de - archiving movement research : choreography#5 : performance ed. by Rose Breuss and Claudia Jeschke in cooperation with IDA research lab Francesca Falcone REFORMING DANCE JIA RUSKAJA AND THE ACCADEMIA NAZIONALE DI DANZA Rose Breuss AS IF THERE WERE A NEGATIVE IN THE ARCHIVE TEXTURES OF DOCUMENTATION: A CHOREOGRAPHIC SCORE ON GERTUD BODENEGGER ISBN 978-3-940388- 73-5 © Rose Breuss, Claudia Jeschke, epodium (München) Website: EMail:
[email protected] Alle Rechte vorbehalten/All rights reserved Covergestaltung: Drahtzieher Design & Kommunikaon, Wien Satz: Johannes Novohradsky epodium ist eine eingetragene Marke ISBN 9783940388735 Germany 2019 Reihe dearchiving movement Herausgeber: Rose Breuss, Claudia Jeschke Bibliografische Informaonen Der Deutschen Naonalbibliothek. Die Deutsche Naonalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikaon in der Deutschen Naonalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über hp:// abruar. Rose Breuss As If There Were a Negative in the Archive Textures of Documentation: A Choreographic Score on Gertrud Bodenwieser Linz, 2018 Choreography and historiography no longer uses the document as “inactive matter through which it attempts to reconstruct what humans have said or done, what is past and of what only a trace remains. It looks for determinations of units, quantities, series, relations in the textures of documentation as such.” 1 The following score applies this concept of documen- tation as a tool for dance specific praxeology, i.e. for artistic exploration and dancers´ agencies. 1 Foucault, Michel: Archäologie des Wissens, Frankfurt am Main 2015, Suhrkamp Verlag, 14. Table of Content P r e l i m i n a r y R e m a r k s / K e y 0: 0.1.