The Spectrum Official Publication

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The Spectrum Official Publication NORTH DAKOTA STATE COLLEGE THE SPECTRUM OFFICIAL PUBLICATION VOLUME XLVII. STATE COLLEGE, NORTH DAKOTA, FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1932 NUMBER 48. HONOR ORGANIZATIONS LEAD JUNIOR PROM TONIGHT Miss Helen Fredrikson Leads Junior RECOGNIZE MEMERS AT Promenade With Melvin Berdahl CONVOCATION MONDAY Earl Grove And Miss Frances Plaggmeir, Vivian McKay and Miss Clare Schrag, Donald Arthur and Miss Glade Cowles Senior Staff, Blue Key Honor Follow; Guests Include Governor. Students At Recognition Day Services Leading the annual Junior Promenade in the physical educa- tion 'building at 9 tonight will be Miss Helen Fredrikson, as the PRESIDENT SHEPPERD guest of Melvin (Jimmie) Berclahl, Prom manager. Miss Fred- GIVES SHORT ADDRESS rikson is a member of Gamma Phi Beta and Guidon sororities. Berdahl is affiliated with Alpha Sigma Tau, and Saddle and Sir- Honorary Organizations Honor looin. Second in line will be Earl Grove, assistant manager, and Freshman And Sophomore member of Kappa Psi, Blue Key, Scabbard and Blade and Rho Chi, and his guest, Miss Frances Plaggmeir, Kappa Kappa Gamma. Students May 2 Following the leaders will be Vivian McKay, class athlete, and Alpha Tau Omega, and his guest, Miss Clare Schrag, and Donald Newly elected members of Senior Arthur, class president, and Theta Chi, and his guest Miss Glade Staff and Blue Key, campus honorary service organizations, will be honored Cowles, Kappa Delta. Miss Lois Chance junior class president at by special services to be held in Festi- the University of North Dakota, and her escort will be fifth fol- val hall at the third annual Recogni- lowed by Fred Felber, Junior Prom manager at the university, tion Day convocation of the two groups and his guest. on Monday, May 2, at 9:40 a. m., it was Al Bengston and His Music from announced today by Virginia Davis, HELEN FREDRIKSON MELVIN BERDAHL Minneapolis, Minn., have arranged Senior Staff president, and Amos Wal- "Y" ELECTS HANSON several feature waltzes and other num- turn, Blue Key head. NEXT VICE PRESIDENT bers which they will present during After a short address by Pres. J. H. the evening. Decorative and lighting The college Y. M. C. A. cabinet at Shepperd, students honored by the two effects will employ a modernistic motif a meeting last Tuesday afternoon chose organizations will be called from the in black, red, blue and silver. Pro- Harry Hanson as its vice president and audience to the stage of Festival hall, grams are in black and white in keep- freshman orientation chairman for the where they will join faculty and active ing with the general theme. Ornamen- coming year, to succeed Donald Mc- 'members of the groups. Following tal and useful favors have been selected Kechnie, this year's chairman. Han- this, Blue Key will award a Master by the committee and may be secured son is a sophomore in the school of Freshman certificate to the first year at the door. Capt. and Mrs. J. B. chemistry. man having the highest average during Conmy, and Mrs. C. K Kellogg, and The cabinet also ratified the appoint- the first two terms of school, and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Huntoon will ments made by Leo Anderson, presi- Senior Staff will present a ten dollar chaperon. dent. The appointments include the gold piece to the freshman girl having Spectators will be admitted at the following committee chairmen: Milton the same qualifications. Senior Staff northeast entrance for a small admis- Lee, membership; Thomas King, social; will also give a scholarship to a sopho- sion fee. Jack Thysell, religion; Jordan Eng- More girl selected as the recipient on Committee members and their es- berg, athletics; and Gerald Garlid, the basis of scholarship, character, ser- corts and guests include the following: publicity. Officers of the cabinet are, vice, loyalty to the institution, and Theodore Loy, music, and 'Miss Grace besides Anderson as president, Harri- promise of success. Hunkins; Edward Comm, entertain- son Maker, treasurer; Paul Deal, re- ment, and Miss Rhoda Clausen; Stan- A platoon and the color-bearers of corder; and Jack Vincent, student the R. 0:-T. -C. corps will assist in the ley Thompson, -floor manager, and representative. Miss Lois Rudrud; Ray Greenwood, Services, and Dr. C. S. Putnam's Gold Star band will play. tickets, and Miss Annabelle Brockman; Frank Clark, decorations, and Miss Monday evening, May 2, Senior Staff FRANCES PLAGGMEIR EARL GROVE Isabel Barrett; Walter Shamp and will hold a formal initiation for its Comm Edits Magazine Miss Veronta Weppler, invitations; new members in the Gardner hotel For Engineers In June Kenneth Wyard and Miss Ruth Barrett, parlors. Virginia Davis will conduct C. W. REICHERT PASSES programs and favors; and Don Nichols the services, with Dean Pearl Dinan C. B. Larson Succeeds AWAY AT CARRINGTON and Marjory Archer, publicity. giving a short address of welcome. Announces Rea Taylor Guests at the Prom will include: Following initiation, new members will A. A. Nichols As New - C. W. Reichert, Carrington, father of be honored at a formal banquet in the Glenn Reichert, business manager of New Editor Hopes To Affiliate Gov. and Mrs. George Shafer, Pres. Rose room of the Gardner hotel, at Physician July First and Mrs. J. H. Sheppard, Dean and The Spectrum, died at his home Wed- Publication With National which covers will be laid for thirty- nesday after an extended illness, ac- Mrs. I. W. Smith, Dean Alice Pearl five. Board Of Administration Ap- cording to word received here. Glenn Organization Dinan, Dean Alba Bales, Dean and Mrs. points Clinic Doctor As went to Carrington Sunday called by A. E. Minard, Dean and Mrs. R. M. Staff Member his father's critical illness. Edward Comm, a junior in the Dolve, Dean and Mrs. A. D. Weeks, Seniors Change Date Funeral services will be held in the school of civil engineering, has been Dean and Mrs. L. L. Carrick, Dean and Mrs. W. F. Sudro, Dean and Mrs. The appointment of Dr. C. B. Larson Carrington Congregational church to- selected as the new editor of the North H. L. Walster, Maj. and Mrs. E. A. Lathrop, Of Ball To June 3 as college physician has been approved day. A former state legislator from Dakota State Engineer, as announced Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Finnegan, Dr. and by the Board of Administration, said Foster county, Mr. Reichert was long today by Rea Taylor, the past editor. Mrs. C. S. Putnam. Committee Will Accommodate Dr. C. I. Nelson, bacteriologist, this active in North Dakota co-operative Comm has been a member of the edi- and political circles. torial staff since his freshman year, The guest list includes: School of Engineering Pro- morning. Dr. Larson is a member of the Fargo being associate editor during the past George Fairhead, Evelyn Davis gram For That Date Clinic. He plans to retain his affilia- year. He has been active in the work Donald McNaughton, Amy Glaser tion with that organization. It is be- Sophomores Frolic done in improving the quality of the Donald Alstrup, Eleanor Evanson To accommodate the school of engi- lieved this arrangement will prove publication and towards making it a (Continued on Page 2) neering, it has been necessary to post- advantageous to the students, stated Dr. At Annual Dance In member of the Engineering College pone the Senior Ball one week, Nelson, for besides being able to offer Magazines Associated, an organization announced Kenneth Wyard, Prom consultant advantages, the Fargo Clinic of leading technical college publica- Phi Upsilon Omicron manager, this morning, plans to extend special financial rates Ballroom May 3 tions. Comm states that he will push June 3 is the date definitely selected, to students desiring additional medical this work rapidly forward to its com- Installs Helen Miller for what promises to be one of the care. Committee Selects Night Club pletion while he is in the office. major social events of the year, ac- Gynecology and internal medicine, As Setting For Class Comm is a resident of Fargo, gradu- cording to the committee in charge. President Represents Chapter are the medical fields Dr. Larson is ating from Fargo high in 1929. His Cooperating with the school of engi- Informal Party specializing in. He has had ten years campus activities include Sigma Phi At National Meeting neering will be representatives of the general practice, with one year of Delta, Tau Delta Pi, Scabbard and In Kentucky Bell Telephone company, in a one day The Sophomore Frolic, an annual special study in Germany. Blade, rifle team, hockey team, and the exposition of scientific research, to be dance sponsored by the sophomore The appointment of Dr. Larson fol- American Society of Civil Engineers. Helen Miller, junior in the school held in the physical education building class, will be given in the Avalon ball- lows the resignation of Dr. A. A. Nich- Other appointments made to the staff of home economics, was installed as May 27. room on Friday, May 13. The theme ols, effective July 1, 1932. are as follows: associate editor, Oliver president of Phi Upsilon Omicron, There will be a meeting of the Sen- of the party is to be that of a night Blacken; business manager, Gordon Tentative plans call for the estab- honorary home economic sorority, at ior Prom committee in The Spectrum club with R. E. (Doc) Chinn, manager lishing of a suite of offices, an infirm- Strong; circulation manager, Erling services Tuesday evening. Miss Miller office at 3 o'clock this afternoon, to of the Crystal ballroom, as master of Hedahl; assitant editor, Harold Haug- ary, and apartments, in one of the main will represent the college chapter at rearrange plans already made to ac- ceremonies.
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