School Annual of the L.B.V.M. in Australia
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School Annual of the l.B.V.M. in Australia Registered at the O.P.O., W.elbourne, for tranamiaaion by Poat as a periodical. December, 1964 -r·- ·-..-·- ·- ·--.. - ··- ·--··- .. - ·--·- ·- ··- ·- ··- ·- ··- ·- ··-·- <>- ·•- ··- ·- ·- ··· ·- ··- ··- ··- ·- ··- ·- ·----·ii_·_ i i j i 1 i I 1 I I i i i I rfu@~rn~@ I I i ii I in wfiicfi is incorporated I I i Gucafyptus GBfossoms i I i j (1 ss6 - 1924) I I i I I I <Ec'1oo{ cAnnua{ o/ t~e J.Gf3.9.J.M. in cAustrafia i i i i I i " Tache, toi, d'etre uaillante et bonne-ce sont les grandes i I qualites des femmes." i '- -Fenelon. ,- i' i i i I i I G()~' o ume 20 Gf) ecemt er, 1964 i i 1-0 I I I I I I i I I i I I ·=··' · 1 - l) - l) .-.C l - ll - IJ - ll - () - l) - 11 - ll _ ( _ ll - CJ - ll - (1 - ll - •1 - 11 -. 1 - 11 - IJ _ J _ ll - fl - ll - l) _ ) _ ll - (l - Cl ..a> IJ - (l - ll - ll _ J _ ll _ ) _ (J -n - 11 .-. c •~i 1··-"--·- ··- ··- ··-·- ··-.-·--·- ··- ··- ··--··-··-··- .,-··-··- ··- ··- ··-··-·-··- ··--··-0- ••-·- ··-·- ·- ··-··- ··- ··-·1· -t I= I i 't = I CONTENTS I- i.. Page !I ! EDITORIAL . 3 i I = I PICTURES: Mary's Mount, Ballarat, Victoria . 5 ! - I I SCHOOL VIGNETTES . 9 = i PICTURES: Loreto Convent, Dawson Street, Ba1larat . 17 !I i = j THIS AUSTRALIA . 20 ! i PICTURES: Loreto Convent, Portland, Victoria 22 ~,- 1 I TERESTING PEOPLE: i ! Archbishop Raymond, from India 25 i I Monsignor Eric Barber, from India 25 i I Leonard Cheshire, V.C. 26 i ! SDr.d ThomFa s DSoo]Mey , H d 27 i ! tu ents rom l. ary s a 11 go to 1 n ia 28 I= I Dr. James Turpin . 29 = I PICTURES: Loreto Convent, Normanhurst, N.S.W. 30 I ! HOLIDAY MEMORIES: I j School Contributions 35 I f Rubenstein Relaxes 39 I I PICTURES: Loreto Convent, KirribiJli, N.S.W. 40 I i THE WIDER APOSTOLATE: I i Preparing Youth For Life (A Seminar) 49 f I VIEWS AND OPINIONS 53 l I PICTURES: Loreto Convent, Claremont, W.A. 55 ! -_ LORETO (l.B.V.M. ) ABROAD: 'f !' Loreto Orphanage, EntaUy, Calcutta 60 i= I Shakespearean Festival at Loreto House, Calcutta 61 i j Loreto Native Mission, Glen Cowie, South Africa 61 = - I iI PICTURES : Loreto Conven t, Marryatville, South Australia 62 != I AMONG OUR ALUMNAE: ! I Loreto Federation of Australia and Other Contributions 68 ! I PICTURES: Loreto Convent, Nedlands, W.A. 71 I I PICTURES: Loreto Convent, Toorak, Victoria . 74 I i PICTURES : Loreto Convent, Brisbane, Queensland 83 I I PICTURE: St. Mary's HaU, University of Mel bourne, 1964 88 I '- INDEX 90 I= - I I' i= I We thank the Editor of LORETO M ISSIONS, Rat hf arnham, for photographs j ~ of the Missions. I It i- = I I i .:.~ 1 - 11 .-.c > - C • - · - ·· - · - · 1 - c1 - c1 - c1 -- 1l - Cl -- C l - ( ) -~ l - C l _ l _ Cl - Cl - Cl - Cl - l - ( - () - () _ ) _ () - () - () - (l - Cl - ll _ l _ C) ._.. , _ ) ___U - ·=· ! .- .. - ··- ··- ··- ··-·- ··- .. - .. - .. -..i' I I I i I I I MARY WARD i I Foundress of the I.B.V.M. i I I I (1585-1645 ) I I I I I i I i i i i Editorial ... I I I I Two books - one by a group of Anglicans, the other by a French I Lutheran - have recently been published overseas. The subject of I both is the place of Our Lady in the Christian life. The titles are: i "The Blessed Virgin Mary - Essays by Anglican writers" and "Mary: i Mother of the Lord Figure of the Church" by Max Thurian. i i I These books show a growing awareness in Protestant faiths of I I Mary's crucial place in Christian spirituality; and we may count them • as heartening evidence of the success of the Ecumenical movement. I i i As this editorial is addressed chiefly to girls educated in the I convents of the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary, may we stress I that a warm and filial devotion to this Sovereign Lady is our best i contribution to the healing of the wounds of Christendom. I I In devotion to Our Lady our hearts become receptive to the I Holy Spirit, and we help to spread the Kingdom of Christ on earth, I for, as the liturgy of the Mass tells us, i_ Mary gave to the world the Everlasting Light. I i I i I I I I i i +:•• •• - t1 - •1 - 11 ~ 1 ~ 1 ...,. 1t - 11 - 11 - 11 - 11 - • » c1 - 1 ~ 1 - 11 - o-. - c 1 - c1 - 11 - c1 - c1 - 11 - 11 - 11 - 11 - 11 - 11 - 11 - c1 - c1 - 1 -1 1 ~ 1 -0~ 1 ....o - n- 1• - o - 1+:• ~idurt of ~t. JLukt'1) ;iflllabonna '.f'tntrattb for QCentutit.5 as tbt ~pedal :ffmabonna of tbt [email protected]$1. r M ~ , 4 r rtsiif)d l LORETO ABBEY, MARY'S MOUNT, BALLARAT, VICTORIA (See Names Page 13) 5 LORETO Above: INTERMEDIATE CLASS STANDING (Left to Right): J. K elly, J. Bevers J. Garvey, J. Gorman, M . Sherid,;.n, K . Madde n, T. Sullivan, H. Cummins, P . Ryan . MIDDLE ROW: A. J e ffrey, T . Hayes, M. O'Donnell, C . Moloney, F. J ones, M . Creati, B. Najim, M. C rowe , A . Mount j oy, E. Ser ong, Y. E astcott. FRONT ROW: C. Puli, B. Kingston, B. Chatha m , E. Briody, J. O'Donohue, E . Flynn, G . L ong, R. Willia ms. ABSENT: S . Mack e nzie. Above: KINDERGARTEN STANDI NG: J . Street, D. Byrne, P. Crameri, J. Sh aw, P. C hristie, G. Guy, G. Ryan C. Rice, A . Styring. ' SEATED: C. H a rty, J. D a wson, K. Canny, S. C la rk, M. R a m sd e n, E. Chatham, B. Elliott, S . Wilkie, M. G udgeon, K . Mc Dowell. ABSENT: J. Ethe ridge , L. Rutter, M . O' Donnell, Stephen Wa!ker, M. Grundell, F . Calla ghan, P . C heesewTight, P . di Cesare M. Guiliano, B. McGoldrick. ' Left: PREFECTS STANDING (Left to Right): L. Hay, A . Carden, H. Fry (Head of the School), M . Taffe, R. Barry, M. M. F ly nn. FRONT ROW: B. Hayden, W. Skirzinski, M. Smith, M. Jens, M. K ennedy. LORETO ABBEY, MARY'S MOUNT, BALLARAT, VICTORIA 6 LORETO Top: GRADES II, III AND IV BACK ROvV (Left to Right): P . Strying, J. Koopmans, F. Ze m ljak, T. Martin, A. M . Hayden, M. A. O'Doherty, M . R yan, B. Sandra!, A . Mulcahy, M. Sargeant, P. Hunter, A. Byrn e . MIDDLE ROW: P. Canny, Anne Byrne, Ade le Byrne, J. Hurley, M . Bracks, J . Canny, K. Hart, A. Longman, S. Lewis, R. Hutchinson, M . .Jones, H . .Jens, A. G u ili a n o, M . Elliott, S. D i Cesare. FRONT ROW: H. C rameri, K. Elliott, G. Perkins, K . Crawford, L. Callagh an, K . Kennedy, C. Mann. K. Egan, F. Ryan, M. Pugsley, .J. S laddin, C. Longma n, J . Cram eri, S. Thomas. Bottom: FORM III BACK ROW (L<'ft to Right): A. Fitzgerald, M. Doheny, M . T. Cooper , .J. Cal!anan. A. Eckersley, H . Tulloc h, .J. Ryan. ?.1: . J ess. M. Bell, K. Brown. THIRD ROW: M. K eating, M. K och , D. J ackson, M. Juler. D. M cRae, K. Hedditc h, J. Rinaldi, P. H y n es. A . Bonjiorno. SEC.OND ROW: A . Rizzo, C . L ane, M . Bedford, G. CaJl agh an, H. Harman, A. Griffin, H. de Graaf(, T. Vanderkley, J. Sims, L. Re. FRONT ROW : M . A. Nagorcha, A. Nihill, C. Walker, M . Norwood, C. Rizzo, J. Naughton, L . Mulcahy, D. O 'Donnell A. Houlihan, R. Conr oy, K. Shepherd. ABSENT: M. Kelly, T. Barry, S. Zielski. LORETO ABBEY, MARY'S MOUNT, BALLARAT, VICTORIA 7 Ittrif i 'f HilUI! .. Grad·es V, VI, and Forms I and II - See Names Page 13. Preparatory and Grade I (See Names Opposite 'Page) LORETO ABBEY, MARY'S MOUNT, BALLARAT, VICTORIA 8 LORETO School Vignettes SCHOOL DIARY: MARY'S MOUNT 1963 - Margaret Mary Flynn, Marie Kennedy, Margaret 27th July: "Alliance Franca is" h eld at Mary's Taffe, Margot Smith, Lyn Hay, Wanda and Rosalie Mount. School "went French " for a day. Barry. 6th August: Senior Choir and Orchestra played in 23rd February : Old Girls' R eunion. Great fun for a concert at the Civic Hall in aid of Aboriginal present as well as past pupils. W elfare. 28th F ebruary - 5th March : Ballarat Christian 13th A ugust : Last Dancing Class for the year, Social Week h eld in St. Patrick 's Hall. Matriculation with d emonstrations of real Ballroom dancing b y Class and Leavings enjoyed the talks, especially that Miss Rowe and h er dancing partner. Would we of Mother M. Aquinas on Pope John. could do it like that! Thank you for the classes, 14 th March: Annual visit of Loreto, Toorak, for Miss Rowe. Tennis. 26th August: Leaving Geography excursion to 24th March: New building taking shape; art room Geelong. Those who do not do Geography were moved again, this time into the Quadrangle; end of conducted over the Queen Elizabeth Home. refectory without aid of stomp! 5th October: Sports - glorious weather! Barry 15th April: Mary's Mount's turn to organise the won the day with Ward claiming most of the cups. Ballarat Combined Girls' Schools Annual Athletics 19th October : Music r esults - Con gratulations to Meeting - all we nt well, and we had an enjoyable all for the excellent r esults, especially to Dorothy, day.