OHS B ULLETIN THE NEWSLETTER OF THE ONTARIO HISTORICAL SOCIETY I ss UE 188 S UMMER 2013 OHS Welcomes New OHS to Launch Online Project Affiliated Member: Kensington to Strengthen Ontario’s Market Historical Society Heritage Community n November 2012, the OHS Alison Little, Program Manager will be the goal of a series of Iincorporated Toronto-based
[email protected] webinars, which will present valu- Kensington Market Historical able information on topics directly Society (KMHS), continuing in ince 1888, The Ontario relevant to heritage institutions its mission to empower historical SHistorical Society has sought and organizations in Ontario. Each societies across Ontario to save new ways to reach out to its webinar will be led by industry their local history. members, partners, and friends professionals with ample time for The objectives and interests in the heritage community. 125 participant questions, and will also of the KMHS are to collect and years later, the OHS plans to be made available for viewing disseminate knowledge pertain- develop a web portal, map, and afterwards through the OHS website. ing to the cultural, historical, and webinar series for artistic context of Kensington an increasingly Do you have a webinar idea? Market’s past. The organization diverse audience. Tell us what you’d like to see! intends to initiate primary research Beginning in fall Email
[email protected] using documentary records and 2013, the “Strength- oral histories related to the neigh- Photo Ronny Jaques ening Ontario’s to make suggestions and take bourhood. Opportunities for Street view of Toronto’s Kensington Heritage Network” part in our webinar survey! collaborative projects, such as Market, circa 1940s.