Page Or Plate Numbers for Illustrations Are in Italics
Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-60544-2 - Rethinking the Renaissance: Burgundian Arts Across Europe Marina Belozerskaya Index More information Index Page or plate numbers for illustrations are in italics. Académie Royale de Pein- “Famous Men” friezes, Ghent Altarpiece (van • 355 ture et de Sculpture, 216–18 Eyck), 120, 180 Paris, 18 tapestries immortalizing, gilded, 236 Accademia del Disegno, 53,54, 54–55,71–72,108, goldwork altarpieces, 87 Florence, 7, 12 112,149,156,163,197 hangings for, see altar Accademia di San Luca, Alfonso, Prince of Castille, hangings Rome, 17, 21 162, 164 Holy Sacrament Altarpiece Adolf I, Duke of Cleves, sons Alfonso V of Aragon (King (Molder), 236, Plate of, 63 of Naples), 61, 65, 120, XXV Adoration of the Magi 179–89, 210, 218 Infancy of Christ altarpiece, altar frontal, Sens cathedral, Alienor of Poitiers, 92, 94, Clerey,France, 237 116 99, 100, 120 Magdalene retable of Columba Altarpiece (van der altars and altarpieces Claudio de Villa, 234, Weyden), 238, 239 Brabantine altarpieces, 235 Michelangelo, 238 marketing of, 232–38, marks indicating origins Adoration of the Shepherds 272 of, 237 Altarpiece (Ghirlandaio), carved wooden altarpieces, Merode Altarpiece 242 costs, 235–36 (Campin), 227, 228 Aelst, Pieter van, 156, 177 Columbia Altarpiece (van Miraflores monastery, Agincourt, Seroux d’, 24 der Weyden), 238, 239 Burgos, Spain, Juan de Agnes of Burgundy, 64, 116 Dalmau’s Altarpiece of the Flandes’ Altarpiece of the Agnès of Cleves, 124 Virgin with the Councilors, Baptism at, 162, 163, 165, Agricola,Alexander, 188, 200 180, 181 171 Ahasuerus, 116, 137 delivery,finishing, and polychromy,effect of, Alberti, Leon Battista, 8, 9, installation contracts, 236 13, 185, 225 244 Portinari Altarpiece (van der Alençon, Dukes of, 65 Edinburgh, altarpiece of Goes), 242, 244 Alexander the Great Collegiate Church of purchasers of, 236 Burgundian Dukes’ inter- Holy Trinity of, 247–49, resale, 236–37 est in, 69, 71–72, 73, 107 252–53 St.
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