Gems of Thoughts From the Book A Saint of Modern India (Biography of Sadhu T.L. Vaswani) Dr. Inderjit Kaur All India Pingalwara Charitable Society (Regd.), Amritsar Gems of Thoughts From the Book A Saint of Modern India (Biograph y of Sadh u T.L. Vasw ani) Abridged by Dr. Inderjit Kaur President, All India Pingalwara Charitable Society (Regd.), Amritsar Year of Publication : August 2011 Publisher : Dr. Inderjit Kaur President All India Pingalwara Charitable Society (Regd.), Amritsar. Ph. no. 91-183-2584586, 2584713 E-mail:
[email protected] Printed at: Printwell 146, Industrial Focal Point, Amritsar. Introduction India is lucky to have been blessed with numerous spiritual souls who believed in and practiced self- control, self-discipline, self-denial, etc. Guru Nanak and his nine successors illuminated the minds of the people belonging to different sects. Guru Nanak taught us to earn livelihood by the sweat of one's brow and share earnings with the needy. He preached love and brotherhood among the people. He gave practical effect to the doctrine *‘that the lowest is equal with the highest, in race as in creed, in political rights as in religious hopes’, etc. In his crusade, he had to fight with two forces-religious bigotry of the Muslims and deep-rooted superstition of the Hindus. Many other rishis and saints such as Swami Ram Krishan, Swami Vivekananda, Sant Tuka Ram and Sadhu T.L. Vaswani were the believers of the philosophy of the East which can be described as under: 1.Simplicity 2.Remembrance 3.Humility 4.Feeling of unity with the poor and the broken ones 5.Resignation to Divine Will.