2013 Annual Report
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Tseetl hoolaanh. Doyon Foundation 2013 Annual Report Geege oonst’aan’. Dilik kwaii neeyahanzhok. Shin dai’ dats’an eenjit nagaazhrii. Shreenyaa gwilii ts’à’ chiitaii gwahgo’. Ggaał okko k’esołgeyhtl. Kk’o’eedekkaayh. Geege oonst’aan’. (KOYUKON ATHABASCAN) About Us Welcome Message Doyon Foundation was established as a Mission Values Dear Friends, shown us that taking the time to plan now Fundraising efforts continue to be an 501(c)(3) charitable organization in 1989 equals success in the future. Our people important area of emphasis for the by Doyon, Limited, the regional Native To provide educational, career and Traditional Native Values It’s an exciting time at Doyon deserve a sustainable, long-term program, Foundation. We set a new fundraising corporation for Interior Alaska. As the cultural opportunities to enhance the Integrity Foundation. With the increasing and by taking the time now to do the record at the 2013 Morris Thompson private foundation for Doyon, Limited, identity and quality of life for Doyon Quality momentum of our language revitalization research, we will find out what others Memorial Golf Classic, with the support we serve the educational and cultural shareholders. Community program and the strength of our are already doing and ensure we are not of Doyon, Limited, which took the lead needs of Doyon’s shareholders and their Identity scholarship program, we believe we are duplicating efforts. Through research on organizing last year’s event. We also children by providing postsecondary Vision living our mission to provide educational, and planning, we can quantitatively continue to develop relationships with scholarships, advancing traditional Financial Sustainability – Effective and career and cultural opportunities that demonstrate the importance of language our individual donors through Pick. Native knowledge, and increasing Native Collaborative Strategic Partnerships enhance the identity and quality of life for to Native people. Additionally, our Click. Give. and our Nee Ts’ee Neeyh student performance levels. – Organizational Excellence – Every Doyon shareholders. community-focused approach will giving program. Our donors are the Shareholder’s Dream is Realized empower communities by providing backbone of our organization, and our – Strong Demonstration of Native The theme of this year’s annual report is the tools for them to increase their own appreciation for their generosity cannot Traditional Language and Culture “Our language: it is who we are,” a wise capacity. We are not language teachers be understated. statement made by Foundation board – instead, we want to train the trainers, member Victor Nicholas. This theme provide support to existing language We hope you find this year’s annual recognizes our progress in the area of leaders, and help communities build report interesting and informative, and language revitalization. While plans and implement their own programs. encourage you to stay connected with for our language revitalization program To this end, we’re actively encouraging the Foundation through the rest of the were years in the making, the program communities within our region to work year via our website, blog, Facebook officially launched in fall 2012, with together on language revitalization, and page and e-newsletter, as well as at our the support of Doyon, Limited. We ultimately develop a region-wide plan to various annual events. were thrilled to bring Malinda Chase address language needs. on board in April 2013 to lead the new We thank you for your continued program, and have made significant I offer a special thank you to our hard- interest and support of Doyon progress since her arrival. For example, working, all-volunteer board, including Foundation. the participation in our “Where Are our long-time members, as well those Your Keys?” language workshop last who joined us in the past year – Allan fall far exceeded our expectations, Hayton, Joshua Peter and Lanien and we look forward to additional Livingston. 2013 marked Lanien’s first Foundation Staff Board of Directors opportunities to foster language year as Foundation board president, a Doris Miller learners and teachers. role that she enthusiastically stepped Left to right: Maurine Isaacson, Scholarship Left to right: Allan Hayton, Vice President; Executive Director Program Manager; Doris Miller, Executive Paul Mountain, Member; Joshua Peter, forward to fill, and she has proven Director; Sommer Stickman, Administrative Member; Lanien Livingston, President The past year of experience with the herself to be a strong, dedicated, Assistant; Malinda Chase, Language (seated). Not pictured: Julie Anderson, language revitalization program has forward-thinking leader. Revitalization Program Director (seated) Secretary/Treasurer; Victor Nicholas, Member; Sonta Roach, Member 2 DOYON FOUNDATION 2013 ANNUAL REPORT OUR LANGUAGE. IT IS WHO WE ARE. 3 “Where Are Your Keys?” Language Training Participants Tseetl hoolaanh. (KOYUKON ATHABASCAN) Our Language: It is Who We Are organization that serves the Bek’edeneekk’eze Denh (Kokrines) hut’aan My language is important to me The Doyon Foundation language STAFF northwestern states; and is involved nelaanh. because it ties me directly to the old revitalization program was officially PROFILE: with the Alaska State Policy Research Simel yeł Eva Peter eenhde setseye yeł setsoo. Native ways of living. We are losing established in October 2012 when Alliance that focuses on college and Ggaałdoh (Kaltag) yeł Noolaaghdoh (Nulato) that lifestyle in this modern world and we received a generous start-up Malinda career readiness issues in Alaska. along with it goes our language. hegheelaa’. contribution from Doyon, Limited. Spend up to 30 minutes studying and Chase James yeł Cecelia Johnson eenhde setseye yeł Envisioning our people actively learning, Malinda enjoys reading, journaling and We must find a way to light that language learning your language, and spend setsoo. using and teaching the language is the learning about Alaskan and Athabascan Bek’edeneekk’eze Denh (Kokrines yeł flame again and let it burn, within us all, another 30 minutes learning about Malinda Chase enduring intent of this effort to revitalize history. She loves to be outdoors berry- Tlaa’ologhe (Ruby) hut’aan hegheelaa’. as a people. I believe that the WAYK and practicing different language- joined Doyon our languages. Some highlights of our picking, picnicking, boating, kayaking, method does that job. When I got out learning methods or strategies, and Foundation progress in the past year include: hiking or walking, especially with her My name is Cindy Roberts. I was born, of the WAYK training I was holding a teach others. as our new language revitalization daughter, Deenaalee. raised and reside in Tanana, Alaska. I am “language torch” and I was ready to pass program director in April 2013. • Hiring of a language revitalization the proud mother of five sons and I am on my newly learned knowledge. It’s Set goals, starting with small Originally of Anvik, Malinda now program director a stay-at-home mom. My adoptive father an exciting feeling and I’m impressed achievable goals, like responding to lives in Fairbanks with her daughter, LANGUAGE • Hosting the “Where Are Your Keys?” is Donald Johnson from Kokrines and with the results of this type of training. common greetings and questions Deenaalee. Her father is Rudy Chase, LEARNER: language training, a three-day workshop Ruby, and my grandparents on his side Studies have proven that if you learn in your language, or learning from Anvik, and her mother is Sandra led by Evan Gardner in Fairbanks are the late James and Cecelia Johnson of two or more languages at once, you conversation around a specific event, McClain, originally from California. Cindy like sharing a meal. • Offering two informational audio Kokrines and Ruby. My adoptive mother will learn the third language faster or conferences for Doyon region tribes Roberts is Liza (Peter) Johnson from Nulato just as fast as the first two. One of the Malinda came to the Foundation Learn the literal meaning, if available, and schools and Kaltag, and my grandparents on her things WAYK focuses on is learning from the Association of Interior of certain phrases, as this often • Developing a detailed program side are the late Simel and Eva Peter of two languages before you start on your Native Educators (AINE). She holds Go eesee Cindy provides understanding and insight business plan Nulato and Kaltag. My maternal mother own. It’s not complicated at all. And they a bachelor’s degree in American Roberts eslaanh. and helps you remember a word. • Pursuing additional funding sources is the late Virginia Titus of Kokrines and include songs, dance, stories and games. studies from Wellesley College in Go eesee • Researching and building Ruby, and my grandparents on her side It’s a very rewarding language methods Cultivate and work with others. Massachusetts and a master’s degree Hohudodetlaatl Denh hut’aan eslaanh. relationships with other individuals are the late Henry and Agnes Titus of training. I recommend it for language Language is a social tool and in cross-cultural studies from the Virginia Titus eenhde tlogho gheelaa’ee. and organizations committed to Kokrines and Ruby. My paternal father is learners of all ages. learning with others gives us real- University of Alaska Fairbanks. The Bek’edeneekk’eze Denh (Kokrines) hut’aan language revitalization Woody Harold Woods from California life practice, builds our collective Doyon Foundation alumna is also a gheelaa’ee. • Beginning research on a language and Fairbanks. The steps that I have been taking after memory, and often gives us extra second-language learner of Deg Xinag, Henry yeł Agnes Titus yeł tlogho setseye yeł needs assessment the training are speaking my language strength and resolve to keep going. the Athabascan language of the Anvik- setsoo. I attended Doyon Foundation’s to anyone whenever I can, especially Shageluk area. Bek’edeneekk’eze Denh (Kokrines) hut’aan A special thank you to our language gheelaa’ee. “Where Are Your Keys?” (WAYK) my children who I’m with all the revitalization committee, an all-volunteer training last fall to add a new time.