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Biochemistry Key Answers

Biochemistry Key Answers



1. Describe the chemistry, sources, daily requirement and biochemical role of cholecalciferol. 2. Write short notes on: (a) Absorption of . (b) Line weaver – Bunk plot. (c) Name the four protolipid complexes of respiratory chain, with their components. (d) Name three function tests that suffice in the differential diagnosis of jaundice. Explain giving normal values. (e) Interpretation of via TCA cycle. (f) Define . Name two conditions where it occurs. (g) Calculate your daily carlorie requirement. (h) Structure of . (i) . (j) Disorders (name) of .

April-2001 1. Explain the effects of different factors on rates of catalyzed reactions. 2. Write short notes on: (a) Sources of acetyl CoA. (b) . (c) Chemiosmotic hypothesis. (d) Acute intermittent porphyria. 3. How are lipoproteins classified? What are their functions? Describe the metabolism of low density lipoproteins. 4. Write short notes on. (a) Write short notes on. (b) K. (c) Von Gierbe’s disease. (d) Classification of .

March-2002 1. Define enzyme. Write about factors regulating enzymatic activity. Name four clinically important enzymes. Mention their importance. 2. Short notes on: (a) Lipoproteins. (b) Active from of Vit. D and its Biochemical role. (d) Inhibitors of respiratory chain. 3. What is normal value? Write in detail about its regulation. 4. Short notes on: (a) Essential fatty acids. (b) Tests to identify bodies in urine. (c) Abnormal . (d) Specific Dyanamic Action ( SDA) March-2002 1. Give an account of Embden-Meyerhoffs pathway in metabolism. Describe the substrate level of and its importance in this pathway. 2. Write short notes on: (a) Mitochondria. (b) Km value and its significance. (c) Uncouples of oxidative phosphorylation. (d) of stuffs. 3. Name the importance which require for the proper functioning of the nerve. Describe the sources, Biochemical functions, daily requirements and deficiency manifestations of any one of them. 4. Write short notes on: (a) Essential Fatty acids. (b) Galactocemia. (c) Haemoglobinopathies. (d) Vanden Bergh’s reaction and its interpretation.


1. What is urea? Describe the steps of urea synthesis. What is the significance of ? Name the disorders of urea cycle. 2. Write short notes on: (a) Structure and functions of human .(b) Synthesis and functions of active form of vit. D. (c) Biological value and its applications. 3. Discuss in detail glycogen metabolism. Mention glycogen storage disorders. 4. Write short notes on: (a) Fatty and lipotropic factors. (b) Creatinine clearance test. (c) Explain the chemiosmotic theory of oxidative phoshorylation. (d) Discuss the manifestations, molecular bases, and laboratory diagnosis of sickle cell disease.

August-2004 I. Essay: (1) Describe TCA ( Cycle) cycle and its inhibitors and energetics. Add a note on the role of TCA cycle. How is TCA cycle regulated? (2) Discuss synthesis and its regulation. Mention the various substance obtaines from cholesterol. II. Write short notes on: (1) Phosholipids. (2) Biotin. (3) Isoenzymes. (4) Malnutrition. (5) Obstructive Jaundice. (6) Uncouplers of oxidative phosphorrylation. (7) Absorption of from the intestines. (8) Structure of Hemoglobin. (9) Bile salts. (10) . February -2005 I. (1) What is enzyme inhibition? Describe different kinds of enzyme inhibitions with examples. (2) Describe in detail the synthesis and utilization of . Name any three conditions of increased production of ketone bodies and mention Laboratory evaluation of ketoacidosis. II. Write short notes on: (a) Lipoproteins and their functions. (b) Significance of HMP- shunt pathway. (c) Synthesis and conjugation of bilirubin. (d) Fate of acetyl CoA (e) Functions and deficiency symptoms of Vit. A. (f) Isoenzymes and their diagnostic importance. (g) . (h) Cyclic AMP. (i) Recommended daily dietary allowance. (j) Essential fatty acids.


I. Essay: (1) What are the sources, properties, functions deficiency manifestations daily recommended allowances of Ascorbic acid. (2) What is the normal fasting and post prandial blood glucose level? Explain how normal glucose level is maintained. Add a note on the disruption of hormonal regulation of blood glucose. II. Short notes on: (a) Allosteric enzymes and its feedback regulation. (b) Phospholipids and their clinical importance. (c) Inhibitors of . (e) Diagnostic value of Isoenzymes. (f) BMR. (g) synthasis. (h) Heme degradation. (i) (j) LDL Metabolism.


I. Essay: 1. Describe the process of Glycogen synthesis and . 2. What is normal serum Cholesterol level? Describe the process of synthesis of Cholesterol. II. Write short notes: (a) Mutarotation. (b) Factors regulating the enzyme action. (c) Anaplerotic reactions. (d) Ehat are ketone bodies? Describe the formation of ketone bodies.(e) Chemiosmotic theory. (f) Justify the statement that Vitamane D is an hormone. (g) . (h) Vitamine B 12. (i) Acute intermittent porphyria. (j) Physiologic jaundice.

August-2006 I. Essay: 1. Write detail about β – Oxidation of fatty acid under the following heading: (a) Definition (b) Site (c) Stops and (d) Energetics. 2. Discuss under following heading: (a) Location (b) Reaction and (c) Energetics. 3. Write an essay on Chemistry, functions, deficiency manifestations and hypervitaminosis state of . II. Write Short notes on: (a) Define and classify polysacchaides with examples. (b) Define and classify enzymes with examples. (c) Protein energy malnutrition. (d) Acute intermittent porphyria. (e) Role of in electron transport chain. (f) Comparison between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.


I. Essay questions: 1. Write are iso enzymes? Write about different iso enzymes and their clinical importance. 2. Describe the chemistry, source, daily requirement, biochemical functions and deficiency manifestation of folic acid

II. Short notes on: (a) Phospho lipids. (b) Congenital hyper Bilirubinemias. (c) Formation of ketone and their clinical significance. (d) . (e) HMP shunt pathway. (f) Oxidative phosphorylation.


1. Define biological oxidation. Mention the components and organization of electron transport chain. Describe in detail the mechanism of ATP synthesis. Add a note on uncouplers. 2. Describe the chemistry, sources, and RDA and biochemical functions of thiamine. Add a note on beri beri. 3. Short answers: (a) Poly unsaturated fatty acids. (b) Balanced . (c) Glycosylated hemoglobin. (d) Chondroitin sulphate. (e) Synthesis and utilization of ketone bodies. (f) Rapoport – Leubering cycle. (g) Folate trap. (h) Glycosides. (i) Apolipoproteins and their significance. (j) .

February -2008

Essay Questions:

1. Describe the site, process of β oxidation of fatty acid and add a note on role of CARNITIN. Write the emergetic when palmitic acid is oxidized. 2. Describe the synthesis of HEME. What is PORPHRIA? Classify the different types of porphyrias. Give the enzyme defact and biochemical findings. 3. Write short notes on: (a) Biotin. (b) Enzymes in myocardial infarction. (c) Protein energy malnutrition disease. (d) Oxidative phoshorylation. (e) Structure of cell membrance. (f) How glucose is absorbed from small intestine? (g) Catabolism of cholesterol. (h) Wald’s visual cycle. (i) . (j) Fibre diet.


I. Essay questions: 1. Explain the steps of of Palmitic acid. Add a note on Energetics. 2. What is Gluconeogensis? Describe the pathway involved in gluconeogensis. Add a note on regulation of . II. Write Short notes on: 1) Functions of Vit C. 2) Digestion and absorption of lipids. 3) Membrane.4) Isoenzymes. 5) Structure of cell membrane. 6) Define BMR. What are the factors that can affect BMR? 7) Define Oxidative phosphorylation. Explain chemiosmotic theory. 8) Galactosemia. 9) Ketogenesis. 10) Glucose tolerance Test. III. Short Answer Questions: 1) Name the Essential fatty acides.2) Significance of HMP shunt pathway. 3) Benedicts test. 4) Inhibitors of citric Acid cycle. 5) Chloride shift.6) Functions of calcium. 7) Lipotropic factors. 8) Normal blood levels of 1. Cholesterol. 2. Bilirubin. 3. Sodium, 4. Potassium. 9) Phospholipids 10) Flurosis.


I. Essay Questions: 1. Sources& fate of acety 1 CoA , Explain the denovo synthesis of cholesterol& its regulation. II. Write Short notes on: 1. Write a note an chemiosmotic theory. 2. . 3. Uronic acid pathway. 4. Insulin. 5. Wald’s visual cycle.6. Collagen. 7. Glycosaminoglycons (GAGS). 8. Chromatography. 9. Levels of organization of . 10. Calcium . III. Short Answer Questions: 1. Key enzymes of . 2. Fatty liver. 3. peroxidation. 4. Zymogens. 5. BMR. 6. Normal levels of: i) B.U.N ii) Fasting Serum Glucose iii) LDH iv) ALT

7. t: RNA . 8. . 9. Limiting . 10. Isoenzymes. August-2009 I. Essay Questions: 1. What are Porphyias? Classify different types of porphyrias and give the enzyme defect and biochemical finding. 2. What is oxidative phosphorylation? Discuss the steps of the same and mention its significance. II. Write Short notes on: 1. Classify RNA and explain the functions. 2. Hyper uricemia. 3. Renal glycosuria. 4. Cardiac troponin. 5. Structure of cholesterol and its importance in the body. 6. Beri Beri. 7. Enzyme . 8. Flurosis. 9. What is protein energy malnutrition (PEM)? What are the types of PEM? Write the importance features. 10. Functions of . III. Short Answer Questions: 1. Effect of Temperature on enzyme activity. 2. Define epimers. Name two epimers. 3. Phosphotidy 1 inositol importance. 4. Biochemical functions of selenium. 5. Benedicts test. 6. and deoxy ribose. 8. Bence Jones proteins. 9. Bile salts. 10. .

February -2010 I. Essay Questions: 1. Define enzymes. Classify Enzymes with suitable examples. Explain the concept of active site of enzymes. 2. Describe the steps of HMP shunt pathway. What is its significance? How is it regulated? II. Write short notes on: 1. Nutritional importance of proteins. 2. Describe the requirement, sources, metabolic functions and deficiency manifestations of folic acid. 3. Explain with a neat labeled diagram of fluid mosaic model of biological membrane. 4. Total parenteral and its importance. 5. t- RNA. 6. Explain the metabolism and functions of HDL. 7. What are ? Give three examples and its importance. 8. Chemiosmotic theory. 9. Rapa port laboring shunt pathway and its significance. 10. What are ? Name any three biologically Important nucleotides and their importance.

III. Short Answer Questions:

1. Why is called a non reducing ?2. Name the essential fatty acids. 3. Name any four biologically important compounds derived from cholesterol. 4. What are Phospholipids? Give two examples.5. Name the essential aminoacids.6. Mention any two biological function of albumin. 7. Name the amino acids required for . 8. Sickle cell hemoglobin. 9. Specific dynamic action. 10. Write the principle and significance of biuret test.

August-2010 I. Essay Questions: 1. Describe the Citric acid cycle. How is it regulated? What is its amphibolic role? 2. Describe the chemistry, absorption, functions, and deficiency manifestations of Vitamin A. II. Write short notes on: 1. Inhibitors of Electron Transport Chain.2. Transport of Bilirubin. 3. Vitamin E. 4. Substrate level Phosphorelation. 5. Gluconeogenesis. 6. Regulation of enzyme activity. 7. Abnormal hemoglobin’s. 8. Digestion and absorption of Triacylglycerols. 9. Biochemical importance of derivatives of Cholesterol. 10. Significance and disorders of Pentose pathway. III. Short Answer Question: 1. Mutarotation.2. Subcellular organelles. 3. Basal metabolic rate. 5. Essential amino acids. 6. Causes of fatty liver. 7. Renal glycosuria. 8. Role of HDL as scavenger of Cholesterol. 9. FIGLU. 10. Dietary fibers.


I. Essay Questions: 1. Describe the chemistry, sources, daily requirement, biochemical functions and deficiency manifestations of Vitamin-B12. 2. Describe how cholesterol is synthesized in our body. What are the products formed from Cholesterol? II. Write Short notes on: 1. Active form of and its biochemical role. 2. Catabolism of Hemoglobin. 3. Protein energy malnutrition 4. Ketogenesis. 5. Fatty acid complex. 6. Glycogen Metabolism. 7. Enzyme inhibition. 8. Glycosylated hemoglobin. 9. Oxidation phosphorylation. 10. Regulation of blood glucose. III. Short Answer Questions: 1. Zymogen.2. Name two zinc containing enzymes. 3. Ferritin. 4. Define Km. 5. Functions of selenium. 6. What are cytochromes? 7. Brown adipose . 8. . 9. Define respiratory quotient. 10. Functions of Vitamin K. August-2011

I. Essay questions: 1. Describe in detail TCA cycle and the energetic of the same. Justify why TCA cycle s called an amphibolic cycle. 2. Describe in detail the components and chemiosmotic theory of electron transport chain. II. Write short notes on: 1. Role of Niacin as Coenzyme.2. Classification of hyperlipidemias& their clinical importance. 3. Sphingolipidoses. 4. Biochemical role of Vitamin C. 5. Cori’s cycle and glucose cycle. 6. High Density Lipoprotein Cycle. 7. Glycogenolysis. 8. Isomerism in carbohydrates. 9. Balanced Diet. 10. intolerance. III. Short Answer Questions: 1. Markers for lysosomes and mitochondria. 2. Fluorosis. 3. Role of Apo CII. 4. Define metalloenzymes with 2 examples. 5. Pulmonary surfactant- Structure and clinical importance. 7. What is the function of Lipoprotein lipase? 8. Structure of lecithin. 9. Net protein Utilization. 10. Chondroitin sulphate- Structure. 11. Double Reciprocal plot. 12. Alkaline phosphatase as a diagnostic tool. 13. What are the different forms of calcium in blood? 14. RDA and functions of Iodine. 15. Why Arachidonic acid is not considered “purely” an ?

February-2012 I. Elaborate on: 1. Describe the components and reactions of electron transport chain. Add a note on its inhibitors. 2. Describe the dietary sources, daily requirements, biochemical function and deficiency symptoms of vitamin C.

II. Write notes on: 1. Balanced diet. 2. Causes of hypoglycaemia. 3. Allosteric inhabitation.4. Obesity.5. Alkaptonuria. 6. Functions of mitochondria. 7. Glycosylated haemoglobin. 8. Neo glucogenesis. 9. Thalessemias. 10. Puring salvage path way. III. Short Answers: 1. Markers of nucleus and mitochondria. 2. Name 2 tumour markers. 3. Functions of phosphor lipids. 4. Name the essential fatty acids. 5. Active forms of Thiamine and Riboflavin. 6. Name the ketone bodies.7. Significance of rapaport- leubering cycle. 8. Name two glycogen storage diseases. 9. Significance of HMP shunt. 10. Name the urea cycle disorder. 11. Name the urea cycle disorder. 12. Causes of increased blood urea level. 13. Name the derivatives of . 14. Fluorosis .15. Parameter for the assessment of nutritive value of proteins