How to use the NZ COVID Tracer app

19 August 2020

COVID-19 is a virus that can make people sick.

Here in New Zealand we are all working together to help stop the spread of COVID-19.

One of the ways we can stop COVID-19 from spreading is by finding people who might have it so they can be tested.


Finding people who may need to be tested for COVID-19 is called contact tracing.

Health services use contact tracing information to find people who may have been close to someone who has a virus like COVID-19.

Doing this can help stop the spread of viruses like COVID-19.

There is an Easy Read fact sheet called:

COVID-19 Contact tracing: Keeping track of where you have been.

You can find this factsheet on the COVID-19 website: information/easy-read/


The Ministry of Health has a free contact tracing app that you can use on your mobile phone.

An app is a program that you download onto your mobile phone.

The app is called:

NZ COVID Tracer.

The app will keep a list of all the places you go.

The app will help the Ministry of Health to find people fast if there is a new outbreak.


What the NZ COVID Tracer app does

The NZ COVID Tracer app can help you to keep a record of where you have been when you go to places outside your home.

The NZ COVID Tracer app is able to read QR codes.

A QR code looks like a square black and white picture.

It is a picture the app can read like words.

The app will add your visit to a list of places you have been.


Most places will have a QR code poster near the front door of the building.

Some of the places that use a QR code are:

 shops

 libraries

 doctors

 restaurants.


How to set the app on your mobile phone

If you have an iPhone you can download the NZ COVID Tracer app from the Apple store:

If you have an Android phone you can download the NZ COVID Tracer app from the Play Store: covidtracer&hl=en

The app is free to download.

This means it will not cost you any money to download it onto your mobile phone.


Once you have downloaded the app you will need to fill in some details.

You will need

 your email address

 a new password just for the NZ COVID Tracer app.

The app will then send you an email with a number.

Write this number down.

Key the number into the app.

You are now set up ready to use the app.


If you are not sure how to download or set up the app the first time you can ask your:

 family member

 friend

 support worker.

They can also show you how to use the app.


How to scan a QR Code

To scan a QR code with the camera on your mobile phone:

1. Open the NZ COVID Tracer app.

2. Tap Record a visit

3. Hold your mobile phone up at the QR code.

4. Make sure the code fits inside the box on your mobile phone screen.


5. When the QR code has been read:

 your phone will wobble

 a green tick will show.

If you are not sure how to scan the code ask someone at the place to help you.


Sharing the information on your app with contact tracers

If you have been near someone with COVID-19 a contact tracer may call you.

They will ask you some questions about:

 where else you have been

 who you have talked to.

They may tell you that you need to be tested for COVID-19.

After being tested your Doctor may tell you to stay at home until you get your COVID-19 test results.


To help you remember where you have been you can:

1. open up the NZ COVID Tracer app on your mobile phone

2. go to the My Profile screen

3. tap View my diary which will bring up a list of the places you have been.

You can also tap the icon or picture at the top left of the screen.


The contract tracer may ask you to share your diary

This is so they can check they have all the information they need.

To do this:

1. open up the NZ COVID Tracer app on your mobile phone

2. go to the My Profile screen

3. Tap on Share my diary.

The contact tracer will then give you a code you can use to share your history with the Ministry of Health.


You can sign up for contact alerts

Contact alerts tell you if you have been in the same place as someone who might have COVID-19.

To get contact alerts:

 go to the Dashboard page

 select Receive contact alerts.

o Apple phone users need to choose this option.

o Android phones already have this feature switched on.


If you need help to understand any of the information in this fact sheet you can call the People First New Zealand helpline.

The People First New Zealand helpline is 0800 20 60 70

You will be asked to leave a message with your:

 first and last name

 phone number.

The People First New Zealand helpline is free to call.

This means it will not cost you any money to call the helpline.


You can also email People First New Zealand on [email protected]

A People First worker will call or email you back.


This information has been translated into Easy Read by the Make It Easy service of People First New Zealand Ngā Tāngata Tuatahi.

The ideas in this document are not the ideas of People First New Zealand Ngā Tāngata Tuatahi.

Make It Easy uses images from:



 Sam Corliss

 Steve Bolton