7015 RHSI September 2011 Journal_Layout 1 17/08/2011 08:41 Page 1 The Journal Royal Horticultural Society of Ireland New series, Volume 3, Part 3 - September 2011 © COVER: ROBERT S MYERSCOUGH. Magnolia grandiflora CULTU TI RA R L O S H O L C I A E Y T O Y R • • O F D I R E L A N 2 Editorial & Contributors 3 Clippings Patrick Bowe 5 Ambrose Congreve - An Appreciation Robert S Myerscough 6 Footnote on Ambrose Congreve Natalie McGettigan 7 RHSI Library - New Acquisitions Carmel Duignan 9 Book Review - In the Footsteps of Augustine Henry and his Chinese plant collectors Helen Rock 11 Book Review - The 100 Best Gardens in Ireland Patricia Tyrrell 12 Review - Chelsea 2011 Photo essay 13 Four of the Best at Bloom 2011 Eanna Ni Lamhna 15 Boglands - Wild Wet and Wonderful Brendan Sayers 19 West Wing Rhodos Robert S Myerscough 23 Magnolias - Primitive Beauties Deborah Ballard 27 Planning a Fruit Garden Adelaide Monk 32 The Art and Craft of Gardening Paddy Carr 34 Obituary - John Newell 35 Forthcoming Events Editor: Helen Rock Production Editor: Koraley Northen Advertising: Hannah Bielenberg Next copy date: 10 October 2011 Royal Horticultural Society of Ireland Cabinteely House, The Park, Cabinteely, Dublin 18 Tel: 01 235 3912 - 10am to 1pm Tues, Wed & Thurs
[email protected] - www.rhsi.ie Registered Charity CHY4598 Printed by Blackthorn Print & Design - 01 295 7235 The Journal of the RHSI - September 2011 1 7015 RHSI September 2011 Journal_Layout 1 17/08/2011 08:41 Page 2 Editorial his was a year that saw the demise of Diarmuid Gavin’s €2.3m Irish Sky Garden, the Tdomestic decking as dogma and the first ever fairground attraction at Chelsea, won triumphant return of plants to gardens; a year him a longed-for gold and people’s favourite.