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[DORSET.] FAL 898 [POST OFFICE Falkner Rev. Alexandt'r st. & 82 St. Freeman Rev. Frederick Rarle, M.A. Good F. jun. West AllinlCton, Bridport Thomas st. Melcombe Regis,Weymuth Puddletown, Dorchester Good Geo.Gussage St.Michael,Cranbme Fall J. M.R.e.s., J~.R.A. Wool,Wareham FrepmanChas.J.Franchisest.Weymouth Good John,4R Hig-h West st. Dorcbel'lter Fallwasser John Frederick, J.P. New- Frioker Edwin, Bell street,Shaftesbury Goodden Rev. E.Castlt:ton hOt Sherbrne well house, Sherborne Fricker Harry,jun. Cann, Shaftesbury Goodden Rev. Wyndham Jeane, M.A., Farmer B.3 St. Leonard's ter. Weymth Froud Mrs. Market street, Poole J .P. Rectory,Nether Comptn. Sherbrn Farmer N. 4 St. Leonard'ster. Weymth Fry James, Hamworth, Poole Goodden Henry Charles, D.L., J.P. Farquharson Rev. Robert, M.A. Lang- Fry James, North Allington, Bridport Upway house, Upway, Dorchester ton, Blandford Fry John, Dorchester Goodden John, D.L. Compton house, Farquharson Edward Goorge,J.p. Huish Fryer Wm. R, Lytchett Minster, Poole Over Compton, Sherborne house, Winterborne Zelstone,Bhmdfrd Fudge J oseph, Pease lane, Dorchester Goodfellow Hy. High East st. norchestr Farquharson James John, D.L. Langton Fuidge Thomas, Uddens, Wimborne Goodridge Capt.Jas.Marinevil.Swanage house, Lang-ton, Blandford Fuller Augustus, 5 Waterloo place, Goodridge Miss, Sturminster Newtorr, Farrall Chas.Edwd.Newlands,Sherborne Melcombe Regis, Weymouth Blandtord Farrall Thomas, Long street, Sherborne Furnedge John,Broadway house,Broad- Goodridge Mrs. Child Okeford, Shilling- Farrall William, Castle, Sherborne way, Dorchester stone, Blandford Farrer Oliver WilIiam, ;T.P. Binnegar Furned~e John Roberts, Charlesmount, Goodwin Rev. E. H. North st. Wllreham hall, Wareham Broadmayne, DOl'chester Gorrin~e Rev. Peter Rollins, M.A. Fellowl'S J ames, D.L. Kingston house, Furnell Henry Knight, Parade, Poole Manston, Blandford Stinsford, Dorcbester Fmsell Mrs. The Close, Sherborne Gorton Rev. William Henry, M.A. FelthamAbel,Compton Abbas,Shaftsbry Fyler John W. T. D.L. HefHeton house, Virarage, Portesham, Dorchester Feltham Charles, High st. Wimborne East Stoke, Wareham Goss John, ;T.P. HiJ;?:h street, _Poole Fencock Wm. Fortune's well, Portland Fynes-Clinton Rev. Charles Henry,M.A. Gosset Rev. Clemeut Hammond, M.A. Fendall Lieut.-Col. William, Child Oke- The Vicarage, Blandford Rectory,Langton Herring.Weymouth ford. Shillingstone, Blandford Gale Mrs.Elhams,Nth.Allingtn.Bridprt Gould Major H. C. Thornjrd.Sherbol'1le Fenner Cbas. 8unnyside viI. Dorchesler Galpin John, Cornwall villa, Dorchester Gower R. The Bank, North st.Warebam Fenoulhet Mrs. Castle, Wyke Regis, Galpin Miss. High Eastst. IJorchester Graham Geo. Wm. Poole I'd. Wimborne Weymouth GalpinMiss,Tollt:rPorcorulD.Dorchester Graham Miss, Royal York terrace, Ferris Mrs. 10 Wellington terrace, Dor- Galpin Mrs. Bere Regis, Blandford Melcombe Regis, Weymouth chester rd.Melcombe Regis,Weymoth GalpinMrs.Elwell cot. Upway,Dorchestr Graham Mrs. Witchampton, Wimborne FerrisW.S.Antwerp viI. RaddipJ.Wymth Galpin William, Heathcote lodge, Ford- Granger William, Wool, Wareham Ffooks J ocelyn, Green hill, Sherborne ington, Dorchester Grant Rev. Robert, B.e.L. Vicarage, Ffooks Mrs. Green bill, Sherborne Gane Mrs. West walks, Dorchester Bradford Abbas,-Bherborne Ffooks Thomas,Totmll,Leigh,Sherborne Gardner William, Beaminster, Bridport Grantham Wm.Maiden Newtn.Dorchstr FieldingT.M.D.Miltou Abbas,Bland£lrd Garland Rev.G.V.J.p.Stoneho.Wimbrn Graves Capt. George, R.N. Butter Filliter F. St. Martin's hbuse, Wareham Garland Henry J. Worgret, Wareham markQt, Lyme Regis FiIliter Henry, Eaststreet, Wareham Garstin Rev. A. Woodsford. Dorcht:ster GrayCapt.J.Hunter,Allendale,Wimbrn Finch Sandery, Long street, Sherborne Gaskell Robert, Penketh, Weymouth Gray Jonathan Benj. Leigh, Sherborlle FinchamWilliamCole,TheClose,Blandfi:l Gason Richard Willis,7 BelgTave ter- Greaves Rev. Talbot Adt:n Ley, M.A. FinleyHy.Thos.Edwd.TheSq.Wimborne race, Melcombe Regis, Weymouth Portmore ho. Wyke Regis,We) mouth Firth Rev. John, Upway, Dorcllester GaultonR.Wintrbrn.Whitchrch.Blndfrd Greaves William Spencer, Montevidt:o Fisher Edwd. Market place. Blandford Gay J ames, 'frinity street, Dorchester house, West Chickerell, Weymouth Fisher Miss,Whitecliff,Mill st. Blandfrd Genge George, St. J ames's, Shafte~bury Green Rev. Martin J ohnson, lI.D. Rer- HsonC.Belvidere creSt Parkstone, Poole Genge Mrs. Puddletown, Dorchester tory,WinterborneSteepletn.Dorchestr Fitzgerald Rev.H.We.Lulwrth.Warehm Genge WaIter, Layton, Shafte!lbury Green Mrs. Alexandra "'treet, Blandford FlemmingsW.MelburyOsmnd.Dorchestr George Mrs. Shilling-stone, Blandford Grl'en T.W. The Ferns, Parkstone, Poole Fletcher Rev. William, D.D. Minterne GibbonsRev.R.M.A.Handley,8haflesbry Green William, Chideock, Bridport Magna, Dorchester Gibbs John, 12 Dorset place, Weymouth Green Wm.Bakel',Alexandrast.l:Handfrd Flew Robert, 1 Grove villas, Portland Giblett Rev.James,Whitchurch Canoni- Gregory G.J.G.J.P. South st.Dorchl'Ster Flisher Mrs.Elizh.Silverst.Lyme Regis corum, Bridport Grey Rev. Benj. Salislmry st. Blandford Floyer John, M.P., D.L. Stafford house, Gibson Rev.Robt.B.A.Chideock,Bridprt GreyT.Fordingtn.hI.Fordngtn.Dorchstr West Stafford, Dorchester Gifford Mrs. Westbury Cott, Sherborne Griffin Frederic Charles Griffith, M.A., Fookes Henry, Winterbourne Whit- Gilbert Henry, Avenue road, Wimborne M.B. 5 Frederick place, MelcOlube church, Blandford Gilbert Mrs. Prout Bridge house, Regis, Weymouth Fookes Robert, Milton Abbas, Blandfrd Beaminster, Bridport Griffin l\lrs.12 Royal terrace, Meleombe Fooks Mrs. Burton Bradstock, Rridport Gildea Rev. William, M.A. West Lul- Regis, Weymouth Fooks Mrs. Pitfield cot. Syrnondsbury. worth, Warebam Grosvenor Lady Theodora, Motcombe, Bridport Gill Rev. WaIter, Parkstone, Poole Shaftesbury PooksRbt.Mangerton,Melplash,BJ'idprt Gill Henry, Market place, Blandford Groves Arthur W. Grove lodge, South }'ootW.Y. Langton ho.Edward st.BlndfiJ GillMrs.Ivy cottage,Preston,Weymouth walks, Dorchester Footley Rev. G. Grove road, Portland Gillard Wm. SaIter, Cheap st. Sherbrlle Groves John, Rodwell villa, Weymouth Forbes C. W.Sandecotes,Pal'kstone,Pool Gillett Fras. Burton Bradstock,Bridport GrovesL.L.SturminsterNewtn.Rlandfrd Forbes Stewart, Pennsylvania calltle, GiIlett Mrs. Avenue road, Willlborne Groves Rd. 21 High West st. Dorchester Wakeham, Portland Gillingham William Joseph, 1 West Groves R.Weytown,Netherbry.Bridport Fort Mrs. Turnworth house, Blandford terrace, Melcombe Regis, Weymouth Groves Simon, Damory farm, Blandtord FosterCapt.A.D.L.Warmwell,Dorchestr GloverRev.G.M.A.Vicarg.Bourton,Bath Groves WeUingtonE.TheClose,Blandh·d Foster James, CornhiIl, Dorchester Glyn Sir Richard George, bart. D.L. Guest Sir hor Bertie, bart. Canford Fowler Rev. James Calvert, 6 Ranelagh Gaunts, Hinton Martel, Wimborne & hOUse, Canford Magna, Wimborne- terrace, Mflcombe Regis, Weymouth Leweston hOUM, Sherborne GU€st T. Merthyr, J.P. Fifehead house, FowlerMiss,Tivoli villa, Sidrnouthroad, Glyn Rev. Carr John, M.A., J.P. Fifehead Magdalen, Gillingham Lyme Regis Witchampton, Wimborne GuestMontagueJohn, J.P. The Retreat, Fowler Mr~. Clifton villa, Weymouth Glyn Rev. HenryThomas, B.A. Rectory, Bere Regis, Blandtord; & 46 I:It. FowlerR.Wintrbrne.Whitchrch.Blandfd Melbury Abbas, Shaftesbury James' place, Pall mall s.w Fox Rev. Edward Walton, B.A.Askers- Glynn Carr Stewart, LP. Castle hill, Gundry Benj. P. J.P. West st. Bridport well, Bridport Buckland Newton, Dorehester Gundry Frederick WaIter, Slape bouse, FramptonRev.W.C.M.A.Mortn.Drchstr Goddard E. P. Silton ldg. Silton, Bath Netherbury, Bridport Frampton George,5Greenhill,Melcombe Goddard Joseph, Child Okeford, Shil- Gundry Joseph, J.P.> D.L. The Hyde, Regis, Weymouth lingstone, Blandford Bothenhampton, Bridp8rt F1'8mpton Henry, Market street, Poole Goddard Miss, Charmouth Gundry J. P. F..LP. East rd. Bridport Frampton Henry, D.L., J.P. Moreton Goddard Mrs. Silton lodge, Bath Gundry Mrs. 3 Devonshire buildinKs, house, Moreton, Dorchester Godwin James, Perry gardens, Poole Melcombe Regis, Weymouth Frampton Mrs. Avenue road, Wimborne Godwin Mrs. Durweston, Blandford Guppy John, Long I'Itreet, Sherborne Frampton Mrs. Market street, Poole Gollop Major, Bowood house, Nether- Guten George Hancock, Fish st. Poole F'ramptQn Mrs. C.Julian's viI. Wimborne bury, Bridport Gutch John, High street, Poole }'rampton Mrs.J.Julian'sviI.Wimborne Gollop George Tilley, Strode house. Guy Alexander, Newton, Sturminster }'raser Mrs. Chards mead, Bridport Netherbury, Bridport Newton, Blandford Frazer-Tytler Lieut.-Gen. South walks, Good Rev. Henry, LL.B. Leaz.e cottage, Guy James George, Glyde Path hill, Dorchester Corfe road, Wimborne IJorchester , Robert S. Wyke cottage, Gil Good Christopher, Pimperne, Blalldford Guy Jet hro, Glyde Path hill, Dorchester Iingbam Good Frederick, West street, Bridport Guy Mrs. l:heap street, Sherborllfl.