A. PERSONAL DATA 1. Full name: Bruce Stewart Seal 2. Mailing Address: 19550 Sugar Mill Loop Bend, OR 97702 Mobile Telephone: 1 (706) 540-4936 Email:
[email protected] or
[email protected] 3. Faculty rank: Adjunct and Instructor, Biology Program; Honors College Faculty Oregon State University, Cascades 1500 SW Chandler Avenue Bend, Oregon 97702 http://osucascades.edu/people/bruce-seal http://osucascades.edu/academics/biology Adjunct Graduate Faculty appointment (1996 – 2016) Department of Infectious Diseases College of Veterinary Medicine University of Georgia, Athens http://www.vet.uga.edu/ID B. SCHOLARLY COMPETENCE 1. Education: 1986 University of Nevada, Reno Ph.D. in Biochemistry Minor in Microbiology 1978 University of Nevada, Reno M.S. in Animal Physiology Minor in Biochemistry 1974 University of Nevada, Reno B.S. in Zoology 2. M.S. thesis title: The effect of boron in drinking water on the laboratory rat. 3. PhD dissertation title: Biochemical studies of bovine herpesvirus 1 DNA: Chromatin structure of infected cells, restriction endonuclease analysis of virus DNA and nucleic acid homology among isolates. 4. Academic and professional positions held: Dec 2014-present Adjunct and part-time Instructor, Biology Program and Honors College Faculty, Oregon State University Cascades campus, Bend OR 97701 USA 2004-2014 Supervisory Microbiologist/Research Leader, Poultry Microbiological Safety Research Unit, Russell Research Center, ARS, USDA, Athens, GA USA; NOTE: Personal Safety Level 2 (PSL2) Security Clearance for persons in