ssrp^ xy~cH^- *N u -; w v 'iij>u«»iilii»»»lw»^lM»><«iiiii»il!,|l»i!lli,!'iiii i.iiii'iii '/t£LJ.:&

, ,n . i-MUwV'^rV § ^HttpMWWWl!p.^i|l/" ^ ' V'^%-^J^A^*™^n.»i*,>,V r. •iaW'Sff'jW . 5B9 tuufeuuttvti altar ieeked witn flowura, UUK* , •«>;0-te. 'b*;todte^'wttft *«*., OtV i$SS9S-SBftS?S5 tuliimer; 1)1 sst«jtfliy, ai. u A* war a, T. V»«lt>y uJvics, Wuujr Aujbuo^.Jtj atat- Or. WVlsa, Archblahop 61 the Metro r tery, had the privilege of being ad- Jells, bad taken bin first motorcar trip 'the fairest gifts of earth." and lighted UmiH}, MaynocUt College,.before July *u tJ§« , ... Nagls, PC. McAullffe, P. Burke. S. ||l|ft 5^''| 1 sltted to holy profession. Rev. C. Mc-, and Ubat he had gone over one circuit oay candle*. Father OX*verty preach- 18. •. ' #,-,.. •-"••=-••"••>;-•- McMabon, P. Carey, auctioneer; Jajrnea rtaniara officiated, assisted by the Rev. j »f the Gordon Bennett coune at a on "Perseverance." It must be a W1CKL0W—Mr. Denis Casey of Mp^llW^I*'TMS C&UNTIEI> Burke, M. Crotty, Simon Murphy, I. Carroll. There were also present: *pee<* which in many places waa sixty source of gratification to Father Kin- Blwaington, died Jul; 14. The funeral i Cree; M.. O'Neill, Labasheeda; William : Bev. J, O'Donnell, Kllmallock; Rev. »iles an hour. , .sella, tbe pastor, to know that every |o Old iCilcullea cemetery was attend­ ^^^$M h*4f$$ MIDLAND. Mortlssy, T. S,; M. Carey, Michael I\ Evans, Rockwell College; Rev. T. The language, history and atep. one in his congregation availed of the ed by a great number of relatives and rSXi»Jr&Vh 4h. D. m. -• Better TnUycrtne; John Crotty. P. U n Fitzgerald. Saneing classes of th.e Dunleary opportunities afforded by the mission f friends. ^•^^S^C^-^JIwi M. O'Dea. J. Carey, Thoma. by attending at morning and evening John Dolan, when going to his vl'-^ftijiiiisttliiiilbu* • Itipw <'ff*ram On July 14, the marriage of Mr, W.' Branch, Cumann na Oaedheal. are dc- Synan, Cree; M. Williams, S. Punril, devotions In large numbers, when Casey of Islandroe, Askeaton, took! in* W8lL 0ne class na* nnlahed the father's residence near TinbUy lately, tf f v. Evtry Section of the J. O'Brien, Thomas Flannigan, Kllmi- farming occupation required the attea- ] place at tbe Dominican church, Limer- av* books of O'Orowney, and will com- was fired at and wounded in the faee- hill; Thomas Crotty, Liadeen, and tion of a large proportion of the peo­ Ick, the bride being Miss Blly O'Con- J ^^^ tne Preaervation Society' texts. and bip with a few grains of shot. others. Mr. Stephen McMabon, vice- ple. T he local branch of the Antl- James Curry and Walter Carter are nor, daughter of the late Mr. O'Connor Ln are making earnest preparation for president of the Kilrush League, pre­ Treating League baa been augmented accused of the shooting and will have it Geale Bridge, Athea. The officiating die Samhain examinations, when Dun- !- V JSJojo.naught sided. It woe agreed to refuse the by new adherents, drawn into its cir­ to stand trial at next quarter sessions. clergyman was the Rev. P. Hartigan. j **" "P**" to do even better than , . _ , very unreasonable demand, and all be- The weekly committee cle by tbe powerful arguments of the The case seems to be of a trivial char­ * ^iWAY~Th«eor«ecwtlortofRev.; „ Askeaton, Mr. David Neugbton, Gal-! **t Jrear catne membe ot tbe Dnlted lrlBh The missionaries. acter. *&**$$¥* f* «W«W «f ™oaten> wll,j League, BO as to be able to resist as a way House, best man. Many f rlend«,' meetJn!, "^l^J^L™ aonorable secretary was requested to LONGFORD—A great demonstration *4i$» place In tbe Cathedral, Longnrea, ^^^ and unlt)r Dody Tne foUowtng were present, including Messrs. inquiry if it were true that £200 of of tbe Nationalists will be held In ^jAlifgft;?©. [ deputation, representing the teants, O'Connor, Cork and Llstowel; James :h« ratepayers' money was to be ex- Longford town early in September. On the eve of 8t. John's Day Tuam i was appoittted to lay the resolution F. Carry, ex-mayor of Limerick; John , 1 At a meeting of the Longford Branch tonotea the occasion, as It alwayB did,! before the agent at the rent offlce. Fitzglh!)on, Askeaton; P. J. OSulllvan, | penned in decorating the Town Hall of the United Irish League on July 12, ny naving bonflres on Tulllnadaly Hill] Jamefl Burke> Karttsn; John Carey lollcltor, Limerick. a to be decorated, the members of ANTRIM—On July 12 the remains Mr. J. P. Farrell, M P., was the ^*M*at the Bridge, Bishop street. All, K)Irush. Th0Qm8 ^ Cree. Joha! he organizations will Insist that it be Bf Mrs MeGoldrlck. Belfast, were laid After laat mass, July 11, a public speaker Referring to the land bill, he "^2S* tk9 townspeople turned out, and dan-; Crotty Monmore; slmon Murphy( lone at the expense of the garrison, rest in Milltown cemetery. The •'•Wis' meeting was held at Tournafulla. The said they had by the strength of their Cree; Thomas Flannigan, Kilmlhlll; who have brought Joy to the heart of ery Rev. R. Crickard, Father Mo cMir was kept up till a late hour. ocal fife and drum band attended and organIged representation made the Michael Reldy, Tullycrine; Patrirk ! ;he Dunleary workingnxan by giving Cartan. F. Laverty, P Curran, D. /

S&^i-i'ii \i ">,* V ', *§£* 4>* h^^-j Ji«E8SSi!\i. '. .AC' -"*' "•W'S&is&iJ'jfcsfcPf 'ii •>»""••

>a.i l4f^'}-- ,;$** •*"Mf"rir'"'f-l-VTf^'i'tnli|lt1iir'tV'M|lg(-iaantf.aamHM*aVni-ftK[ m £i63lSfilMjUl£9lBid^Uu^aiM>»&«ii:h-« 1«<'«*j^,»i*»«(ft38iPB»IS3SSSS*B»!f