champions will try for the big prizes in THE EVENING STAR head-pin tournament. WORLD'SThe Roseville live, which made the highest total ever recorded iri a head-pin game, a tally of 541, turned in November 13, 1906. on Samuels’* alleys in Manhattan, will bowl in THE EVENING STAR tournament. The entry of the Roseville team was received last night. The score In detail of the record match -I follows: Frame*. 1 PS t S ( 7 I 910 11 12 score of 1201 will he bowled. Referee Hut- Meyer n 17 27 37 43 54 64 74 81 94 104 112 ton bn cb or his representative will be w• pres- OiOzags .10 30 29 38 47 oft A3 72 Ml *9 99 1111.' ent at each match to see that 1 lie rules Crum 7 16 21 34 43 33 62 71 SO 90 99 107 of the game are strictly enforced. 'Vbod .103) 3t) 39 47 33 63 73 SI 90 99 107 The tournament will open Wednesday Van Ness.... S IS 23 33 42 31 GO 69 78 .88 97 106 night, January 20. Six teams will howl the opening night, and from pfx to eight Totals .341 each Wednesday and Friday night there- The mark of 112, made by Charley after until about April 30. If it Is found that the number of teams e .'foyer In the big game, white not an In- ‘OACK'.TKrLOR? which enter is so large that, the tourna- VIEW?’ dividual record. Is not far from tin SAY \ It, ment cannot he completed by April 30 with AKCHOU, ' --C. best in 1 six teams | figures competition being those bowling each tournament night WAITING to the credit of Grconowold, the well- the number of teams will be increased to or ten. X'OH. ’EM known New Brunswick [eight bowler. Every The bowling will begin each tournament TO ^A-LIi. mean her of the Roseville team passed, night at 8:30 o'clock. The lirst three teams named In the schedule for each wilt the 100-mark in their sensational per- night first go on the alleys and 'the second trio formance, “Count” sec- SOUTH Olozaga bring ORANGE f.C. will follow them. ond, with 109; Freddy Crmn and Elmer Wood each securing 107, and D. H. Van It's becoming frightfully common now- to turn in tallies over a Ness having 106. Owing to a recent in- adays 1,000 in live- man team match. The National Turners jury, Is not this season Olozaga bowling led the local quintets last night with and his place will be taken by Eddie 1,(05, but the Belleville team got 1,017 In the Pierson. same tournament—the Now Jersey Na- tional—on the Tuxedo alleys, and the Es- The entry of the Roseville champion sex team turned in 1,015 on the Oxford team was not the one alleys for a new Jr. O. U. A. M. TO OAT only important league THEWS record. 1 received yesterday. The total is now above 126. The Gottfried Krueger Asso- Graef tied Frank Coghlnn for high in- ciation which has a five, big lead in the dividual score honors in the New Jersey Wheelmen Are Drawing Nearer Newark League, and bids fair to land national tournament last night. The Na- tional Turn Verein accounted Pennant in Suburban the championship for the season, got youngster for 259. which was exactly the same as into line last night. The Kruegers have that turned it: recently by the Krueger League Race. In their line-up some of the best all- pin-knight. around performers In the local bowling world. They do say that they’ve sprung a new SUBURBAN LEAGUE RECORD. game at the Tuxedo alleys, known ns them are Conrad who CLUB Among Lcick, in the dark. to HOLDS IIS “bowling Arocrding the W.L.HS got the first perfect score of 390 ever reports sent out the scores are decidedly W.L.HS. high in this particular lino of sport, but Bay View...23 9 977 National .13 12 >32 recorded in a league match in this city, '0 it's probable that the boys merely take a. Krueger _17 1042 First Ward.. 12 15 949 993 George Dennebaum, the present indi- nop and dream it all. Anyway, someone So. Orange..IS 12 Newark .12 18 ;'4<> Park A. A...IS 12 999 vidual average and man in woke up and declared that they had made Belleville_10 30 963 high-score _18 12 I, 103, and everybody agreed that they Celluloid WSjRosevllln ... S 19 1009 the Newark League; Frank Ooghlan, G. ..17 13 probably had—In the dark. West End 1018!Nortlieru .... 7 23 833 E. St. John, T. Schott and Charley Koops. avc sure to be well The View Wheelmen made another Members Decide to Stick Most* They pretty Roseville's victory last night, in Bay JEFFRIES TRYING bid for the in the Subur- HARD up near the front when the tournament an Athletic tjcaguo match with the Pas- strong peunaui ban last on their own clones. snics was decidedly welcome. The “Big League night alleys ly to Field and Track Five” bowled in old-time form and earned when they took the South Orange Field Newark Club into twice. League howlers will probably the success that came to them. Elmer raiup The two-time defear Events. all be entered before of the South Oruugeltes them THE EVENING Wood was “king-pin,” with an average of put bark STAR competition begins Wednesday 212.1 til a tie for third place in the rare with the TO Another team to is Park A. A.s and tin HIS line Celluloid REDUCE night. get in that Club. WEIGHT The Iroquois bowlers turned out in full whloh The live went represents the Republican League. force last night on the Iroquois alleys, and visiting at the pins ham- The members of the Institute Boat It Is mer and in the made up of Van Nostrand, Edwards, they turned these scores in in tongs opening mutch, of practise: Club, this city, have decided to LOS ANGELES. Cal.. Jan. 14.—While tend to pass the of Berman. Mac Wright and Hobbs. TEAM A. I TEAM B. National S. C. for 20 and tucked up u margin of 67 pins. In the I up opportunity battling stick to track and field again if hr- ran round into form. His traili- Among the other fives which made entry Kreitler 175 183 202iReasden ..155 212 18-4 next two games, however, they fell bark mostly athletics James J. Jeffries, the retired heavy- and ng at present, in to fulfill * yesterday were the T. A. B. S. team, of J. Reilly. 209 187 KBiMills 179 220 168 Rounds. the league leaders came even stronger, j until such time as the Passaic river is preparation made some totals of 919 and 962. weight champion fighter, has to theatrical#engagement, is said to Ik* Jeffries's Elizabeth, 1141 of of the best- 110 ... 194 getting yet Flanag’n. nr. 121 Farrla 233 212 in shape for This was the first known In the Jack Taylor, with a mark of rowing. Attempt iu trying to get back bia old performers Union county; ~’obb .... 214 186 166 164 1S9 220. handed j make the 175|Tawklns positive declaration that he .... in ■ opinion of about members ed. Scrub Bowling Club, an aggregation of Reed 192 154 l93iWnlthour. 1«7 202 1 84 the highest score of the evening. Tli twenty-five scores: of will meet the new champion. Jack John- It will l»e speed more than anything else Sontli Orange pin-knights; the Quincy Velnb’g.. 228 21.8 167|8tillwell 191 183 177 LONDON, Jan. 14.—A fight between the organization who were at the son, that will down the negro giunt. as Johnson team, the Columbian and the Alma Five. 214 193 223u'oghlan 197 1 88 215 SO. ORANGE. | BAY VIEW annual of the club held on in the ring. It is the belief of the Ftt’nb’h. Jack Johnson, the heavyweight cham- meeting is * on ceded to l»e the Cleverest lv>xer tba -It Is expected that It will be found wisher ...206 197 213lDrako ...167 173 211 II. Champ's.203 173 172 Nagel .137 291 192 'coast fans that it is the retired Tuesday night. The club, according to cham- heavyweight division has ever possible to announce in THE EVENING pion of the world, and Sam Langford Meeker .182 1S4 137|TieIseh .174 172 178 known. Jeff pion's intention to re-enter the and bos retained his old t STAH innuirriav nfxrmnun »h*> Totals .1548 143? 14571 Totals ..1494 1555 1512 before the National Sporting- Club is Deane .160 128 106IAltken .138 193 170 reports, is in good financial condition. ring undoubtedly pUic u. but it wiil ni? vm which will lie called upon to bowl for Bralnard ...163 t66 lflSCrltehett ....178 176 202 The following officers were elected: Will- try to place tne title back with the ticpi-iiu upon ^ucccgw now assured. The battle will take tf wear off his flesh before he wHl the first two weeks or tnorr. Fieri fern ....180 140 166; Taylor .158 177 220 iam Dognan, president; Frank Carroll, vice- white race. surplus for attempt to tackle th« Galveston marvel. In picking these teams the schedule com- NEW YORK TEAM ADDS place on May 24. The fight will be president; T. J. Ryan, treasurer; Charles P. It is the contention of the 'Frisco It is Jeff's pouch that will roost mittee has been careful to avoid the dates twenty rounds. Totals.892 793 764' Totals.825 919 962 O’Connor, secretary; Frank Coburn, cap- require fans I of his attention, as It stands out most which the loams have named on their en- TWO MORE VICTORIES. The club offered £1,200 tain; John J. Meuta, commodore; William fight that the former invincible originally Johnson prominently. He has gained weight so try blanks as being tilled. Some teams did for a battle with Langford, but owing to Smyth, lieutenant; Walter St Ledger, log- champion is refraiing from any j making ! rapidly that It will take weeks of wear and not name any-dates, and it is assumed, of the fact that Johnson Is now the champion j keeper; board of trustees. John J. Mentz, INTERSTATE LEAGUE RECORD. statement in regard to the possibility <♦. at* to take off this enormity of flesn. Jeff course, that nny date set by tile commit- the purs'* will Have to be Increased consid- CELLULOIDS GET TWO j Thomas Knowles and Joseph A. Carroll; | tee of meeting the negro until after he lias Is strengthening the muscles of his stomach will suit them. erably. Tt was originally proposed that the j counsel. Michael T. Barrett; delegate to a WJj.HS.1 W.UHS. by taking exercise? Jfe If team, however, which finds that It fight take place the latter part of Febru- FROM national convention of amateur oarsmen, finished his of Should rowing every lay New York_30 6 1099,Jersey City.. .16 17 967 BELLEVILLES. siege training. more than an hour each at will be Impossible to bowl on the date set ary'. but in view of Johnson’s theatrical en- John J. Ments; alternate, Charles P. O’Con- reeuples day this Brooklyn ....21 13 1078 V. Brurisw k.U 22 1061 j Jeffries, by diligent training, be able to diversion, and when he i? will notify the sporting editor immediately, gagements In Sydney the time of the fight nor; delegates to Passaic River Rowing As- tlirough perspira- Newark .19111039jTrenton .10 26 9^7 back into his tion flows from his brow ind arrangements will be made to substitute wifi probably be either during Derby week The Celluloid Club of the Suburban James Coburn. Edward Pressn- get anything like old-time freely body.. Elizabeth —18 13 1027|Paterson 7 16 959 sociation. This training stunt also limbers some other team. If possible. or on the even of the Suburban. League won two out of three games last dorfer and Charles P. O'Connor. form, it is almost certajn that he will up the m use Its of the In all cases, where no a from on ! It was back. however, dates Langford made big bit on his first ap- nIsftit the Belleville five the latter’s decided to hold a field day at the Issue a to the The New York which has the challenge negro. 'Rios'1 who have seen tbe big fellow have been designated as being tilled, THE team, pen- pearance bore. While the fighting funs alleys. The score: boathouse, for members only, and the com- go nant in the il will be a strenuous task through his work and on EVENING STAR cannot guarantee to honors Interstate League al- that the contest will un- was undouht.'dly dally infthe gym recognized look BELLEVILLE. \ CELLULOID. mittee for Held day appointed as fol- for make a An will be ready tucked away, added a few nnre the big Californian to take off much of the road arc confident that he will rOupd change. opportunity equal, owing to John’s superiority In weight Jackson ... .156 224 172i Hull .1.50 1-7) 167 lows: Joseph Carroll. John J Montz. Rip to its laurels at Elizabeth bis excess weicht after four years of re- into his old-time form and will be aide to given the team which desires a change of points last night, and size, they think that Langford has the Slitzor .184 191 150|Cannon .182 164192 O'Connell. Andrew Mu/ray. Jo. Murphy, when it won two oul of | tirement. But the big feilow does not In- tight as well as ever. date, to bowl later. If possible, but, if all three games from gamcness and cleverness to put up n bet- Mutch .170 224 170 Mnfner .189 182 150 Coburn, Prank Carroll. Sln- the home five. The ‘George George dates are filled It may be necessary to scores: ter fight than Burns did against the cham- BUchie .139 105 171!Alberts .137 173 157 ! nett. William Smyth. Thomas Knowles, disappoint them. NEW YORK. \ ELIZABETH. pion. Karr .200161 150 Rossnagle .184 174 157 Gus Moisei. Theodore Smith. Therefore it is quite desirable that trams Riddel .170 177 223INolte .166 186 188 There will also ho a howling night at In- look their Tanott .162 167 ....163 195 187 LEE JOHNS WINS ON entering up conflicting dates 19i;r;athman Totals ....819 965 813| Totals .S41 S43 $23 stitute Mall, for oarsmen only. The com- carefully and enter them on the blank pro- Lindsay ....188 185 192|Blythe .193 177 164 BATTLING HURLEY STOPS mittee in charge of this is Thomas Knowles, vided. Then there will be no Pump. ...197 142 1 _198 219 196 BROOKLYN difficulty. Jr. 71|Maloney j Jetties Coburn, Walter St. Ledger, Rip Van ALLEYS. Referee Huttenbaeh will have the tour- Dunbar .213 174 177,Claims .168 164 1 60 IN VICTORY FOR ST. MICHAEL S. Winkle O'Connell. JOE KELLEY AND nament alleys entirely renovated for THE -1 MANGO ONE ROUND. Lee R. Johns, of this EVENING STAR competition. He also Totals.930 845 967| Totals.SSS 941 895 The fit. Michael junior basketball team, city, won ilie 'h expects to have the Iroquois Academy Willie Mango gave a brilliant perform- of this «Mty, visited Maplewood last night Greater New York and In terrify individual decorated on tbe and ance before the and defeated the Maplewood Field Club RACE*TRACK OWNERS opening night, tho Sharkey Athletic Club. tournament match last night from W.‘ M. bowters and the spectators will find that ROSEVILLE FIVE WINS New York, last night. It was a mental senior team iiK*n close and excitlug uame a DOVEY PATCH Durkin on the score 25. UP Palace it is a gala affair. feat rather than a boxing one. He went by of 29 to MAKING MANY PLANS. Brooklyn alloys. New pins will be secured for THE EVE- THREE STRAIGHT GAMES. on with the small but bard-hitting Battling Johns took Ten games to turn the trick. His NING STAR head-pin tournament, and a of Passaic. has Hurley, Maugo eonsjdcr- l est score was 256. The scores of the number are to be set aside able more size to him NEW YORK. Jan. ll.—rCheered and games large for this ATHLETIC LEAGUE RECORD. than Hurley, but competition, so that changes may be made Hurley gave him such a drubbing In the encouraged by recent court decisions le- follow : he niently interpreting the meaniug of the often. first round that decided It was foolish, THEIR TROUBLES .... Johns 210 ISO 1 84 193 laws 306 154 205 204 256 207 will be no W.L.HS.I W.L.HS. not to say reckless, for him to BOWLING TONIGHT. t anti-betting iu this State, the Jockey There absolutely advantage continue ! ... Club holds its Durkin 268 2*02 211 142 234 174 186 216 169 held by the teams which bowl late in the Newark Bay.11 4 1062IMontelair _8 10 916 business with the Battler. annual niectiug here todaj. In of views heretofore tournament. Pins are going to bo changed Elizabeth -12 6 1037Columbla 6 9 960 So in the second round, when all kinds spite pessimistic New York ...12 6 of expressed in racing circles regarding the ho often that every team will have to 993IJersev City... 711 1065 jabs and swings were coming bis way,, IT Athletic League. I Former Boston Leader Will Pilot future of the iu ibis State, it was “shoot1' against “new wood.11 Roseville ....10 8 977 Passaie 4 14 942 Mango stopped fighting. It was a pure sport Columbia at Newark Bay. New 4 asserted that the meets will be held It is the desire of THE EVENING STAR North End... 8 1010301 case of quitting cold, for he did It very 4 big Toronto Team Next 4 York at Elizabeth (postponed 4 this year as usual with little or no elimi- to have this tournament conducted ill on coolly. 4« from Tuesday 4 nation of events. The West- absolutely fair manner, so that every man The Roseville Club of the Hurley was originally billed to light night). prominent Athletic 4 4 chester is Season. a chance or some of a Racing Association, which the will have capturiug League won three games last night on the Johnny Dwyer, but bad hand prevented Newark League. R.upt\ire 4, 4 Belmont Park organization, will ahead the. prizes. Roseville alleys from the Dwyer fulfilling the engagement. Then go Passaic five. The 4 National at Krueger, Northern with its plans with the belief that the There Is no question at all but. what this triple the Tommy Carey was secured, but lie failed £ victory puts Roseville team 4 at West End. season will be a success, and similar action tournament will be the biggest ever held within two games of the New to appear. Buckley announced £ President B. and Joe Cured York and 4 4 will be taken by the Coney Island Jockey George Dovey in Newark. The fact that the prize list Elizabeth which are that both Dwyer and Carey were "Indis- clubs, tied for seeoud £ Laekawaunn League. 4 Club at fefheepahead Bay, by the Brooklyn Kelley have got together and fixed up consists ef 96.1 for the first team and $23 place. The scores: posed." at Jockey Club, and those in of for the second team (to be paid In the £ Hollywood Orange Valley. £ charge the their little business tangle. Both men PASSAIC. ROSEVILLE. Eureka at at Aqueduct of fees to national Chatham. Llewellyn meeting. are shape entrance the Hueser .221 128 168 Pierson .191166 165 £ £ satisfied and this leaves the Boston tournament iu Manhattan in May) and Waverly, Maplewood at Summit. Sherlock ... .178 105 171 Crum .181 190 183 TWO TOTALS BETTER £ £ National Club in a far better position ! that the competition is entirely free, with Dubois .168 173 170 Wood .199 202 236 4 New Jersey National Tournament, than at no charge for and none for bowl- j any time since the announce- entering .140 191 165 Van Ness... .199 185 213 THAN ARE MADE. MONTCLAIR ACADEMY has resulted in the interest 1,000 Oxford. Krueger A. West End £ ment that Joe was not to ing. naturally Lefferts ... .184 164 232 .183 £ manage th* in Meyer 146 180 B. on the Tuxedo alleys. the sfTair being widespread. £ ^ FIVE DEFEATS ST. Dows this season. The In the New Jersey National tournament ; PALL. xegulatiou liead-pin game (possible Totals.S9lSU90si Totals.953 889 977 Masonic Leugue. last night two teams swept past the 1,000. £ 2 The president of the local National St. Albans vs. St. John's, on mark, and Graef, of the National Turners £ .4. The Montclair Academy quintet defeated League club went down to tied Individual mark with a Montgomery's alleys. ! the high-score ; £ >4 the live representing the St. Kail's Seuool. from New York yesterday and what- tally of 259. The Bellevilles in defeating of Garth n City. b\ h score of SI to I on .lr. O. 1. A. >1. I.enRup. ever there was to was the Equitables rolled 1,017, and in the final J J the Academy court <*i Montclair adjust speedily vs. Eastern Star. Mon- yesterday match of the evening the Turners came .i, Vigilant 4 afternoon. The •‘Mils'* had it all their arranged. toe vs. on the Oxford through with 1,035. The scores: £ Runyon, 4 own way and nevei gave the St. Paul team This settlement relieves the situation alleys. 4* a j NATL TURNERS BELLEVILLE. £ look-in. Montclair showed grc.it u-aui- from all angles and both uien can go j .139 185 4 Oxford Tournament. wcrii auu accurate ^ Graef Lindsley shouting, wlnie St Paul about their respective nftaus unhampered, j M 4 4 showed neither. E’. ey.SOiLar.e T Woodbridge. Iroquois A. Tuxedo, i. Knapp, Partridge and Joe Kelley will manage the Toronto j i Trcnscb .170 Woodruff 185; Hazel starred lor Montclair, while Sloane team ui a salar> uf Si».euu, McCuftery hav- 4, on the Oxford alleys. / 7r. Kleiber .ItiOiVan Nostnpid _ 191 £ showed up well for St. Paul. ing ottered him the position when It be- C. Kleiber 169 Vermeu1e 181 Haliciistcfu Tournament. St. Paul. Montclair. came known that he was not to remain I £ Sloone, Smith. Walden with Boston. has had much suc- 4, Montgomery. Cnion, Tuxedo, on .Partridge. Kelley Total 808. Total 957 ^ Guards. cess in Toronto, where he is a favorite. 4. Rabcnstein’s alleys. j* B E LL E VI LI ,E. I EQU IT A B LK. Stafford .Sullivan Just what the basis oi settlement is Undeley 254|Pdl Ml f Dixon Tournament. £ Centre. Dovey refuses to tell. The original split, 148 22U Burchell. Ha%el is came on the of the \ Lane Boehm Twice Six. on Dab.Knapp, it said, division pur- 4 Jersey. Stirling. £ Forwards. Woodruff .199!Werrell 2C3 4< Dixon’s alleys. 4* chase price. Torouto wanted Kelley and Van Nostrand ... 212i Comte lcu wanted him bad. They were will in u to Vecraeule 204‘Sanders 142 4 Diocesan I nion I.cogue. pay a good round sum for him and take £ Ids with the Doves off 4 Xavier at Institute, St. Bridget 4 EAGLES, 14; INNERFIELDS, 8* contract Dovey* .1017' Total 912 hands. likes »oronio and was Total 4 at Bloomfield. £ At Kunzman s Hall lust night The Eagle Kelley EQUITABLE. | NATL TURNERS. ! basketball team disposed of the Innsrfield willing to go there, but he insisted that \*liTournament. if there was price coming Seil .192|Graef 259 ; 4 £ Jrnior team, of Orange, by a score of any purchase he was entitled to his share of it. In view Boehm 194! Klsey 201 Clark. Oxford B. Trunk, on Ash- 14 to 8 Although the Innerfieul rive secured J £ of this, it is that Kelley gets Werrell 157jTrensch 172 i worth's alleys. lull one basket in the first period and the supposed £ part of the under the agreement Comte 197 M. Kleiber .203 £ Eagle quintet out five, they put up a good money r:incr readied however, re- Sanders .155;C. Kleiber. 200 4 Fire I nun League. 4 Offensive game in the second halt and al- yesterday. Dovey. fused 10 admit that this was so. £ Blasberg vs. Fox. on the Tuxedo £ ii wtd their opponent* to score but two Total .895, Tot..l .1035 i t alleys. + field goals. The lineup: 4 4 Eagles Inne: field Juniors. 4 Prudential Tournament. 4 AUJRPHY’S BONUS POSITION. Kelje.v Salmon INSTITUTE CANCELS £ Crum vs. Flatley, Chase vs. 7 Rights forward. CHICAGO, Jan. 14.—Charles! Webb Mur- T Bush, on the Tuxedo alleys. 7 Meyer, .*. Burke phy, of the Cbleago Cubs, says be will T L>»ft forward. TOMORROW NIGHT’S GAME. not baud $10,000 to',his players until ill £ Manufacturers’ ( IcrLs’ League. 4 Hartman Heller national commission will tliui. say directly | Quinby v* Washington, on the £ Centre. rule which the of swell £ The of the Institute basket- 17. prohibits giving •t, Iroquois alleys. Ost Bolen manageiaeut bonuses, has neen temporarily suspended, ^ Right guard. bull loum bus announced that the game and that the commission must first give au- Elk*’ League. £ Garrigan Merrill I scheduled for tomorrow night at their New a of will j Street V. dience to committee players, who J Newark at Rahway. .Left guard. street hall, between Twenty-third make this demand in a formal manner. 4 4 A and the Institute has * Substitute—Christ for Meyer. M. C. Five, In whose* has 4 the Institute other words, Murphy, bluff \ — been canceled. Instead juulor been called by the commission, is anxious 4444444444444444444.4444444 j team will oceupy the limelight when they 5jp» to split halrsj ELIZABETHS WIN IN BELLEVILLE. el.- sli with an opposing team of the light- weight class, probably the Setou Hall Col- The intermediate third team of the Clark lege Five. TIGERS SMOTHER YALE. Club. Elizabeth, defeated the Belleville C. i It is to be regretted, from the viewpoint ■V NEW HAVEN, Conn.. Jan. 14.—Yale lust C. third team Inst night iu the Belleville of the basketball fans, that the big game | TOXIGHTI a of 26 to 25. night lost her first basketball game to mi I i". O. Hall, by score The was canceled, but the followers of the the RAY will no doubt be interested in the Princeton since NO lineup: sport Intercollegiate League Only specialists In the Stats with practise *. was formed, the from the Intermediates. Belleville C. C. battle that will undoubtedly be Tigers loading Imlted strictly todiseasesof Men—Nervous royal JOHN passaic, time the first basket was and ! Degrnriug, Lambert.Sloan, by the simob pures" of the juuior SIMPSON, thrown, icbtllty, organic weakness sell-distrust, Im-1 Clark; waged 34 to 12. Yale had Forwards. elnss. finally winning. little) lotency, incomplete dovetopment, lame to show for attack and her defense was j HHgcndorf Flynn This junior team, by the way. has been PATERSON. _ _ _ back, \srlcorele, Centre CHAS WALMSLEY, I ?ven worse., Princeton literally scored a* I drains, a'l plaviug good basketball, and should | 8% n F™ I resu'ts ol pretty 130 will. out bln, Sliver?, Barr, Wilson.Lockwood, Gavcn ! make itself felt tn the tight for the local ; \ POINTS 1 »#■ $»» fi %B errors,1 Guards. V b ood poison, sores. lightweight championship. B w ■B B ^ tilFT TO BURNET STREET frupt.ions.all urinary N. J. State Pool SCHOOL, liryasrs, strictures an 1 \ unauiral Championship discharge., GRANDSTAND NEW EMPIRE A A framed tablet of "Lincoln's Gettys- it I o« RtilV.tBli or a man we fall to cur. GREEN LOR REDS. BOXER. Tournament I INI INN ATI. O.. .Ian. 14.-Clark Urtt- NfcjW Kickers on burg Speech” nas donated to flic Bur ASA MEDICAL INSTI1UT | YORK. Jan 14.— the ball fith. after a visit the ofhei day to Cin- field be interested to know that ift Street School yesterday afternoon L84 ORANGE may ST., NEWARK j rilinatl'fi hall park, decided to have the Harry TrubA. just appointed a National E.2L* A j Elite Parlor, "*? >v the G. R ladies’ circle. Several (One Block Above High Street.) grandstand painted green so that it would League . w'elgbs 200 pounds and is a he easier for the outfielders 4o fiv ‘killed boxer. has out Gama Callad at O o'Cloot >f tho G. A. R. men who fought in (Ire 2t Years in One Place, judge Truby knocked I balls. Since then the Porkvllle fans have amateurs in bouts and < 'Ml TYar told stories and many private is national airs to A. 1 3 no j lours—9 10 M.; to and 6 to I i been informed In uncertain terms that game to the core. He docs not po&e as a $300 IN PRIZE MONEY—$300 < ...... ,-wJ ere tun* by the children. P. 14 Sunday. 1 to I P. it. ihe Red* have the pennant cinched. fighter, however.

... 4 > x rv »* <;j \ .: -fS .V i ! :-.