
A crux in the text of Lee's "Princess of Cleve" (1689), II.i

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Citation Bowers, Fredson. 1950. A crux in the text of Lee's "Princess of Cleve" (1689), II.i. Harvard Library Bulletin IV (3), Autumn 1950: 409-411.

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A Crux i11 the Text of Lee's Princess of Cleve (1689 ), IL i

abnorn1aHty in the printing F o] l0,1 1 j ng th c last 1inc a ppcars the X of N athani_el Lee's Princess of catch,ttord ~Marg/ CI eve ( r 6 89) rcqu ires cxplana .. On sig. D 1 rcctoi the ncA.-tp:agc.i the tJon before the author icy of th c variunt text of sig. recto appears again .in text c-an be detern1ined. In this quarto the snme but ,vi th a d ifl cr- the text of Act I ends on :,;ig~Cf recto" ent scttj ng of the running-title.. 0 n follo\vcd by Act II, scene 1, beginning sig. DI vcrsoi though a.g~in ,vith a dif- on sig+ Ct-verso ,vith -a dialogue bc- ferent l1.1nni n g-tjtle., the text of ct. t\vccn Taumon nnd J_,aJ\1arch. Half- verso do, vn through La Mn rch "s exit v.. ·a y d ff'iVnth is La !i..iarch cxits,. is on c:e n1ore print cd .in t 1iC same type- and the text continues ,vith the fol~ sctting. The stage direction 'Enter lo\vin g pa.ssagc: N cn1ours, ~1argue rite.t re verses the previous order of the n:uncs but n1ay Ent er A·iar gu eri te, Nemours. he in the san1e type. Thereupon {Viar- Af arg. A\v:.-ly,you have co1nuin\1 to . gucrites long speech is otnittcd, and the opening lines helo,v the entrance [Tbe Vidam. are Nemours' '\' ou have heurd me .. " You have consp ir' d the Dea th of her you hate, printed from the san1e setting of type But teH n1e~Oh! confes~ .:ind l'H Joe- as on C4 verso. Tielolv this is printed give thee; the folio·wingnc,v pas:sagc~ Say it ,vas thin c, nay1- look not on tho A1nrg. I-Icar, hear hin1Heav'n; Vid«nt, Il y aU Extrcan1 s thou Art Fa] se, there- Th ~re j s Discour.se in Eyes, Cun~ent 1 f orc Le gon~, ]Jenialt For if I look upon thee in this Rage, At I u n dcrstoo d by looJ.:s! say it ,vas I shall do inischicf; speak not! but thine"! a\vay- Confess, and lay this Tempest with a [N cn10u r.s be c kens t be V"idmn \vord. t!Jcy stei1l off+ Not yet? vlh y then I '11leave it in Enter Tournon. despite 1~our, 1\1.ad:un!the Duke has taken 1 0 f thee and hhn1 I 11sell my Soul to yon at your ,vord! and jg gone ,vith J.-JcH, the Vida111.;I -adc hold to over-he~r Ir iv· ornan c,an be ,v-onh the Devil's pa tt of your D iscoursr, bcca u.se I ha\.Te purchas~ tn ore · of his In fi d clity to tell you - After she h;ls.been blo\vn upon by i\1an; Betwixt one and ~vn in l~uxeJuburg 1~h::lt[ lllay tdl t1lCCius I sjnk {or evert Gar den h c has tt ppo inted some L~ - 1~11ouhast lJccnF~bc. dies- },l eu1. Yo LI ha n.~h car

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume IV, Number 3 (Autumn 1950) ....._


410 I-larvnrd Library Bulletin

At arg. l1~urjcs and I-Iell! the thjrd, printing could not have been Tour. I-lnvc Patience for an hol1r, sin1u l ta ncous s j nc e D l 1~nbring you to the p1ace••.. utilize Standing type fro 1n recto and verso. Some copies (~s I-Ia1-v-ardj Fo]ger, Hrnl'ever 1 the fact that the of Cfrn:pin, and Ne·w·ben.J'-) both type changes in sheet D is significant, Icaves an cl a re therefore red und ant. for on this hinges ,vhat 1.v-emay Some copies ( ns Congress an

l For "\'~rious :s.im uh-an-:.:ous 1y se Re:i;~of:.l• the inner fonne of sheet C ,vere sent tion phy (p.1arros~nd the ~\"1~ence f

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume IV, Number 3 (Autumn 1950) Notes 411

to the press immediately f ollo\ving the the p rj n te r "\V~S. un ,vil 1in g to cnga ge co 1nposition of C4 1·ccto, p ossibl y the hinlsclf to this 'process is demonstrated discovery 11°asnot made until the coin- by the time-saving operation he positor c::une to set C4 verso~ by \Vhich d opted instead. tiinc :1 n l11n b er of v,t hit e-pa per sheets Observing that Tournon~s entrance of C ,vould have heen pdoted off. and speech led directly to the text of The matter is of little import~ncc~ the first page of sheet D as it had been no\vcvcrt except as it 1n:1ybear on the set~ he djs-co\'Crc

be done 1 ho,vever 1 ,vithout brc:iking itativc altcratjon. The correct text of up and rcarrangj n g the already coin- the Princess of Cleve, therefore, should posed type-pages of D, for long gal- restore the pas.sage by coni1~ting the leys are unkno\vn at this tinlc. That text of 4 verso "\.\1 ith D1 verso so that none of the Jines, \,·hich "\Vere ccrt~inly ! Even if no coph:s of ~hc~t C l,;"tdbeen pre.~ent in the tnanuscript, ,,;,•i11be pr in tt-d i th csresett iug ,vo ul d htl '"'c de la r cd thc p resswor k and 1:~:ould th us ha,T('!LI!! on un- lost. ec:ono m teal, Fn1:nsoN Bo, 1' ERS

Tl1e Boylsto11 Hall Library· lTI·I the co1nplction of the niovjng of the tutorfal c~llcction to W H~rry Eildns \'i 1jdencr J\1e- the Lo\,·Cr Reading H.. oom and by the n1orinl Library in 191 5., it rnid-nvcn ti cs the T rea s.ure H.oom ,vas ,vas believed that 1-Iarvanl's library in nc cd of n1orc stack and rc:Jd er ::ic- proble,n ,,·as solved for sonlc t1nle to e om n1odn ti o ns. co 1nc. 0 n the gron nd floor of th c n C\v ln the 1927/28 report of the Direc- bui]d ing, on the ,vest ~icle,,vas located tor of the LTnivcrsity J ...ibrat)..., ,vc read: ti l c Lo,vc r Jleading Ro 0111. A tu tori al ~Funhcr for so1uc of our booI{s co llec ti on ,\ras sh cl vc d in R oo 111 0 on and roon1 for certain depart1ncnts of the top floor. The nlpid cxpan~ion of . the Libn1ry ,vjll be afforded by the the book collection first caused the projected 1novc to Boy]ston 1-Iall. The

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume IV, Number 3 (Autumn 1950) List of Contributors

KEYES D. l\1ETCALF, Professor of Dibliography, IJjrector of the Harvard Uni- . versity Library~ and l ..ibrnrian uf H arvarcl College

RtCHAnDSa KENNEDY, Instructor Jn English, University of Rochester

'\'JNT0::."-1 A. DEARIKG, Instructor in English 1 University of California at Los Angeles E. Lou1sE LucAs, Librarian of the ,,,illiam Hayes Fogg Art /1.'iuseum, Harvnrd University CARLR. '\l/ ooonn,Gt In stn1ctor in English, University of Wj sconsin

7 A1ARSHALL \"\ ~ S. S\vAN, Chief1 Northern J,)1ropcan Arca, Public Affairs Staff, United States D cpartn1 en r of Sta tc

Hy l)F.R E. RoLL1Nsi Gurney Prof cssor of Eng 1is h Li tera tu re, H c1r,ra rd Uni- versity·

\~/ 1LL T..\:\l I-I. IloN o, Cura tor of i\1a nuscri p ts in th c I-Iou ghton Library, I-I'a r\.'ard Universjtv ,J

\''1LT.TA?\i SrEVENso~ Sl\IITHt Assistant Curatori Department of Egyptinn Arti

lvlu seun1 of Fine Arts~ Boston i Lcctu rcr on Fin c Arts"/ I-i arva rd University 1 and Director of the Amcdcan Research Center in Egypt

Hr.Rn"RR T BLOCH,. As.so cia tc Professor of Greek and Latini Harvard Uni ve rsity PnrLJP I~JaFER~Lecn1rer on Fjne Arts an

\~ 7n .LTAJ'\.'f \TAN LExNcP,. Curator of the Theatre Collection jn the Harvard Co1l ege Library

FREOSOK Bo\VF.RSi Professor of EngEsh Literaruret Univcrsjty of Virginia

PnrLIP J. j\1cNIFF"! Assistant Lihradan of the College L.ihrary in charge of the Lamont J... ibrar y i I-Iarvard Uni v·ersity

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume IV, Number 3 (Autumn 1950)