Complicit Clergy

From: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Sent: Saturday, March 2, 2019 10:45 PM To: [email protected] Subject: New message from xxxxxxxxx

I am the complainant in the Investigation in relation to . I have email evidence that I emailed Cardinal Cupich via his assistant Fr K Birmingham in Chicago prior to Archbishop Mark Coleridge leaving for The Child Sexual Abuse Summit., I forwarded with a copy of the complaint and received a reply back advising me to approach the Papal Nuncio in Australia. The complaint letter was clearly addressed to here parties Archbishop Mark Coleridge, Archbishop of Brisbane, The Papal Nuncio in Australia and Father Stephen Hackett, Secretary of the Australian Catholic Conference.

As you will see by the subsequent coverage in the Australian press, it is admitted that this Investigation has been going on for some time. I have also previously on many occasions attempted to have this investigated in Australia including through the Papal Nuncio.

It appears to me Cardinal Cupich has been complicit in covering this up for Archbishop Coleridge. I was absolutely infuriated to see him give the final sermon and have further been upset by the public denial of his and allegations that I am not cooperating. I have been waiting for a copy of a transcript of a meeting held in October 2017 which has withheld from me. I now have it and can determine that it altered in many places which I believed had occurred. It is interesting to note that the transcribing was completed only recently in a suburb adjacent to Archbishop Coleridge's Cathedral, yet the incident took place at Favier House,the Archbishop's Ad- ministrative Centre in Canberra. The interview also took place at my home in Canberra. I made the complaint because Coleridge should not be President of The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference or represent Australian Catholics at The Summit when he was violent to a woman who made an appointment with him, advised him of a number of reported cases of child sexual abuse and other reports that have now been proven to have occurred.

They have been covered up or not acted upon by Patrick Power, (retired) Archbishop (re- tired) Archbishop Coleridge and now Archbishop . To note Spokesmen for Coleridge has claimed Coleridge has denied the allegations. He has also made false claims that I am not participating with the investigation they are withholding documents to stall it to allow him to go to and arrive home from Rome. I did not release this to the press (another party did obviously knowing that the Pell suppression order was about to be removed). This incident regarding Coleridge made national headlines along with the Pell coverage in Australia.

If you contact me further I am prepared to release to you the emails to and From Fr Birmingham (Cupich) as well as the complaint which clearly exposes the Papal Nuncio in being complicit in this also. I do not wish to be identified. xxxxxxxx

- xxxxxx xxxxxx (xxxxxxxxxxxxx) 02/01/19 Response from Cardinal Cupich's Assistant

From: Kevin Birmingham Sent: Friday, February 1, 2019 8:24 AM To: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: RE: Vatican February Summit Communication attention of Cardinal Blase Cupich

Dear xxxxxxxx,

Please excuse this delay in responding. If there is a complaint against a bishop in your country, you should contact the Nuncio there. It is my hope that this information is helpful for you.

Here is what I found online for the contact information for the Nunciature in Australia.

Praying you are well,

Fr. Kevin

Rev. Kevin M. Birmingham Secretary to the Cardinal Archdiocese of Chicago Office of the Archbishop 835 North Rush Street Chicago, IL 60611 tel 312.534.8219

This transmission contains information that is proprietary and confidential to the Archdiocese of Chicago. This message is intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by replying to the sender of this e-mail and then immediately delete all related e-mail transmissions.

From: xxxxxxxxxxxxx Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2019 5:54 PM To: Kevin Birmingham Subject: Fwd: Vatican February Summit Communication attention of Cardinal Blase Cupich

Dear Father Birmingham

I am sending this again as I have not received an acknowledgment or reply.

I would also appreciate alternative addresses to send correspondence to the other Summit Committee Members or directly to The Vatican for this to be dealt with by officials there as in Australia attempts are being made to stall any investigation to allow Archbishop Mark Coleridge to attend the Summit when he knows there is a complaint against him. I would like him to step down from the position as President of The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference and allow another Australian Archbishop to attend to represent Australian Catholics.

1 Violence towards women by the clergy especially in circumstances where they have arranged a meeting to report concerns in regard to child sexual abuse is not to be tolerated or covered up.

Yours sincerely

xxxxx xxxxx

----- Original Message ----- From: xxxxxxxx

To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected] Sent: Thu, 10 Jan 2019 16:52:11 +1100 Subject: Vatican February Summit Communication attention of Cardinal Blase Cupich

Dear Father Birmingham

I am sending as an attachment a letter that has been sent primarily to Archbishop Mark Coleridge who will be representing Australia at the Sexual Abuse Summit in February.

As I have no other way of getting this to the Summit Committee as the Papal Nuncio in Canberra has declined to assist me with a reliable email or address.

I am requesting you arrange for Cardinal Blasé Cupich to deal with it urgently before the Summit in February..

As you will not by the contents thus is a very serious matter when an Archbishop fails to act on information leaving vulnerable children at risk and in the process perpetrates violence towards a woman who organised a meeting with him in order to protect the children.

I sent this document to Archbishop Coleridge and the other recipients on 20 December 2018. I have previously since this incident in 2006 attempted to have Archbishop Coleridge investigated for this but in Australia but all my efforts have been ignored.

As you would by now be aware Cardinal has been found guilty of some charges against him and faces another trial in March so Archbishop Mark Coleridge has taken his place as the senior Catholic Bishop in Australia.

Given that Archbishop Coleridge was aware of my complaint that has been around for some years, he has no right taking the role as President of The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference and subsequently representing Australian Catholics at this Summit.

I would be reluctant to advise of an Australian replacement Archbishop or Bishop as I am not confident they have the intention to represent Australian Catholics.

I trust you will be able to assist Australian Catholics to keep our precious children safe.

Yours faithfully

xxxxxx xxxxx

Email sent using Optus Webmail

2 01/12/19 Email to Archbishop

From: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

To: [email protected] Sent: Sat, 12 Jan 2019 00:59:52 +1100 Subject: Attention Archbishop Anthony Fisher Fwd: FW: Complaint against Archbishop Mark Coleridge Attention: Father Brennan Confidential

Dear Archbishop Fisher

I have taken advice from another area of the in Australia and therefore request that you as the next most Senior Catholic Archbishop in Australia deal with this complaint against Archbishop Mark Coleridge for an incident that occurred in the ACT in 2006.

As you will note by the email from Father Brennan he has advised my complaint be dealt with through Towards Healing, Director Maria Hicks in Canberra Goulburn Archdiocese.

The advice I have received is that it is to be dealt with under Integrity In Ministry Protocols and subsequently as Archbishop Coleridge is the subject of the complaint, you have been nominated as the next Senior Archbishop in Australia.

Please note the format of my complaint is contained in the letter I addressed to Archbishop Mark Coleridge in Brisbane, The Papal Nuncio In Canberra and Father Stephen Hackett at Australian Catholic Bishops Conference Secretariat Canberra. I notified all recipients by email in addition to sending original letters to all three but have not as yet received any acknowledgement apart from Father Hackett who firstly denied receiving the correspondence when after I phoned him this week. I understand Archbishop Coleridge found it more important to have a holiday in New Zealand rather than deal with this complaint or prepare by meeting with Australian Catholics as directed by in preparation for the Summit in February. The comments on his Twitter account also show his lack of respect and accountability and could also be dealt with under the Integrity In Ministry Protocols.

In the Canberra Goulburn Archdiocese I have previously taken the time to have an interview with Matt Casey and also Kate Halloran who both came to my home on separate occasions over the past few years. To date neither have despite my repeated requests, provided me with transcripts of interview as agreed or notification of the outcome's of any investigations in regard to my notifications.

I have also documented my complaints in writing and at a personal interview with Commissioners conducting sessions in the ACT on behalf of the Royal Commission into Institutional Sexual Abuse of Children,

As you will note in the email from Father Brennan, he admits he has previously spoken with me but has failed to take the matter any further. He certainly did not ever suggest I discuss the matter with Maria Hicks. At the time I spoke with Father Brennan and Sister Ryan, Matt Casey was the Director of Towards Healing in the Canberra Goulburn Archdiocese and Maria Hicks was an administrative assistant who was given the Directors position due to her association and friendship with Helen Delahunty the Diocesan Financial Administrator.

Ms Delahunty and Mrs Hicks both had sons as pupils at Marist College Pearce which I am sure you are aware of the high numbers of abuse allegations and until recently Ms Delahunty has maintained the role as Chairperson of the Marist College Board.

Both Ms Delahunty and Mrs Hicks have serious conflicts of interest in their various roles and concern has been expressed to me by victims and relatives in regard to this serious conflict.

I trust in the interest of all concerned you will deal with this with integrity and fairness.

xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx

12/19/18 Email to Archbishop Mark Coleridge, Australian Papal Nuncio and Fr. Stephen Hackett, Secretary of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference

From: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2018 10:09 PM To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Archbishop Mark Coleridge Attachments: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.docx



Email sent using Optus Webmail xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

20 December 2018

Archbishop Mark Coleridge President Australian Catholic Bishops Conference GPO Box 282 Brisbane Queensland 4001

CC Archbishop Adolfotito Yllana Apostolic Nuncio 2 Vancouver Street Red Hill ACT 2603

Father Stephen Hackett General Secretary Australian Catholic Bishops Conference GPO Box 368 Canberra ACT 2601

Archbishop Mark Coleridge

I refer to the recent communication from The Vatican to bishops participating in the February 2019 Summit regarding child sexual abuse and specifically note comments of the letter including the statement” to acknowledge the truth of what has happened”.

As you would recall in 2006 following your installation as Archbishop of Canberra and Goulburn, I requested and attended a meeting with you at Favier House to discuss information I had regarding allegations of child sexual abuse throughout the Canberra and Goulburn Archdiocese.

This information included St Monica’s Evatt, St Matthews Page, Daramalan College Dickson, Marist College Pearce as well as The Tumut Catholic Parish and school where Father Brian Hassett was the Parish Priest.

As you would now be aware much of the information, I shared with you has been proven to be more that allegations. There have been several investigations and court cases including those conducted by The Archdiocese, Office of Safeguarding, which also included The Tumut Parish where a recent report has revealed that Bishop Patrick Power, had details of allegations against Brian Hassett in 2004, 2 years prior to your tenure, yet did nothing to investigate them properly.

I was extremely concerned to find out that Brian Hassett was moved to the ACT as he was unable to obtain a working with children card in NSW and subsequently ACT school children were then subjected to further risk by his transfer to a property close to St Peter and Pauls Garran and Malkara School. I also note after this he was transferred to another residence. I am reliably advised that he was rewarded with accommodation at the palatial Residence which you as Archbishop of Canberra and Goulburn expected parishioners to foot the bill to renovate during your tenure here. I am sure you will recall that when I was disclosing the information regarding these allegations against Father Brian Hassett you became aggressive towards me and stated, “woman you are just a gossip” and you stood up from the chair you were sitting on and approached me with a clenched fist.

As I could see you were going to punch me, I ran out of the room to avoid your attack. The incident was obviously noted by a witness, a female staff member who immediately came over to assist me as I ran out the meeting room door. You probably heard her say “Maree are you alright”.

I am sure you are aware I have on several occasions attempted to have this investigated but your loyal Catholic servants employed or appointed to deal with this have collectively over the years ensured no action was ever taken, resulting in your election as President of the Australian Catholic Bishop Conference.

As far as I am concerned you have breached acted in a manner that is totally against the direction of Pope Francis and the Vatican. You as Archbishop and Chairperson of the Catholic Bishops Conference have never offered me an apology and you all have remained complicit in failing to act lawfully or morally regarding properly investigating the concerns, I raised in 2006 and in following years.

You have also demonstrated violence towards a woman and supporter of victims of child sexual abuse, so you have no place as a representative of the Catholic Church regarding child sexual abuse or matters involving women and families.

I call on you to immediately resign as President of Australian Catholic Bishops Conference and arrange for a replacement to attend the Summit in February 2019.

I also ask you to resign as Archbishop of Brisbane as the Catholic Community do not need a person like you as their archbishop.

Please note due to time constraints, I am firstly sending this letter via email as well as a paper copy to you and those who I have noted to have copies.

By Email xxxxxxxxxxx