
Chinese Science Bulletin


The interaction between cognition and

LIU Ye, FU QiuFang & FU XiaoLan†

State Key Laboratory of Brain and Cognitive Science, Institute of , Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China Cognition and emotion have long been thought of as independent systems. However, recent research in the cognitive and neurobiological sciences has shown that the relationship between cognition and emotion is more interdependent than separate. Based on evidence from behavioral and neuroscientific research, researchers have realized that it is necessary to propose a new conceptual framework to describe the relationship between cognition and emotion. In this article, recent research from behav- ioral, neuroscientific and developmental research on the interaction between cognition and emotion is summarized, and how the interaction of cognition and emotion might computer science and arti- ficial intelligence is discussed. It especially focuses on the implications for . emotion, cognition, interaction, affective computing

The relationship between cognition and emotion has and emotion is essential to development, and the ability attracted the of philosophers and scientists for to control emotion at an early age has a significant effect centuries[1,2]. Starting with Thomas Aquinas (1225- on later development; and finally, the interaction of cog- 1274) who divided the study of behavior into two broad nition and emotion may affect many aspects of people’s categories, cognition and affect[3], cognition and emotion daily activities, including technological innovation. The are viewed as separate systems and processes that sel- interaction of cognition and emotion at functional level [1] is reviewed in the first section, the underlying neural dom interact with each other . In the last hundred years, regions involved in the interaction are introduced in the the approach of functional localization has also shaped second section, and the implications of the interaction our conceptual framework of brain function that sepa- between cognition and emotion in daily life are dis- rates the emotional brain from the cognitive brain[2]. cussed in the last section, especially focusing on the im- However, the behavioral and neuroscientific data in the plications for affective computing. past two decades have demonstrated that the notion of functional specialization is problematic. Increasingly 1 The functional interaction between more researchers have realized that the processes of cognition and emotion cognition and emotion not only interact, but that their neural mechanisms are integrated in the brain so that Traditionally, cognition was thought to be comprised of they jointly contribute to behavior[1,2,4–6]. mental functions and processes, such as memory, atten- In the present article, our goal is to summarize the tion, language, problem solving, reasoning, and so on. recent behavioral and neuroscientific evidence support- Many cognitive processes involve controlled and goal- ing the interaction of cognition and emotion, and to re- Received June 30, 2009; accepted September 28, 2009 view the recent accounts on this issue. The main points doi: 10.1007/s11434-009-0632-2 †Corresponding author (email: [email protected]) of the present article are as follows: Firstly, there is an Supported by the National Key Basic Research and Development Program of China interaction between cognition and emotion not only at (Grant No. 2006CB303101), National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 60433030, 90820305, and 30700233), and Young Scientists Fund, Institute of the functional level, but also at the neurological level; Psychology of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant Nos. 07CX132013 and secondly, the interaction and integration of cognition 07CX142014)

Citation: Liu Y, Fu Q f, Fu X l. The interaction between cognition and emotion. Chinese Sci Bull, 2009, 54: 4102―4116, doi: 10.1007/s11434-009-0632-2

oriented processes when the pursuit of a goal needs to be Stefanucci and her colleagues[21,22] found that emo- [2] protected from interference . However, it is much more tional and valence can influence height percep- ARTICLES difficult to provide a clear definition of emotion. Some tion, and especially, can result in height overestima- researchers define emotion as drive and motivation[4]. tion. People usually overestimated distance and size Some researchers focus on the experience of emotion[7]. when they looked down from a high place with trait or And others emphasize emotion schemas[8], or the basic state fear of heights[21]. Further research showed that the [9]. There are a number of different emotional influence of emotional arousal on estimates of height dimensions proposed by psychologists. However, only could be moderated by emotion regulation strategies[22]. the -Arousal-Dominance Emotional States If participants were instructed to think of themselves as Model has been accepted by most researchers and has the central person in emotional situations, they overes- been used broadly in psychology, sociology, and com- timated the height more than did participants who were puter science recently[10–12]. There are three nearly inde- instructed to think of themselves as in the third-person pendent dimensions in the PAD Model to describe and perspective in emotional situations, and who did not measure emotional states (or , affective condi- regulate their emotion at all. In addition to spatial per- tions): pleasure-displeasure, arousal-nonarousal, and do- ception, several researches also showed that emotional minance-submissiveness. “Pleasure-displeasure” distin- arousal and valence interact to affect the perception of guishes the positive-negative affective quality of emo- time[23,24], and the emotion-related overestimation of tional states, i.e. the valence of emotion. “Arousal-non- time was moderated by individual differences in nega- arousal” refers to a combination of physical activity and tive [25]. mental alertness. And “dominance-submissiveness” is According to many models of attention, objects com- defined in terms of control versus lack of control. No pete for limited perceptual processing capacity and con- matter how the definition of emotion varies, recent re- trol of behavior[4,5]. Recent studies further found that search has demonstrated that cognition interacts with visual attention can be voluntarily directed toward stim- emotion on all the three different dimensions. uli that are emotionally significant[26]. It has been con- 1.1 The role of emotion in cognition sistently found that negative stimuli captured attention more efficiently than positive stimuli did. Most re- The impact of emotion or affect on behavioral perform- searches on this topic usually used the paradigm of vis- ance has been well documented. Traditionally, affect is ual search. Hao et al.[27] used the visual marking para- viewed as a source of irrationality or a kind of bias in digm to test the processing advantage of negative ex- human behavior such as attention and decision mak- pressions, and also found that negative faces were ing[13]. For example, people are strongly influenced by sought much faster than positive faces in a gap condition, the way in which a question is presented. An operation but the negative advantage would disappear when the with 40 percent probability of success seems more ap- pealing than the one with 60 percent chance of failure[14]. negative faces served as distractors. This research sug- Clore and Storbeck[15] further suggested that affective gests that the emotional significance of the stimuli had a feelings could provide embodied information about great impact on the visual attention process. Even value of goodness and badness. By this way, the affec- though the emotional stimuli were task-irrelevant, they tive experiences govern our attitudes, and provide red were more strongly encoded than the target letters su- [28] and green lights for different thinking styles. However, perimposed on them in the spatial competition task . [18] recent studies have shown that the effects and functions In addition to usual emotional stimuli, Langeslag et al. of emotion on cognition are more basic and complicated found that participants paid more attention to stimuli than irrationality and bias. One of the most well-known related to their beloved than those related to friends, and examples is the mood-congruent effect on memory[16]. the P3 component was modulated by emotion-related

Emotion can exert effects at the time of encoding, during factors, as well as task-related factors. PSYCHOLOGY retrieval processes as well as during the experience of However, research has also shown executive control recollection[16,17]. Strong evidence has also been pro- of attention is more efficient not only in negative situa- vided that emotion and motivation play a crucial role in tions, but also in positive situations[29,30]. Positive mood perception, attention, executive control, and decision is accompanied by a global of cognitive con- making[15,18–20]. trol that results in a fundamental change in the capacity

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of selective attention from visual perception to semantic to choose optimally is complicated. Hsee and Hastie[35] conceptual space[19]. Pessoa[4] proposed Dual Competi- summarized that either people fail to predict accurately tion Model to describe how affect and emotion influence which option in the available choice set will generate the the of information processing. In this model, affec- best experience, or they fail to base their choice on their tive significance impacts the flow of information pro- prediction, or both. They proposed two general reasons cessing in a stimulus-driven and a state-dependent man- for the failure. One is prediction bias that occurs because ner, and in both cases competition is supposed to occur predictors do not fully appreciate the differences be- at the perceptual and executive levels. Pessoa[4] pointed tween the state of prediction and the state of experience. out that there are two reasons why emotional stimuli The other is failure to follow predictions, and this occurs drive executive control: Firstly, strengthened sensory because choosers fail to reach the optimal balance be- representations with increased visual responses will re- tween impulsivity and self-control[35]. The behavioral ceive prioritized attention; secondly, affective informa- economic research suggests that people are averse to tion may be directly conveyed to the neural structures in ambiguity[37]. Researchers propose that dealing with which executive control is modulated. Different from decisions facing ambiguity is a process involving both stimulus-driven manner, reward-related manipulations of emotion and reason, and when probabilities are not pre- motivation are involved in the state-dependent man- cise, people are inclined to consider the worst possible ner[4]. outcome of each action they can take as the outcome Another cognitive process related to executive control that will occur[37]. Emotion is also closely related to is working memory. The theoretical concept of working moral judgment. Several researchers have argued that memory assumes that a limited attentional capacity sys- emotions are the source of our intuitive moral judg- tem temporarily maintains and stores information and ments[38]. Although other researchers argue that the cur- supports human thought processes by providing an in- rent neurological, behavioral, developmental and evolu- terface between perception and long-term memory[31]. tionary evidence is insufficient to demonstrate that emo- Numerous emotion and working memory studies have tion is necessary for making moral judgments, they found that emotional state or mood influences working agree that emotion often follows from the judgments, memory performance[32]. Baddeley[33] reviewed the ef- serving a primary role in motivating morally relevant fects of danger, elation, , and craving on working action[39]. memory, and then he concluded that all of the above 1.2 The role of cognition in emotion emotions appear to disrupt working memory. For exam- Lazarus[40] proposed that the functional relationships ple, craving includes mainly positive intrusive thoughts between cognition and emotion are bidirectional, and in nature that can result in further elaboration within the emotion is the appraisal of the significance of what has episodic buffer, hence reduces the processing capacity of [40] [33] [33] happened in regard to personal well-being. Lazarus working memory . Therefore, Baddeley proposed a further states that emotion is always a response to cogni- revised working memory model to include the impact of tive activity, which generates meaning regardless of how emotional factors on working memory by adding a he- this meaning is achieved. So he believes that cognition donic detector and episodic buffer. is both a necessary and sufficient condition of emo- Since ancient Greek philosophy, rationalists have as- tion[40]. Many recent researches provided strong evi- sumed that emotion can mislead higher cognitive func- [34] dence for Lazarus’ opinion. tions, such as rationality and decision making . Based on rationalism, a fundamental assumption of classic (i) The effect of cognitive processes on emotion. As economic theory is that people are able to identify and discussed in Section 1.1, emotional states exert a great choose what is best for them, conditional on being well impact on attentional processes. The related question in informed about their circumstances[35]. However, recent reverse is whether attention affects the experience of research has found that most decisions are motivated by emotion. Numerous recent studies demonstrated that [41–43] the pursuit of subjective well-being or [36]. attention has a crucial effect on emotional states . In Furthermore, recent findings have shown that people are the preview search task, the previewed distractors were not always able to choose what yields the greatest hap- significantly devalued in the following emotional eva- piness or best experience[35]. The reason why people fail luation task compared with similar nonpreviewed dis-

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tractors[41]. Furthermore, the distractors presented near as those inhibited. The findings indicated that the prior

the target during researching were rated significantly attentional states (attended or inhibited) associated with ARTICLES more negatively than those presented far from the target, a group of neutral stimuli (character strings) can even and distractors were rated more negatively than the tar- influence subsequent preference judgments about pre- gets[42]. Kiss et al.[20] further found that the efficiency of viously-unseen stimuli if these new stimuli share certain attentional selectivity could predict subsequent emo- basic features (e.g., follow the same rule) with those tional responses, and suggest that attention is closely encountered in a previous stage[44]. associated with subsequent affective evaluation of visual Other cognitive processes besides attention play im- stimuli. Fenske et al.[43] also found that prior inhibitory portant roles in emotional perception and emotional ex- attentional states associated with unfamiliar faces can perience. For example, Storbeck and Clore[45] found that reduce the trustworthiness of those faces in the subse- the referential processing of negative mood led to accu- quent judgments. rate memory while the referential processing of positive The attention effects are so strong that even the stimuli moods led to false memories. Righart and de Gelder[46] with the same structure as the attended stimuli that the found that there was a response advantage for facial ex- subjects have never seen are rated more positive than the pressions accompanied by congruent contexts under stimuli with the same structure as the unattended stimuli. both low and high task load conditions, suggesting that Zhou et al.[44] adopted a variant of the artificial grammar the perception of the surrounding scene plays an impor- learning (AGL) paradigm to address this question. AGL is tant role in recognizing facial expressions. Also, nu- a classical paradigm for the investigation of implicit merous studies have shown that repeated exposures re- learning and usually includes a training stage and a testing sult in the enhancement of subject’s preference to a neu- stage. As shown in Figure 1, during the training stage, tral stimulus. Even only mere exposure to a stimulus is participants were required to memorize (i.e. rote learning) sufficient to enhance an individual’s liking of it. The some character strings that followed some rule (or gram- mere exposure effect of neutral stimuli has been found mar); during the testing stage, they were required to clas- to be highly robust, with the effect being found in both sify whether the test items (unseen in the training stage) children and adults, in field settings as well as in labo- followed the same rule as those that appeared in the first ratory settings[47]. By using emotionally evocative music stage[44]. Most studies using AGL have shown that people as stimuli, Witvliet and Vrana[48] further found that ex- can abstract the common complex rule underlying all the posure enhanced participants’ liking of positive music, memorized items independent of conscious attempts. but accentuated participants’ dislike for negative music. Therefore, AGL provides a basic rationale for exploring Given the wide applicability and robustness of the mere whether the affective consequence of attentional inhibi- exposure effect, this link between familiarity and liking tion can be spread to new stimuli from the same family has profound application in social science.

PSYCHOLOGY Figure 1 Experimental procedure. (a) Time sequence of a single trial in training stage. The Chinese character on the left of the string pair indicates which string to copy. If the character is “前(it means front)”, participants need to type in the string in the foreground. On the other hand, if it is“ 后(it means back)”, participants need to type in the back one. Participants’ input will be shown in the rectangular box below the string pair. (b) Time sequence of a single trial in testing stage. Participants choose the preferred string by clicking either one of the two buttons at the bottom of the screen (U means up, D means down) (ref.[44]).

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(ii) The role of language in . ment, then language might play a much larger role in Traditional facial expression recognition research that shaping our social cognition than previously assumed[49]. follows the basic emotion approach suggests that there (iii) The relationship between expression recognition are definitely several specific emotion categories that are and facial recognition. The relationship between ex- universal across human races and nationalities[49]. Ac- pression recognition and facial identity recognition has cording to the basic emotion approach, the facial expres- attracted many researchers’ attention for many years. sions are clear and unambiguous, so that the expression is The process of facial expression and facial identity that easy for all people to recognize. The perception of emo- was traditionally viewed as parallel processing is now tion takes place automatically and language is not neces- dubious. Although some researchers still support the sary for emotion perception; even young infants can dis- independence of the two processes[54], others argue that criminate discrete emotional expressions[50,51]. However, the two processes interact with each other, and that fa- there are many ambiguous situations in daily life that miliarity with faces increases the perceptual integrality need additional cues to help us judge facial expressions. between identity and expression[55]. And recently, more For example, it may be more difficult to identify emotion and more evidence tend to support an interactive rela- of others when there are no exact words to depict it. Re- tionship between the processing of facial expression and cent studies have suggested that semantic information as facial identity. context cues are necessary for emotion perception, and Following the research of Bruce and Young[56], Wang language intrinsically shapes how one person perceives and Fu[5] proposed the Face Recognition Functional emotion in another’s behavior[49,52,53]. Lindquist et al.[53] Model. They focused on the debate about parallel and found that it would be more difficult to judge the emo- interactive processing between facial expression recogni- tions of faces when emotion language was made less ac- tion and facial identity recognition. They proposed an cessible via a standard semantic satiation procedure. integrative model (Figure 2) based on the distributed hu- [52] Barrett reviews evidence that does not support the man neural system to illustrate the mechanism of facial basic emotion categories, including the observable expression and facial identity recognition. properties and the causal mechanism, and further pro- The recognition of facial identity is based on the per- posed that emotions are not events that broadcast precise ception of aspects of facial structure that are invariant information on the faces without any ambiguity. Barrett across changes in expression and other movements of [49] et al. review research on language as the context of the eyes and mouth[58]. Wang and Fu[59] pointed out that emotion perception, and suggest that language functions almost all of the past studies neglected to highlight the as a context in emotion perception to reduce the ambi- fact that the intensity variation information of facial ex- guity of the structural information in faces. There are pressions might be a very important factor in facial ex- two possibilities regarding the role of language in emo- pression recognition. To further test the interaction be- tion perception[49]. One possibility is that language has tween expression recognition and facial identity recog- its influence at a certain stage of stimulus categorization, nition, they manipulated the facial expression intensity where memory based conceptual knowledge about emo- by morphing pictures, and found that identity influenced tion is being brought to bear on an already formed per- expression recognition but expression did not affect cept[49]. The other possibility is that language contributes identity judgment when the discriminability of facial to the construction of the emotional percept by dynami- [59] cally reconfiguring how structural information from the expression was low . The results support the hypothe- face is processed[49]. It is possible for emotion words to sis that facial expression intensity enhances the dis- influence how people sample and process the sensory criminability of facial expressions, but not that of facial information in a face and construct an emotional percept. identity, indicating that sometimes the effects of identity [59] Barrett et al.[49] proposed the language- as-context hy- on expression recognition can disappear . Zhang [60] pothesis, and they believe it will set the stage for future et al. explored the role of facial identity in the proc- research on how language influences other forms of so- essing of facial expression by using a visual search task. cial perception, such as the perception of gender and Participants were asked to search for a happy or sad face race. If conceptual knowledge shapes the perception of in a crowd of pictures of emotional faces. Expression social reality and language shapes conceptual develop- search was more quick and accurate when all faces in a

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Figure 2 Integrative model (ref.[57]). display belonged to one identity, compared to when they These findings suggest that social dominance might be belonged to two identities, indicating the interference of the mediator of the effect of gaze on perception of threat- identity variance in expression recognition[60]. In addi- ening facial expressions[63]. tion, the search speed of a certain expression depended (iv) The cognitive control of emotion. How should on the number of facial identities: when faces in a dis- we manage our emotion? Although each culture answers play belonged to one identity, a sad face among happy this question differently, there is a common theme: we [64] faces could be found more quickly than a happy face need to exert some control over our emotions . The among sad faces; however, when faces in a display be- capacity to regulate emotion is an important cognitive longed to two identities, a happy face could be found function for human adaptation, and the regulatory efforts more quickly than a sad face[60]. largely determine the impact that some negative emotions [65] In recent years, there has been an increasing amount will have on our mental and physical well-being . of research on the role of eye gaze in facial expression Emotion regulation refers to the processes by which we recognition. Eye gaze can provide a number of different control which emotions we have, when we have them, [66] [66] cues for social interactions and emotional perception. and how we experience and express them . Gross Adams and Kleck[62] proposed that gaze direction is as- proposed five emotion regulation strategies: First, situa- sociated with approach-avoidance behavioral tendencies tion selection refers to approaching or avoiding certain in that they found that approach-oriented emotions (an- people, places, or things so to regulate emotion; second, ger and ) were processed more quickly with direct situation modification refers to problem-focused gaze, while avoidance-oriented emotions (fear and sad- or primary control; third, attentional deployment refers ness) were processed more quickly with averted gaze. to selecting which of the many aspects of the situation Graham and LaBar[62] found that gaze direction inter- you focus on; forth, cognitive change refers to selecting fered with expression processing only when facial ex- which of the many possible meanings you will attach to pression was difficult to discriminate by using Garner that aspect; and fifth, response modulation refers to at- paradigm, and they suggest that the processing of eye tempts to influence emotion response tendencies once [66] gaze and facial expressions are only partially dependent. they already have been elicited. Gross suggested that To further investigate the role of facial processing in the first four are antecedent focused strategies in that expression recognition, Shang et al.[63] addressed the these strategies are used before the emotion response PSYCHOLOGY effects of gaze direction on the perception of facial ex- tendencies have become fully activated and changed our pressions, and found that gaze direction influenced the behavior and peripheral physiological responding, while dominance of neutral and angry facial expressions, and the fifth is a response focused strategy in that this strat- averted gaze facilitated the processing of angry faces. egy is used once an emotion is already underway, after

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the response tendencies have been generated[66]. After a a review of recent research findings concerning emotion review of findings related to the consequences of reap- regulation, Gross[69] concluded that the crucial factor is praisal (i.e. cognitive change) and suppression (i.e. re- to use a strategy that matches one’s goal since different sponse modulation), Gross[66] concluded that reappraisal emotion regulation strategies have different conse- and suppression strategies lead to different affective, quences. Also, he identified three new directions for fu- cognitive and social consequences. For example, sup- ture research in emotion regulation: First, the role of pression appears to have little impact on negative emo- beliefs in shaping when and how we try to regulate our tion experience but can decrease positive emotion be- emotions; second, the largely unexplored realm of havior. On the contrary, reappraisal decreases negative automatic emotion regulation processes; and third, the emotion experience and expression but increases posi- bridges that are beginning to be built between basic re- tive emotion experience and expression. search on emotion and emotion regulation, and clinical Ochsner and Gross[65] discuss how recent neural im- research and practice. Emotion regulation issues in our lives will further benefit from findings in these research aging work has investigated two types of cognitive areas[69]. regulation: attentional control and cognitive change. As we mentioned before, attention is often referred to as the 2 The neural mechanisms of cognitive- selective aspect of information processing that enables us to focus on goal-relevant information and ignore emotional interaction goal-irrelevant information. Attentional control enables It is difficult to summarize the set of brain regions that us to spontaneously look away from aversive events to- comprises the emotional brain. Although many re- wards pleasant ones. Some studies have found that searchers claim that some regions are linked to specific amygdala activation decreases when participants attend affective functions, none of the regions is purely affec- to and evaluate emotional features, for example, match- tive. The hypothalamus was first found to be linked to ing emotional faces or scenes based on emotional la- emotion. Pessoa[2] summarizes some regions that are [67] [65] bels . Ochsner and Gross explain that these judg- prominently linked to affective functions based on an ments might impose a greater attentional load, which informal assessment of the frequency with which they strongly limits the processing of perceptual inputs and appear in the literature. The core emotional regions in- participants might in some cases actively regulate their clude, subcortically, the amygdala, the nucleus accum- [65] responses. Therefore, Ochsner and Gross further di- bens, and the hypothalamus, and cortically, the orbi- vide emotion regulation into behavioral regulation (e.g. tofrontal cortex (OFC), the anterior cingulate cortex, and suppressing expressive behavior) and cognitive regula- the ventromedial prefrontal cortex. Extended regions tion (e.g. attending to or interpreting emotion-eliciting appearing with less frequency include, subcortically, the situations in ways that limit emotional responding), and brain stem, the ventral tegmental area, the hippocampus, suggest that there are three approaches in which the use the periaquaeductal grey, the septum and the basal fore- of cognitive change to generate an emotional response brain; and cortically, the anterior insula, the prefrontal has been studied: The first approach has examined the cortex (PFC), the anterior temporal lobe, the posterior neural correlates of anticipatory responses that precede cingulate cortex, superior temporal sulcus, and somato- expected emotional events; the second approach has sensory cortex. However, recent neuroscience research examined the expectations about how a stimulus might has provided strong evidence that most of these neural influence the neural responses to it; and the third ap- regions are also involved in cognition processes, and proach has directly contrasted top-down responses gen- some of them are thought to have a central role in cogni- erated by beliefs about a stimulus with bottom-up re- tion, such as the hippocampus, the prefrontal and parie- sponses driven by direct perception of aversive stimuli. tal cortices. Although most emotion regulation researches empha- Pessoa[2] pointed out that it is inherently problematic sized the importance of decreasing unpleasant emotions, to divide the brain into cognitive and affective regions Tamir et al.[68] demonstrated that individuals were some- based on the current knowledge of brain function and times motivated to increase their for better per- connectivity. The functions and neural mechanisms of formance when engaging in a confrontational task. After cognition and emotion not only interact, but are also

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integrated in terms of functional organization, even dur- uli[73]. A follow-up neuroimaging study found that the [2,70] ing infancy and early childhood . The brain regions amygdala of the patient was activated differently by dif- ARTICLES traditionally viewed as affective regions are involved in ferent emotional faces, despite the absence of conscious cognitive processes, and the brain regions generally visual experience. viewed as cognitive regions are also involved in affec- There is also considerable evidence showing that tive processes. Therefore, each cognitive or affective amygdala is involved in associative learning. Animals region is involved in a number of functions. In this sec- with amygdala damage could not express fearful behav- tion, we will review the neuroscience data supporting ior when a cue that signaled an impending aversive the interaction and integration between cognition and event was presented, and failed to show associations emotion, and discuss the possible neural mechanism between cues and positive experience[71]. Patients with underlying the integration. amygdala damage also could not acquire conditioned 2.1 The amygdala fear responses, even though they retained the explicit knowledge about the associations between conditioned The amygdala is often categorized as an affective region [5] strongly linked to fear processing. However, this struc- stimulus (CS) and unconditioned stimulus (US) . Barot [74] ture is also involved in several functions that are closely et al. proposed a model to explain how the neurons in linked with cognitive processes, including attention, as- basolateral nucleus of the amygdala (BLA) activate sociative learning (even implicit learning), perception of during associative learning. The model suggests that automatic emotional responses, and memory. when a novel CS is shown, the neuron in the BLA be- The amygdala is crucial to enhancing visual percep- comes more sensitive to subsequent US input and con- tion of emotional stimuli and also is involved in selec- vergent activation is seen. tive attentional processes[2,4,46,65]. For example, amygdala- By influencing perception and attention, the amyg- damaged rats fail to acquire orienting responses which dala can also modulate the encoding of episodic memory [75] reflects a failure to increase attention to a cue[71]. Recent about emotional events. Phelps further argued that the studies have provided strong evidence that the amygdala- amygdala could modulate not only the encoding but also mediates the processing advantage of emotional items[2]. the consolidation of hippocampal-dependent memories. Lim and Pessoa[72] found that participants had increased As we mentioned earlier, the amygdala has connections sensitivity to shock-paired faces and patches relative to with sensory cortical processing regions, such as the unpaired faces and patches during a neutral/fearful dis- visual cortex. The amygdala might receive information crimination task, and they were more likely to report the about the emotional significance of a stimulus early faces and patches as fearful if they were shown in a when the stimulus is displayed to our perceptual system, color that was previously paired with shock. and the amygdala’s feedback could result in enhanced Accumulating evidence has verified that the amyg- perceptual encoding for emotional events. After encod- dala is important for mediating emotional influence on ing, there is a slow consolidation period in which the perception. For example, when patients, with either memories become consolidated to be stored in the blindsight or visual extinction, were presented with long-term memory. In this period, any emotional reac- emotional stimuli out of awareness in the damaged hemi- tions to events change hormone levels, making events of field, the amygdala showed activation to these stimuli[5]. greater importance more likely to be remembered. Stud- Also, in a functional neuroimaging study, using a visual ies of animal models show that stress hormones activate backward masking paradigm, showed that when normal adrenergic receptors in the basolateral amygdala, sug- participants were presented with stimuli out of their gesting that hippocampal consolidation of memory is awareness, the amygdala responded differently to un- modulated by the level of hormones[75]. [5]

seen emotional and unseen nonemotional targets . One PSYCHOLOGY 2.2 The hippocampus set of facial expression recognition studies found that when emotional faces were presented to a neurological As one part of limbic system, the hippocampus is also patient with brain damage to the visual cortex, the pa- thought to be related to emotion. Early studies found tient could discriminate the emotion in the faces by that destroying the hippocampus in monkeys had a de- guessing, even he was unable to report seeing the stim- pressive effect[76]. Based on both animal and human

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studies, Papez[76] suggests that the hippocampus partici- ticipants were scanned by functional MRI after pleasant pates in the central production of emotive process in states (approach related), unpleasant states (withdrawal some important way. However, the research in the last related), and neutral states were induced by watching three decades has verified that the hippocampus plays a short videos. Their results showed a significant emotion crucial role in long-term memory, spatial navigation, and and stimulus crossover interaction for task-related neural other important cognitive processes[77]. activity in the bilateral PFC, and neural activity was Now, it is agreed that the amygdala-hippocampus in- consistent with the task performance, providing strong teraction system is the basic neural mechanism underly- evidence for the integration of cognition and emotion. ing the interaction between . The Moreover, some studies with patients of amygdala le- amygdala influences the encoding of emotional memo- sions show that emotional benefits in memory are still [78] ries in the hippocampus, while the hippocampus forms possible even without a fully functioning amygdala . episodic memories of emotional stimuli and events, and In these cases, the direct interaction between the medial further influences the amygdala’s response when emo- temporal lobe and the PFC may mediate the processing [78] tional stimuli are encountered[75,78,79]. The interactions of emotional information . between the amygdala and hippocampus are necessary Currently, it is agreed that the PFC is best conceptu- not only for the encoding and consolidation of emotional alized as consisting of many areas, such as the anterior memories, but also for the retrieval of emotional memo- cingulated cortex (ACC), the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) ries[16]. For example, animal studies show that the amyg- and the ventromedial PFC. All of them have their spe- [2] dala and hippocampus synchronize during the retrieval of cific functions . Next, we will further discuss the role fear memories and the cooperation of the amygdala and of the OFC and the ACC in the cognition-emotion inte- hippocampus was also found in human studies when hu- gration. [16] man participants retrieved fearful memories . Further- 2.4 The orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) more, hippocampus-dependent memories have significant The OFC, as part of prefrontal cortex, is a region of as- influence on the activity of the amygdala. For example, sociation cortex of the human brain. Because of its func- an fMRI study showed that when participants were in- tions in emotion and reward, the OFC is considered to structed that they would receive one or more mild [2,81] be a part of the limbic system . shocks after a specific cue was presented, they showed It has been accepted that the OFC is necessary for re- activation of the left amygdala during the presentation of [75] inforcers to exert their normal control over behavior. the cue even when no shocks were actually presented . Some animal studies show that when monkeys learn to 2.3 The prefrontal cortex (PFC) choose one of two objects to get a reward, those with The PFC is critical to the maintenance and manipulation OFC lesions are unable to inhibit responding to the pre- viously rewarded item when the contingencies are re- of information. Its lateral aspect (LPFC) plays a key role [82] [2,4] versed . Additionally, neuropsychological studies have in the function of executive control . Recent research also shown that patients with the OFC damage cannot found that the PFC interacts with other brain regions and alter their choices to avoid losing money after encoun- is also involved in the integration of cognition and emo- tering losses[82]. It has also been found that the OFC re- tion. sponds to reinforcement and associated events in sin- The connection between the PFC and the amygdala gle-neuron recording and neuroimaging experiments[81]. guides attentional resources towards the location of Furthermore, recent research has found that the OFC emotional items, and the connections between the PFC, might play a crucial role in the generation and use of the amygdala and the hippocampus contribute to emo- outcome expectancies[83]. For example, some neuroi- [4] [80] tional episodic memories . Gray et al. found that emo- maging studies with normal human subjects have shown tional states could selectively influence cognition-related blood flow changes in the OFC during of neural activity in LPFC, that is critical to goal-directed expected outcomes, and also, when the value of an ex- behavior and is also sensitive to approach-withdrawal pected outcome is modified or not delivered, it indicates emotion. In their study, participants performed a working that this activation may reflect the incentive value of memory task with either words or faces as stimuli. Par- these items[83]. Wallis[82] proposed that the OFC inte-

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grates multiple sources of information based on the re- posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and simple phobia.

ward outcome to derive a value mark, and then, behavior The ACC is also involved in the social cognition to ARTICLES toward obtaining the reward outcome is planned and understand others’ emotion through its connection with organized in lateral prefrontal cortex, and finally the the amygdala and others’ brain regions[88]. In one recent overall action and the effort being required is evaluated fMRI study, emotional conflict was tested by the Stroop in medial prefrontal cortex. paradigm, and the results indicated that the amount of OFC damage produces an unusual pattern of deficits, emotional conflict was reflected by activity in the in which patients have intact cognitive abilities, but are amygdala and dorsolateral prefrontal cortices, while the impaired in making everyday decisions. The role of the resolution of emotional conflict was associated with ac- OFC in the decision making has attracted attention re- tivation of the rostral ACC[89]. The activation of the ros- [84] cently. Beer et al. examined the role of the OFC in tral cingulate was predicted by the amount of previous decision making with a risk-taking task, in which par- trial conflict related neural activity, and was accompa- ticipants were presented with some negative and neutral nied by a simultaneous and correlated reduction of pictures before a bet task, and they were required to ig- amygdalar activity. This suggested that emotional con- nore the pictures or were told that the negative pictures flict was resolved through top-down inhibition of amy- meant that the upcoming bet was more risky. The results gdala activity by the rostral ACC[89]. Other studies also showed that not only the relevant negative emotion, but show that ACC is involved in computing the costs and also irrelevant negative emotion increased the activation [82] benefits of acting by encoding the probability of reward. level of the lateral OFC. Wallis suggests that the OFC is crucial to decision making because it plays a key role Also, the ACC is critical to making decisions about ef- [2] in processing reward that can ensure that our behavior is fort costs . most efficiently directed towards satisfying our needs. 2.6 The cerebellum 2.5 The anterior cingulate cortext(ACC) Traditionally, the cerebellum was thought of purely as a The ACC is also thought of as part of the limbic sys- motor control device. However, there is an increasing tem[85]. Traditionally, this region has been thought to amount of research showing that the cerebellum con- play a central role in the neurobiology of and tributes to cognitive processing and emotional control in affective disorders[86]. However, during the last three addition to its role in motor coordination[90]. decades, a number of neuroimaging results indicated Lesion studies found that patients with cerebellar that the ACC is also involved in many cognitive pro damage show impairments in executive function, lan- cesses such as implicit learning, decision making, and guage, and emotion regulation. Also, functional neuroi- attention. maging studies have found that visually induced emo- To fully understand the role of the ACC, it is divided tion and facial expression recognition increase activity into affective and cognitive subdivisions: the affective in the cerebellum[91]. To further investigate the role of subdivision encompasses the rostral and ventral areas of cerebellar emotion, Turner[91] first combined the use of the ACC and is involved in regulating visceral and positron emission tomography (PET) and emotion- autonomic responses to stressful behavioral and emo- inducing probes in patients with cerebellar stroke, and tional events, and social behavior; found that patients with cerebellar lesions showed re- the cognitive subdivision includes the dorsal regions of duced pleasant experience in response to happiness- the ACC and plays an important role in response selec- evoking stimuli despite normal perception of the emo- tion and processing of cognition[87]. For example, the tional relevance of the stimuli presented. However, these activation of the dorsal regions has been reported during patients showed normal responses to frightening stimuli the processing of competing information, and the moni- similar to healthy controls with significantly lower ac- toring of cognitive or affective conflicts, indicating that PSYCHOLOGY the cognitive ACC may serve as an evaluative function, tivity in the right ventral lateral and left dorsolateral pre- while ventral regions are suggested as crucial to assess- frontal cortex, amygdala, thalamus, and retrosplenial ing the presence of possible conflicts. Therefore, it is not cingulate gyrus. Unpleasant feelings elicited the “alter- surprising that the ACC is involved in different anxiety native” limbic circuitry instead of normal regions (e.g. disorder such as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), amygdala). This finding suggested that alternate neural

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circuitry became responsible for maintaining the evolu- integration of several brain regions, such as the PFC, the tionarily critical fear response after cerebellar damage. OFC, the amygdala and other related regions. These find- Furthermore, clinical studies yielded strong evidence ings further verify that the successful integration of cog- for cerebellar abnormalities in emotional disorders, in- nition and emotion is central to the quality and range of cluding schizophrenia and depression[92]. Neurobiologi- everyday human experience. cal studies showed that extra-cellular single-unit re- sponses of Purkinje cells in the anterior cerebellar ver- 3 Implications mis vary as a function of fear learning. These results Just as research in psychology has separated emotion provided corroborating evidence for the involvement of from cognition in the last centuries, computer science cerebellum in fear learning, and suggest that the cere- had also neglected affective factors in intelligent ma- bellum is part of a complex system that controls emo- [96] [92,93] chines for a long time. In 1985, Minsky first pointed tional behavior . In addition, Transcranial Magnetic out that the question is not whether intelligent machines (TMS) studies have demonstrated that slow can have any emotions, but whether machines can be repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation to a sub- intelligent without emotions. Researchers in computer ject’s cerebellum for several days elicits an increase in science have realized that machine intelligence should negative mood, indicating that emotion regulation is [94] include . Emotional intelligence impaired by such stimulation . refers to the ability to recognize emotion and is an 2.7 Related developmental research aspect of human intelligence[97]. However, except the The integration of cognition and emotion is essential to humanoid robots with artificial emotions in science fic- children’s development. Based on the integration ap- tion movies, there has been little serious research on proach, Wolfe and Bell[70] tried to investigate the rela- emotional intelligence in computers until 1997, when tionship between cognitive development and emotional Picard’s book Affective Computer[98] was published. development in the first years of life by examining the Affective computing refers to computing that relates interaction between cognitive control (working memory) to, arises from, or deliberately influences emotions, es- and emotion regulation (children’s temperament). Wolfe pecially in human-computer interaction[98]. Affective and Bell[70] chose 8-month-old infants and 4.5-year-old computing aims to create a computing system with the children as participants and found that the early-learned ability to recognize, understand, express, and respond to regulatory and attentional behaviors have great influence human emotion in order to improve human affective on later development, suggesting that it is not infant experience with technology. Computers are designed to cognitive performance but infant temperament charac- have self-contained, self-sufficient intelligence, and the teristics that possibly predict early childhood cognitive abilities to influence or to be influenced by human emo- abilities. tions. They can interact with people in a more natural A study of adolescent-onset schizophrenia also showed and kindly manner. Affective computing research is of that cerebral dysfunctions of the emotion-cognition inter- great benefit to both a harmonious electronic society and actions are seen at an early age[95]. For example, during a the development of psychological science. working memory task that evoked negative and neutral Affective computing has attracted a lot of attention and emotions, the areas typically associated with working research efforts in the past decade as a new cross-disci- memory performance were found to be hypoactivated in pline. Nowadays, there are a number of labs in the world patients with adolescent-onset schizophrenia relative to focusing on the affective computing research, such as the control subjects, including the dorsolateral prefrontal MIT Media Lab, The Swiss Centre for Affective Sciences, and parietal cortex and the anterior cingulate. However, Tsinghua University, and Institute of Psychology, Chinese patients with adolescent-onset schizophrenia mainly Academy of Sciences. They aim at giving computers the demonstrated increased activation in key areas of emo- ability to sense, recognize, and respond to certain aspects tional processing, such as the left OFC and medial frontal of human emotion, especially affective states such as areas during negative emotion induction[95]. As we re- , , interest, stress, anger, and joy. They viewed above, the cognitive control of emotion and the have been developing computer systems that are wearable emotional influence on cognitive control depend on the and computers that respond to people with a kind of ac-

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tive listening, , and .

What are the implication of the research on the inter- ARTICLES action of cognition and emotion to affective computing? Despite the fact that emotion is fundamental to human experience, for a long time technologists have largely ignored emotion and created a frustrating experience for people. The ignorance of technologists in part comes from the complicated relationship between cognition and emotion. Fortunately, with the idea of the interaction between cognition and emotion slowly filtering into people’s mind, more and more attention has been paid to the role of emotion in computer science. Figure 3 The 80 Gaussian models of 80 scenarios. The three Designers, engineers and technologists also have be- coordinates are P, A, and D. The center of an ellipsoid is the center of a data distribution, and volume of an ellipsoid represents the gun to realize that emotional factors are important for variation of the data set (ref. [100]). [99] their products. For example, Norman proposed that attractive products have a better effect, and that the axes in a PAD-based three-dimensional coordinate sys- emotional side of design may be more critical to a prod- tem (Figure 3). uct’s success than its practical elements. With deeper Despite great difficulty, some researchers have pro- and more detailed research on the interaction of cogni- vided evidence supporting the basic idea that the inter- tion and emotion, the relationship between the two parts action between cognition and emotion can be applied to of our mind becomes a little clearer. This leads designers, intelligent computer systems for expression recognition technologists and engineers to pay more attention to and emotion training. For example, Niedenthal[101] found how they can create much friendlier human-computer that the embodiment of emotion causally affects how interactions. The research also helps to develop new emotional information is processed when induced in technologies and theories that advance the understand- human participants by manipulations of facial expres- ing of emotion and its role in human experience, and to sion and posture in the laboratory. Comprehension of the reach a proper balance between emotion and cognition in emotional communication was facilitated by the con- the design of technologies for addressing human needs. gruence between the recipient’s bodily expression of However, it is not easy to fulfil affective computing emotion and the sender’s emotional tone of language, goals because of the complicated emotional phenomena. but was impaired by the incongruence between them. For example, although various researches of affective They found that individuals reported that they experi- computing have been reported in international journals enced the associated emotions when they adopted the and at international conferences, unfortunately, compu- congruent emotion-specific postures, suggesting indi- tational models for representing and measuring emotions, viduals’ preferences and attitudes were influenced when one basic research aspect of affective computing, have they adopted facial expressions or made emotional ges- rarely been addressed. Research efforts are mainly fo- tures; but their emotional experience was interfered cused on the recognition of the six basic or typical emo- when their motor movements were inhibited. These re- tions, whereas psychological evidence has shown that the sults suggested that perceiving and thinking about emo- emotional states can be represented in nearly three or- tion involves perceptual, somatovisceral, and motoric thogonal dimensions. For example, based on psychologi- reexperiencing of the relevant emotion in oneself. [10–12] cal findings on the PAD emotional state model , Tao Research on expression recognition also has implica- [100] et al. proposed a computational method to analyze the tions for intelligent systems, especially research on the diversity of the PAD data collected from well-designed relationship between eye gaze and facial expression. As PSYCHOLOGY psychological experiments, and to build the model adap- we mentioned above, eye gaze plays an important role in ting to the data at the same time. Our primary experi- facial expression recognition. Eye gaze is an important ments have shown that the emotional states can be rep- cue for automatic expression analysis systems to use in resented and measured in the positions relative to PAD order to recognize facial expressions[63]. There are some

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systems such as the Automatic Face Analysis system how the interaction of cognition and emotion might af- that analyze facial expressions based on facial features. fect computer science and artificial intelligence, espe- Gaze direction is a critical factor for these systems to cially focusing on the implications for affective com- [63] recognize expressions more efficiently . In virtual en- puting. However, it is worth noting that although recent vironments, people get to know others’ emotions and studies have provided strong evidence in support of the intentions through the avatar’s gaze, and eye animations interaction between cognition and emotion and some have a positive effect on participants’ responses to an related findings have been applied to daily life, there are immersive interaction. Similarly, eye contact is also still a number of problems unsolved that need future critical to human-robot communication[63]. When gener- investigation. Firstly, which is the fundamental function ating animated men or robots with the ability to recog- for human survival, cognition or emotion? Secondly, nize or express human emotions, gaze direction should how could our emerging understanding of the interaction be taken as a facilitator to make avatars more expressive between emotion and cognition be extended to social for communication in virtual environment, and to make psychology and psychopathology? Thirdly, how might human-computer and human-robot interaction more ef- fective[63]. the interaction of emotion and cognition influence hu- In conclusion, the interaction between cognition and man development from birth, and is there any method emotion is basic for human adaptation to the environ- that can optimize human potential? Finally, how might ment. In this paper, we firstly summarized how the research on the relationship between these two parts of processes of cognition and emotion interact with each our mind help solve these complicated problems, and other, then reviewed the possible neural substrates for lead to creative methods that can make human-computer the cognitive-emotional interaction, and finally discussed interaction friendlier?

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