Dumbledore’s Army CALIFORNIA STATE POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY, POMONA Founding Date: ____Fall Quarter 2014______​ ​ ARTICLE I PREAMBLE SECTION I PURPOSE: General Dumbledore’s Army works for the betterment of the California State Polytechnic University, ​ Pomona. As well as to bring all fans of the world together to build friendships, create memories, and help the muggle world through bringing awareness to real life horcruxes. SECTION 2 PURPOSE: Specific 1. DA will bring the Harry Potter fan community together to create an environment where anything Harry Potter related can freely be talked about. 2. DA will also create opportunities to participate in activities as described in the Harry Potter books such as and Great Feast. 3. DA will also help the muggle world in fighting real life horcruxes, or in other words contribute in any way possible to better the community.

SECTION 3 NONDISCRIMINATION The Dumbledore’s Army shall not be discriminatory in terms of race, ethnicity, religion, color, age, sexual orientation, national origin, citizenship, gender, physical or mental ability, marital status, financial or social status.

SECTION 4 OFF-CAMPUS ISSUES This organization and/or its members, when taking stands on issues, recognizes and will fulfill the obligation to make clear that it/they in no way represent(s) the official position of the California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. SECTION 5 CAMPUS POLICIES This organization and/or its members, when conducting organizational business, on or off campus, recognizes and will uphold the University’s Alcohol & Other Drugs Policy. ARTICLE II NAME The official name of the organization shall be Dumbledore’s Army, California State Polytechnic ​ ​ University, Pomona. ​ ARTICLE III TRUST ACCOUNT SECTION 1 MAINTENANCE This organization, pursuant to its charter obligation, shall maintain a trust account with the ASI Business Office. Pursuant to the California State University Board of Trustees, the Executive Orders 648 and 731 states that all funds received on behalf of the University, its auxiliaries or affiliated organizations are required to be administered through the campus’ Chief Financial Officer, the Vice President of Administrative Affairs. Student clubs and organizations are identified as affiliated organizations. The policy further states that any account with a bank or financial institution not approved by the campus’ Chief Financial Officer is strictly prohibited. SECTION 2 USAGE All monies of this organization shall be deposited in, and disbursed from, this account following procedures outlined by the ASI Business Office. SECTION 3 DISPERSAL OF FUNDS Should this organization become inactive by failing to apply for charter renewal, the trust account will be held as an inactive account for two (2) academic years. In the event this organization does not become active during the two (2) year period it is hereby declared that any funds remaining in said account are to be transmitted to The Harry Potter Alliance, The HP Alliance, PO Box 441640, Somerville MA 021144, an educational, charitable organization ​ to aid this organization in carrying out its objectives. If said organization is no longer functioning at that time, or if its objectives are no longer consistent with its original educational, charitable purposes, then the funds of this organization shall be transferred to the Associated Students, Inc., California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, general fund. ARTICLE IV MEMBERSHIP SECTION 1 CATEGORIES OF MEMBERSHIP

1. Active Members a. To be considered “active” a person must attend at least 50% of the meetings, and go to at least one event. i. Board Members/Officers 1. Defined in Article V SECTION 2 ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS Active members must be members of the Associated Students, Inc. at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. No more than 20% of our membership will be non-CSU students. A person must attend all ​ mandatory events, attend at least 50% of the meetings each , and at least one event throughout the school year. 1. Active Members a. To be considered “active” a person must pay the necessary dues, attend at least 50% of the meetings, and go to at least one event. i. Board Members/Officers 1. Must be elected 2. Each position will hold the position for the entire term the person must strictly abide to all rules.

SECTION 3 SUSPENSION A vote will be held by the executive board to decide if a member will be suspended or not. The member in question is allowed to defend themselves on the day of the vote. A fifty percent plus one majority is required to suspend a member. A member may be suspended or removed for the below stated reasons following a hearing by the ​ membership of the organization. ​

● Disorderly conduct such as verbally abusing another member, disrespecting the club, bringing alcohol or other illegal substances to club events. ARTICLE V OFFICERS SECTION 1 CATEGORIES OF OFFICERS President, Scheduler, Treasurer, Head of Gryffindor, Head of Hufflepuff, Head of Slytherin, Head of Ravenclaw, Secretary, and Publicity Chair. One board member may fulfill the requirements the requirements of multiple positions. However, the same person may not occupy the position of President and Treasurer at the same time. Each board will have only one vote when an official vote is called for, regardless of the amount of positions they hold. SECTION 2 DUTIES

A. President makes sure everything is running efficiently and works with all cabinet members to ensure a happy club. The ​ president also signs all the paperwork and keeps in contact with the main and secondary advisors. The president also updates cabinet members with weekly Newsletters (owls.) The president shows up to all meetings and events to make sure things run smoothly. If the president is unable to go to an event or meeting, they are required to let the vice president know so he/she can take on the duties of the president. The president works with all chairs. The president also has the power to call special meetings when needed. The scheduler works with the Event Planner chair to make sure ASI knows when the events are held and what the plans are for them. The scheduler will make sure events are planned ahead of time and on days cabinet members can go to events. The scheduler also sets up cabinet meetings and tuesday meetings. If any committees are made throughout the year, a board member is required to be in it.

B. Treasurer manages the money reserved for Dumbledore’s Army and notifies the cabinet about money issues. The ​ ​ ​ treasurer talks to the President and all other cabinet members before paying for events to make sure everything and everyone is on the same page. (i.e. goes with President to ASI to get the money or to pay for the event.) The treasurer also signs all the required paperwork. If any committees are made throughout the year, a board member is required to be in it.

C. Scheduler Responsible for reserving rooms for regular member meetings, and reserving space on for on-campus ​ events.

D. Head of Gryffindor Representative for the members of Gryffindor House. ​

E. Head of Hufflepuff Representative for the members of Hufflepuff House. ​

F. Head of Ravenclaw Representative for the members of Ravenclaw House. ​

G. Head of Slytherin Representative for the members of Slytherin House. ​

H. Publicity Chair: Ensuring that meetings and events are publicized through a variety of media outlets reaching the ​ membership and local community in a timely manner.

J. Secretary Responsible for keeping a record of all cabinet board meetings. ​


At the time of assuming office and during tenure in office, an elected officer must meet all of the eligibility requirements as stated by the University: Officers must meet a minimum 2.0 term and cumulative GPA; be enrolled in at least 9 units (undergraduate students) / 4 units (graduate students) during office; and be in good judicial standing ​ ​ with the University.

SECTION 4 REMOVAL FROM OFFICE In order to remove an officer from an elected position, an officer must recommend the removal from office at officer meeting or a special meeting, following the club meeting bylaws, Article VII. A minimum of one week must pass before the vote can be cast to remove the officer. The officer in question will be notified in writing of the removal from office recommendation, and will be invited to defend their position. A vote will be taken at this meeting; all officers are allowed one vote. Majority vote decisions are final and non-reversible. Once an officer is removed from office, the procedure for filling a vacancy, Article VI, Section 5, entitled Vacancies, will be implemented. ​ To be removed from office the person must meet these circumstances: ● Neglecting the duties of their office ● Doing anything that considers them for suspension ● Misuse of club funds

ARTICLE VI ELECTIONS SECTION 1 NOMINATIONS Anyone member of Dumbledore’s Army can be nominated for a cabinet position. However, a member can only be nominated for the position of President if the have at least one year of experience as a cabinet member. If no viable cabinet members are nominated for the position of President, then active club members may be considered. A person can only be nominated by an active board member for a specific position on the executive board. Nominations can take place as early as the last week of January. Nomination will have to be a mutual agreement between the concerning parties. If no nominations for a specific position are available, other qualified nominated candidates can be considered for the position. SECTION 2 TIME OF ELECTION Elections will take place during the beginning of February. SECTION 3 PROCEDURE The candidates for an open executive position are elected through the current executive board by a show of hands. The outgoing executive board member would not be able to participate in the procedure of his/her election. The candidate who receives the majority of the votes cast will be elected. SECTION 4 ASSUMPTION OF OFFICE The new executive board members will take office on the last general club meeting of Spring Semester.

SECTION 5 VACANCIES The outgoing board member will nominate a candidate for their position immediately. Other board members may also nominate an active club member for that position. A final decision will be made by a majority vote just as in the elections. The election for the vacancy will take place one week after the outgoing board member resigns their position. If the duties of the vacant position are pressing for the club to continue its activities, the president will appoint an active club member to fulfil the duties of the office. The active member has the right to refuse the appointment. If so, the president will continue their search until they find another consenting active club member to fulfil the duties of the office. ARTICLE VII MEETINGS SECTION 1 REGULAR MEETINGS The time and date of regular meetings will be decided by the current cabinet members. SECTION 2 SPECIAL MEETINGS A quorum must be present at all special meetings and only the business for which a special meeting is called may be transacted at the meeting. The President and Treasurer have the power to call special meetings ​ through email and social media to notify the members necessary to present a quorum. ARTICLE VIII QUORUM

A quorum would constitute three-fifths of the active members. ARTICLE IX COMMITTEES SECTION 1 ELIGIBILITY At the time of assuming responsibility for a committee and during tenure in office, a committee chair must meet all the eligibility requirements as stated by the university. SECTION 2 (Specify standing committees, if any; how they are chosen; and their duties - using a separate section of this article for each such committee. If the organization has an Executive Council or an Executive Committee, that should be listed as the first Standing Committee.)


SECTION 1 COLLECTION OF DUES The collection of dues shall be determined by the current treasurer of the club. ​ ARTICLE XI ADVISOR SECTION 1 ELIGIBILITY

The Dumbledore’s Army shall have at least one advisor over 21 years of age who shall be a member of the faculty, administration, or staff of the California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. The advisor may not be on leave of absence at any time during his/her term of appointment.

SECTION 2 SELECTION AND APPOINTMENT After an advisor has been nominated by the organization and approved by his/her Department Head, final approval and actual appointment will be made by the Director, Office of Student Life. If the advisor is the Department Head, then the immediate supervisor would also need to approve before final appointment is made by the Director of Student Life.

SECTION 3 DUTIES The advisor’s responsibilities include attendance and participation in as many organizational meetings and activities as is practical, signing all forms related to the scheduling of activities and the disbursement of funds, and the other duties outlined in Office of Student Life’s Advisor’s Guide. (Add separate sections for any duties unique to ​ ​ ​ your organization.) ARTICLE XII AMENDMENT SECTION 1 MEANS OF AMENDMENT The Executive Board will have a meeting to propose the amendment to the by-laws. A show of hands of 50% and one vote will be necessary to decide whether to adopt the amendment. (State what procedures must be taken to amend these Charter provisions for your organization. Usually this requires a presentation of proposed amendments at one meeting, followed by a vote of the membership at the next meeting. Generally a higher percentage of affirmative votes is required to approve such amendments than is needed to approve most other actions.) SECTION 2 APPROVAL

All amendments to the bylaws shall be filed as a public document in the organization’s myBAR page and the executive board will alert the Senior Coordinator of Student Life in the Office of Student Life and Cultural Centers via email within 90 calendar days indicating the date and method of adoption. Any amendment(s) which change(s) the purpose or intent of the organization or substantively modify the bylaw’s provisions shall be approved by the University before taking effect.

SECTION 3 COMPLIANCE This charter shall not conflict with the By-Laws of the Associated Students, Inc., or with the policies and regulations of the California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, the Trustees of the California State University and Colleges, or the State of California. Any stipulations applying to all chartered organizations made by the university shall be considered to be immediately enforceable, whether contained in these Charter Provisions or not.