DIVERSITY OF BIRD PROTECTED IN PLANTATION FOREST AND NATURAL FOREST, GIAM SIAK KECIL–BUKIT BATU BIOSPHERE RESERVES, RIAU Imran SL Tobing12), Fauzan Cholifatullah14), Annisa Ramadani14), Hilda Silfia2), Ratna Wati3) 1)Faculty of Biology, UniversitasNasional, Jakarta, Indonesia 2)Center for Environmental Studies and Nature Conservation, Universitas Nasional, Indonesia 3)Biology’s Master Program, Graduate School, UniversitasNasional, Jakarta, Indonesia. 4)Biological Bird Club “Ardea”, Jakarta, Indonesia Email:
[email protected] Abstract GiamSiak Kecil-Bukit Batu (GSKBB), is one of the biosphere reserves in Indonesia in Riau Province. This area has not been much studied, especially about the interrelationship of the functions of the Industrial Plantation Forest (IPF) and Natural Forest (NF) areas as wildlife habitat. The purpose of this study is to assess the diversity of protected bird species in the IPF and NF, in the GSKBB Biosphere Reserve area. This research was conducted in May 2018, using purposive sampling method with the visual encounter survey. The results found 44 species of birds from 29 families; 11 of them are protected species in Indonesia; 10 species are listed on Appendix II of CITES, and 5 species with near threatened status (NT) and one species with vulnerable status based on IUCN criteria. In general the stability of bird communities in the NF area (H' = 5.59) is better (more stable) than in IPF (H'= 3.15). Bird communities in NF habitats are not the same as IPF (similarity index = 37%); however, the IPF can