GBGB Publishes Cold Weather Policy 2020 Licence Renewal Reminder
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Vol 11 / No 25 13 December 2019 Fortnightly by Subscription calendar GBGB Publishes Cold Weather Policy 2020 Licence Renewal Reminder DROOPYS AOIFE (t1), trained by Ernie Gaskin for the Gaskin Greyhound Partners, Photo: Steve Nash wins the Coral Essex Vase Final by a length from King Dylan (t2) in 35.08s FOR ALL THE LATEST NEWS - WWW.GBGB.ORG.UK -VSSV^.).)VU;^P[[LY'NYL`OV\UKIVHYK'NINIZ[HɈHUK0UZ[HNYHTHUK-HJLIVVR Sunday 26th January 2020 Royal Lancaster London, London, W2 2TY Tickets for the greatest night of the year are priced at £95, which includes a sparkling wine reception, three-course meal with wine and entertainment until late. To purchase tickets and/or for further information, please call the GBGB on 020 7822 0902. Rooms are available at the Royal Lancaster London. In order to receive a 20% discount from the best flexible rate (at the time of booking) please use the special event rate code Greyhound2020 To make your reservation you can book online via www.royallancaster. com or alternatively you can call 020 7551 6000. Sponsorship opportunities are limited and only a couple of categories are left. For further information please contact Zoë Brown on 080 7822 0908 or email [email protected]. A huge thank you to all of our confirmed sponsors so far: • ACS – Newcomer of the Year • PA Media – Standard Distance Performer of • BAGS – Kennelhand of the Year the Year • Charles Russell Speechlys – Sprinter of the • Racing Post Greyhound TV – Stayer of the Year Year • Coral – Owner of the Year • SIS – Marathon Performer of the Year • Ladbrokes – Trainer of the Year • SIS – British Bred Greyhound of the Year Long-standing advisors to some of the biggest names in sport. Øøõ÷òóõäñîèçéøïïöèõùìæèöóòõ÷ö ÷èäðìöòñèòé÷ëèïäõêèö÷äñçðòö÷ èö÷äåïìöëèçìñÎøõòóèàèòģèõä÷õøïü òñè¡ö÷òó¡öëòóéòõäïïïèêäïñèèçöäñç úèäõè÷ëèĤõö÷ÞÔïäúĤõð÷òïäøñæëäñ Òñ÷èêõì÷üÜèõùìæèöÞñì÷ àèäõèðòõè÷ëäñíøö÷äïäúĤõðúè äõèüòøõö÷õä÷èêìæóäõ÷ñèõåüüòøõöìçè èùèõüö÷èóòé÷ëèúäü Proud sponsors of the British ÝòĤñçòø÷ðòõèóïèäöèæòñ÷äæ÷ Edward Craig Bred Winner Award. Partner [email protected] Danielle Sharkey Trusted partner to the greyhound Associate and betting industry, offering first [email protected] class production, reliable delivery of pictures and data, with industry leading integrity, direct to betting shops and digital platforms worldwide. For more information, please visit London | Cheltenham | Guildford | Bahrain | Doha | Dubai | Geneva | Hong Kong | Luxembourg | Paris | Zurich or email [email protected] GBGB PUBLISHES COLD WEATHER POLICY The Greyhound Board of Great Britain (GBGB) has published a Cold Weather Policy setting out the guidelines its licensed trainers and racecourses must follow during periods of cold weather in order to protect the health, comfort and safety of greyhounds. The Cold Weather Policy contains information for residential kennels and provides clear guidelines on the essential provisions that should be made during the winter months to ensure all greyhounds remain at a constant, comfortable temperature. The Policy also covers the additional arrangements that should be made when transporting greyhounds to the track in cold weather, such as ensuring all greyhounds wear adequate coats and that the temperature of internal vehicles remains at 10°C or above. As well as advice to trainers, it also sets out the processes which should be taken by racing offices throughout the winter months. This includes ensuring that any decision to abandon racing is made before trainers have embarked on their journey to the racetrack, as well as guidelines on track preparation, kennelling and parading. Importantly, the Policy details the extra vigilance which must be taken by everyone in the industry during the winter months when certain constituents are used to combat the effect of snow, ice and freezing, such as grit and anti-freeze, to ensure greyhounds safety. Mark Bird, Managing Director of the Greyhound Board of Great Britain, said: “Following the publication of our Hot Weather Policy earlier this year the Board has EHHQZRUNLQJDORQJVLGHYHWHULQDU\H[SHUWV*%*%·V:HOIDUH&RPPLWWHHDQGWKH7UDFN 6XE&RPPLWWHHWRGHYHORSDQHYLGHQFHEDVHGSROLF\WRHQVXUHDOOJUH\KRXQGVDUHVDIH DQGFRPIRUWDEOHGXULQJSHULRGVRIFROGZHDWKHU ´3URWHFWLQJWKHZHOIDUHRIRXUJUH\KRXQGVGXULQJDQ\H[WUHPHZHDWKHULVRXUKLJKHVW SULRULW\:KLOVWZHNQRZWKDWRXUOLFHQVHHVDOUHDG\WDNHSURDFWLYHVWHSVWRHQVXUHWKHLU JUH\KRXQGVDUHFRPIRUWDEOHLQWKHZLQWHUPRQWKVWKLVSROLF\FROOHFWVWKLVNQRZOHGJH WRJHWKHULQWRRQHDFFHVVLEOHGRFXPHQWIRUHYHU\RQHLQRXUVSRUWWRIROORZ ´$VZLWKRXU+RW:HDWKHU3ROLF\WKLVSROLF\LVRQHRIRXUNH\SOHGJHVIURPRXU *UH\KRXQG&RPPLWPHQWWKLV\HDU,WZLOOEHUHYLHZHGUHJXODUO\WRHQVXUHLWUHIOHFWVWKH ODWHVWUHVHDUFKDQGEHVWSUDFWLFH$VZHSXEOLVKWKLVSROLF\WKH%RDUGZRXOGDOVROLNH WRUHPLQGWUDLQHUVWKDWIXQGLQJIRUNHQQHOLQVXODWLRQDQGKHDWLQJV\VWHPVDUHDYDLODEOH WKURXJKWKH*%*%7UDLQHUV$VVLVWDQFH)XQGµ Copies of the Cold Weather Policy have been sent to all racecourses and are available online at CALENDAR 1 JOHN HC NICHOLSON We are sad to announce the death of John HC Nicholson who died peacefully on 26th November following a fall sustained during a progressive illness. John was a prominent figure in greyhound racing, serving the industry for 18 years as a Steward, and then Senior Steward of the National Greyhound Racing Club, and as a director of the British Greyhound Racing Board. Frank Melville, former Chief Executive of the NGRC, said “John was an enormous support to me when he was elected Senior Steward and was the embodiment of all you would want in a Senior Steward. He was highly regarded by all staff at the NGRC. John was hugely passionate about greyhound racing and in particular, the welfare of greyhounds. He was instrumental in devising a form for the registration department for owners to complete on the retirement of their greyhound. He was an owner and often raced his dogs at Milton Keynes Stadium. John was a retired farmer and a successful businessman and a great patron of all sports.” Colin Betteridge, former Registrar, Secretary to the Stewards & Stipendiary Steward said “John was a fair and just Senior Steward of the NGRC, undoubtedly the best to have held the position. It was a pleasure working for him as Secretary to the Stewards. He was a true gentleman in every sense of the word and will be greatly mourned and missed by the greyhound racing fraternity. RIP John.” 2020 LICENCE RENEWAL REMINDER Trainers are reminded that all licence renewal documentation for licences required for 2020 should be sent into the Registry Department as soon as possible. If you require a further copy of your licence renewal form to be sent out, please contact the Registry Department on 0207 822 0921. Please ensure that the form is completed in full before returning. Trainers who do not wish to renew their licence please inform your Area Stipendiary Steward or contact the Registry Department on the above number. 2 VOL 11 NO 25 13 DECEMBER 2019 IMPORTANT NOTICES Complaints 7KH*UH\KRXQG%RDUGRI*UHDW%ULWDLQZLOOUHFHLYHFRPSODLQWVLQFRQÀGHQFHIURPDQ\RQHFRQFHUQHGDERXWDSRVVLEOHEUHDFKRIWKH5XOHVRI5DFLQJ Send emails to [email protected]*%*%RIÀFHRQ020 7822 0900. Alternatively, write to: The Greyhound Board of Great Britain Ltd, Genesis House, 17 Godliman Street, London EC4V 5BD Welfare Hotline ,I\RXDUHFRQFHUQHGDERXWWKHZHOIDUHRIDQ\UHJLVWHUHGUDFLQJJUH\KRXQGVSOHDVHFDOORXUFRQÀGHQWLDO:HOIDUH+RWOLQHRQ020 7822 0917. The line is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You will be prompted to leave a voicemail message giving as much information as you can so that our team can investigate your concerns fully and ensure appropriate action is taken. GBGB January Friday 17th May Friday 22th September Friday 25th Calendar January Friday 31st June Friday 5th October Friday 9th February Friday 14th June Friday 19th October Friday 23rd Dates 2020 February Friday 28th July Friday 3rd November Friday 6th March Friday 13th July Friday 17th November Friday 20th March Friday 27th July Friday 31st December Friday 4th April Friday 10th August Friday 14th December Friday 18th April Friday 24th August Friday 28th May Friday 8th September Friday 11th GBGB ICC Fees effective Registration/Transfer £26 Transfer £13 Change Of Name £81 Transfer for partnership £18 ST January Change of Name £30 Register a Company/Syndicate name £25 Professional Trainer Licence £50 20 Transmission Licence Fees Greyhound Trainer Licence £40 £ per race Assistant Trainer £10 i) Races broadcast into UK andIrish betting Head Kennelhand £10 shops Kennelhand £8 ii) Races broadcast on any direct to home TV Local Official £10 service Examples of New Registration/Transfer Costs New Syndicate/Company One Owner Registration/Transfer Partnership Registration/Transfer Registration/Transfer GBGB £26 GBGB £26 GBGB £26 ICC £13 ICC £18 ICC Transfer £13 Total £39 Total £44 ICC Syndicate/Company Registration £25 Total £64 LOCAL INQUIRIES 2 Henlow Stadium – LOWGATE 3 Henlow Stadium – SAVANA TOM MAGIC and CUIL KING 1 Henlow Stadium At a local inquiry held by the Senior At a local inquiry held by the Senior At a local inquiry held by the Stipendiary Steward on 2 December Stipendiary Steward on 2 December Senior Stipendiary Steward on 2 2019, the Racecourse Executive at 2019, the Racecourse Executive at December 2019 the Racecourse Henlow Stadium were reprimanded Henlow Stadium were reprimanded Executive at Henlow Stadium were and fined £300 for a breach of Rule and fined £300 for a breach of cautioned and fined £300 for a 46 (iii) and 152(i)&(ii)