, 'fhat Part Where £ Say 'A New has featured in Lbtcoln Lo·rc the Most Significant Lincoln Birth or Freedom' " Cartoon published during the week of the Sixteenth The Lincoln statue in the Washington Memorial rC(J\Iests P1·esident's birth. This year the winning cartoon bears the Lincoln Day Ol'ator to a·ead again the Gettysburg the condensed Lincoln quotation: 40Let reverence for th<! Address. laws ... Become the political religion of the nation." l,r·att.-.Saeramento, Calif. Tlw Sact'(tmcuto 8ee The cartoon was dra\\'n by Bob 6. (No Title) Stevens. lt was syndicated through Phantom figure or Lincoln lays the Copley Newspapers and was wreath on gra vc of A meriean submitted by the editor of the soldier killed in Viet Nam. At the Illinois State JoiH'Ita/- Rtgiste,·, top of the cartoon is an ex .. Springfield, Illinois. Votes totaling cerpt of the Gettysburg Address : eleven points we1·e east for this u ••• 'That we het'c highly I'C­ cartoon by the Li11col11 Lore Bibli· solve that these <lend shall not ography Committee consisting or have died in vain ..." eight outstanding scholars of the Kudlaty-Newspaper Enterprise Lincoln and Civil War periods. Assn. Illinois Stat6 J om·t1ill and The winning cartoon recei\'ed the Quiucy H craltt.!VItig three first place votes and one 7. Today's Lesson: To All 'Born second place vote, making a tot.'ll Losers' of eleven points. Ballots marked On " silhouetted figure of a beal"d· first, second and t.hird choice cany ed Lincoln with an axe are listed points of three, two and one, re· the so~caiJed .rrailures" of the speetively. Sixteenth Pt·esidcnt. The cartoon d eela~·ed to be the Dobbins-The Boslon. Trtt otlct second place winner bears no title 8. lmmortaliy but it has as its theme the war The Gettysburg Address in sct·ipt in Viet Nam. It was drawn by is superimposed on a I)OI·trait of Lloyd Ostendorf and appeared in Lincoln. the Jo tu~nal flct·(l/d of Dayton, Cl"aig-Columbus, Ohio, The Co· Ohio. The four votes cast for this lumbu.s Di8palch :at'toon consist~d of two first- place 9. (No T ille) and two third place vot<!s, making Lincoln looks out of large por· a total or eight points. h·ait. to worried and haggling Re­ The copy1·ight. owners of theS<: publican elephants. Below is the 1 two cartoons have granted per~ 8tatement: •[ Know \Vc Elephants mission for their publication in Nevea· Ii'orsret, and \\'e Should l~iucoln Lot·e. Hemember 001· Heroes. But C~ln't The other cartoons accepted in We Forget Nixon fol' '68?" this contest follow: Haynic-Louisville, Ky. The Cow·.. 1. Hawk 1·itrr-Joun~al & Times A well drawn po1·tntit. of Lincoln 10. S till ll:t••e That Bed At White has below it the quotation 111 be· House! lievc in the providence oC - The !)rawing or bedroom in \Vhite most men - The longest purse " IA t ret•enon~ ror the l•w• ••• btt<une the J~li t its l House has bed labeled "\Vartime - The la2·gest cannon" Abraham ~elirion or the nAtion." bt I'LAf'(' Tr·inls." ~<Ba·icks Fl'om Om· Own Lincoln - 1856. .or. U~b Stt\tn~C.:op l c:; Neu::'•," •~~r• Party.. ilnd "Sagging War Sup~ Hubenthai-Los Angeles Heraltl f he llhnou1 Stat~ Journsi-Re.-utc:r. :Suvrmrfield, Ill. port." On a table is a book, pre.. E.l;aminer sumably a Bible, with a book­ 2. Cultura lly Ocprh·cd Area. About FeJ,. 12, 1809 mark labeled "A. Lincoln." Out or smoke from the chimney or the Lincoln birth­ Sandeson- Fort Wayne, Indiana, Thr NC'ws 4 Sculin<'l place cabin there is fot·med the colossnl statue of the Sixteenth Pt·csident us sculptured by Fr·ench in the II. They Culled Him Honest Abe Lincoln Alemoria1. Lincoln with hat and \lmbrella looks down on the l...nnigan- New BedCord, Mass. Stm([(zy SiatulatYl·Tl'm~s United SUttes Capitol labeled "Jnc1·edibility Stigma in Gov't.'' 3. From Poverty to G reatness-lt Can Be Done llo11nnd-Thc Chicllgo Tribune P1·csidcnt Lincoln looks down on birthplace cabin labeled "Hardin Counth, 1809." 12. Ageles~ Wisdom Mutton-The P tilculrlphia hlquirer Portrait of Lincoln has quotation on side H •• , Surely f. " 'e've Come A Long Way! Each Man Has As Stl'ong A Motive Now to Preser\'e Ollr Lincoln and Washington stand in fo1-cground of the Libc•·tics As Each lind Then To Establish Thcm- Mes. United StAtes Capitol. The First P1·esident carries a sage to CongTess. 1861" piece of paper labeled ''I cannot tell a lie" and the Six­ Williams- Dct~·oit F'rec PnM.s teenth President is labe1ed .,Honest A be." 13. Old F:lsh ioncd Abc Lang<>-011/aho>lta City Tim<s Lincoln as a young l'<lilsplilter works before Kentucky ot· 2 LINCOLN LORE Abraham Lincoln: A Light For All Who Desire to Sec IT IS CONVENIENT and conventional to obse•·ve the birthday of Abraham Lincoln by borrowing a topical quotAtion from the treasure of lucid langu;,ge he has passed down to us and to embroide1· it eeremoniaJiy onto the glitter·ing legend that obscu1·es the humanity of man. The man that Lincoln was and the life he Jived are more pertinent to the need of our chaotic world than is the fable in which popular fancy for the spectacular and inessential shrouds him. YOUNG PEOPLE today, alienated from productive pa.rticip<:llion in the Ji!e nbout them by poverty or by too much of our bounty, would do well to be guided by Abraham Lincoln's ha1·d-won achievement of his own identity and destiny. T~e Abraham Lincoln we honor today is neither the farH!Iful stereotype of the melancholy child in the Ken· tucky wilderness, the boy in early Indiana, the young man coming of age in frontier Illinois nor the bronze titan en!-iihrined in lonely grandeur in Washington. WE HAIL A MAN whose life wa• encom1>assed by every human frnilly that comes readily to mind. A man yet whose determined will to know himself enabled him to rise above the illusions of limitation t.o a place of unique tlnd just. honoJ· among the political humanitar­ ians of aiJ time. As a child among people to whom illiteracy was the common condition he did the uncommon thing by first learning to read and subsequently reading to Jearn. Urged by his mother, whose earlier life had shown her the value of education. Abraham Lincoln educated him­ self because he saw the need and worth of it. He did this by dnlwing on the meager resources or his com· munity which were aJI he had or needed. 2nd P late blATUf!ITY came as he perfected himself in the skills of his world, adn\ncing slowly through the hnrd U.t Llotd <hltndorC The Journ•l-lhu.ld, Dll,.ton, Ohio lessons of adversity. As a laborer he labored diligently but he didn't remain n laborer. As n meJ'chant he worked Indiana cabin clearing land. Smoke curls out. of chimney steadily and honestly. He didn't.. prosper as a merchant spelling ''hard work.,, nor did he allow him~lf to remain mired in an un· Shoemaker-Fort \Vnyne, Indiana, The Journai-Ga:.ettt profitable situation. 14. He Bolongs to the Ages As a student of the law he read with purpose and Portralt of Lincoln with no comment. thought deeply all the while. Yoes--Thc San Diego Union In polities he began as a firebrand as young men so 15. 'I think the necessity of being ready increases often do. He ripened into an etTective political persuader l.ook to it' ( 1863) whose subtle understanding of human motivation was rooted in personal insight. Lincoln as a statue in \Vashingt.on1 D.C., Memorial speaks to a visitor labeled "You and Me.'' AMONG MEN he wns a man; rowdy and rambunc· Stevens-The San Diego Union tious when that. was fitting but a man with pe1'sonal 16. (No Title) magnetism that drew others to him for friendship or Lincoln looks down on scene in South Viet Nam where counseL An1ong women he was a man, often confused two American soldiers arc assisting a wounded buddy. and sometimes headlong in his emotions. A quot.ation from the Gettysburg Add1·css follows: In later years he was a man resigned to the un­ u . •• \Ve cannot haJiow this ground. The brave men, att.ainability or a 'romantic ideal. living and dead who struggled here, have consecrated He was calm of mien but plagued by a hidden emo­ it, far above our poor power to add or detract" A. tional turmoil. Yet he did not permit himself the Lincoln. luxury of surrender to his inner distress. He thought Kudlaty-Newspnper Enterprise Association his own way out of a condition which today is the commonest refuge of failures. THE PRES! DENCY of the United Staws was given to him at a time when the unity of the nation was Mosl T imely Lincoln Editor ial threatened.
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