December, 1951 I I I
School Annual of the Convents I of the I. B. V. M. in A.ust1•alia Registered at the G. .P.O., Melbourne, for transmission by Post as a Periodical December, 1951 I I i ------- --~--! l lI ror~to J t;uca f~.P!uo ffif oMomo (1886-1924) ! ( "Tache. toi. d'etre vaillante et bonne- ce sont les grandes qualites des femmes. " t)itture of ~t. 1!.uke's :fftllabonna \Jenerateb for ~entuties as tbe spedal ;fflabonna of tbe 3JJ@.1J.;ffl. THE G-OLDEN JUBILEE OF THE Australian C0In1nonwealth CARDINAL MORAN, Archbishop of Sydney (1885-1911) (Catholic Champion in the struggle for Federation) "Father of Mercies! hear Thy children's prayer ... May our Common wealth be a nation not in name only, but in reality and truth, encircling in its wide domain a happy, brave, loyal and generous people .... " (From the Cardinal's "Commonwea lth Prayer," 1901) . J CONTENTS PAGE EDITORIAL .. .......... ... .. ............... ;:i OUR MAGAZINE IN 1897 . 6 CANADA, ENGLAND, ROME, IRELAND . CENTENARY OF LORETO, MANCHESTER . IO LORETO NATIVE MISSIONS: SOUTH AFRICA ...... .. 11 OUR LADY'S SHRINE AT ALTOETTING ............. 12 LORETO ABBEY, MARY'S MOUNT-Memoirs of Countess Elizabeth 15 PICTURES: MARY'S MOUNT, BALLARAT . ......... 19 ROLL CALL OF LORETO. DAWSON STREET, BALLARAT ... 21 PICTURE: LORETO, PORTLAND . 22 PICTURES: LORETO, NORMANHURST . 2i SCHOOL VIGNETTES . 27 PICTURES: LORETO, KIRRIBILLI . 34 THIS AUSTRALIA: CAROLINE CHISHOLM, by Cara Timmins (Chisholm) 37 CHARLES GAVAN DUFFY, by w. Gavan Duffy . 39 MACLEOD OF THE BULLETIN . 40 SCHOOL CONTRIBUTIONS . 41 PICTURES: LORETO, CLAREMONT.. 51 VIEWS AND OPINIONS . 54 PICTURES: LORETO, NEDLANDS . 57 INTERESTING EXPERIENCES . 60 PICTURES: LORETO, MARRY ATVILLE .
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