An Entwined History of Newcastle Teachers College
! ! ! ! "#$%&$'()!*#$+,-.#&$'(.+,/!! 0+!1+'2(+34!5(,'.#6!.-!732)$,'83!*3$)93#,! :.883%3! Gregory D. Preston B.A., Dip. Ed., M.Ed. Stud. (Newcastle) A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Education ! July 2019 This research was supported by an Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarship Statement of Originality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ii Acknowledgements First and foremost my thanks go to my supervisors Professor Allyson Holbrook and Associate Professor Josephine May. I thank them for their patience and guidance through all stages of this research. Without their scholarly and compassionate input, direction and assistance, this project would not have been started, let alone completed. Thanks also go to my father Fred Preston for sparking a love of history and to Professors John Ramsland and Sid Bourke for modelling impeccable standards of scholarship and providing valuable guidance throughout my academic journey.
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