Blue Badge - Paper 3 – 9 February 2012

Candidate No………………


Thursday, 9th February 2012 at 1400 hours


Time allowed: TWO HOURS (120 MINUTES)

This paper is in THREE sections:

SECTION A Comprises 150 questions, ALL of which should be answered. (Recommended time: 70 minutes) This section is worth 60%

SECTION B Answer ONE question from a choice of two, in note form. (Recommended time: 25 minutes) This section is worth 20%

SECTION C Answer ONE question from a choice of three, in note form. (Recommended time: 25 minutes) This section is worth 20%


1. Please write your candidate number at the top of this page and at the top right hand corner of all separate sheets (the invigilator has your number).

2. SECTION A: The answers should be written on the question paper.

SECTION B and C: The answers should be written on the lined paper provided. i. Please use only one side of the paper ii. Please start each question on a new page

3. Please write legibly in pen.


London Blue Badge - Paper 3 – 9 February 2012



1 What was the Roman name for London?

2 Which English King restored London’s city walls in the ninth century?

3 What was the name of the Norwegian King who helped the English to pull down London Bridge in 1014?

4 Which King had Hall built in the eleventh century?

5 Which medieval churchman became London’s second patron saint?

6 Where are John Bunyan, Daniel Defoe and William Blake all buried?

7 Where is Benjamin Franklin’s only surviving home in London?

8 Which institution formerly occupied the building which now houses the ?


London Blue Badge - Paper 3 – 9 February 2012

9 Who was a preacher at St. Lawrence Jewry, has a statue outside Chelsea Old Church and was named patron saint of politicians by Pope John Paul II?

10 Which Dickens novel is set against the background of the Gordon Riots?

11 Who founded the Metropolitan police?

12 Who designed the London Underground map?

13 When was the first London Marathon?

14 In 2010, who was honoured with a statue beside the Athenaeum Club in Waterloo Place?

15 TWO statues are to be seen on the a) headquarters of the Royal Geographical Society. Name BOTH. b)


16 What is the full name of the church we call “”?

17 What time is usually the last admission to Westminster Abbey on Saturdays?


London Blue Badge - Paper 3 – 9 February 2012

18 What links the Reverend David Railton with Westminster Abbey?

19 Which king began the rebuilding of the Abbey in the 13th century?

20 What is the current use of the Monk’s Refectory?

21 Who painted The Virgin and Child on the altar in the Henry VII chapel?

22 The Henry VII chapel is styled in which type of gothic architecture?

23 Which Poet Laureate was added to Poets’ Corner in December 2011?

24 Name TWO monarchs after 1066 who were a) never crowned in Westminster Abbey.


25 With whom did the Archbishop of Canterbury give a joint blessing from the Abbey’s High Altar on 17th September 2010?


26 Whose coat of arms is on the Middle Tower?


London Blue Badge - Paper 3 – 9 February 2012

27 In which decade were the turret roofs added to the White Tower?

28 The Ceremony of the Word starts with a military parade and inspection at the Waterloo Block every day. At what time?

29 Who was the first recorded prisoner in the Tower of London?

30 What does the first star of Africa weigh in carats?

31 Which king was given the Japanese Armour on display in the White Tower?

32 The 1515 armour of Henry VIII is decorated with scenes from the lives of St George and a female saint. Name her.

33 What does Koh-i-Noor mean?


34 At what time do the doors of St Paul’s open for sightseeing?

35 Who is the current Bishop of London?


London Blue Badge - Paper 3 – 9 February 2012

36 Who carved the relief sculpture on the West Pediment?

37 To whom was All Souls’ Chapel dedicated in 1925?

38 The Chapel of St Erkenwald and St Ethelburga is the home to which regiment of the British Army?

39 For whom was Nelson’s black marble sarcophagus originally made?

40 Who was married to Catherine of Aragon in the Cathedral in 1501?

41 Name a street where there are coach parking bays intended for visits to St Paul’s.


42 In which city did Jan van Eyck paint The Arnolfini Portrait?

43 In Titian’s painting, on which Greek island does the story of Bacchus and Ariadne take place?

44 Name the estate featured in Ruben’s Autumn Landscape.


London Blue Badge - Paper 3 – 9 February 2012

45 Why is The Rokeby Venus so called?

46 Which is the town shown in the background of Gainsborough’s Mr and Mrs Andrews?

47 Which famous naval battle did the ship depicted in The Fighting Temeraire take part in?

48 Constable’s Haywain was not well received when first shown at the Royal Academy, but won an important prize elsewhere. Where was this?

49 Van Gogh painted The Sunflowers in anticipation of the arrival in Arles of which other great painter?


50 In which year did the building open to the public?

51 Who gave Ophelia by John Everett Millais to the nation?

52 Who was William Hogarth’s father-in-law?

53 Who painted the murals in the restaurant?


London Blue Badge - Paper 3 – 9 February 2012

54 In which part of does the scene depicted in Lily, Lily, Carnation Rose take place?

55 Which TWO artists met at St Martin’s School of Art in the 1960s and have collaborated ever since their first major artwork, The Singing Sculpture?


56 Who was the architect of the original Bankside Power Station?

57 Mark Rothko’s Seagram Murals were originally intended for a restaurant in which city?

58 Which twentieth century artist had a huge impact on the world of art with his silk-screen prints, often depicting commercial products?

59 The basement level of the new Herzog and de Meuron extension to Tate Modern will utilise what part of the original Bankside Power station?

60 Which artist was commissioned to create the current (11 October 2011 – 11 March 2012) work of art in the Unilever Series?

61 With which art movement was Henri Matisse associated in his early career?

62 Who designed Timeline to be seen on levels three and five?


London Blue Badge - Paper 3 – 9 February 2012


63 Who designed the Great Court completed in 2000?

64 In which century was the Mold Cape discovered?

65 Name TWO of the scripts on the Rosetta a) Stone.


66 Who brought the “Winged Bulls of Khorsabad” to Britain?

67 Who falls in love with Agnes, as portrayed on the Royal Gold Cup?

68 What is the meaning of the word Nataraja (as in Shiva Nataraja)?

69 Sixty-seven of the are in the British Museum. Where are the other eleven existing pieces?

70 Why are there hand-drilled holes in the horse heads on the frieze of the Parthenon Sculptures?


London Blue Badge - Paper 3 – 9 February 2012


71 Who created the bust of Henry VII on display in the first room of the British Galleries of the V&A?

72 In the V&A, a of The Miraculous Draught of Fishes hangs opposite the Raphael Cartoon of the same name. Where was the tapestry made?

73 Where can you see a statue of Sir Joshua Reynolds brandishing his paintbrush?

74 In Kingsland Road, Hoxton, there is a museum of the history of the domestic English interior. Name the museum.

75 Where can you see William Hogarth’s The Rake’s Progress?

76 Where, other than the Tower, is there a major collection of armour in central London?

77 Where can you currently see an exhibition entitled Dickens and London that celebrates the bicentenary of Dickens’ birth?

78 Where can you see Van Gogh’s Self Portrait with Bandaged Ear?

79 Where is The Design Museum?


London Blue Badge - Paper 3 – 9 February 2012


80 Name ONE historic pub that is passed on the boat-ride from Tower Pier to Greenwich.

81 Which great dramatist was killed in a brawl in a Deptford tavern in 1593?

82 Who painted The Preservation of St Paul after the Shipwreck at Malta in the Chapel of the Old Royal Naval College?

83 Whose body lay in state for three days in the Painted Hall?

84 What is the last entry time to the Royal Museums in Greenwich?

85 What special status is to be conferred on Greenwich in 2012?

86 According to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, who killed Saint Alphege?


87 From which London mainline station would you take a train to Hampton Court?


London Blue Badge - Paper 3 – 9 February 2012

88 Which king was born at Hampton Court Palace?

89 Name ONE queen who died at Hampton Court Palace.

90 Who was Fountain Court designed for?

91 Who planted the Great Vine in 1768?

92 Where can you see a terracotta device of Cardinal Wolsey?

93 What is the collective term used to describe the portraits by Sir Peter Lely on display at Hampton Court Place?


94 Name TWO of the five host London Boroughs a) for the 2012 Olympics. b)

95 Name ONE Olympic sport that will take place in North Greenwich Arena (in the O2).

96 Where in London can you currently see an exhibition of the Olympic & Paralympic medals for London 2012?


London Blue Badge - Paper 3 – 9 February 2012

97 On which road will the Olympic & Paralympic Marathons start and finish?

98 Name a football club which has shown interest in taking over the Olympic Stadium after the Games.

99 Name TWO places in Central London where a) there were temporary open air ice-rinks during the Christmas holidays of 2011. b)

100 Where have the Association of Tennis Players (ATP) World Tour Finals been held every year since 2009?

101 What is the current price of an off-peak travelcard for Zones 1 and 2?

102 Which king did the men of Essex and Kent meet at Mile End in 1381 to demand that no man should be a serf?

103 What would you buy at the Columbia Road street market on a Sunday?

104 How many floors will Renzo Piano’s Shard have?

105 Where is Edmund Shakespeare buried?

106 Which institution has the motto: ‘dictum meum pactum’?


London Blue Badge - Paper 3 – 9 February 2012

107 Name the present Lord Mayor of London.

108 In 1720 there was a major financial boom and bust in England. What is it generally known as?

109 Which Roman institution was located where we now find Leadenhall Market?

110 What major discovery did archaeologists make in Guildhall Yard in 1988?

111 In which month does the annual Lord Mayor's Show take place?

112 The young swans on the Thames are ringed annually to show who owns them. What is the ceremony called?

113 How many City Livery Companies are active today?

114 In which month of 1666 did the Great Fire of London take place?

115 When Edward I expelled all the Jews from England, he invited Italian bankers / goldsmiths to settle in the City. What street is particularly associated with them?

116 When was HMS Belfast launched?


London Blue Badge - Paper 3 – 9 February 2012

117 Who opened Tower Bridge in 1894?

118 By what name is the Central Criminal Court usually known?

119 When did the London Eye open to the public?

120 Describe the 2012 sculpture for the fourth plinth in Trafalgar Square.

121 Which Huguenot sculptor made the statue of Charles I in Trafalgar Square?

122 Which monument can be seen on the forecourt of Charing Cross Station?

123 At the end of which century did the Palace of Whitehall burn down?

124 What time does the Changing of the Horse Guards take place on Sundays?

125 On which day of the week are pre-booked guided tours generally available for groups and individuals at the Supreme Court of Justice?

126 Who designed the front façade of Buckingham Palace?


London Blue Badge - Paper 3 – 9 February 2012

127 Which Heathrow Terminal is closed until 2014?

128 Where is the nearest coach parking to Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre?

129 What is the name of the Parish Church of the House of Commons?

130 Who, by tradition, conducts the coronation ceremony?

131 Name the building where Queen Victoria was born.

132 The John Snow Pub in Soho’s Broadwick Street commemorates a famous doctor – what did he prove in 1854?

133 Where in London did Alexander Fleming discover the mould Penicillin?

134 Which famous play, written in 1904, was inspired by the author playing with a group of children in Kensington Palace Gardens?

135 In which year did the Jack the Ripper killings take place?

136 Which central London cinema frequently a) hosts film premieres? (Give the name and location). b)


London Blue Badge - Paper 3 – 9 February 2012

137 Who is the king featured in the film The King’s Speech?

138 In which month does the annual Chelsea Flower Show take place?

139 Which Prime Minister first introduced income tax into Britain?

140 Who wrote the anthem “Zadok the Priest” which is played at the coronation?

141 Where is the seat of the London Symphony Orchestra?

142 Which college of London University is at Mile End?

143 In which area of London did Amy Winehouse live until her early death in 2011?

144 Which poet wrote Composed upon Westminster Bridge in 1802?

145 Where is there a statue of Beau Brummell?

146 Who has a fashion museum in High Street?


London Blue Badge - Paper 3 – 9 February 2012

147 What does Lobbs of St James’s supply to Prince Charles?

148 What is the meaning of Harrods’ motto: ‘omnia omnibus ubique’?

149 What is the main day for Portobello Road Market?

150 Who wrote, “When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford”?

(End of Section A – 60%)

Please turn over to Section B


London Blue Badge - Paper 3 – 9 February 2012



Answer ONE question only


B1 What will be the impact of the 2012 Olympic Games on London? You should focus on sites and structures, and consider legacy issues.


B2 Describe the development of the West End and its squares from the seventeenth century until the present, explaining how and why the garden squares developed. You may also consider architecture and the layout of the streets.

(End of Section B - 20%)

Please turn over to Section C


London Blue Badge - Paper 3 – 9 February 2012



Answer ONE question only


C1 Write notes on TWO of the following:

a) The Royal Opera House, Covent Garden b) The Royal Albert Hall c) The Royal Festival Hall d) The O2 (including the arena)


C2 Describe (with sketches if you wish) the foundation, the training/qualifications, the professional activities and attire of TWO of the following:

a) The Yeoman Warders b) The Grenadier Guards c) Hackney-Carriage Drivers d) The City of London Police


C3 Write notes on TWO of the sculptors listed below. You should focus on links with London, in terms of their lives and works:

a) Grinling Gibbons b) Francis Bird c) Louis Francois Roubiliac d) Jacob Epstein e) Eric Gill f) Sir Henry Moore g) Sir Anthony Caro

(End of Section C - 20%)