6 Hale's Toyland
« v : hAw Siiirttlno ifi A vn u oa DAltY OmCDLATlON fur the Meiith at Muvamber, 1888 THE WEATHER a weak from tonigtit will btf for tbs CHICKEN P n 8DPPEB, SALE, •U reeam ef 0 . ■. Weattwr BmMW, DANCE TO ART McKAY nntuc SETBACK TONIfflT HENRY ST. PROPERTY ralaing of money for the Christmas fund. There will be a meeting of ENTEBTAINMENT BartforR Red Men’s Social Club this committee tonight ao as to get Thursday, Dee. 18, 4 P, M. 5,783 Msmbur of the A u «t, £ a ND m s ORCHESTRA Bralnard Place S A U IS RECORDED arrangements underway. It Is ex ■ St. Mary’s Church light nrin to iM fello«m« by pected that the party tonight and Supper, 8 P . M. Adults, 60e. Bureau a t OIrenlatloBa geuwa^ fair Wedoesdoy; “riM ij. Dee. Ji. School St Roe First Prize $S£;Secojidf 12.50. next week will be largely attend Ohildrea nader 12, 80c. ooWer begimilng early Wedneeday. Admiaeloii SSe. Admission 25c. ed. Beservattoae close Tuesday. HALE’S TOYLAND Carl Anderson Home Sold to Charles K. Burnham — Other MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1935. f - ABOUT TOWN PUBUC SETBACK TONIGHT Public Records. K. OF C. MEMBERSHIP BASEMENT (TWELVE PAGES) P R IC E ‘T H R E E C E N T T Antacid Powder a ? ® CLINTON HOUSE Hotei Sheridan Ballroom The Henry street property for COMMIHEE TO MEET ,For sour, ad d stomach. Re Center Church Women's OulUl FIRST PRIZE SIO merly owned by Carl Anderson, has lief from Indigestion, belching, 16 MEN KILLED TREASURE MINE President Defends A A A Before Farm Delegates will meet Wednesday atternoon at NEXT FIVE TURKEYS been sold by Charles J.
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