Jerri Chappelear to Reign As Queen of May Day Rites

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Jerri Chappelear to Reign As Queen of May Day Rites HiLLTOP TUESDAY. MAT 2, 1961 VOLUME III—NUMBER U ■ '<:. I AOR ' Dr. Epps Dies at S. C, Jerri Chappelear to Reign Home Tuesday, April 25 Dr. Jennie Lee Epps, head ot As Queen of May Day Rites the Humanities department and its English section, died Tuesday Jerri Chappelear will reign as alumni. Miss Martha Sue Wood of West Point in charge- morning, April 25 at 6 a. m., at Queen of May Day this Saturday, Is faculty chairman for the event. Dean C. Lee Harwell will speak Kelly Memorial Hospital in her with Orion Hunt as King and Dale Registration for the event will on "The Case for the Liberal home town of Kingstree, S. C. Turner as Maid of Honor. begin at the Smith-Hawkes walk- Arts" at 11:30 in V^e auditorium, She was 62. The WAA has invited the par- way at 10 a. m., followed by the with the Choralaires providing the Several LaGrange faculty mem- ents of present students to the annual meeting of the Alumni As- music. A picnic lunch will be bers attended the funeral at annual event, and the alumni of- sociation in Dobbs auditorium at spread on the quadrangle at Kingstree last Wednesday after- fice has sent invitations to 2600 110:30, with Mrs. T. Scott Avary 12:30. noon. Survivors include a brother Reunions for the classes of '01, and two sisters. Miss Leila Epps '11, '36, '51, and '56 will be held and Mrs. J. R. Ritter, all of Kings- after lunch, with photographs tree. Another brother had passed made at 2 p. m. Campus tours and away last year. 3 New Faculty open house for all campus build- Dr. Epps had been on a leave ings will be held in the early af- of absence since December, though ternoon. 6he had had to be hospitalized The crowning of the May Queen several times during the fall quar- Members Named and the presentation of the pag- ter. eant, "Stairway to Paradise," will Florida State University, Mississ- She joined the LaGrange faculty By Beth Ingram be presented at 3 p. m., at Calla- way Auditorium. in 1932 as professor of English. When students return to the ippi College, and received his B. The day will be brought to a She had previously taught at Gre- Hill next fall after summer vaca- S degree at Mississippi Southern DR. JENNIE LEE EPPS tion' they will be greeted by College. He has done graduate close with a dance in the gym at nada College in Mississippi from 8. P. M. Music will be furnished 1929 to 1932 and was an instruc- conference fund committees. She three new faculty members, work in math at Kansas State appointments were announced by by the Continental Jazzmen. tor at Columbia College in South was advisor to the SCROLL and Teachers' College,, and will receive Carolina from 1918 to 1928. ne administration last week. his Master's degree at the Univer- QUADRANGLE staffs. isity of Illinois this ilimmer. He is She received her B. A. degree The professor listed her hob- An addition to the science de- partment will be Mr. Richard H. ! a member of the National Council in Latin and English from Colum- bies as gardening, sewing, knit- ! of Teachers of Mathematics. Pilgrimage bia College in 1918, at which time ting, and crocheting. She traveled Bennett, Jr., who comes to us from Clemson College in South she was named first honor grad- in Brazil (1922), Europe (1930) A native of Meridian, Mississ- including England, and Canada. Carolina, where he has been a ippi. Mr. Jolly is married and is Of Love... uate. Her M. A. was conferred by faculty member for several years, the University of South Carolina She read Latin, French. German, the father of two school-age and some Greek. lie did his undergraduate work children. Concerning Mr. Jolly's TRD3UTE TO in 1925 and her Ph. D. by the at Duke University, from which same institution in 1929. She also appointment, Dr. Henry made DR. JENNDS LEE EPPS Her Master's thesis topic was lie received the A. B. degree, and this comment: "His graduate stu- did summer work at Peabody Col- In the somber, grey hours of an "Three Literary Concepts of the at Emory University where he dies have been taken in an insti- lege, the University of Northa Ca- April morning—in the hush and Devil." The Doctor's dissertation received the B. S. He also holds tution that is considered in the rolina, Columbia University, and quiet preceding dawn—they set was on the "Influence of Milton the M. S. degree from Emory, forefront of the development o' Harvard University. out together on a pilgrimage of on the Major New England and an M. S. degree in electrical teachers of modern mathematics." love. Five of the many who knew While at Columbia College she Poets." Dr. Epps was a Milton engineering from Union College. » * » received special medals in math- and loved Dr. Jennie Lee Epps— specialist. Aside from teaching, Mr. Ben- Rev. Toombs H Kay, Jr., a na- ematics, English composition, cre- to whom she had been variously Besides her teaching, Dr. Epps nett has held the position of en- tive of Royston, Ga., will assume related as teacher, friend, and ative writing and general scholar- did civilian service in the Navy gineer and production supervisor his new duties on the faculty of ship. She was a member of Phi professional associate—journeyed Department in the summer of for the Tennessee Power Compa- the Religion Department beginn- to Kingstree, South Carolina, to Beta Kappa, Dr. Epps held many J944. ;» ny. He belongs to the American .ng Summer Quarter. He is a student offices during her under- bid a last farewell to one whom Institute of Engineers and has had member of the North Georgia they admired and held in deep af- graduate career. a paper published in the journal Conference of the Methodist Con- fection. She was a member of the Meth- of that organization. Of Mr. Ben- ference, and has served several Their conversation, on the way, odist Church. Among professional nett's appointment, Dr. Henry pastorates. At present, he is pas- ranged among many topics but in- organizations, she held member- Martha Green has this to say, "Mr. Bennett tor of a church in Jamaica, New evitably returned to one subject, ships in the Modern Language As- comes to LaGrange to strength- York. Continued on page 3 en the teaching force of the sociation, the National Council of R.-v-. Kay graduated 'r-m Rein- Science Department. Whereas his Teachers of English, the American Sings Friday Continued on page 4 BELOW: Jerri Chappelear will Association of University Women, primary interest is in physics, he reign Saturday as May Queen. and the Southeastern College For the first time in two years will also teach some math cours- English Association. a student voice recital will be gi- es." At LaGrange. Dr. Epps served ven on the LaGrange campus. Mr. Bennett is married and has on. the Advisory Council, library, On May 5, at 8:15 p. m., Martha one grown son. He is a native of Green, a native of Summerville. curriculum, self-study, student Norfolk. Va. publications, teacher training, and will present her senior recital. * * * Martha studied for three years Mr- Richard D. Jolly will be under Mist Elizabeth Gilbert and another addition to the science the present year under Prof- Sid- NEWS BRIEFS .. faculty. He has served on the fac- ney Murray. CHAPEL AND HOUR OF Martha's program will include ulty of the Colorado Academy in Denver, has taught high school POWER . ■selections from such composers as Handel, Pasquini, Caccini, Cavalli, math in Missouri, and has also On May 4, Dr. Waights G. Hen- taught electronics at Keeslcr Air Schubert, and Saint-Saens. ry, Jr., will speak at 10:00; this Force Base in Mississippi. will be his first time to speak in The singer has had leading roles chapel this quarter. The chapel in Puccini's "La Boheme" and. He did undergraduate work at speaker for May 11, is the Rev. two weeks ago, Mozart's "The Sam C'ark, pastor of the Brook- Impresario." She has been a mem- field Methodist Church, near ber of the Choralaires and the Tifton. Rev. Clark was here last girls' ensemble for four years, and Curtain Raisers year, and his original interpreta- hns fcpen a soloist for two years in tion of a current play was a pop- the First Presbyterian Church Set New Officers C.hAr. ular part of his talk. On April 20 the Curtain Rais- May 3, Ed Nelson, a senior pre- Martha is a member of Kappa Phi Delta sorority. ers elected officers for the coming ministerial student from Augusta, year. Heading the group as presi- will preach at the Wednesday dent will be Gail Woodruff. OTfier night worship service. On the fol- Charlie Banks, who transferred officers are Billy Hearnberg. vice- lowing Wednesday, Ed Cook, a to LaGrange from Reinhardt Coll- president; Mike Lane, correspond- freshman pre-ministerial student ege last fall, was critically injured ing secretary; and Cindy Bennett, from Marietta, will preach. The by a hit-and-run driver while re- treasurer. Christadelphians will be in charge turning to school Saturday night. of the song service. He is in an Atlanta hospital. • • • STAMMER SCHOOL . Officers for the junior class Dean Harwell has stated thai Miss Julie Haydon left this have been elected and are as fol- students considering coming to morning after a week's stay on lows: president, John Gipson; vice- summer school should come to a the campus.
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